

单词 don't mind

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don't mind (doing something)
a. transitive. In negative, interrogative, or conditional constructions: to care for or about, trouble oneself or be concerned about, be affected by; to object to, be troubled or annoyed by, dislike (usually of something proposed or offered to one). Often in idiomatic uses, as I would (also should) not mind: I would rather like, would be glad to, would be prepared to; do (or would) you mind (doing something)?: would you kindly, please would you (do what is asked); do you mind if I (do something)? and variants (also shortened to mind if I (do something)?): have you any objection to my (doing what is specified)?; don't mind (doing something): please refrain from (doing what is specified); do you mind?: do you object to or dislike (what is proposed)?; don't mind me: (frequently with ironic implication) take no notice of me, do not worry about me, do as you please; if you don't mind: (frequently with ironic politeness or contradictory implication) if you have no objection; I don't mind telling you: I think you should know; I feel compelled to say.
the mind > emotion > suffering > displeasure > be displeased with [verb (transitive)]
to take agrief?a1400
to take in grievinga1400
to like illc1425
to take grief witha1556
to take heinously1632
the mind > emotion > suffering > state of annoyance or vexation > be annoyed or vexed by [verb (transitive)]
to take ill1596
to bend (a person) out of shape1955
1562 J. Heywood Of Mine Acquayntance Certaine Yong Man ii. vi, in Wks. They would saie, better to be happie then wise. Not minding therby than, to depraue your wit, For they had good hope, to see good proofe of it.
1609 W. Shakespeare Pericles ix. 17 How absolute she's in't, Not minding whether I dislike or no. View more context for this quotation
1700 J. Dryden in Wks. (1885) XI. 362 The wight..Who, true to love, was all for recreation, And minded not the work of propagation?
1710 R. Steele Tatler No. 206. ⁋2 I did not mind his being a little out of humour.
1728 C. Cibber Vanbrugh's Provok'd Husband v. i. 71 Nay, nay, don't mind me—You have business.
1750 Lady Bradshaigh in S. Richardson Corr. (1804) VI. 95 I do not mind him of two straws.
1767 H. Glasse Art of Cookery (new ed.) App. 378 They will look quite yellow, and stink, but you must not mind that.
a1777 S. Foote Capuchin (1778) i. 109 Why, yes, you may venture, Sir Harry: It is not minded in London.
1780 R. B. Sheridan School for Scandal iv. i. 45 Never mind the difference, we'll balance that some other time.
1837 T. J. Serle Parole of Honour i. i. 7 I shouldn't think he was fit to be the lover of such a lady as mistress Jane, if he minded running a little risk for her sake.
1839 Comic Almanack 1840 36 ‘Come, dub up!’ roars a third; and I don't mind telling you..that I..took out the sovereign and gave it.
1839 C. Dickens Nicholas Nickleby xlvii. 461 This is cool and in the shade, if you don't mind roughing it.
1860 C. Dickens Uncommerc. Traveller in All Year Round 24 Mar. 514/1 I am rather faint, Alexander, but don't mind me.
1863 C. Dickens Uncommerc. Traveller in All Year Round 4 July 447/1 Would you mind my asking you what part of the country you come from?
1869 A. Trollope Phineas Finn I. viii. 69 ‘It's the meanest trade going... I don't know whether you are in Parliament, Mr. Finn.’ ‘Yes, I am; but do not mind me.’
1871 B. Jowett tr. Plato Dialogues I. 83 Let us take his advice, though he be one only, and not mind the others.
1874 G. J. Whyte-Melville Uncle John II. xviii. 200 I shouldn't mind a cup of tea myself.
1880 A. Trollope Duke's Children II. xxii. 250 I've had some words with somebody. Don't mind asking any more.
1889 ‘J. S. Winter’ Mrs. Bob (1891) 48 Stay, do you mind ringing the bell for me first?
1901 G. B. Shaw Devil's Disciple ii. 39 I never care much for my tea. Please dont mind me.
1935 P. G. Wodehouse Blandings Castle i. 25 You won't mind if I freeze on to the two-seater for the nonce?
1948 E. Waugh Loved One 3 It's been another scorcher, eh! Mind if I take a pew?
1955 L. P. Hartley Perfect Woman (1959) 215 I wouldn't mind betting that Janice gets married early.
1965 P. O'Donnell Modesty Blaize iv. 48 I wouldn't mind a drink though, now you mention it.
1973 L. Koenig Little Girl (1974) iii. 34Don't mind me,’ she said, dragging the chair back..and filling its place with the table... ‘But the table belongs here.’
1974 N. Freeling Dressing of Diamond 201 I don't mind telling you..I like to look before I leap.
1987 S. Johnson Commissioner i. 6 Isobel Morton never minded people doing their jobs.
1993 Mondo 2000 x. 31/1 So, if you don't mind, we'll just inject our psychographic probe into you now.
extracted from mindv.
don't mind
13. intransitive. nonstandard. To matter, be important. Also (Caribbean) don't mind: it doesn't matter.
the mind > attention and judgement > importance > [verb (intransitive)]
to trench into (unto)1621
to bear (a) (great) state1623
to be no small drinka1774
to count for (much, little, nothing, etc.)1857
to stand for something (or nothing)1863
1915 F. H. Lawrence Let. 16 Mar. in T. E. Lawrence Home Lett. (1954) 680 I had a room without a door or a window..but that did not mind.
1915 F. H. Lawrence Let. 16 Mar. in T. E. Lawrence Home Lett. (1954) 682 Bullets really don't mind much.
1961 Listener 5 Oct. 500/1 (child's composition) You migth see a earwig gust coming out of [an apple] but that dosenet mind gust pick it of.
1996 R. Allsopp Dict. Caribbean Eng. Usage (at cited word) The dress got a little stain, but don't mind, you can still wear it for today.
1996 R. Allsopp Dict. Caribbean Eng. Usage (at cited word) Don't mind who it is, you mustn't open the door.
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