

单词 first sensorium

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first sensorium
a. Originally: (more fully common sensorium, †first sensorium) a (supposed) seat or centre within the brain in which sensations are united (cf. common sense n. 5) (now historical); (also) †a sense organ (obsolete). In later use also: the sensory elements of the nervous system collectively.The sensorium was sometimes also understood as the organ of mind or as nervous matter and energy; compare quots. 1737 and 1794.
the world > life > the body > nervous system > cerebrospinal axis > brain > [noun] > as seat of mind
memory box1832
think box1910
thinking box1911
the world > life > the body > nervous system > cerebrospinal axis > brain > parts of brain > [noun] > as (supposed) seat of faculty > seats of specific faculties
respiratory centre1841
writing centre1878
speech area1885
pleasure centre1892
language area1898
visceral brain1949
satiety centre1951
limbic system1952
reward cell1956
1613 D. Price David his Oath Allegeance Ierusalem 32 in Spirituall Odours The Opticks honour the eie, the Romaines the hand; it is the whole bodies agent, it is the sensorium of the touch only, but the embleme and resemblance of fiue severall senses and their faculties.
1647 H. More Philos. Poems Notes 139/2 For there is first a tactuall conjunction as it were of the representative rayes of every thing, with our sensorium before we know the things themselves.
1664 H. Power Exper. Philos. i. 69 Spontaneous motion is performed by continuation of the Animal Spirits, from the common Sensorium to the Muscle.
1689 T. Tryon Treat. Dreams & Visions ii. 15 When the first Censorium (which is called the Organ of the common Sense) is bound and obstructed with a soporiferous vapour.
1737 Med. Ess. & Observ. (Philos. Soc. Edinb.) (ed. 2) III. 219 Which Agitation is communicated to the Sensorium, or that Part of our Brain in which our Mind does principally reside.
1749 D. Hartley Observ. Man i. i. 32 One may question whether in animals of the serpentine Form, and in all those of the polypose Kind, the Sensorium be not equally diffused over the whole medullary Substance.
1794 E. Darwin Zoonomia I. ii. 10 The word sensorium in the following pages is designed to express not only the medullary part of the brain, spinal marrow, nerves, organs of sense, and of the muscles; but also at the same time that living principle, or spirit of animation, which resides throughout the body.
1807 T. Young Course Lect. Nat. Philos. I. xxxviii. 455 The reason for this appearance is probably that the portion of the retina, or of the sensorium, that is affected, has lost a part of its sensibility to the light of that colour.
1826 W. Kirby & W. Spence Introd. Entomol. IV. 1 Sensation and perception are by the means of nerves and a common sensorium.
1872 C. Darwin Expression Emotions Man & Animals iv. 83 When the sensorium is strongly excited, the muscles of the body are generally thrown into violent action.
1879 W. B. Carpenter Princ. Mental Physiol. (ed. 5) i. i. §13. 15 That we are not always conscious of the working of this Mechanism, is simply because our Sensorium is otherwise engaged.
1916 Philos. Rev. 25 436 Nor is it necessary to consider the parietal lobes as an expanded and elaborated sensorium and the frontal lobes as an expanded and elaborated motorium in following these contentions.
1939 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 8 July 51/2 Sleep is an easily reversible inactivity of the highest functional centres of the cortex which is due to a functional break resulting from a decrease in afferent impulses from the sensorium, especially from the proprioceptors.
2000 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) B. 355 251/1 We focus on neuronal transients and how information is abstracted from the sensorium in early visual processing.
2012 T. K. Johansen Powers of Aristotle's Soul ix. 184 Now we need to explain how wider perceptible contents are realized in the common sensorium.
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