

单词 ever a

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ever a
(b) ever a: any at all. Also in form e'er a (see also arra adj.). Cf. never a at never adv. 6a, ne'er a adj., nary adj. Now English regional, Irish English, and North American regional.
1581 B. Rich Farewell Militarie Profession sig. Dd.jv If there bee euer a Deuill of theim bothe, I knowe it is she.
1612 T. Taylor Αρχὴν Ἁπάντων: Comm. Epist. Paul to Titus ii. 14 Here is policie, but pietie scarce euer a whit.
1697 J. Vanbrugh Relapse v. 104 Prithee Loveless dost know of ever a Mad Doctor hard by?
1708 T. Baker Fine Lady's Airs iv. 48 D'you know ever an amorous Lady that would present me with a hundred Guineas to oblige her?
1713 J. Gay Wife of Bath iii. ii. 33 Dog...Those white Teeth, that grace your pretty Mouth... Alis. Let me die, if I have ever a one in my Head.
1796 T. Butler Diary 6 Sept. (?1919) 73 He would not part with the Houses for ever a Man in England and we might Kiss his A—se.
1827 in W. Motherwell Minstrelsy 333 Had you ever a brother?
1851 M. C. Clarke Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines (1974) I. v. 408 She's as good a housewife as ever a wife in Windsor.
1879 G. F. Jackson Shropshire Word-bk. (at cited word) ‘Drink or cider’..‘ever-a-one’, ‘I dunna car w'ich’.
1884 R. Holland Gloss. Words County of Chester (1886) (at cited word) Have you ever a shilling as you could lend me?
1897 A. H. Cocks Local Words S. Bucks. in Rec. Bucks. 7 291 Ever, in the sense of ‘at all’, as, ‘I ar'n't got ever a one.’
β. 1600 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 2 ii. iv. 274 I loue thee better then I loue, ere a scuruy yong boy of them all. View more context for this quotation1601 B. Jonson Every Man in his Humor iii. iv. sig. G4v They should haue beene damn'd e're they should haue come in, e're a one of them. View more context for this quotation1653 H. Cogan tr. F. M. Pinto Voy. & Adventures xxxviii. 151 If there were ere a one amongst you that could find out any device or stratagem of war.1657 Earl of Monmouth tr. P. Paruta Politick Disc. 200 Nor..have [they] made me ere a whit more happy then I was at first.1706 I. Watts Horæ Lyricæ iHappy the hours’, Angels, assist my doleful song, If you have e'er a mourning string.1724 A. Ramsay Mouldy-mowdiwart in Health (new ed.) 40 O cou'd I bear my Wealth alang, Nae Heir shou'd e'er a Farthing fang.1746 Fool (1748) I. 232 A Man of my Turn enjoys a Holiday with as high a Relish as e'er a Prentice-Boy..within the Bills of Mortality.1802 J. Bentham Wks. (1843) X. 387 I don't know whether you have e'er an one.1835 R. M. Bird Hawks of Hawk-hollow II. xix. 221 ‘Amen,—or e'er a one of 'em,’ said Lingo, with solemn utterance.1900 F. P. Dunne Mr. Dooley's Philos. 251 The man..that wud dhraw a soord or a pome on e'er a man alive.1916 W. T. Grenfell Tales Labrador 168 Not a whelpin'-pan to hold e'er an old harp to have her young on.1930 W. Faulkner As I lay Dying 13 I mislike undecision as much as ere a man.1986 T. Murphy Bailegangaire i, in Plays: 2 (1993) 118 Did they buy e'er a thing.
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