

单词 everything


Brit. /ˈɛvrᵻθɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈɛv(ə)riˌθɪŋ/

α. see every adj. and pron. and thing n.1

β. regional and nonstandard 1800s– ever'thing (U.S. regional (chiefly southern and south Midland)), 1900s– everthing (U.S. regional (chiefly southern and south Midland)), 1800s– everythin, 1800s– everythin', 1900s– everytin, 1900s– everytin', 1900s– everyting.

See also everyfing pron., everythink pron. and n.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: every adj., thing n.1
Etymology: < every adj. + thing n.1 Compare earlier anything pron. and n.Sometimes (especially in early use) written as two words. (Word division in Middle English examples frequently reflects editorial choices of modern editors of texts, rather than the practice of the manuscripts.) With the β. forms compare ever , ever' , U.S. regional variant of every adj. (see discussion at that entry).
A. pron. and n.
a. All things, all; all necessary or relevant things. With singular agreement.In modern use the distributive sense of every is generally absent, and the sense is simply collective, equivalent to (and now much more common than) all and all things.
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > generality > [noun] > the generality > everything
c1225 (?c1200) St. Juliana (Bodl.) l. 616 (MED) Þe ah eauer euch þing heien ant herien.
c1275 (?c1250) Owl & Nightingale (Calig.) (1935) l. 1279 (MED) Eauere euh þing þat eche nis, Agon schal.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) vi. 1398 (MED) He was a worthi knyht and king And clerk knowende of every thing..Of Salomon and the proverbes.
c1450 (c1386) G. Chaucer Legend Good Women (Fairf. 16) (1879) Prol. l. 398 In noble corage ought ben arest And weyen euery thing [c1430 Cambr. Gg.4.27 eueryth] by equytee.
a1500 (a1450) Generides (Trin. Cambr.) l. 4 Wyse and manly preuyd in euery thyng.
1525 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles II. f. lxv/2 The kyng of Portyngale..commaunded euery thynge to be brente to the entent that it sholde brynge no infeccyon in to the cyte.
1567 J. Sanford tr. Epictetus Man. 2 b In euery thing..which thou louest, thou must diligently consider the qualitie.
a1616 W. Shakespeare As you like It (1623) ii. vii. 166 Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans euery thing . View more context for this quotation
1672 Bp. J. Wilkins Of Princ. Nat. Relig. i. ii Every thing is endowed with such a natural Principle, whereby it is necessarily inclined to promote its own preservation and well being.
1681 J. Dryden Absalom & Achitophel 17 Zimri..Was every thing by starts, and nothing long.
1751 S. Johnson Rambler No. 180. ⁋8 Among the sons of learning, many seem to have thought of everything but themselves.
1813 J. Austen Pride & Prejudice II. iv. 42 Every thing, however, went on smoothly. View more context for this quotation
1857 H. T. Buckle Hist. Civilisation Eng. I. ix. 572 The government [in France] is believed to see every thing, know every thing, and provide for every thing.
1879 M. Arnold Guide Eng. Lit. in Mixed Ess. 180 Everything, surely, depends upon what the lesson is.
1904 W. N. Harben Georgians xvii. 163 Little Minnie begun to fail; she got so puny she spit up ever'thing she ate.
1931 Cornhill Mag. Nov. 594 We ate and drank everything we had brought with us.
1951 Times 27 June 6/5 They have not wanted to risk everything on a single throw of the dice.
1966 E. Amadi Concubine xxviii. 256 You must not take everything he says or does to heart.
1992 D. Neuhaus in First Fictions Introd. 11 320 How's everything in Milwaukee?
2015 New Yorker 16 Nov. 89/2 We talked about everything.
b. Followed by an adjective, as everything good, ‘all that is good’.
1537 R. Whitford Dayly Exercyse & Experyence of Dethe (new ed.) sig. C.vi Euery thinge good that is ours, & doth appertayne vnto vs, is mixed or myngled wt euyll.
1598 tr. W. Goślicki Counsellor ii. 85 Euery thing honest ought be referred to vertue, and whatsoeuer is dishonest must be included in vice.
1641 E. Kellett Tricoenium Christi iii. v. 586 The first Inventors of every thing profitable for men, Deified.
1699 T. Cockman in tr. Cicero Offices Index p. xiv/1 Every thing Honest Profitable, and every thing Profitable Honest.
1724 S. Wright Lordship of Christ Considered i. 6 His Death..with every thing important that relates to it is directed by his Lord.
1855 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. 567 She had not..his partiality for everything Dutch and for everything Calvinistic.
1887 Evening Bull. (San Francisco) 5 Mar. 2/2 New York..is the foul source from which everything bad in politics emanates.
1926 Opportunity Dec. 396/2 Like everything new, jazz has..its detractors.
2005 Financial Times 17 Aug. 6/1 The Polish plumber..became the symbol of everything wrong with the European constitution.
c. colloquial. In predicative use: the thing of sole or supreme importance; the entirety of what matters. Cf. all pron. and n. 2c.
1763 R. Roberts tr. J.-F. Marmontel Select Moral Tales 3 My Daughter, who is every thing to me.
1846 N.Y. Evangelist 6 Aug. 128/5 Remember wealth is not everything in life—it is not man's chief good.
1871 ‘S. May’ Doctor's Daughter iv. 41 Perhaps he isn't as handsome as Keller; but I guess beauty isn't everything.
1894 ‘M. Twain’ Pudd'nhead Wilson v. 67 Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond.
1911 M. Scott Ben Stone at Oakdale xx. 207 Winning the game—that was it! that was everything! Nothing else counted.
1970 Daily Colonist (Victoria, Brit. Columbia) 28 July 7/1 Until a season or two ago, numbers meant everything; the shows with the highest ratings survived.
1996 A. Ghosh Calcutta Chromosome (1997) ix. 48 I was orphaned you see, and her family kind of adopted me when I was in my teens, in Egypt. She was everything to me—.
2013 J. Echols Playing Dirty 169 ‘Brains aren't everything,’ her mother said.
d. colloquial (originally and chiefly U.S.). All the usual accompaniments or toppings for a meal or item of food. Frequently in with everything.
1924 Lowell (Mass.) Sun 29 Sept. 1/4 (advt.) New England boiled dinner with everything and coffee 25c.
1955 Council Bluffs (Iowa) Nonpareil 1 Apr. 8/4 Her favorite food is a big ‘hamburger’ with everything on it.
1975 Herald (South Commons, Chicago) 5 Feb. 2/4 My happiness felt at the sight of a large pizza, everything but anchovies, extra thick crust.
1991 Joplin (Missouri) Globe 5 May 3 b/3 ‘You want everything on that sandwich?’ the clerk asked.
2015 S. Sala Wild Hearts 165 You go inside and order two burgers with everything, and a large order of fries to go.
a. All that a person possesses; a person's entire stock of belongings, faculties, attributes, etc.
1607 T. Dekker & J. Webster North-ward Hoe v. sig. C3 Her Chamber, her diet, her phisick, her apparell, her painting, her monkey, her pandar, her euery thing.
1648 J. Beaumont Psyche iii. civ. 34/1 This hairie Covering is my onely Bed, My shirt, my cloake, my gown, my every-thing.
1750 J. Lockman tr. P. de Marivaux Pharsamond I. ii. 108 I open'd my eyes, then mov'd my lips; afterwards my hands, my legs, in short my every thing was in motion.
1799 Will Whimsical's Misc. 25 My Love, my Pride, my Honor, my every thing incites me to it.
1802 J. Bentham Wks. (1843) X. 390 It is against my habits, my principles, my everything, to propose it to him.
1921 Shears Dec. 111/2 They will neglect..their teeth, their health, their clothes, their everything, in order to have a car.
1990 Paris Rev. Fall 14 I left my everything including money hidden in a split between the sole of my shoe and went in.
2006 J. Updike Terrorist ii. 68 She's the most. She never gives it less than her everything.
b. humorous. In plural. Things of every kind.
1680 Modesty triumphing over Impudence 12 Being locked up close in a Room, not suffered to have a Breath of Air, her Bread, her Linnen, her every things searcht.
1864 C. Dickens Our Mutual Friend (1865) I. i. iii. 20 But to be sure there were rum everythings.
1884 J. Ruskin in Pall Mall Gaz. 3 Dec. 3/2 Patent everythings going of themselves everywhere.
1920 A. Meiklejohn Liberal College iv. iii. 150 But they forget that knowledge when made up of ‘everythings’ and ‘somethings’ is not real knowledge at all.
2003 D. Lazar Body of Brooklyn 113 Urban dwellers have favorite everythings: restaurants, bars, buildings, and yes, even bridges.
B. adj.
Having every good quality. Only in predicative use. rare.
1797 A. M. Bennett Beggar Girl VII. iv. 184 Miss Walsingham was..the most accomplished, the most sensible, the most every thing, woman could be.
1860 G. Graham Carstone Rectory I. vi. 146 Mr Mordaunt is very good, and very clever, and very everything, is he not?
2001 C. Feehan After Music in Wicked & Wondrous (2004) 270 He had been so alive. So handsome. So everything. His life had been magical.


P1. everything else: every other thing; everything in addition or as an alternative.
1561 J. Daus tr. H. Bullinger Hundred Serm. vpon Apocalips lxi. 436 Whereof, as euery thing els is knowen by his name, so hath he also his name and is knowen.
1597 T. Morley Plaine & Easie Introd. Musicke Annot. ¶v Musicke is duided into two parts, the first may be called Elementarie or rudimental, teaching to know the quality and quantity of notes, and euery thing else belonging to songes, of what maner or kind soeuer.
1626 F. Bacon Sylua Syluarum §393 Try them [sc. Waters] in Seuerall Bottles, or Open Vessells, Matches in euery Thing else.
1684 T. Otway Atheist i. 6 Every thing else which they do not understand.
1727 Weekly Worcester-Jrnl. 3 Mar. 2/2 We shall..also readily add the other Sixteen, and everything else that is dear and valuable to us.
1757 A. Butler Lives Saints III. 254 Though for this he should sacrifice every thing else.
1833 M. Banim & J. Banim Ghost-hunter & Family ix. 76 Joe Wilson was as careless of money as he was of everything else.
1897 Lancet 31 July 247/2 When everything else seemed to have failed I peritomised the conjunctiva.
1925 E. Hemingway Let. 22 Apr. (2013) II. 322 Everything hangs on everything else.
1968 Lubbock (Texas) Avalanche-Jrnl. 27 Nov. c5/4 I got a ‘C’ minus in spellin' but I done purty good in ever'thing else.
2011 Fuel 90 3476/1 Everything else being equal, the lower the coal rank, the greater the catalytic activity in methane cracking.
P2. colloquial. to have everything: to possess every kind of attraction, advantage, requirement, etc. In early use probably without the mildly ironic flavour which the phrase now usually has (esp. in the man who has everything).
the mind > goodness and badness > quality of being good > excellence > [verb (intransitive)]
to be P and Q1612
to have everything1748
to hit the high spots1891
to be mustard1925
to be a box of birds1939
1748 E. Moore Foundling i. i. 4 She has Wit without Pertness, Beauty without Consciousness, Pride without Insolence, and Desire without Wantonness—In short, she has every Thing.
1779 tr. J. W. von Goethe Sorrows of Werter II. lxxi. 91 ‘Oh! she has every thing,’ he answered, ‘she is very rich.’
1845 Duke of Wellington Let. 25 Feb. (1890) 141 I was very sensible of your kind offer of Assistance—But he had everything.
1852 H. B. Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin I. x. 151 Mas'r George, you has everything,—l'arnin', privileges, readin', writin'.
1921 R. Macaulay Dangerous Ages v. 95 She was to tell stories of Nan, who had everything.
1928 T. Wolfe Let. 21 May (1956) 135 I've got a new book in mind... I don't see how this one can fail—it has everything: rich people, swank, a poor but beautiful girl, romance, adventure, [etc.].
1969 New Yorker 20 Dec. 70/2 The latest expensive, worthless gift for the person who has everything.
2012 J. Brody 52 Reasons to hate my Father 27 Started out with nothing and now he has everything. It's the classic rags-to-riches, American-dream story.
P3. Chiefly Australian, New Zealand, and South African. everything that (also which) opens and shuts: everything imaginable; now esp. all desirable or available features, functions, accessories, etc.
1810 S. E. Ferrier Mem. & Corr. (1898) ii. 102 You go and gossip with Bessie Mure, and tell her everything that opens and shuts, and I suppose your whole kin may be dead..before you'd..let me hear a word of the matter.
1910 Daily Herald (Adelaide) 3 Dec. 11/6 The neatest team of bowlers playing..are the Brackenridge family.., and they get everything that opens and shuts.
1945 Auckland Star 5 July 4/3 Remember..the shops? Cramjam full of everything that opens and shuts.
1976 Canberra Times 15 June 10/5 For an extra $1,600, the Marquis gives them almost everything which opens and shuts, including..power windows, tinted glass, [etc.].
2008 D. Wheeler et al. Melbourne & Victoria (Lonely Planet) 219/2 It's a true international hotel in a great waterfront location with everything that opens and shuts.
P4. you can't have everything and variants: used to express resigned acceptance of one's situation, despite its disadvantages; also used to urge another to be satisfied with an imperfect situation, or to offer (ironic or playful) commiseration.
1830 Bristol Mercury 9 Nov. I should like to live to hear my own praises; but one cannot have every thing, so I must be satisfied with deserving them.
1864 Temple Bar Feb. 395 As you say, the rich women are not generally pretty. You can't have every thing, Charley.
1930 Pittsburgh Courier 27 Dec. ii. 2/3 The janitress was a terrible woman and easily nettled, but one couldn't have everything—and the apartment was so adorable.
a1949 W. Cuppy Decline & Fall of Practically Everybody (1950) iv. 118 She was stocky, heavy-jowled, and had a poor complexion and black teeth. Well, you can't have everything.
1997 A. Wood EastEnders (BBC TV script) (O.E.D. Archive) Episode 575. 3 Bianca: Looking forward to the party tonight? Tiffany: Mmm, well you know how I feel about having it in the boring old Vic. Bianca: Never mind, you can't have everything.
2014 B. Miller When we were Sisters 342 He didn't tell me he loved me.., but hey, you can't have everything.
P5. colloquial (originally U.S.). and everything: following a clause, used to refer vaguely to other similar actions or situations.
1886 Current 24 Apr. 267/3 She's so ust to all my ways, an' ever'thing, you know.
1912 W. Healy Case Stud. Mentally Abnormal Types 46 Sisters think father is mean and everything.
1921 W. Faulkner Let. 25 Oct. in Thinking of Home (1992) 153 You should have seen their cheer leader. He danced and turned hand springs and everything.
1955 F. Brown Wench is Dead iii. 40 I think they figure Mike Karas is a dealer, with Mame working for him and everything.
1970 R. Thorp & R. Blake Music of their Laughter 13/2 I don't do that good in school and they say that I should get better grades and try harder and everything.
2007 E. Morrison Swung (2008) ii. 114 Every week the couple have to swap partners, and I mean like, totally, sleeping with each other and everything.


C1. Objective, instrumental, etc., as everything-maker, everything-proof.
1839 T. Hood Ode to Mr. Malthus in Hood's Own 267 There are..too many everything-makers.
1907 Amer. Architect & Building News 3 Aug. 35/1 Everything-proof, it is shown beyond doubt that in recent fires and earthquakes buildings constructed wholly or in part of reinforced concrete gave the best account of themselves.
1997 ‘S. Shem’ Mount Misery xxi. 546 Bronia was carrying two of those black mesh knapsack/suitcases made of everything-proof material.
everything bagel n. originally U.S. a type of bagel topped with a mixture of seeds and seasonings, typically including poppy and sesame seeds, dried onion and garlic, and salt.
1988 N.Y. Times 3 Aug. c7/3 The ‘everything bagel’ is dusted with salt, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, garlic and onion.
2007 Smithfield (N. Carolina) Herald (Nexis) 13 Feb. Breakfast delights include..New York-style bagels in a variety of flavors, including poppy seed, sesame seed, plain and cinnamon-raisin and everything bagels.
2017 S. C. Keller Luster of Lost Things v. 47 Finding a spot in Washington Square Park and unwrapping his Sunday-morning everything bagel.
everything shop n. a small shop that stocks a wide range of different goods.
1797 S. T. Coleridge Coll. Lett. (1956) I. 347 My Father's Sister kept an every-thing Shop at Crediton.
1852 G. A. Sala in Househ. Words 31 July 465/2 The one ‘everything shop’ of the village.
1974 D. Norden in F. Muir & D. Norden Upon My Word! 93 They're running a small but thriving everything-shop.
2009 F. North Secrets (2012) vi. 57 One excursion down to the small everything shop for milk, bread and fish fingers.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2018; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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