

单词 do one's devoir

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to do one's devoir
1. That which one ought to do, or has to do; (one's) duty, business, appointed task. (Chiefly in to do one's devoir). archaic.
society > morality > duty or obligation > [noun] > one's duty, duties, or obligations
c1315 Shoreham 54 And ȝyf hy [clerkes] douth wel hare dever Ine thysse heritage.
c1330 R. Mannyng Chron. (1810) 71 Als knyght did his deuere [rhyme austere].
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 21901 All liueand thing on sere maners Dos þair deuer [Fairf. deuerre].
c1430 Pilgr. Lyf Manhode (1869) i. xli. 25 To do alwey my deueer.
1462 J. Daubeney in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) II. 279 Þe lordys..thynk they do ryght well her devyre and be worthey moche thanke of þe Kyng.
c1540 (?a1400) Destr. Troy 234 Do þi deuer duly as a duke nobill.
β. 1377 W. Langland Piers Plowman B. xiv. 136 Til he haue done his deuor and his dayes iourne.1487 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (St. John's Cambr.) xi. 430 Thai stalwardly sall stand, And do thair deuour [1489 Adv. dewour] as thai aw.1530 tr. Caesar Commentaryes iv. 5 Doyng the devoure of myne offyce.1552 Abp. J. Hamilton Catech. i. iii. f. 10v Do ȝour deuore and dewtie.a1605 A. Montgomerie Flyting with Polwart 443 Whan thae dames deuoutly had done their devore..Of that matter to make remained no more.1606 P. Holland tr. Suetonius Hist. Twelve Caesars 56 In the Cirque he brought forth to doe their devour Charioteers, Runners and Killers of savage beasts.γ. a1430 G. Chaucer Man of Law's Tale (MS.) (Ellesm.) Head-link 38 Thanne haue ye do your deuoir atte leeste [so Hengwrt, devoire Petw., deuer Corp. & Lansd., deuyr Camb., deuour Harl.].1485 W. Caxton tr. Thystorye & Lyf Charles the Grete sig. biiij/2 He faylled not to doo gretely hys deuoyr.1573 in J. Cranstoun Satirical Poems Reformation (1891) I. xxxix. 236 And Drurie deulie did his ful deuoir.1589 R. Greene Menaphon sig. Lv Democles commaunded the deathsman to doo his deuoyre.1608 G. Markham & L. Machin Dumbe Knight i. sig. B4 What deuoyre Drawes you within these lists?1682 N. O. tr. N. Boileau-Despréaux Lutrin ii. 16 The Rhine shall first his streams mix with the Loire, E're I forget the sence of my Devoire.1738 W. Warburton Divine Legation Moses I. 28 Exactly perform to one another the Devoirs of Citizens.1828 W. Scott Fair Maid of Perth viii, in Chron. Canongate 2nd Ser. I. 197 I think the Knight of Kinfauns will do his devoir by the burgh in peace or war.1875 W. S. Hayward Love against World 37 Did my worthy brother do his devoir as a gallant knight should?
extracted from devoirn.
to do one's devoir
2. That which one can do, (one's) utmost or best; endeavour, effort. Chiefly in to do one's devoir, to put oneself in devoir = to do what one can, to endeavour (to do something). Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > endeavour > [noun] > one's best endeavour
one's level best1851
1362 W. Langland Piers Plowman A. xii. 2 I have do my deuer þe dowel to teche.
a1475 J. Russell Bk. Nurture (Harl. 4011) in Babees Bk. (2002) i. 162 Þus y shalle do my devere To enforme yow.
1482–8 in T. Stapleton Plumpton Corr. (1839) 59 I shall put me in dever to fullfill your intent.
1537 T. Cumptun in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1827) 2nd Ser. II. 91 I have..don my debuer accordyng to the teneur of hit.
1549–62 T. Sternhold & J. Hopkins Whole Bk. Psalms xxii. 26 And those that doe their deuer To know the Lord shall prayse his name.
β. c1400 Song Roland 498 Trist us neuer If we in this mater do not our deuour.1450 Richard, Duke of York in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) II. 50 I..wol put me in deuoure for to excecute youre comaundementes.c1503 R. Arnold Chron. f. lxxxxiv/2 Lerne of me & do thy besy deuor From my folke al rauen to disseuor.1533 T. More Answere Poysened Bk. i. xxii. f. xcviiiv Wenynge that his owne deuour were in vayne.a1535 T. More Hist. Richard III in Wks. (1557) 66/1 He woold doe his vttermost deuor to set the realm in good state.1664 Floddan Field iii. 22 Your deavours here are all in vain.γ. 1470–85 T. Malory Morte d'Arthur vii. xxiii I am moche beholdynge vnto that knyght, that hath put soo his body in deuoyre to worshippe me and my courte.1509 A. Barclay Brant's Shyp of Folys (Pynson) f. ccxxxvi Doynge his deuoyr the same ay to prouyde.?c1550 tr. P. Vergil Three Bks. Eng. Hist. (1844) 15 The Duke of Bedford exhorted them to defend with all their devoire the dignitie and high reputation of King Henry.1602 J. Marston Antonios Reuenge Prol. sig. A2 May we be happie in our weake deuoyer.1671 A. Behn Forc'd Marriage i. iv. 17 No, my Erminia, quit this vain devoyre; And follow Love that may preserve us all.
extracted from devoirn.
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