

单词 aloud


Brit. /əˈlaʊd/, U.S. /əˈlaʊd/

α. Middle English a-loud, Middle English a loud, Middle English a-loude, Middle English a loude, Middle English a-lowde, Middle English–1500s allowde, Middle English–1600s aloude, Middle English–1600s alowd, Middle English–1600s alowde, Middle English– aloud, 1500s alloude, 1600s alloud; also Scottish pre-1700 aloude, pre-1700 a loude, pre-1700 alowd.

β. northern late Middle English oloud, late Middle English oloude.

Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: a prep.1, loud adj.
Etymology: < a prep.1 + loud adj., perhaps partly as a variant (with reduction of the first element) of on loud at loud adj. 2. Compare alow adv.1, ahigh adv. Compare also earlier loud adv.
A. adv.
a. In a loud voice; with a loud noise; loudly.In quot. 1509 apparently with ellipsis of the verb or as postpositive adjective.
the world > physical sensation > hearing and noise > voice or vocal sound > quality of voice > [adverb] > with raised voice or loudly
on highc1225
with full (also open) mouthc1300
on or upon heightc1405
on, upon (the) loftc1420
on loudc1450
in heightc1480
to the loudesta1616
in loud1682
at the top of one's throat1819
at the top of one's throat1819
out loud1821
a1325 (c1280) Southern Passion (Pepys 2344) (1927) l. 1407 (MED) He shrof him al a-loud to þe gyewes.
c1390 (?c1350) St. Augustine l. 290 in C. Horstmann Sammlung Altengl. Legenden (1878) 66 Þen al aloud [L. alta voce] he gan hit rede, Þat alle men miht him here.
c1400 (?a1387) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Huntington HM 137) (1873) C. vii. l. 23 Lauhynge al a-loude.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) I. 215 Than alowde the kynge of Lybye cryed unto sir Cador.
1509 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure xlii. iii Open thine eares unto my song aloude.
1539 Bible (Great) Gen. xlv. 2 (R.) He wepte alowde.
1575 W. Stevenson Gammer Gurtons Nedle i. iii. sig. Aiiiv Gyb our cat in the milke pan, she spied..Ah hore, out thefe, she cryed aloud.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Measure for Measure (1623) ii. iv. 153 Ile tell the world aloud What man thou art. View more context for this quotation
1631 tr. J. A. Comenius Porta Linguarum Reserata lxxxvi. §845 To laugh aloud and vnmeasurably.
1756 E. Burke Vindic. Nat. Society 9 It was..proclaimed aloud in our streets..that Mr. Burke had been pensioned off.
1860 H. Gouger Two Years' Imprisonment Burmah xxv. 285 I intended to trumpet aloud the praise of his clemency when I got among my countrymen.
1922 Domest. Engin. 4 Νοv. 172/2 The plan he herein tells Should be proclaimed aloud with bells.
1992 Independent (Nexis) 19 Jan. 43 During storms..Alan would shout aloud the words from Finnegans Wake that represent thunderclaps.
b. With audible speech; out loud, audibly.
the world > physical sensation > hearing and noise > audibility > [adverb]
in one's hearinga1425
c1390 Gregorius (Vernon) (1914) 116 (MED) Ful sone he dude sweren a loud, Bi foren hem alle, vppon þe bok.
a1400 (c1303) R. Mannyng Handlyng Synne (Harl.) l. 3482 Ȝyf þou were so wundyrly proude Þat þou mysseydyst God al aloude.
a1500 (?c1450) Merlin xxxi. 620 (MED) He it vnfolded and be-gan to rede a-lowde, that thei myght it wele vndirstonde.
a1640 P. Massinger Beleeue as you List i. 2 in Trans. Philol. Soc. 1925–32 (1927) 189 He shall find I can Think, and aloud to.
1766 J. Fordyce Serm. Young Women I. vi. 252 One of the company would often read aloud.
1795 R. Southey Vision Maid of Orleans ii. 217 A scoffing fiend,..Mock'd at his patients, and did often strew Ashes upon them, and then bid them say Their prayers aloud.
1820 J. Keats Isabella in Lamia & Other Poems 65 In dreams they groan'd aloud.
1879 Scribner's Monthly July 473/2 The very homeliness of its topics..make it a good book to read aloud.
1887 G. M. Hopkins Lett. to R. Bridges (1955) 261 In vis comica, in fun,..it is not strong: still there is enough to make me laugh aloud sometimes.
1926 J. Devanny Butcher Shop xvii. 203 Tutaki chuckled aloud, and ‘jollied’ the manager a bit.
1998 A. Pease & B. Pease Why Men don't listen & Women can't read Maps (1999) iv. 89 In a business meeting, men view a woman thinking aloud as being scatterbrained, undisciplined or unintelligent.
2. figurative (colloquial). Very strongly or offensively. Only in to stink (also smell) aloud: = to stink to high heaven at stink v. 2e. Now rare.
1828 J. Osbourn Good News from Far Country xii. 97 My name stinks aloud amongst many where it is known.
1834 John Bull 14 Jan. 24/1 The ballot question has become rank in our nostrils,—it absolutely stinks aloud.
1872 Daily News 28 Feb. The stuff [sc. sewage], to quote the trenchant expression of an on-looker, ‘stank aloud’.
1910 M. M. Shoemaker Islam Lands x. 175 As for their clothing, save for some few here and there, they smell aloud to heaven.
B. adj.
Designating something that is spoken, sung, etc., aloud.
1806 W. Taylor in J. W. Robberds Mem. W. Taylor (1843) II. 137 The only serious poem that is resorted to for aloud reading.
1969 D. Crystal Prosodic Syst. & Intonation in Eng. (1976) ii. 47 The polarities of certain parameters are named (tense/relaxed vocal cords, small/large throat opening, normal/falsetto utterance, whispered/aloud speech).
1999 D. H. Ingvar in B. Libet et al. Volitional Brain (2004) 5 There is an obvious well-trained automaticity in overt counting of numbers. This does not mean that higher controls of the aloud speech are excluded.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2012; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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