

单词 alnage


Brit. /ˈɔːlnɪdʒ/, U.S. /ˈɔlnɪdʒ/
Forms: late Middle English aunage, late Middle English–1500s awnage, late Middle English awenage, late Middle English– aulnage, 1500s aulnege, 1600s aulneage, 1600s– alnage.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French alnage.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman aulnage, alnage, Anglo-Norman and Middle French aunage (French aunage ) duty paid per ell on cloth sold (early 14th cent. in Old French), measurement and inspection of cloth (14th cent. or earlier) < aulner , auner to measure by the ell, to measure (cloth) against a fee ( < aulne , aune : see ell n.1) + -age -age suffix. Compare ulnage n.
Now historical.
1. The fee or duty charged for alnage (sense 2) of cloth; the revenue raised by this means; = ulnage n. 2.
society > trade and finance > fees and taxes > payment for labour or service > fee for services rendered > [noun] > payments for other specific services
barber feec1380
school fee1512
wait fee1563
marriage money1674
stirrup money1757
membership fee1860
1418 in J. H. Fisher et al. Anthol. Chancery Eng. (1984) 102 To take yeerly by þe handes of þe fermours of þe subside and aulnage of saale cloþes of our Citee of York.
1478 Rolls of Parl.: Edward IV (Electronic ed.) Parl. Jan. 1478 §32. m. 2 To let unto ferme the subsidie and awenage of clothes sealeable.
1565 Act 8 Eliz. c. 12 §1 The said Aulneger..standeth charged with the Payment of a great annual Farm to the Queens Majesty for the said Aulnege.
1622 in Rep. Hist. MSS (1874) 311/2 The pettie farm (various items, viz... Alnage, £820).
1697 View Penal Laws 67 Certain course Cloths..shall not be sealed, nor any Custom nor Aulnage paid by them.
a1710 R. Atkyns Parl. & Polit. Tracts (1734) 231 A Case that concerns meerly his Revenue, as this of the Aulneage was.
1836 J. Crabtree Conc. Hist. Halifax 298 In 27 Edward III. besides the aulnage, parliament granted a subsidy, to maintain the French war, of 4d. per annum.
1884 E. R. A. Seligman Two Chapters Mediæval Guilds Eng. (1887) i. 26 In Newcastle-under-Lyne they..are quit from tolls, passage, pontage, stallage, lastage, alnage and all other customs.
1918 N. S. B. Gras Early Eng. Customs Syst. i. 36 This tax..was an excise, comparable to the aulnage on cloth.
1938 Hist. Rev. 8 202 The bulk of documents deal with..appointments of collectors of customs, farmers of aulnage, collectors of the lay and ecclesiastical subsidies.
1995 A. D. Brown Pop. Piety in Late Medieval Eng. Introd. 13 The rate at which the alnage of Wiltshire was let to farm rose by a third between 1362 and 1390.
2013 S. K. Cohn Pop. Protest Late Medieval Eng. Towns viii. 167 The tax collector, Thomas Neuton, was mortally wounded in a hundred places, while collecting the aulnage for cloths..in Somerset.
2. The action of formally determining whether woollen cloth conforms to particular standards of shape and quality, as required at various times under British law; attestation that these standards have been achieved, by the affixing of a lead seal. Also: the office of the Crown responsible for doing this; = ulnage n. 1.The original requirement was that cloth should be two ells in width and of uniform quality throughout. The requirements as to width were later relaxed; regulations on quality remained in force until 1724.
the world > relative properties > measurement > measurement of length > [noun] > measurement by the ell
the world > textiles and clothing > textiles > textile fabric or an article of textile fabric > textile fabric > textile fabric made from specific material > made from wool > [noun] > official inspection or valuation of
the world > relative properties > measurement > measurement of length > [noun] > units of length or distance > arm as unit of length > ell > measurement by
1439–40 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Nov. 1439 §55. m. 2 Please it to youre wise discretion..to ordeigne, in every place of this londe to be on certeyne mesure there, as the kepere of aunage of clothe is, that he have a lyne made of silke or of threde of trewe mesure..conteynynge in lenght .xij. yerdes and .xij. ynches.
1484 Patent Roll, 2 Richard III 25 Oct. in Earl of Crawford Bibliography Royal Proclam. Tudor & Stuart Sovereigns (1967) I. App. p. clxxx Alle sealis for the awnage, to be vsede as they shulde haue benne exercised and vsede.
1534 E. Ryngeley Let. 11 June in Lisle Papers (P.R.O.: SP 3/7/51) f. 69 Maister harper hath the awnage, that is to sey, the sealyng of the cloth in Kent.
a1638 R. Brownlow Rep. Diverse Cases: 2nd Pt. (1651) 302 The King makes a grant of Alnage of clothes.
1668 J. Child Brief Observ. Trade 4 The business of the Aulnage, which doubtless our Predecessors intended for a scrutiny into the goodness of the Commodity.
1704 Ld. Godolphin Let. 24 Apr. in H. L. Snyder Marlborough–Godolphin Corr. (1975) I. 284 I beleive she will give him her term in the Aulnage for a settlement upon the son's marriage.
1739 F. Blomefield Ess. Topogr. Hist. Norfolk II. 67 In 1347, Robert Poleye..still exercised the Assay and Alnage of Worsteds in Norwich and all Norfolk.
1887 Publ. Amer. Econ. Assoc. 2 41 A statute of 1337..frees the newcomers from all restrictions as to aulnage—‘a man may make the cloths as long and as short as a man will.’
1941 Huntington Libr. Q. 5 49 He gave Scots some peculiar privileges for them to possess—as the patent for the alnage of wool, which he bestowed upon Lennox.
2007 G. Dodd Justice & Grace viii. 249 Keepers of the king's market and alnage had entered the abbey's franchise to perform their office there.


General attributive.
1613 J. May Declar. Estate of Clothing iii. 15 So may hee receiue the alnage fee vpon all other sorts of Cloth.
1713 E. Parker Proposals very Easie Tax 12 There was an Act past in the 11th Year of his late Majesty King William..that the Aulnage Duty after the Expiration of the Grant made by King Charles II. to the Duke of Lenox and Richmond should be paid no more.
1773 G. Macartney Acct. Ireland 93 An alnage office was erected.
1827 W. Parson & W. White Hist. Durham & Northumberland I. 150 After the Reformation..an officer was appointed who..had the custody of the alnage-seal, not only for the city, but the province at large.
1874 R. Furley Hist. Weald of Kent II. i. xix. 326 He had..to collect the subsidy or aulnage duty granted to the King on all cloths sold.
1936 R. A. Pelham in H. C. Darby Hist. Geogr. Eng. vi. 248 No statistics of cloth production were kept until 1353, when the aulnage accounts began.
1992 P. Goldberg Women, Work, & Life Cycle iii. 125 Some 113 women are accounted for in the aulnage rolls for York in 1394–5.
2009 C. Frost Time, Space & Order ii. 69 The earliest records of the occupations of the city come from an aulnage return of 1396–7, and a roll of ward list of circa 1400.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2012; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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