

单词 father of waters

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Father of waters (also rivers, floods)
P5. Father of waters (also rivers, floods): (a name for) a large or important river, esp. (U.S.) the Mississippi. Cf. sense 6b. [With quots. 1600, 1669, and perhaps also quot. 1759, compare Ge'ez Abawi , the name of the Blue Nile (15th century; apparently a derivative of 'ab father: see Abuna n.).
The name of the Mississippi River, pace quot. 1761, ultimately derives < Old Ottawa missisipi, literally ‘large river’.]
the world > the earth > water > rivers and streams > specific rivers > [noun]
Father of waters (also rivers, floods)1567
Old Man River1902
1567 G. Fenton tr. M. Bandello Certaine Tragicall Disc. f. 227 Refreshed by the beautifull hande of Erydan, sometyme called the father of ryuers [Fr. pere des fleuues], and nowe termed by the title of Po.
1600 J. Pory tr. G. Botero in Gen. Descr. Afr. 13 in tr. J. Leo Africanus Geogr. Hist. Afr. The Abassins haue no great knowledge of Nilus by reason of the mountaines which deuide them from it; for which cause they call Abagni the father of riuers [It. chiamano l'Abagni padre dell'acque].
1669 P. Wyche tr. J. Lobo Short Relation Nile 8 The River Nile, by the natives called Abani [Port. Abbaui] (i.e.) the Father of Waters.
1713 A. Pope Windsor-Forest 10 Thou too, great Father of the British Floods!
1759 S. Johnson Prince of Abissinia I. i. 2 The mighty emperour, in whose dominions the Father of waters begins his course.
1761 London Mag. Mar. 120/2 It [sc. the Mississippi] takes its name from an Indian word which means, The antient Father of Rivers.
1818 H. B. Fearon Sketches Amer. 257 The facilities of export afforded by those ‘fathers of waters’, the Ohio, Mississippi, and Missouri.
1836 J. Hall Statistics of West iii. 46 The traveler is struck with the magnitude..of the stream which has been so appropriately called, the Father of waters.
1857 Trans. Mich. Agric. Soc. 8 193 I was..more than a hundred miles on the sunset side of the father of floods.
1865 A. Trollope Can you forgive Her? II. xxix. 228 Who has ever been through Basle, and not stood..looking down upon the father of waters?
1917 J. F. Daly Life A. Daly 64 A voyage down the Father of Waters in war times.
1949 Times-Picayune (New Orleans) 27 Mar. 7 With summer approaching, the unique craft will start slipping down Father of Waters.
2003 T. Belue Hunters of Kentucky 1 Onward, southwesterly, churned Speleawee-theepee..to its spill into the Father of Waters roiling brown and muddy.
extracted from fathern.
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