

单词 above bridge

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above bridge
P6. above bridge: (with reference to the Thames) upriver from London Bridge. Now historical and rare.
1611 T. Middleton & T. Dekker Roaring Girle sig. H2v Seb. Heere take this viall, runne vpon the guts, And end thy quarrell singing. Mol. Like a swan aboue bridge, For looke you heer's the bridge, and heere am I.
1660 Don Samuel Crispe xiii. sig. C3v He intended tomorrow to wait on her, to the Castle of Sir—Admiral of Thamesis above Bridge.
1701 G. Parker Double Ephemeris sig. A2 Below Bridge the Water Ebbs 7 Hours and flows 5. Above Bridge it ebbs 8 Hours and flows 4, according to the Water-men's Observations.
1766 Public Advertiser 12 Feb. The River has been so much froze as to stop the Navigation above Bridge.
1816 Morning Post 22 Aug. The two above-bridge extra men were—John Fenton…Whitehall. Charles Smith…Arundel-stairs.
1863 Rep. Sel. Comm. Thames Conservancy p. xviii, in Parl. Papers (H.C. 454) XII. 1 Some improvements have been made about Teddington Lock, but the rest of the river above bridge seems still to merit..the censure of the official engineer.
1906 G. R. Sims Living London (rev. ed.) II. 243/1 The pleasures and sports of the Thames are principally above bridge; the business part lies below.
1998 D. Pool What Jane Austen ate & Charles Dickens Knew (new ed.) 16 From the standpoint of the riverfront, London Bridge really marked the entrance to the city; indeed, directions on the river were frequently given with reference to it as ‘above bridge’ or ‘below bridge’.
extracted from aboveadv.prep.n.adj.
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