

单词 every man for himself

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every (also each) man for himself
c. every (also each) man for himself: look out for your own interests before those of anyone else; (also) designating a situation in which each person is preoccupied with his or her own safety or advancement.
c1385 G. Chaucer Knight's Tale 1182 At the kynges court my brother Ech man for hymself.
c1530 A. Barclay Egloges i. sig. Eijv Eche man for hym selfe, and the frende for all.
1562 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tounge (new ed.) ii. ix, in Wks. sig. k4 Every man for him selfe, and god for us all.
1615 T. Adams White Deuill (ed. 4) 83 That by-word, Euery man for himselfe, and God for vs all, is vncharitable, vngodly; and impugneth directly the end of euery good calling, and honest kind of life.
1729 J. Gay Polly ii. xii. 50 Every man for himself, say I. There is no being even with mankind, without that universal maxim.
1798 J. O'Keeffe Tantara-rara i. ii. 358 Oh, very well, gentlemen, I'll throw up the hand, and ev'ry man for himself. (a loud knocking) There's the young Lord—plague on your mutinying—to your posts—fly!
1825 J. Neal Brother Jonathan III. xxix. 90 ‘Forward! Forward!’ were the cries, on every side of our hero. ‘Forward! forward! every man for himself!’
1880 in F. B. Hough Thousand Islands of River St. Lawrence 85 Acting upon the maxim of ‘every man for himself’, the crowd dispersed.
1916 Amer. Jrnl. Sociol. 21 607 A world literally of every-man-for-himself would be a world of disinherited men.
1922 H. Walpole Cathedral i. i. 14 They had been troublous times. It had been every man for himself.
1967 G. Baxt Swing Low Sweet Harriet viii. 86 In times of disaster, kiddo, it's every man for himself.
1991 Newsweek 23 Dec. 32/1 ‘The '80s were about every man for himself,’ says Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton.
1997 Vanity Fair (N.Y.) Feb. 91/2 An every-man-for-himself attitude among the staff..poses a serious hazard.
extracted from mann.1int.
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