

单词 festival of lights

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Festival (also Feast) of Lights
b. Festival (also Feast) of Lights (also with lower-case initials) [compare post-classical Latin festivitas luminum (12th cent.)] : (a name for) any of various festivals in which the lighting of lamps, candles, fireworks, etc., plays a prominent part in the celebrations; spec.: (a) the Jewish festival of Hanukkah; (b) the Hindu festival of Diwali.In quot. 1573 with reference to the Christian festival of Candlemas.
1573 J. Bridges Supremacie Christian Princes 442 Thus sayeth Jacobus de Uoragine of the originall of your feast of lightes. That it was but a chaungeling of the Infidels, hatched of your Pope.
1590 L. Lloyd First Pt. Diall of Daies 179 The feast of Minerua which is called Ellychinum [by the Egyptians], that is the feast of lights.
1602 T. Lodge tr. Josephus Wks. xii. xi. 309 It was commaunded, that for the space of eight daies the rebuilding of the temple should be solemnized..: and euer since that time vntill this day wee celebrate this feast, called the feast of Lights [L. festiuitatem luminum; Gk. φῶτα].
1665 T. Herbert Some Years Trav. (new ed.) 171 The Festival of Lights which they call Ceraghan.
1788 New Lady's Mag. 3 Suppl. 671 Account of the Jews' Festival of Lights.
1850 F. P. Parlby Wanderings of Pilgrim II. xliii. 62 How I wished I could have seen Benares from the river during the Dewalī, or Festival of Lights!
1955 J. E. deYoung Village Life in Mod. Thailand 139 The Festival of Lights.—This three-day festival, which is one of the most colorful in Thailand, occurs on the full moon a month after the end of [Buddhist] Lent. Its Thai name is Loi Katong.
2015 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 6 Nov. c38 Hanukkah isn't the only festival of lights that families celebrate. The fall also brings Diwali, a South Asian holiday.
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