

单词 down to the last detail

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down to the last (also finest, smallest, etc.) detail
a. From a higher to a lower point or member in any series, order, or hierarchy; from a major detail or feature to one that is smaller or less important (frequently in expressions emphasizing completeness or thoroughness, as down to the last (also finest, smallest, etc.) detail). Also without to, esp. in to count down (see to count down at count v. Phrasal verbs).See also to change down at change v. Phrasal verbs and (in the context of bell-ringing) hunting down at hunt v. 7a.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 1659 Fra þe mast dun to þe lest.
c1450 (?a1422) J. Lydgate Life Our Lady (Durh.) (1961) vi. l. 350 This high feste, Fro the highest doun to the leste, Euery man and woman in her honde To the Temple shulde a tapre bryng.
1666 J. Tillotson Rule of Faith iii. vii. 231 Prodigious Impiety and Wickedness did overspread the Church, from the Pope down to the meanest of the Laity.
1684 R. Howlett School Recreat. 92 So by turns, 'till every Bell being hunted up and down, comes into its proper Place again.
1729 A. Ramsay Poems II. 113 The Tyger, Bair, and ev'ry powerfu' Fur, Down to the Wilcat, and the snarling Cur.
1761 L. Sterne Life Tristram Shandy III. xii. 64 From the great and tremendous oath of William the Conqueror, (By the splendour of God) down to the lowest oath of a scavenger, (Damn your eyes).
1816 M. Keating Trav. (1817) II. 68 Every country has its etiquettes..in Spain, down even to the taking of a pinch of snuff.
1853 J. Ruskin Lect. Archit. iv. §132 Working everything, down to the most minute detail, from nature, and from nature only.
1871 A. B. Mitford Tales Old Japan II. 122 The custom of abdication is common among all classes, from the Emperor down.
1876 G. O. Trevelyan Life & Lett. Macaulay I. i. 53 From the highest effort of genius down to the most detestable trash.
1910 Times 23 Aug. 5/2 On ascents on which a driver..would have supposed the time had come for altering the gear, they reached the top without any change down.
1945 L. G. Green Where Men Still Dream 173 All the animals, from the elephant and lion down to the desert mice, flourish on the speckled green melon.
1960 Spectator 14 Oct. 565 A horrifyingly plausible spiv, even down to that awful ‘scouse’ accent.
1972 Rolling Stone 7 Dec. 50/3 The screen blanks out, counts down 5–4–3–2–1, and redisplays a new battle.
2006 K. W. Bender Moneymakers x. 219 The currency conversion was prepared down to the last detail.
2009 Independent 2 Feb. (Life section) 13/3 Harem, dhoti and gaucho trousers are everywhere, from the catwalk down.
extracted from downadv.
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