

单词 drumhead


Brit. /ˈdrʌmhɛd/, U.S. /ˈdrəmˌhɛd/

α. 1500s drommes heddes (plural), 1600s 1900s– drumshead.

β. See drum n.1 and head n.1

Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: drum n.1, head n.1
Etymology: In α. forms < the genitive of drum n.1 + head n.1 In β. forms < drum n.1 + head n.1
a. The stretched skin or membrane forming the striking surface of a drum; the upper surface of a drum.In early use esp. with reference to the use (esp. by soldiers in the field) of the upper surface of a drum as an improvised gaming-table, writing desk, etc.
society > leisure > the arts > music > musical instrument > percussion instrument > drum > [noun] > drumhead
1580 T. Churchyard Plaine Rep. Daungerous Seruice sig. c.ivv Dice plaie began..on the toppe of Drommes heddes.
1618 Owles Almanacke 47 Ample indentures, large copies, and drum heads will metamorphise your skins.
1620 R. Johnson Golden Garland sig. B8v Upon a Drumhead sitting, As it was best befitting For such a royall Princes [sc. Queen Elizabeth] thus to speake.
1622 J. Mabbe tr. M. Alemán Rogue i. 170 I did so often visit the Drum-head..getting little, and loosing much.
1662 J. Donne, Jr. Satyr 50 He charg'd his Souldiers that He would be flay'd, His Skin drest, and thereof a Drums-head made.
1702 tr. Present State Europe May 186 Feeding with the Common Soldier upon a Drum Head.
1748 A. Henderson Hist. Rebellion 176 The Army halted upon the open Field, and dined; the Duke's Table was no other than that of a Drum-Head, in the Face of the Sun.
1776 J. Leacock Fall Brit. Tyranny i. ii. 4 I'll screw, twist and strain the law as tight as a drum-head to serve you.
1802 W. Paley Nat. Theol. iii. 49 It resembles also a drum head in this principal property, that its use depends upon its tension.
1849 J. G. Bruff Jrnl. 7 Aug. in Gold Rush (1944) I. i. 137 Another child was thumping on a common American drum head.
1907 Williams Literary Monthly May 38 That was rare drumming, Sandro. None of your tough, lifeless sheepskin stretched across a drumshead.
a1933 J. A. Thomson Biol. for Everyman (1934) II. 1340 Here we have..the elephants with their ivory tusks, the wild asses whose skins make drum-heads.
1996 G. Nicholls in P. Trynka Rock Hardware 92/1 Most drum heads are mounted on hoops of aluminum.
2011 Billboard 8 Oct. 32/1 With asking prices online as high as $2,000, one fan offered a drumhead signed by the band in exchange for a ticket.
b. In phrases alluding to the (originally and chiefly military) practice of conducting various matters, esp. the enlistment of recruits or the administration of justice, at a drum used as an improvised desk; later also in extended use, with reference to the summary administration of justice. Esp. in at the drumhead.
1718 Weekly-Jrnl. 26 July 1107/2 The three Regiments of Foot-Guards have all had the Oaths administred to them at the Drum-Head.
1735 Fog's Weekly Jrnl. 7 June Four Guineas, and five Shillings to drink his Majesty's Health, has been offered per Man at the Drum Head, for Recruits to the 2d. Regiment of Foot-Guards.
1753 T. Smollett Ferdinand Count Fathom I. ii. 8 A German trooper was transiently smit with the charms of his mother, who..once more received the silken bonds of matrimony; the ceremony having been performed as usual at the drum-head.
1768 B. Cuthbertson Syst. Compl. Managem. Battalion of Infantry xvi. 147 It sometimes happens, that Courts-martial are necessary at the Drum-head, and that the execution of their sentence should be immediate.
1841 G. P. R. James Brigand xli He shall have no judgment but that over the drum-head.
1860 Patriot 2 Aug. 495/2 Their own clothes stolen and sold at the drum-head that they might be accoutred in the Pope's regimentals.
1872 Guardian 11 Sept. (Suppl.) 1153/1 Offenders..can be tried, as it were, at the drum-head, after enduring captivity for not more than six hours.
1921 R. W. Babson Enduring Investm. vii. 70 He will be court-martialed at the drumhead of publicity.
1991 C. Bonwick Amer. Revol. iv. 95 The Declaration [of Independence] was..persuasive propaganda intended to sustain American morale when read at the drumhead.
2. The tympanic membrane; = eardrum n.
the world > life > the body > sense organ > hearing organ > parts of hearing organ > [noun] > ear-drum > parts of
1615 H. Crooke Μικροκοσμογραϕια viii. xv. 585 To the inner circle the small membrane of the Tympane or the drumme-head is stretched and tyed.
1674 S. Butler Epist. to Sidrophel in Hudibras (new ed.) ii. 393 As if the vehemence had stun'd, And torn your Drum-heads with the Sound.
1739 G. Thomson Compend. Anat. vi. 81 in Syllabus The hammer has three muscles, one called the externus, to pull it outward with the drum-head.
1827 Methodist Mag. 10 113/1 On the inside of the drum head are four small bones.
1874 D. B. St. J. Roosa Dis. Ear 63 Sometimes the hairs of the canal grow to such a length as to obscure the view of the Meatus and the drum-head.
1916 Med. Rec. 30 Sept. 590/2 The incised drumhead soon mends and no harm is done.
2004 R. S. Haberman Middle Ear & Mastoid Surg. x. 68/1 There is prominent bulging into the anterior canal that obscures the view of the drumhead.
3. The head or top of a drum-shaped component of something, esp. a capstan.
society > occupation and work > equipment > machine > parts of machines > other parts > [noun] > other specific parts
running gear1663
long arm1717
press cloth1745
bearing plate1794
press box1825
saw tooth1835
channel shoe1845
water port1864
entry port1874
tension bar1879
instrument panel1897
torsion bar1937
1698 T. Savery Navigation Improv'd Pl. preceding p. 5 Drum heads, like those on a Capstand.
1726 G. Shelvocke Voy. round World i. 15 We began to heave up our anchor the day before, but wrench'd the drum-head of our capstane.
1821 Monthly Mag. Mar. 172/1 In the ordinary capstan, the drum head is fixed upon the square of a spindle.
1894 Daily News 4 Sept. 3/1 The boring by means of the great circular drumhead—the ‘Shield’—weighing 250 tons, with a sharp cutting edge in front, and at the back of it 28 hydraulic jacks.
1927 G. Bradford Gloss. Sea Terms 128/2 Pigeon holes, those in the drumhead of a capstan to receive the capstan bars.
1949 Code of Federal Regulations: 46: Shipping (Office of Federal Register, U.S.) i. 431/2 The drum head of water-tube boilers.
2001 T. E. Rudolph & V. A. Leonard Recording in Digital World iv. 34 A drum head rotates at 3,000 revolutions per minute.
4. More fully drumhead cabbage. Any of a group of varieties of cabbage characterized by a flat top.
the world > food and drink > food > fruit and vegetables > vegetables > cabbage or kale > [noun] > cabbage > other types of cabbage
sugar-loaf cabbage1786
Yorkshire cabbage1786
Tom Thumb1847
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular food plant or plant product > particular vegetables > [noun] > cabbage or kale > cabbage > types of > other types of cabbage
red coleOE
red colewort?a1500
red cabbage1597
sugar-loaf cabbage1786
Yorkshire cabbage1786
Scotch curlies1855
thousand-head kale1887
1783 Lett. & Papers Agric. (Bath & West of Eng. Soc.) I. 18 The sort principally raised is the tallow-loaf, or drum-head cabbage.
1797 W. Green in A. Young Agric. Suffolk 94 The sort drum-head, from its flat top, and as hard as a stone.
1808 J. C. Curwen Hints Econ. Feeding Stock 50 The ground was cropped with four acres of drumhead cabbages.
1893 Garden 9 June 526/1 Drumheads have perhaps never been so fully appreciated as at the present time.
1948 G. D. H. Bell Cultivated Plants Farm xiv. 128 The shape of the ‘heart’ varies, and drumhead, flat, oxheart and conical types [of cabbage] may be distinguished.
2012 M. Don Gardening Longmeadow 322 Winter whites or drumheads develop a solid white head.


attributive. Cf. sense 1b.
C1. Designating an improvised tribunal for the summary administration of justice during military operations (esp. in drumhead court martial). Also: designating justice, discipline, etc., of the kind administered at such a tribunal; summary.
society > law > administration of justice > judicial body, assembly, or court > [noun] > court dealing with military offences
court martiala1604
court of inquiry1808
drumhead court-martial1835
1796 J. Vancouver Enq. Causes & Production Poverty 142 A drum head court-martial, or enquiries by the soldiers in the misdemeanors of their comrades.
1822 tr. C. Dupin Tour Naval & Mil. Establishments Great Brit. ii. v. 105 Officers are assembled round a drum, which forms the desk of this itinerant tribunal... This species of judicature is called drum-head trial.
1847 J. S. Le Fanu T. O'Brien 168 If your majesty were to give them drumhead law.
1898 Argosy Sept. 227 He ordered a drumhead court martial to be held immediately in the parlor of the farmhouse.
1937 Vermont: Guide to Green Mountain State (Federal Writers' Project) ii. 87 From Bennington to Burlington the rough-and-ready Green Mountain Boys ranged, dealing out drumhead justice to all New York sympathizers and Tories.
1997 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 17 July 21/2 Guevara set up an improvised drumhead tribunal at the harbor fortress of La Cabana.
2012 R. M. Wilson Legal Executions Nebraska, Kansas & Oklahoma 62/2 Raymond was tried at a drumhead court martial, found guilty, and sentenced to be shot on Sunday, November 24, 1861.
C2. Designating any (usually military) occasion, esp. a religious service, taking place in an improvised or unconventional setting, typically out of doors; (occasionally more generally) improvised, ad hoc.
1843 Standard 17 Oct. The piece..went off heavily in some parts, particularly the drum-head marriage ceremony.
1858 in W. Owen Good Soldier iv. 60 On every occasion..when a few could be brought together by the chaplain on Sunday evenings,..and after the ordinary ‘Drum Head’ service of the day, he was to be found among them.
1878 Week's News 5 Jan. 22/2 England..has been referred by Prince Gortschakoff to the agency of a drumhead conference.
1925 Cent. Mag. Jan. 304/2 The Free State hoofs out these democratic bodies and substitutes three automatic drumhead commissioners.
1942 Salt Lake Tribune 6 Mar. 13/2 We do need some new, quick, drumhead method for getting to the root of the evidence and publishing a decision.
1988 W. G. Schofield Freedom by Bay 18 To this day..the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts still meets annually on the Common to choose its officers by drumhead election.
2001 Navy News Sept. 20/5 The Colours of RMVCC Portsmouth were re-dedicated at a drumhead service conducted by the Chaplain to HMS Excellent.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2015; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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