

单词 fire and sword

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fire and (the) sword (also fire and iron)
(a) fire and (the) sword (also fire and iron) and variants: slaughter and destruction; (in later use) esp. an exercise of extreme military force against an enemy (frequently in to put to fire and sword). Also in weakened use: severe or drastic action. Cf. iron and fire at iron n.1 2a.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) l. 1237 (MED) Oþer mid fure oþer mid swerd bringe he wolde al out.
1477 W. Caxton tr. R. Le Fèvre Hist. Jason (1913) 13 He is entrid into her royame in armes destroyng all to fore him with fyre & swerde he is comen and hath besiegid her in her cyte of Oliferne.
1521 tr. C. de Pisan Bk. Cyte of Ladyes ii. lxvi. sig. Q.iv Hanyball greued so moche the Romaynes by fyre and yren, yt he despoyled almost all Italy of men & of goodes.
1581 W. Raleigh Let. 25 Feb. (1999) 6 She shall at last be driven by to dere experience to send an Inglyshe presedent to follow thes mallicious traytors with fier and sword, nether respectinge the aliance nor the nation.
1600 P. Holland tr. Livy Rom. Hist. vii. 269 In euerie place nothing but fire and sword.
1668 W. K. Eng. Answer Sc. Speech 7 I must agree with you herein, that fire and iron cannot work upon mens souls: but yet let me tell you, they have been found more effectual then love and pity.
1724 T. Richers tr. Hist. Royal Geneal. Spain 53 They..put all to Fire and Sword.
1830 Westm. Rev. 13 313 ‘The dissolution of social order,’ which our fire-and-sword logicians so long and confidently preached.
1871 Austrian Med. Gaz. Jan. 2/2 Sword and fire is a danger inherent to war, and is the first thing a brave army like the French army take as a matter of course.
1939 Florida: Guide to Southernmost State (Federal Writers' Project) iii. 383 He put to fire and sword those who resisted.
1992 E. Pearce Election Rides xvi. 155 By all accounts the sort of woman given to ruling provinces with fire and iron.
2006 Times Educ. Suppl. (Nexis) 3 Nov. 24 It is ridiculous to describe the General Teaching Council's regulatory work as a witch-hunt. The GTC does not go about putting down teachers with fire and the sword.
extracted from firen.int.
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