

单词 existent


Brit. /ᵻɡˈzɪst(ə)nt/, /ɛɡˈzɪst(ə)nt/, U.S. /ɪɡˈzɪstənt/, /ɛɡˈzɪstənt/

α. 1500s– existent, 1600s exystent, 1600s–1700s exsistent.

β. 1500s–1600s existant.

Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymons: Latin exsistent-, exsistens, existere.
Etymology: < post-classical Latin exsistent-, exsistens (also existent-, existens) that exists, that has existence (4th cent.), use as adjective of classical Latin exsistent-, exsistēns (also existent-, existēns), present participle of existere, exsistere exist v. Compare Middle French existent, Middle French, French existant (c1370 as adjective, 1426 as noun), Occitan existent, adjective (1501), Spanish existente (a1440 as adjective, 1541 as noun), Portuguese existente, adjective (1534), Italian esistente, adjective (a1342). With the use as noun compare post-classical Latin exsistent-, exsistens something that exists (4th cent.).With the β. forms compare -ant suffix1.
A. adj.
1. That exists, existing; having reality or existence.twin-existent: see twin adj. and n. Compounds 4a.
a. Without an emphasizing adverb.
the world > existence and causation > existence > [adjective] > existent or existing
1535 W. Marshall tr. Marsilius of Padua Def. of Peace vii. f. 19 In thyngs whiche receyue perfeccyon, the matier is existent or hath his beynge afore the forme [L. materia formae praeexistit in actu].
1561 R. Eden in tr. M. Cortés Arte Nauigation Pref. sig. ¶iiv One common sence existent in them all.
1594 Mirrour Policie (1599) Q iij Some bad Societie aimeth at an apparent but not existent good.
1607 R. Parker Scholasticall Disc. against Antichrist i. ii. 114 A gesture of prayer either explicit or implicit at the least, and that not by it selfe existent, but subsistent in prayer.
1677 T. Gale tr. T. Bradwardine in Court of Gentiles: Pt. IV ii. 331 His Intellect is never satisfied with any finite or infinite number of existent singulars, of any one species, or al.
1734 J. Jackson Existence of God 46 There is but one necessarily existent Being.
a1776 D. Hume Dialogues Nat. Relig. (1779) ix. 163 Whatever we conceive as existent, we can also conceive as non-existent.
1818 Ld. Byron Childe Harold: Canto IV lxxxvii. 46 And thou, dread statue! yet existent in The austerest form of naked majesty.
1860 J. Bright in Parl. Deb. 3rd Ser. 158 289 A power which is found to be greatly less existent in a congregation of the Established Church.
1868 J. E. T. Rogers Man. Polit. Econ. (ed. 3) iii. 27 The quantity [of gold] existent and in circulation.
1902 W. James Varieties Relig. Experience xiv. 360 Utopian dreams of social justice..are..analogous to the saint's belief in an existent kingdom of heaven.
1968 I. W. Cornwall Prehistoric Animals & their Hunters ii. 52 (caption) The accompanying periglacial loess-steppe, no longer existent today.
2002 M. Cheek Sex Life of my Aunt 25 An existent, if not volcanic, sex life.
b. Emphasized by actually, really, truly, etc.
1610 J. Healey tr. J. L. Vives in tr. St. Augustine Citie of God viii. viii. 310 In the sight of..that truly existent truth, God, we shall inioy the height of our desires.
1611 R. Bolton Disc. State True Happinesse 98 A transcendent Idea..shadowed onely with a number of faire shewes and pretences, but really existent and acted no where.
1629 T. Jackson Treat. Divine Essence ii. 149 Of being or goodnesse actually existent in any creature, it is most true, neither can be without some precedent Act of Gods will.
1666 R. Boyle Origine Formes & Qualities 149 Tis hard to conceive, how a Substance can be educ'd out of another Substance totally distinct in Nature from it, without being..actually existent in it.
1757 N. Robinson Christian Philosopher I. i. 84 These three Principles..are actually existent in Man.
1804 Gentleman's Mag. Mar. 213/2 One now filling eternity, truly existent, neither made nor to be.
1829 Athenæum 4 Feb. 66/2 Some subject matter which, though then veritably existent and important, has now ceased to have any existence or importance.
1880 E. Gurney Power of Sound iv. 80 The buildings, whether really existent or ideally possible, from which the spectator should be able to derive true pleasure.
1908 M. E. Paul tr. I. Bloch Sexual Life of our Times xx. 546 The ‘debauchee pæderasts’ for which truly existent kind of pseudo-homosexuals I propose the name of ‘anal masturbators’.
1958 W. Barrett Irrational Man 254 A centaur is an entity of some kind, though not a really existent one.
2010 E. Thacker After Life ii. 85 One can..consider the existence of contradictions as both logically coherent and as actually existent.
2. That exists now, or existed at the time in question; present-day, current.
the world > time > relative time > the present (time) > [adjective]
1676 R. Baxter Judgm. Non-conformists i. 17 The Soveraign or the Body of the Common-wealth may neither of them seek the hurt, much less the destruction of each other; nor do any thing that tendeth thereunto: for their union is the Existent Constitution, which dissolution destroyeth.
1713 J. Lacy Gen. Delusion Christians iii. xiv. 357 Those who looked with scornful Contempt, upon the Apostolick writings, were never likely to judge righteously, of existent Prophesyings.
1793 G. Morris in J. Sparks Life G. Morris (1832) II. 302 Forty five thousand men were about the existent force.
1797 E. Burke Three Mem. French Affairs 68 To govern the existent body with as sovereign a sway as they had done the last.
1862 Internat. Exhib.: Illustr. Catal. Industr. Dept. II. x. §2266 These shutters may be fixed at small cost, and without interfering with the existent window dressings.
1874 J. Ruskin Fors Clavigera IV. xliii. 153 It gives you types of existent Frenchmen..of a very different class.
1932 Sci. Monthly Aug. 105/2 No existent type of man probably has descended from the Neanderthaloid species.
1996 A. Ghosh Calcutta Chromosome (1997) xxxvii. 251 By about 1897..she'd come to the conclusion that the existent strains of malaria wouldn't let her go any further.
B. n.
1. With the. That which exists.
1603 P. Holland tr. J. Amyot in tr. Plutarch Morals 1352 Usurping the name of the true Jehovah or alwaies Existent [Fr. du vray Iehoua ou Existent].
1712 tr. H. More Scholia Antidote Atheism 146 in H. More Coll. Philos. Writings (ed. 4) He declares why the Existent should exist.
1728 C. Place That Space is Necessary Being 34 Necessity does not express the absolute and irrespective Character of the Existent, called Necessary.
1835 H. H. Wilson Select Specimens Theatre of Hindus (ed. 2) I. 195 Sthánu, a name of Siva, from Sthá to stay or be, the existent or eternal.
1875 Encycl. Brit. II. 522/2 Pure unconditioned actuality, the ever existent, or God.
1930 Mind 39 124 There is a hierarchy of orders of being, the conceivable, the conceived, the actually existent.., the super-existent (God).
1955 H. E. Barnes tr. J.-P. Sartre Being & Nothingness Introd. i. 3 The appearances which manifest the existent are neither interior nor exterior.
1998 Isis 89 4 The intuitionists..accepted only proofs..that either produced the existent directly or [etc.].
2. An existent person or thing.
the world > existence and causation > existence > [noun] > entity, being, or thing
1635 W. Saltonstall tr. G. Mercator Historia Mundi ii. 4 He conceiveth in his understanding the Ideas, or formative species of all things, which they call intelligible gods, and engendreth them in some sort. Distinguished by a formall reason, but the same in essence, as many existents [L. existentes] One.
1644 J. Maxwell Sacro-sancta Regum Majestas ii. 31 Frequently expressions in the abstract expresse existents in the concrete.
1655 H. More Antidote against Atheism (ed. 2) 146 If there be any necessary Existent, it is plain that it is Matter.
1722 W. Wollaston Relig. of Nature v. 69 For He is a necessary existent.
1771 Theatr. Rev. Nov. 229 Most of the characters are..apparent likenesses of several well-known existents in real life.
1826 Monthly Mag. July 46 Of the existents—regulars—Poole is perhaps the best.
a1878 G. H. Lewes Study Psychol. (1879) 51 These same phenomena viewed..no longer as modes or existences, but as subjects or existents.
1906 Athenæum 17 July 204/1 These primary facts fall into three orders: the orders of physical and psychical existents, and objects of thought (such as relations, numbers, &c.).
1937 E. Underhill Worship (ed. 3) ix. 169 God..the Existent of all existents and doer of all that is done.
1987 Nature 10 Sept. 115/3 The idea of an ‘existent’, a class containing at least one, non-fictional, temporally bound entity.
2010 Church Times 10 Sept. 14/2 It is crucial to understanding traditional theism to see that ‘God’ names a timeless existent.


eˈxistently adv. [compare post-classical Latin existenter (from 13th cent. in British and continental sources)]
the world > existence and causation > existence > [adverb]
in being1483
out therec1794
1641 C. Jelinger Excellency of Christ ii. 102 He must make us free, if we shall be free indeed, mark indeed, or substantially, really, existently,..and not imaginarily, verbally, seemingly.
1694 R. Burthogge Ess. Reason 67 Sentiments (as such) are, in their own formalities, but apparently only, not existently, without the faculties that so conceive them.
1949 J. Dewey Knowing & Known vi. 148 ‘Hercules’ was a name..for something existently cosmic or cultural—not as ‘reality at large’, but always as ‘specified existence’.
2003 Leiden Jrnl. Internat. Law 16 440 Society as the being-in-common of these entities cannot be an all-absorbing totality in the relation to them. It has, for itself, to be determinate, delimited, and existently constituted, in that relation.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2015; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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