

单词 down, up the stream

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down, up the stream
f. Phrases. (a) against, with the stream. Often in figurative context (cf. 6), e.g. to strive against the stream, to resist the influences of one's environment, to oppose prevailing tendencies; to go, sail, swim with the stream, to yield to pressure of circumstances or example. (b) down, up the stream, †downward the stream. See also downstream adv., upstream adv.
the world > the earth > water > flow or flowing > current > [adverb] > with
against, with the streamc1000
down, up the streamc1000
the world > action or operation > difficulty > opposition > in the face of or in opposition [phrase] > against the prevailing tendency
against, with the stream1546
the world > the earth > water > flow or flowing > current > [adverb] > against
against, with the stream1555
down, up the stream1560
society > authority > subjection > obedience > submissiveness > [adverb]
against, with the stream1579
hands down1896
the mind > will > decision > irresolution or vacillation > be irresolute or vacillate [verb (intransitive)] > give way or give in > to circumstances
to go, sail, swim with the stream1579
c1000 Sax. Leechd. III. 70 Sing þis..horse on þæt wynstre eare on yrnendum wætre & wend þæt heafod ongean stream.
c1175 Lamb. Hom. 51 [Heo] bi-gon to swimmen forðward mid þe streme.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 2261 Scipen þer heo funden. makede muchul sæ-flot and ferden mid streme.
1390 J. Gower Confessio Amantis II. 93 Riht as a Schip ayein the strem, He routeth with a slepi noise.
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) xxviii. 582 By the grete strenghte of the fysshes it [sc. the corpse] was taried, and went noo ferder with the streme, by the wille of our lorde.
1546 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue ii. v. sig. Hii Foly it is to spurne against a pricke, To striue agaynst the streme, to winche or kicke Agaynst the hard wall.
1555 R. Eden tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde iii. xi. f. 160v Turnynge the stemmes or forpartes of their shyppes ageynst the streame.
1579 L. Tomson tr. J. Calvin Serm. Epist. S. Paule to Timothie & Titus 54/2 Yet suffer we all these things to passe, and goe with the streame.
1592 T. Nashe Strange Newes in Wks. (1904) I. 321 This..is nothing else but to swim with the streame.
1593 T. Nashe Christs Teares 59 b Because the multitude fauours Religion, he runnes with the streame, and fauours Religion.
1638 R. Baker tr. J. L. G. de Balzac New Epist. II. 43 I have done it against the streame of my resolution quite.
1668 J. Dryden Of Dramatick Poesie 57 To tell you, how much in vain it is for you to strive against the stream of the peoples inclination.
1708 Constitutions Company Watermen & Lightermen xxix If any Waterman Rowing with the Tide or Stream, shall neglect to give Notice or Warning..to all Persons Rowing cross or against the Stream or Tide.
1711 Let. to Sacheverel 30 There is hardly a Man, who does not swim with the Stream, that has not been..insulted.
1714 A. Pope Corr. 25 July (1956) I. 239 No man ever rose to any degree of perfection in writing, but through obstinacy and an inveterate resolution against the stream of mankind.
a1771 T. Gray tr. T. Tasso in Wks. (1814) II. 90 Against the stream the waves secure he trod.
1937 W. R. Inge Rustic Moralist iv. i. 234 What ought the helpless intelligentsia to do? Not to float with the stream, a feat which any dead dog can accomplish.
(b)a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 4780 He sagh a-pon þe water reme Caf flettand dunward [with] þe strem.1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. ccclxv They brought in vitayle both vp the streame & down [L. aduerso & secundo flumine].a1648 Ld. Herbert Life (1976) 67 But the Ryver being deepe and strong in that Place where he entred it, he was carried downe the streame.
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