

单词 evermore


Brit. /ˌɛvəˈmɔː/, U.S. /ˌɛvərˈmɔr/
Forms: see ever adv. and more adj., pron., adv., n.3, and prep.; also early Middle English earuermor (transmission error).
Origin: A variant or alteration of another lexical item. Etymon: evermoe adv.
Etymology: Alteration (after more adv.) of evermoe adv. Compare also the West Germanic forms cited at evermoe adv. Quot. 1334-5 at sense A. 1 almost certainly does not imply earlier currency, despite its composition date. In earlier use often written as two words or with hyphen. (Word division in Middle English examples frequently reflects editorial choices of modern editors of texts, rather than the practice of the manuscripts.) In poetry the main stress is sometimes on the first syllable.
A. adv. An emphatic synonym of ever adv.
I. For all time.
1. For all future time. Now archaic or poetic.
the world > time > relative time > the future or time to come > [adverb] > for all future time or in perpetuity
for (also unto) evermore1348
for everlastinga1382
forever and a day1533
c1225 (?c1200) St. Margaret (Bodl.) (1934) 16 (MED) Swa þet alle meidnes eauer mare þurh me þe mare trusten on þe.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 15499 King Penda..ȝerneð þine ære nu and auere-mære.
a1325 (c1250) Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 12 Blisse and soules reste Ðat him sal earuermor lesten.
1334–5 ( Writ of Edward the Confessor, Ramsey (Sawyer 1110) in F. E. Harmer Anglo-Saxon Writs (1952) 262 Ic wille þæt hit stande alswa heo hit gespeken habbeð Gode to lofe, & Sancta Maria, & Sancte Benedihte æfre mare wið borene & wið unborene.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1872) IV. 299 Out of hevene schal come þe kyng þat lest evermore.
a1425 (a1400) Prick of Conscience (Galba & Harl.) (1863) l. 6838 It es right þat þai duelle þare, In þat hidus myrknes ever-mare.
1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) i. l. 13 Thai haff wrocht..To hald Scotlande at wndyr euirmar.
a1500 (?a1450) Gesta Romanorum (Harl. 7333) (1879) 4 He shall dye in euermore lastyng deth.
1592 W. Warner in E. Farr Sel. Poetry Reign Elizabeth (1845) II. 379 Disable vs eremore.
1611 Bible (King James) John vi. 34 Lord, euermore giue vs this bread. View more context for this quotation
1793 R. Burns Poems (ed. 2) II. 191 Awake thy last sad voice, my harp!..Then sleep in silence evermair!
1853 J. Montgomery in T. V. Fosbery Hymns Public Worship 72 Lest we be driven from thy face And evermore undone.
1908 G. Parker Embers 104 That the dead are not evermore dead.
1919 J. Kelman War & Preaching iii. 46 I can hear now, and shall evermore hear, the voice of the Great War.
2004 A. Reid tr. V. Tadjo in A. King From Afr. i. 15 Ba-ou-lé: The child is dead! We shall evermore be called the Baoulé in memory of your sacrifice.
2. Always, at all times, constantly, continually.
the world > time > frequency > [adverb] > always or in every case
by night and (by) daylOE
early and latec1330
at all assaysc1360
from time to (formerly unto) timea1500
at all seasons1526
at once1563
at every turn1565
still still1592
still and anona1616
still an enda1616
every stitch-while1620
any day (of the week)1759
every time1854
all (the way) down the line1975
a1300 (?c1175) Poema Morale (McClean) l. 98 in Anglia (1907) 30 230 Iesu Crist..us alle helpe & rede, & eueremore yscilde us, uram euele yuerrede.
?c1335 in W. Heuser Kildare-Gedichte (1904) 92 Of helle pine we aȝt be ware And euer more hit hab in þoȝt.
c1400 (?a1387) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Huntington HM 137) (1873) C. xvii. l. 3 Thei þat haue hure hyre by-fore aren eueremore poure.
1486 Bk. St. Albans sig. eiij He [sc. the hare] fymaes and crotis and Roungeth euermoore.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection iii. sig. DDDii He was euermore quyet and restfull in hymselfe.
1551 R. Record Pathway to Knowl. ii. xlvii The line..dothe euermore run within the edge of the circle.
1593 R. Hooker Of Lawes Eccl. Politie ii. vii. 117 The mind of man desireth euermore to knowe the truth.
1632 W. Lithgow Totall Disc. Trav. v. 209 Wilde Arabs..euermore annoy the Turkes.
1668 N. Culpeper & A. Cole tr. T. Bartholin Anat. (new ed.) i. xviii. 48 These Vessels..are evermore found in all Bodies.
1749 L. Pilkington Mem. (new ed.) I. 42 During Meal-times he was evermore in a Storm.
1838 R. Southey Thalaba (ed. 4) xi. xxxvi, in Poet. Wks. IV. 408 Yonder roar..evermore increasing, Still louder, louder, grows.
1850 T. T. Lynch Memorials Theophilus Trinal viii. 138 Lift your eyes unto the evermore silent heaven.
1885 T. Mozley Reminisc. Towns (ed. 2) I. xlviii. 295 The old evermore survive the young, and as I people the pavements of our adopted town, it is with those who walked them sixty years ago.
1907 Lutheran Church Rev. Oct. 791 Our Church..does not seek to popularize its pulpits by catering to what the world wants, but is evermore offering what the world needs.
1948 M. J. Molloy King of Friday's Men (1953) 47 I have a great wish for Bartley too, but I was putting him off evermore before now.
2010 E. Lee Highest Stakes Prol. p. vii That gentleman would finally be free to move forward with his life without evermore looking back.
II. At any time.
3. At any time. Chiefly with reference to the future: ever again, any longer. Formerly also: in any degree. Obsolete.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 11401 Ȝif ich auere-mare seoððen ihere þat æi of mine hirede..æft sake are [read arere],..he..sculde beon ded.
a1425 (?a1400) G. Chaucer Romaunt Rose (Hunterian) (1891) l. 4516 How shult I euermore hym sene He may not oute..By cause the tour is so stronge.
a1425 J. Wyclif Sel. Eng. Wks. (1869) I. 7 Heynes of state makiþ not a man evermore beter to God.
a1450 ( G. Chaucer Bk. Duchess (Tanner 346) (1871) l. 853 I trow that euermore Nas seyn so blisfull a tresore.
1609 W. Shakespeare Sonnets xxxvi. sig. C4v I may not euer-more acknowledge thee. View more context for this quotation
1832 H. Martineau Hill & Valley vi. 85 This circumstance seemed to destroy the hope that the works..could evermore enjoy the prosperity which had been their lot.
1842 E. B. Browning Greek Christian Poets & Eng. Poets (1863) 139 Not in England evermore.
B. n.
Something that lasts for evermore; unending time; eternity.
1615 E. Evans Verba Dierum 37 S. Peter speaketh, for Euer and a Day, a Day of Evermore, And I would it could be more then for Evermore.
c1850 F. T. Palgrave O Light of Life in G. S. Jellicoe Songs of Church (1867) 4 Through Heaven's great Day of Evermore.
1883 T. G. Hake Serpent Play v. vi. 109 And now the mid-air choirs outpour The anthem of an Evermore.
1951 A. Koestler Age of Longing ii. v. 257 The evermore of desire and the nevermore of satiety.
2012 L. Brock–Broido in New Yorker 22 Oct. 48/2 Stay, little ounce, here in Fleece and leaf with me, in the evermore.


for (also unto) evermore: for all future time, forever; = sense A. 1. Now somewhat archaic.Also as one word, forevermore (compare forever adv.).
the world > time > relative time > the future or time to come > [adverb] > for all future time or in perpetuity
for (also unto) evermore1348
for everlastinga1382
forever and a day1533
1348 in C. Welch Hist. Pewterers of London (1902) I. 4 That..found culpable bi the assaie..atthe iij tyme if he be taken trespassinge he shalbe foringed of the crafte for euermore.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(1)) (1850) Ecclus. xlviii. 27 He..coumfortede the weilende men in Sion, vn to euermor [L. in sempiternum].
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Coll. Phys.) l. 23934 Leuedi..led me wit þe for þi son For euir mar wit him to won.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) i. 155 Gyff yow will hald in cheyff off me For euermar.
1514 in H. Littlehales Medieval Rec. London City Church (1905) 21 They shall kepe solemply, my seid Obett or Annuersary yerely for euermore þe same day of the Moneth.
1555 Act 2 & 3 Philip & Mary c. 20 §1 in Statutes of Realm (1963) IV. i. 295 Leases..shall for evermore passe & bee made under suche of the said Duchie, [etc.].
1622 S. Ward Woe to Drunkards (1627) 34 For euer and euer, and if it were possible for more than for euer, for euermore.
a1694 J. Tillotson Wks. (1820) I. 329 Those pleasures which flow from the presence of God for evermore.
c1700 in W. Chappell Pop. Music Olden Time 534 Old Roger of Coverlay for evermore, a Lancashire Hornpipe.
1776 Short Jrnl. Labours & Trav. D. Bell (new ed.) 82 My soul is under deep obligation freely to follow him in all his leadings, who is worthy for evermore.
1837 T. Carlyle French Revol. III. iv. viii. 277 Farewell forevermore ye Girondins.
1850 Ld. Tennyson In Memoriam xxxiv. 53 My own dim life should teach me this, That life shall live for evermore . View more context for this quotation
1886 H. James Princess Casamassima II. xxiii. 131 He might go home ashamed, but he would have for evermore in his mouth the taste of nectar.
1941 T. R. Ybarra Young Man of Caracas vi. 90 She announced dramatically that she was done forevermore with being his banker.
1963 C. Duff tr. J.-P. Clébert Gypsies iv. 125 The Rom who has been sentenced..finds himself banished for evermore.
2007 Computer Weekly 23 Oct. 44/4 It is a dangerous step to start believing that having once cleansed your data, everything will be fine for evermore.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2018; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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