

单词 each way

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each way


P1. each kins: of every kind, every kind of. Obsolete.See also ilkin adj. [Frequently also with the first element in the genitive; compare β. forms at alkin adj. and discussion at that entry.]
OE Ælfric Gloss. (St. John's Oxf.) 315 Sicera, ælces cynnes [c1225 Worcester ilches cunnes] gewringc buton wine anum.
OE Homily: Sunnandæges Spell (Tiber. A.iii) in A. S. Napier Wulfstan (1883) 217 Þær wæran elces cynnes wihta twa gemeccan.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 4025 Þe king bi-gon seruise on ælches cunnes [c1300 Otho in eche kinnes] wise.
a1300 (?c1200) Prov. Alfred (Jesus Oxf.) (1955) 125 Vyches cunnes madmes.
P2. each day's: daily; everyday. Obsolete.
eOE Bald's Leechbk. (Royal) (1865) i. lxii. 134 Wiþ ælces dæges fefere drince on cealdum wætere betonican dustes þæt ænne pening gewege.]
1340 Ayenbite (1866) 112 Þe echedayes dol þet god yefþ to his wel wilynde.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) v. l. 512 (MED) His echedaies fantasie Of sorghe is evere aliche.
1422 Will of Peryne Clanbowe (P.R.O.: PROB. 11/2B) f. 429v Myn echedaies gown.
c1450 (c1400) Bk. Vices & Virtues (Huntington) (1942) 110 (MED) We clepeþ hym oure echedaies bred, þat is of euery day.
a1649 R. Crashaw Carmen Deo Nostro (1652) 30 Your each day's deuotion duly brings Three kingdomes to supply this day's three kings.
P3. each other——: every other—— , every alternate——. Now rare.In quot. c1350 showing ilk adj.2 in equivalent use.
c1350 ( Bounds (Sawyer 716) in D. A. Woodman Charters of Northern Houses (2012) (corrected text) 128 Ilc oðer acra be eastan hode.]
c1400 Brut (Rawl. B. 171) 152 For whiche ransoun to bene payede, eche oþere chalice of Engeland was molten & made in to monye.
1555 W. Waterman tr. J. Boemus Fardle of Facions i. v. sig. E.iij When they are sicke, they heale them selues, eyther with fasting or vomiting: & that eyther euery eche other daye, or euery third daye, or fourthe.
1600 P. Holland tr. Livy Rom. Hist. xl. 1087 Many yeares after there were created foure Pretors according to the law Baebia, which provided that there should be each other yeare foure chosen.
1660 J. Sadler Olbia sig. D3 If each other Month had but 29 days.
1748 S. Richardson Clarissa VI. lii. 198 It ended in a compromise for a fee each other time.
1780 Virgil tr. W. Mills Georgics 8 Suffer the land to rest each other year, And, lying fallow, to recruit its strength.
1830 Times 4 June The precautionary treatment of invariably physicking them in the spring, by three purgatives, one each other day.
1902 Maine Reg. 210 Adjourned sessions, second Tuesday of each other month.
1956 Financial Times 13 Jan. 11/2 It is the responsibility of those who seek to rule to govern and help raise living standards and comforts, not only to use fluent words and bring a crisis each other year.
P4. all and each (also each and all): every example or instance of something; every single one. Cf. all and every at every adj. and pron. Phrases 2.
c1443 R. Pecock Reule of Crysten Religioun (1927) 79 Þou, holy goost..hast and art alle and ech of þe same noble dignitees..as þe fadir and sone.
1554 J. Gwynneth Declar. State wherin Heretikes leade Liues vii. f. 6 These three, that is to witte, more then trewthe, lesse then trewthe, and other then trewthe, are all and eache of them, euen as farre from trewthe, as trewthe it selfe is from no trewthe.
1591 H. Barrow Plaine Refut. Giffardes Bk. 198 Christ hauing therfore giuen vnto each and all of them his sacred power and aucthoritie to binde and to loose in earth.
1622 tr. True Originall Edict of Nants 31 Those of the Religion..shall reenter into the reall and actuall possession of all and each of their goods.
1649 H. Hammond Christians Obligations i. 24 By the opposition to each and all of these five, you will be able to make up the new qualified spirit, the spirit of the Gospel.
1782 W. Cowper John Gilpin 239 And all and each that passed that way Did join in the pursuit.
1867 T. C. Anstey Notes Represent. People Act 47 The Franchise in all and each was the same.
1929 L. W. Reese Victorian Village 121 These two were of that stripe of politics which belongs to each and all—the desire to make an honest living and keep away from disaster.
1992 Esquire Feb. 76/1 These were supposed to be the big boys, titans all and each.
2014 J. Mandle & D. A. Reidy Comp. Rawls i. 24 Under what conditions do they each and all have good reason to acquiesce in collective action determined by voting?
P5. each and every: (used for emphasis) absolutely all, every single; cf. each and all at Phrases 4.
1536 J. Gwynneth Confutacyon Fyrst Parte Frythes Boke viii. sig. c.viiiv The hole trauth, of the hole fayth, is in eche and euery syngulare parte of it no more, no lesse, none other, but without any dyfference, euen the very same.
1655 Compl. Clark 66 A lawfull and sufficient Acquittance, upon the receipt of each and every sum aforementioned.
1770 Trial W. Wemms 8 Upon each and every of these several indictments, the prisoners at the bar have been arraigned.
1857 N.-Y. Evangelist 20 Aug. 271/4 (advt.) Each and every kind of Fruit and Vegetable..can be preserved for years in their fresh state.
1940 M. Hopper How to play Winning Checkers iv. 33 The beginner..falls into each and every trap and pitfall set for him.
1990 J. Bradshaw Homecoming ii. 56 Children are natural Zen masters; their world is brand-new in each and every moment.
2016 Arts & Bk. Rev. (Nexis) 19 Mar. (Bks. section) 26 Acerbic, melancholic humour..drips off each and every page.
P6. equal each to each: (Geometry) designating corresponding parts of two geometric figures of the same type that are equal in magnitude, position, etc. Now rare.
1705 E. Scarburgh Eng. Euclide 234 In the foregoing Definition of like Figures, all the Angles are to be equal, each to each, and all the sides about the equal Angles directly proportional to one another.
1840 D. Lardner Treat. Geom. xiv. 164 The component plates..being equal in number, and equal each to each in magnitude, the volumes of the pyramids composed of them will be equal.
1972 Math. in School 1 23/2 The three angles will..then be equal each to each.
P7. each way: (in betting) used to denote that a horse, etc., has been backed for both a win and a place; also in extended use.
a. Used adverbially.
1869 Cassell's Mag. 4 170/2 One pound on Blue Gown each way.
1897 E. H. Cooper Mr. Blake vi I'll just go and put a little bit on Highborn for this race..; only fifty pounds or so each way.
1926 G. Frankau Masterson xvi Cynthia had decided to ‘risk a couple of Bradbury's each way’.
1951 E. Rickman Come Racing with Me x. 84 A very small bet ‘each way’.
2017 Chronicle (Toowoomba, Queensland) (Nexis) 23 Jan. 26 The winner She's Right was backed each-way at $5 and bookies had a small loss on the race.
b. attributive.
1915 Coolgardie (W. Austral.) Miner 16 Jan. 4/2 Jack Brennan..will still lay you the little each way bet.
1930 Daily Mail 17 June 14/2 Sun Glory..has a useful each-way chance.
1963 Times 15 Feb. 11/4 Why should Britain back the 625 line horse to win when we can place an each-way bet on the dual standard?
2005 Northern Echo 6 Sept. 19/4 Punters prepared to have an each-way dabble at reasonable odds.
P8. each to his (also her, their) own: everyone is entitled to his or her own tastes and preferences.
1886 R. C. Temple Fallon's Dict. Hindustani Prov. 16/1 Apnā apnā ḍhaṅg hai. To each his own way. (Quot homines tot sententiæ.)]
1907 Christian Observer 11 Dec. 21 Each to his own. It is an old saying that a man is himself in his pleasures.
1980 G. Josipovici Echo Chamber ii. 24 ‘The old civilisations for me,’ Peter said. ‘Each to his own,’ Mildred said.
2005 Z. Smith On Beauty 105 Strange date to pick for a party, but then each to their own.
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