

单词 from side to side

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from (also fro) side to side
(a) from (also fro) side to side.
(i) From one lateral edge to another; across the entire width of something; right across.
tr. Palladius De re Rustica (Duke Humfrey) (1896) iv. l. 759 (MED) Their stallis..beth..With stonys paued wel from side to side.
1448 Will of Henry VI in R. Willis & J. W. Clark Archit. Hist. Univ. Cambr. (1886) I. 354 The same Quere shal conteyne in brede from side to side within the respondes .xxxij. fete.
1556 R. Record Castle of Knowl. 18 Euery right lyne that passeth from side to syde in a globe, and toucheth the centre, is aptely called a diameter.
1614 Orders & Bylawes Stretham in C. L. Kingsford Two London Chrons. (1910) 271 Wee doe order and appoynt that..the now farmor..shall clense, rooke, haffe and scowre the same from side to side at the full bredth thereof.
a1674 J. Milton To C. Skinner upon his Blindness in Lett. State (1694) p. xlviii My noble task; Of which all Europe rings from side to side.
1736 J. Addison tr. Petronius Wks. 285 Within the Hut a smoaky Pole was slung, From Side to Side, 'cross which its Treasures hung.
1789 W. Wordsworth Evening Walk 165 Some..O'erwalk the slender plank from side to side.
1832 Ld. Tennyson Lady of Shalott iii, in Poems (new ed.) 15 The mirror cracked from side to side.
1860 J. Tyndall Glaciers of Alps i. vii. 54 I followed the veins several times from side to side.
1880 Brechin Advertiser 21 Sept. 3/2 [We] ca'd the road frae side to side.
1914 H. B. Smith Sheep & Wool Industry Australasia vi. 33 A cutter with three teeth running from side to side over a flat comb.
1977 Skateboard Special Sept. 5/1 For a giant slalom the cones are laid out from side to side with widely varying distances between each one.
2007 L. M. Chiappe Glorified Dinosaurs i. 24/2 The front surface of each vertebra is concave from side to side and convex from top to bottom.
(ii) Alternately left and right from a central point.
1529 T. More Supplyc. Soulys ii. f. xliii You walter peraduenture and tolter in syknes fro syde to syde.
1555 R. Eden tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde ii. iv. f. 68v Yet are they [sc. branches] tossed therewith, and swaye sumwhat from syde to syde.
1635 F. Quarles Emblemes iii. xi. 166 My Canvace torne, it flaps from side to side.
c1645 W. Atkins Relation of Journey (1994) 225 Wee in the cabbin were tossed like balls from side to side with reciprocall and perpetuall knocks and rebounds.
1769 W. Falconer Universal Dict. Marine (rev. ed.) Rolling, the motion by which a ship rocks from side to side like a cradle.
1798 S. T. Coleridge Anc. Marinere iii, in W. Wordsworth & S. T. Coleridge Lyrical Ballads 16 She doth not tack from side to side—..Withouten wind, withouten tide She steddies with upright keel.
1850 String of Pearls 102 The hackney coach swung about from side to side.
1888 F. T. Elworthy W. Somerset Word-bk. Wapper-eyed, having quick-moving restless eyes—constantly rolling from side to side, as is seen in very nervous persons.
1907 Daily Chron. 1 Feb. 8/5 Dr Bird was sitting in my chair, pivotting from side to side.
1959 D. A. Bannerman Birds Brit. Isles VIII. 217 The bird..waggles its head from side to side.
2012 Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 31 Aug. 6/1 The Xhosa women's hips sway gently from side to side as they carry bundles of firewood or buckets of water on their heads.
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