

单词 dunghill god

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dunghill god
b. Designating a god or idol regarded as false, detestable, or abominable, as dunghill deity, dunghill god, dunghill idol. Also in extended use. Cf. dungy adj. 3b. Now rare.
1577 H. I. tr. H. Bullinger 50 Godlie Serm. III. v. iii. 890/1 Wee..vtterly abhore the Pope as antichriste, and a dounghill God, or if you wil a God of the iakes-house.
1633 Bp. J. Hall Plaine Explic. Hard Texts i. 423 Rich offerings..were made to that dunghill deity.
1677 F. Bampfield All in One 112 It is a great sin in case of sickness to consult Dunghil-idols, and not the God of Israel for cure and for health.
1777 W. Aldridge Doctr. Trinity 17 The gods of the Heathen were false gods; dunghill gods, or devil gods.
1854 Edinb. Christian Mag. 5 375/1 For it is scarce to be expected that any of us will suffer any of those strange, yea, infernal fires of ambition, or avarice, or malice, or impure lusts and sensualities to burn within us, which would render us priests of idols, of airy nothings, and of dunghill gods.
1920 Jrnl. Amer. Bankers Assoc. Oct. 170/2 Now the dollar, the palatial residence, the Sunday automobile and the moving pictures seem to be the gods of our idolatry, and we prostrate ourselves in lowly reverence before these dunghill deities.
2010 Christian Sci. Monitor (Nexis) 30 Mar. ‘Military funerals have become pagan orgies of idolatrous blasphemy, where they pray to the dunghill gods of Sodom..,’ states a press release posted on the [Westboro Baptist] church's website.
extracted from dunghilln.adj.
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