

单词 for to

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for to
a. In for to (formerly also † forto). Also in † for till (obsolete (Scottish in later use)).
(a) Indicating the purpose of an action: in order to. In later use archaic or regional (now chiefly Scottish and Irish English).
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) (Peterborough contin.) anno 1127 Se kyng hit dide for to hauene sibbe of se eorl of Angeow & for helpe to hauene togænes his neue Willelm.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 1006 All þeȝȝre lac wass swillc. & swillc Forr oþerr þing to tacnenn.
a1200 (?OE) MS Trin. Cambr. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1873) 2nd Ser. 187 Manie mannisshe folgeden ure drihte..for to isen his wunderliche deden.
c1240 ( Writ of Harold, Wells (Sawyer 1163) in S. E. Kelly Charters of Bath & Wells (2007) 248 Ich bidde eou alle þæt ge bien hym on fultume at þys cristendome, Godes yerichtten for to setten & to driuen.
a1400 tr. Lanfranc Sci. Cirurgie (Ashm.) (1894) 53 For to clense þe wounde, vse þe medicyn of mel roset.
c1425 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Harl.) 25 He bi gan to schake ys axe, for to smyte anon.
?a1525 (c1450) Christ's Burial & Resurrection i. l. 528 in F. J. Furnivall Digby Plays (1896) 189 What can þou saye, Thy-self for till excuse?
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Prov. xxviii. C He..maketh to moch haist for to be riche.
1578–1600 in J. G. Dalyell Scotish Poems 16th Cent. (1801) II. 162 For till obscure thy light.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory ii. 86/1 A Billet is a piece of Cleft Wood for to Burn.
1748 G. Washington Jrnl. 8 Apr. in Writings (1889) I. 6 You must ride round ye back of ye Mountain for to get below them.
1774 A. Adams in J. Adams & A. Adams Familiar Lett. (1876) 41 Having only put off its present glory for to rise finally to a more happy state.
a1835 J. Hogg Tales & Sketches (1837) II. 312 I have aye been wanting for till have an opportunity for till gie you as muckle as to buy the wedding gown.
1878 Scribner's Monthly Jan. 448 An' so, for to amuse he-se'f, he steamed some wood an' bent it.
1950 Forfar Disp. 2 Mar. I gaed doon tee fish-shop for tae see if I cud get rans tae my tea.
2001 M. Henry in M. Hickey Irish Days (2004) 219 And in my school, if you wanted to go on for to do the Service (Civil Service)..she'd have what she called an extra class.
(b) Preceding an infinitive in general functions. In later use archaic or regional (now chiefly Scottish and Irish English).
a1225 (?OE) MS Lamb. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 47 Is hit god for to hiheren godes weordes and heom athalden.
a1250 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Nero) (1952) 23 Þe eppel þet ich loke on is forbode me to etene & nout forto biholden.
c1300 St. Swithun (Harl.) l. 14 in F. J. Furnivall Early Eng. Poems & Lives Saints (1862) 43 Seint swythin..swiþe ȝung bigan Forto seruie ihesu crist.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Fairf. 14) l. 717 Satanas..þoȝt þat ioy for-til stynt.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. cxxvi. 152 The kyng of Englande..wyst nat where for to passe the ryuer of Some, the which was large and depe.
1659 D. Pell Πελαγος 328 (note) Blustring winds..make the Seas for to rage and roar.
1674 A. Cremer tr. J. Scheffer Hist. Lapland 84 Birds, Beasts, Fishes, which it was unlawfull for to bring in at the foredoor.
1782 F. Burney Cecilia III. vi. i. 220 I hope I am above being so unpitiful as for to owe her a grudge for it now she's so down in the mouth.
1819 J. Wilson Let. 20 Jan. in D. Palk Prisoners' Lett. Bank Eng. 1781–1827 (2007) 138 A poor femeal prisner who is now suffering for her faults and waiting for to leve her Native Country for the long periad of forteen years.
1898 S. MacManus Bend of Road 18 Don't you go for to tell me..that the Masther hadn't a notion, an' a mortal powerful notion, of the Widow's Mary.
1990 S. Robertson Fish-Hooses (1992) 65 Then een aifterneen, he spotted Violet and started for tae chat her up.
2001 M. Henry in M. Hickey Irish Days (2004) 219 But it would be only the brightest that would be picked for that. If they were able for to do it.
extracted from forprep.conj.n.adv.
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