

单词 e-journal

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1. Forming terms relating to the publication or exchange of information in an electronic format, to be displayed on a computer screen or a hand-held device; as e-journal, e-publication, e-text, etc.Recorded earliest in e-book n.See also e-edition n., e-reader n., e-zine n.
1988 Amer. Libraries May 390/2 Things to come... The E-book, a small, hand-held, flat recording device able to replay text as a portable cassette player replays sound.
1990 Database (Weston, Connecticut) Dec. 7/2 Please do not hesitate to send any e-texts you might find to the Gutenberg listserver address.
1991 Acad. & Libr. Computing (Nexis) Nov. 5 Things are still in an infancy. Almost all e-journals have started only since 1990.
1993 Wired Feb. 112/1 Chaos Control stands out among e-mags because about 80 percent of its articles are readable, thoughtful criticisms.
1994 Amer. Scientist Oct. 417/1 The archive of e-prints at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
1997 Chicago Rev. 43 No. 4. 141 Given the fluid, evolving nature of the Internet, many e-publications are inventing new formats that transcend traditional categories of print publications.
1998 SoftBase (Electronic ed.) 30 May There are e-journals on the Web that are as authoritative as print journals.
1999 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 18 Mar. 7/1 An e-dissertation could contain virtually unlimited appendices and databases.
2000 Personal Computer World Nov. 266/1 Though edocuments are the future, we still love to pass around little pieces of paper, so printing will be with us for a while.
2003 J. Clayton Charles Dickens in Cyberspace viii. 199 The changes sweeping the publishing industry now as a result of technologies such as digital books, print-on-demand, and e-texts online.
2005 Writer's Mag. Sept. 49/3 His monthly creativity e-bulletin is available free for anyone who requests it.
2013 Church Times 20 Dec. 30/3 I think that at Christmas nowadays something has been lost by the trend to send no cards, or e-cards, or a group email.
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