

单词 everlasting death

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everlasting death
a. In Christianity and some other religious traditions: existence in a state of sin and unregeneracy, either during or after earthly life (more fully spiritual death; opposed to spiritual life: see life n. 3). Also: the punishment of lost souls after physical death, the state of being damned to eternal suffering (more fully eternal death, everlasting death).See also note at eternal adj. 3a, second death n. at Phrases 5, soul death n. at soul n. Compounds 1a.
eOE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Tanner) iii. xi. 190 Ne twygeo ic þonne mec noht æfter þæs lichoman deaðe hræðe gelæd beon to þam ecan deaðe minre sawle [L. ad perpetuam animae mortem].
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) xxxiii. 461 Þære sawle deað is þreora cynna: an is yfel geþafung, oþer is yfel weorc, þridda is yfel gewuna.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 19052 Þiss lif niss nohht rihht nemmnedd lif. Acc dæþ itt maȝȝ ben nemmnedd.
a1225 (?OE) MS Lamb. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 39 Þenne bureȝest þu here saule..from þan ufele deaðe þet is from helle pine.
c1400 Apocalypse St. John: B Version (Harl. 171) (1971) 16 He schal..sle hem bi euerlastynge deeþ.
?a1425 Mandeville's Trav. (Egerton) (1889) 1 To by and delyuer vs fra deed withouten end.
c1475 in J. P. Genet Four Eng. Polit. Tracts (1977) 196 God..put theyme from paradise terrestre and theyme condempnyd by justise to spirituell deeth and bodily.
1484 W. Caxton tr. G. de la Tour-Landry Bk. Knight of Tower (1971) xliiii. 66 The perille of the deth of helle.
1534 Bible (Tyndale rev. Joye) Rom. viii. 6 To be carnally mynded, is deeth [Gk. θάνατος].
1569 J. Sanford tr. H. C. Agrippa Of Vanitie Artes & Sci. xcix. f. 174 Paule witnesseth that he sawe such thinges as are not lawfull for a man to speake: and this sighte or beholdinge of many is called..a spirituall death.
1575 T. Vautrollier tr. M. Luther Comm. Epist. to Galathians (ii. 18) f. 68v Is not this an horrible blasphemy... by doing good works thou shalt be made worthy of eternall life? but by beleuing in Christ thou shalt be made culpable and giltie of eternall death?
a1631 J. Donne Serm. (1959) IV. 292 In those Duels..He that comes alive out of the field comes a dead man, because he comes a deadly sinner, and he that remaines dead in the field, is gone into an everlasting death.
1645 S. Rutherford Tryal & Triumph of Faith 207 That death, that soul-hell in the want of Christ.
1673 H. Hickman Hist. Quinq-articularis 380 That God ordained certain to eternal life, certain to eternal death, without any regard had to their righteousness or sin.
1705 B. Kennett tr. J. La Placette Christian Casuist ii. iii. 179 These Persons are justly look'd on as Publick Empoisoners, who by the Venome of their pernicious Imaginations cause Spiritual Death.
1785 W. Cowper Task v. 862 Fables false as hell..lure down to death The uninformed and heedless souls of men.
1844 tr. M. T. Asmar Mem. Babylonian Princess II. 63 This spot, where our Saviour shed his blood to save all mankind from everlasting death.
1885 S. Cox Expos. I. xx The want of this [eternal] life is eternal death.
1936 J. Macmurray Creative Society iv. 44 What religion has called spiritual death, or eternal death, is..the pervasion of the mind by the death principle in life itself.
1978 I. Kesarcodi-Watson & I. Kesarcodi-Watson tr. V. Lossky Orthodox Theol. iv. 108 It is the choice..to allow all that makes our condition, that is to say our fallenness, penetrate His self at depth: and this depth is anguish, death, descent into Hell.
2000 D. A. S. Fergusson in A. Hastings et al. Oxf. Compan. Christian Thought 564/1 A fixed and immutable number of human beings and angels are predestinated to everlasting life and others foreordained to everlasting death.
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