

单词 animal lore

> as lemmas

animal lore
a. That which is learned; learning, scholarship, erudition. Now only archaic and Scottish (in the form lair, lear n.1). Also, in later use, applied (with a colouring derived from contexts like quot. 1766) to the body of traditional facts, anecdotes, or beliefs relating to some particular subject; chiefly with attributive noun, as animal lore, bird lore, fairy lore, plant lore.In the Gentl. Mag. for June, 1830, p. 503, a correspondent suggested that English compounds of lore should be substituted for the names of sciences in -ology: e.g. birdlore for ornithology, earthlore for geology, starlore for astronomy, etc. The suggestion was never adopted, though some few words out of the long list of those proposed are occasionally used, not as names of sciences, but in the sense above explained. In German, several compounds of the equivalent lehre are in regular use as names of sciences or departments of study: e.g. sprachlehre (= speech-lore) grammar. Cf. folklore n.
society > education > learning > study > subject or object of study > [noun]
society > society and the community > customs, values, and civilization > customs, values, or beliefs of a society or group > [noun] > transmitted from one generation to another
a1225 Leg. Kath. 939 Þes is al þe lare Þat ich nu leorni [L. hic est philosophia mea].
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 108 Of dumbe bestes leorne wisdom & lare.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) l. 2917 Þat comli quen hade a prest a konyng man of lore.
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add. 27944) (1975) II. xviii. xliv. 1195 Elephantes..kepeþ lore and discipline of þe sterres.
a1425 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Galba) l. 29400 A maister of lare May bete a clerk bot noght ouer sare.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. ix. 86 My counsellars so wyse of lare.
1513 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid xii. vii. 34 [He] Had lever haue knawin the sciens and the layr, The mycht and fors of strengthy herbys fyne.
1663 S. Butler Hudibras: First Pt. i. ii. 88 Learned he was in Medc'nal Lore.
1762 W. Falconer Shipwreck iii. 41 Unskill'd in Grecian or in Roman lore.
1766 O. Goldsmith Ballad [the Hermit] in Vicar of Wakefield I. viii. 72 Skill'd in legendary lore.
1808 J. Mayne Siller Gun (new ed.) iv. 84 Nor is it only classic lair, Mere Greek and Latin, and nae mair.
1812 T. Moore Twopenny Post Bag viii. 35 Thou know'st the time, thou man of lore! It takes to chalk a ball-room floor.
1827 J. Keble Christian Year I. iv. 16 For all the light of sacred lore.
1857 T. Hughes Tom Brown's School Days ii. iii. 290 Arthur was initiated into the lore of birds' eggs.
1901 Expositor Nov. 375 The Rabbis were the sole depositaries of sacred lore.
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