

单词 far to seek

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far to seek
a. Predicated of a thing or person that needs to be sought or looked for; = not to be found or not yet found, not at hand, absent, missing, lacking. far to seek, far out of reach, a long way off.
the world > space > distance > distance or farness > a long way off [phrase]
at distancea1425
in the distance?a1439
far to seek?1544
at a distance1697
c1386 G. Chaucer Canon's Yeoman's Prol. & Tale 321 The Philosophres stoon..I warne yow wel, it is to seken euere.
1509 tr. A. de la Sale Fyftene Ioyes of Maryage (de Worde) (new ed.) iv. sig. D.iijv A rustye payre of sporres he hath eke Wherof one of the rowelles be to seke.
?1544 J. Heywood Foure PP sig. B.ii Who may not playe one day in a weke May thynke hys thryfte is farre to seke.
1573 T. Tusser Fiue Hundreth Points Good Husbandry (new ed.) f. 9 With some vpon Sundaies, their tables do reke, and halfe the weeke after, their dinners to seeke.
1575 J. Awdely Fraternitye of Vacabondes (new ed.) sig. B3v When his Maister nedeth him, he is to seeke.
1612 S. Rowlands Knaue of Harts B 4 b With trauellers monie may be to seeke.
1653 H. Holcroft tr. Procopius Persian Wars i. 4 in tr. Procopius Hist. Warres Justinian Being to seek his food he would hunt for it.
1670 S. Wilson Lassels's Voy. Italy (new ed.) ii. 317 Least they should grow idle, and haue their strength to seek when the warre should break out.
1775 Tender Father I. 205 Amelia..was still to seek, and, perhaps, in reality, totally lost to him.
1874 H. Sidgwick Methods of Ethics iii. v. §6. 262 This supposes that we have found the rational method of determining value: which, however, is still to seek.
1904 S. J. Weyman Abbess of Vlaye xi The end she knew; the means were to seek.
1917 T. Hardy Moments of Vision & Misc. Verses 171 Not as one wanzing weak From life's roar and reek, His rest still to seek.
1951 B. Russell New Hopes for Changing World (1952) 21 The revolutions that it demands in these two provinces are still to seek, and it is the fact that they are still to seek which is the main cause of the present troubles of the world.
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