

单词 ecclesiastical year

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ecclesiastical year
b. The cycle of twelve months as defined by the Christian Church for religious observance, incorporating special seasons and holy days, and now typically beginning on the first Sunday in Advent in the Western Church (though sometimes formerly reckoned from the Feast of the Annunciation, 25 March), and on 1 September in the Orthodox Church. Also more fully ecclesiastical year, liturgical year (see also church year n. at church n.1 and adj. Compounds 1a(b)).
society > faith > worship > liturgical year > [noun]
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 2nd Ser. (Cambr. Gg.3.28) Pref. 2 Ic ðohte þæt hit wære læsse æðryt to gehyrenne, gif man ða ane boc ræt on anes geares ymbryne, and ða oðre on ðam æftran geare.
OE Poenitentiale Theodori & Capitula d'Acheriana (Brussels) in F. J. Mone Quellen u. Forschungen zur Geschichte der teutschen Literatur u. Sprache (1830) 527 Ðreo æfestenne beoð on geare on Godes folce.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) Ded. l. 32 Icc hafe sammnedd o þiss boc. Þa goddspelless neh alle, Þatt sinndenn o þe messe boc. Inn all þe ȝer att messe.
c1384 Table of Lessons in Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (1850) 683 The lessouns, pistlis, and gospels, that ben rad in the chirche al the ȝeer.
a1450 tr. Aelred of Rievaulx De Institutione Inclusarum (Bodl.) (1984) 7 Amonge al the fastynge in the yere, the fastyng in Lente excelleth and passith al othir in dignite.
1538 Pystles & Gospels in Eng. (new ed.) (title page) Here begynneth the pystles and gospels: of euery Sonday, and holy daye in the yere.
1657 A. Sparrow Rationale Bk. Common Prayer (new ed.) 106 We begin..our Ecclesiastical year (as to some accounts, though not as to the order of our service) with the glorious Annunciation of his Birth by angelical message.
1692 tr. J. Abudacnus True Hist. Jacobites of Egypt x. 17 Baptism is solemnly celebrated twice in the Year, first on the Sunday of the Pentecost, and then on the Sunday of the Passion.
1785 A. Pirie Crit. & Pract. Observ. Scripture-texts 135 This festival was kept..precisely in the middle of the ecclesiastic or church year.
1827 J. Keble (title) The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holydays throughout the year.
1875 W. Smith & S. Cheetham Dict. Christian Antiq. I. 33/1 The first Sunday in Advent was not always the beginning of the liturgical year... The Antiphonarius of St. Gregory begins 1 Advent, and the Liber Responsalis with its Vigil. But the earlier practice was to begin the ecclesiastical year with the month of March, as being that in which our Lord was crucified (March 25).
1916 G. H. Gerould Saints' Legends vi. 185 For the regular festivals of the liturgical year, they give exempla, sometimes drawn from the lives of the saints and sometimes not.
2013 P. H. Pfatteicher Journey into Heart of God ii. 25 In Eastern Orthodox practice the year begins September 1, which was the beginning of the tax year in the Byzantine Empire.
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