

单词 free trade

free traden.

Brit. /ˌfriː ˈtreɪd/, U.S. /ˌfri ˈtreɪd/
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: free adj., trade n.
Etymology: < free adj. + trade n.
a. Unrestricted trade; an unrestricted trading regime; a trade or business which may be pursued without restrictions. Also in extended use.
society > trade and finance > trading conditions > [noun] > supply and demand or market > type of market
free trade1596
home market1680
open market1766
mass market1922
media market1956
vertical market1978
1596 W. Raleigh Discoverie Guiana (new ed.) 29 He also held peace with Caribas or Canibals his neighbour, and had free trade with all nations whosoeuer else had war.
1606 G. Chapman Monsieur D'Oliue 1 Wit's become a free trade for all sorts to live by.
1622 G. de Malynes Maintenance of Free Trade 105 A Remedie, whereby the Kingdome shall enjoy all the three essential parts of Traffique vnder good and Politike Gouernment, which will bee Free Trade effectually or in deed.
1643 Earl of Newcastle Declar. in Answer of Six Groundlesse Aspersions by Ld. Fairefax 7* Lord how these men are touched to the quick, when any man but themselves dare offer to plunder, as if they desired not only the free Trade, but even the Monopoly of Plundering to themselves.
1670 R. Coke Disc. Trade 33 Our Plantations..would have been much increased and inriched by a Free Trade, more than by this restraint.
1725 D. Defoe New Voy. round World i. 22 The King of Spain had allowed the King of France's Subjects a free Trade in his American Dominions.
1783 C. Macklin True-born Irishman ii. 48 That and the Linen Manufacture are the only free trade we have.
1828 M. T. Sadler Ireland xiv. 342 The financial obstacles in the way of a free trade in corn, and cheap prices, did none else interpose, are insuperable.
1868 J. E. T. Rogers Man. Polit. Econ. xvii. 227 Correctly stated, free trade in land consists rather in the removal of the hindrances which the law puts on the conveyance of land.
1927 F. A. Golder in On Trail of Russ. Famine vi. 152 All these terrors have not been able to drag from their hidingplaces the jewels and other valuables, and today there is a free trade in all these things.
1940 C. Eaton Freedom of Thought in Old South p. viii To establish a free trade in ideas, it is not sufficient that a government shall practice restraint in interfering with private opinions.
2001 N. Brodie in Illicit Antiq. i. 15 Dealers and collectors..demand a free trade in archaeological and other cultural material.
b. spec. Trade or commerce conducted without the interference of customs duties designed to restrict imports or subsidies to encourage local production; an instance of this. Also: the legislative establishment or maintenance of this system, and the principles of those who advocate it; opposed to protection.Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (1776) has freedom of trade in this sense, while frequently using a free trade in sense 1a.
society > trade and finance > importing and exporting > [noun] > free trade
free trade1766
1766 in Southern Literary Messenger (1858) 27 182/1 Great Britain is determined to enforce the Stamp Act, but will allow us a free trade.
1788 New & Old Princ. of Trade Compared 2 The system of free trade..would force nothing but a disposition to industry.
1825 J. R. McCulloch Princ. Polit. Econ. ii. ii. 134 Suppose that, under a system of free trade, we imported a considerable proportion of silks and linens now wholly manufactured at home.
1846 Times 5 June 4/2 He for one had hailed the announcement that the principles of free trade were those of common sense, for he knew it must lead to great and useful results.
1908 Westm. Gaz. 29 July 3/2 The forces of Free Trade may be confidently reckoned on to squash the half-believed-in promises of Tariff Reform.
1943 Amer. Polit. Sci. Rev. 37 1116 A unitary international system..in which a single currency, free trade, unrestricted internal migration, and a common auxiliary tongue will obliterate national frontiers.
1974 M. B. Brown Econ. of Imperialism ii. 30 The classical vision of an economy where there is perfect competition reaches its apogee in the Theory of Free Trade.
2003 Wall St. Jrnl. 15 Sept. a2/3 The U.S.'s farmer-owned cooperatives..used to provide some of the fiercest resistance to free trade.
2. Trade that unlawfully seeks to avoid paying customs duties; smuggling. Frequently with the. Now historical.
society > trade and finance > illegal or immoral trading > [noun] > smuggling
running business1741
fair trade1815
free trade1815
1815 W. Scott Guy Mannering II. xiii. 219 His nephew told him it would do up the free trade for many a day, if the youngster got back to Scotland.
1835 H. Miller Scenes & Legends N. Scotl. xiv. 244 [He] was engaged..in the free trade, and..had set the officers of the Revenue at defiance.
1898 Longman's Mag. July 250 The wholesale system of free trade—otherwise smuggling..at that time honeycombed every seafaring community.
1911 J. Masefield Jim Davis xiv. 169 The free trade will be done by the time he's discharged. You see, Jim, we free-traders can only make a little while the nations are fighting.
1958 Econ. Hist. Rev. 10 401 A temporary interruption of the Continental supplies on which the ‘free’ trade depended.
1982 Econ. Hist. Rev. 35 363 Ports which had ceased to play any significant part in the legal tobacco trade, but which were well-placed for the ‘free trade’ from Dunkirk, Ostend and the Channel Islands.


C1. General attributive.
1826 Times 29 Sept. 2/6 There are four silk-mills here, the proprietors of which were..to have been absolutely ruined by the free-trade plan of the Minister.
1841 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. July 16 To examine Mr. Porter the statistician, to discover a decisive refutation of Mr. Porter the free-trade theorician.
1877 Daily News 5 Oct. 4/4 The free-trade party.
1913 R. M. La Follette Autobiogr. 112 It is based upon the free trade theory.
1966 Economist 14 May p. xii/3 The restrictive view of the common market as a strictly neo-liberal free trade affair.
1987 Globe & Mail (Toronto) 20 Nov. b6/3 Critics of a free-trade deal with the United States.
2003 Austral. Financial Rev. (Sydney) 8 Dec. 8/1 A push by the United States in free-trade negotiations to import tough new American intellectual property rules into Australian law.
free trade agreement n. a treaty between two or more countries, establishing a free trade area; abbreviated FTA.Frequently in the names of such alliances.
1877 H. Ayers Telegram 26 July in Customs Union & Free Trade Corr. 12 in Proc. Parl. S. Austral. (1880) III This Government never contemplated an intercolonial free trade agreement between the two colonies of so partial a nature as that now proposed by Queensland.
1934 Times 8 May 17/6 New Zealand had not made an ‘offer’ of a reciprocal free trade agreement with this country.
1979 Sunday Star (Toronto) 1 July a9/1 The best known free trade agreement between Canada and the United States is the auto-pact, under which..all tariffs on cars and car parts between the two countries have been eliminated.
1993 Business Central Europe June 31/2 Under the auspices of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) the region is taking measures to restore access to much of the former Comecon market.
2014 New Straits Times (Malaysia) 1 Mar. (Business Times section) 8/2 Luis de la Calle..helped negotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) for Mexico.
free trade area n. an economic zone consisting of a group of countries which allow free trade between themselves, but retain independent policies regarding customs duties on trade with other countries; contrasted with customs union n. at custom n. and adj. Compounds 1d(b), common market n. 1aFrequently in the names of such alliances.
1859 in H. J. Morgan Relations Industry of Canada (1864) 161 Herself equal to the exigencies of free trade, it became her interest to extend the free trade area to the widest possible limits; and thus to subject other countries to a degree of dependence upon her affairs.
1889 Spectator 2 Nov. 609/2 The United States and our own Colonies have thriven by the extension of their Free-trade area, in spite of, and not because of, Protection outside it.
1939 Living Age Dec. 321/2 The imagination even of the economic expert cannot grasp all the saving and profit democrats would realize by merely uniting their democracies in one free trade area.
1963 Times 1 Feb. 13/5 Commercially we can mark our sense of unity with Europe by urging the Efta countries to join with us in inviting the E.E.C. to join the European Free Trade Area.
1998 Courier-Jrnl. (Louisville, Kentucky) 20 Apr. a7/1 ‘Today we launch comprehensive negotiations for a Free Trade Area of the Americas.’ That's the formal name that has been given to the proposed zone, reaching from Alaska to Cape Horn, where virtually all existing tariffs and duties would be eliminated.
2000 Daily Tel. 7 Apr. 29/5 Nafta is a free trade area, whereas the EU is a customs union.
free trade zone n. (a) an economic zone consisting of a group of countries allowing free trade arrangements between themselves; cf. free trade area n., customs union n. at custom n. and adj. Compounds 1d(b); (b) a geographical region within a country which is subject to special economic laws that are less restrictive than those governing the rest of the country, and where importers and manufacturers are exempt from particular customs duties, regulations, etc.
1879 North Amer. (Philadelphia) 7 July The contraband trade on that frontier..has been directly winked at by the Mexican government, in establishing and maintaining along the Rio Grande a free-trade zone.
1926 Brownwood (Texas) Bull. 18 Mar. 7/3 A favorable report was ordered today by the Senate Commerce Commission on the Jones bill proposing to establish free trade zones at the ports of entry in this country.
1989 Atlantic Aug. 22/3 Mansfield recommended a free-trade zone between Japan and the United States as the ultimate solution to niggling trade problems.
1997 N.Y. Times 13 Oct. a3/1 President Clinton arrived here today to begin his first trip to South America.., hoping to generate enthusiasm back home for a free-trade zone throughout the hemisphere.
2014 S. Chan & M. Zakkour China's Super Customers xxi. 206 Microsoft China is the first foreign company to open up in Shanghai's Free Trade Zone.


free-ˈtrading adj. engaging in free trade; favouring free trade.
society > trade and finance > importing and exporting > [adjective] > favouring free trade
1785 Daily Universal Reg. 2 June 3/3 That prostrating the spirits of free trading subjects, by heavy, injudicious taxations, may finally prove favourable to despotism.
1851 E. B. Lytton Lett. to J. Bull 93 To sum up the authorities from Free-trading political economists.
1873 L. Wallace Fair God i. i. 4 I understand you. You have served some free-trading company like our own.
1918 M. J. van der Flier War Finances in Netherlands up to 1918 i. 4 The mother country did away with all differential duties in 1850, and organized the new tariff of 1862 in a perfectly free-trading spirit.
1991 Internat. Jrnl. Public Opinion Res. 3 319 The economy is more mercantile than freetrading in its intermingling of business decisions with political decisions.
2001 J. Shoch Trading Blows i. 21 In an effort to..recapture the White House from the more free-trading Republicans.
free-ˈtradist n. now rare an advocate of free trade.
society > trade and finance > importing and exporting > [noun] > free trade > advocate of
1828 Gentleman's Mag. Dec. 526/2 A competition or under-sale, the loss of which, say political economists and free tradists, is made up by a greater briskness in the coal trade.
1863 M. L. Booth tr. A. Cochin Results Emancipation ii. iii. 376 Their wishes agreed on this point with the doctrines of the free-tradists.
1991 Theory & Society 20 369 This is not to say that..the new merchants and free tradists in cities such as Bogotá did not organize projects and attempt to establish closer ties with world markets.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2008; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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