

单词 dog


Brit. /dɒɡ/, U.S. /dɔɡ/, /dɑɡ/

α. Old English docga, Middle English–1500s doggue, Middle English–1600s doge, Middle English–1600s dogge, Middle English–1800s dogg, Middle English– dog, 1600s dogue, 1600s togg (Welsh English); Scottish pre-1700 dogge, pre-1700 1700s doge, pre-1700 1700s dogg, pre-1700 1700s– dog.

β. late Middle English doog, late Middle English–1600s dooge; Scottish pre-1700 doig, pre-1700 doigg, pre-1700 doog, pre-1700 doogg.

γ. 1500s–1600s dodge.

δ. Scottish pre-1700 dowge, pre-1700 1800s– doug, pre-1700 1800s– dowg.

ε. English regional 1800s– doog /dʊɡ/ (Leicestershire), 1800s– dug /dʌɡ/ (chiefly north midlands); Scottish 1800s– dug; Irish English 1800s– dug (Wexford and northern).

ζ. English regional 1800s dorg, 1800s– dawg (Hampshire), 1800s– doag (Northumberland); U.S. regional 1800s– dawg, 1800s– dorg; Caribbean 1900s– dorg; Australian 1800s– dorg.

Origin: Of unknown origin.
Etymology: Origin unknown.The word belongs to a set of words of uncertain or phonologically problematic etymology with a stem-final geminated g in Old English which is not due to West Germanic consonant gemination and therefore does not undergo assibilation. These words form both a morphological and a semantic group, as they are usually Old English weak masculine nouns and denote animals; compare frog n.1, hog n.1, pig n.1, stag n.1, Old English sugga (see haysugge n.), Old English wicga (see earwig n.), and perhaps teg n.1 It has been suggested that these words show expressive gemination, perhaps due to their being originally hypocoristic forms. (For discussion see R. M. Hogg ‘Two Geminate Consonants in Old English’ in J. Anderson Lang. Form & Ling. Variation (1982) 187–202.) For some of the words, substratal influence has also been considered (compare pig n.1). Because attestation of these words in Old English is generally rare and confined to glossaries and onomastic evidence (as in the case of dog n.1), if they are attested at all, and also because there is often a better-attested synonym (in this case, hound n.1), it seems likely that the words were stylistically marked in Old English, i.e. considered non-literary or informal. The word is attested twice as a place-name element (in the genitive plural) in a 14th-cent. copy of an Anglo-Saxon charter of 941 granting land at Buckland Newton, Dorset (doggene berwe is probably to be identified with Dogbury Hill, an ancient hill fort):a1400 ( Bounds (Sawyer 474) in W. de G. Birch Cartularium Saxonicum (1887) II. 500 Endelang stremes on doggene ford þanen up on doggene berwe.It is also perhaps attested (in the compound doggiþorn ) in a late 12th-cent. copy of another charter purportedly recording a grant of land in Gloucestershire made a959, although it is unclear whether the form here represents this word or its derivative doggy adj.:c1175 (?OE) Bounds (Sawyer 664) in W. de G. Birch Cartularium Saxonicum (1893) III. 113 Of pislege on doggiþorn, of þam þorne to eadingham.Compare also the following place names: Dogeflod , Surrey (1257; formerly Dogflood, now lost), Doggeworth , Devon (1281; now Dogsworthy), etc. Also early as an element in bynames and surnames; compare: Syward Dogheafd (a1195), Richard Doggetall' (1201), Robertus Doggefel (1201), Robertus Doggisheued (1204), etc. Compare also Roger le Doge (1296). The word occurs in a number of other European languages, considerably later than in English, and in many cases with the identifying attribute ‘English’. All of these instances probably show borrowing either directly or indirectly < English. Compare Dutch dog (16th cent.; in early modern Dutch also dogge ), German Dogge (16th cent. as dock , docke ; 17th cent. as dogg , dogge ), Swedish dogg (17th cent.), Danish dogge , dog (a1700); French dogue (15th cent. in Middle French denoting a type of hunting dog; 14th cent. as an insult used to a Frenchman by an Englishman), Spanish dogo (1644), Portuguese dogue (1789; 1727 as †dogo ), Italian dogo (19th cent.; a1712 in the diminutive doghetto ). In all of these languages the word is applied more narrowly to particular varieties of dogs, usually mastiffs. This probably reflects the types of dogs which were imported from or associated with Britain, and probably has no bearing on the early meaning of the word in English. The etymology of the English word is unknown. No likely cognates have been identified with a meaning at all close to that of the English word, and all attempted etymological explanations are extremely speculative. A word of this phonological shape is hard to explain as a regular development from a Germanic base, but nonetheless a number of attempts have been made. One attempt sees a connection with the Germanic base of dow v.1, assuming an original meaning such as ‘useful or faithful animal’, but this has not met with general acceptance. In this connection an Old English personal name Dycga is sometimes compared as a possible formal parallel from the same base, but it is quite possible that the personal name has no connection with dog n.1 Another attempted etymology takes the word ultimately from the Indo-European base probably meaning ‘run’ which is probably reflected by Sanskrit dhav- (see prothetely n.), but this poses a number of formal difficulties. Another suggestion is that the word shows a development from an Indo-European base meaning ‘to be or become unconscious’, but this involves a very large number of unattested stages in the semantic development (assuming a development ‘bundle’ > ‘cuddly bundle’ > ‘pet’ > ‘dog’), and also involves a very uncertain original base form. The β. forms (which are first attested in the second half of the 15th cent.) and the ζ. forms (which first appear only in the 19th cent., but are now characteristic of many regional varieties) apparently both show the same tendency to lengthen short ŏ before a velar, but at different times and consequently with different results (compare E. J. Dobson Eng. Pronunc. 1500–1700 (ed. 2, 1968) II. §53 note 2). The γ. forms, apparently reflecting a pronunciation with an affricate, are unexplained; it is possible that some of the Middle English spellings could reflect a similar pronunciation. The δ. forms show the development of a diphthong from an original velar glide (see A. J. Aitken & C. Macafee Older Scots Vowels (2002) §16.4); Ling. Atlas Scotl. (1986) III. 345 records pronunciations reflecting such forms from northern and north-eastern Scotland. The ε. forms (very common in Scots, especially in central Scotland) probably reflect sporadic raising of short ŏ to ŭ before g and (in most cases) subsequent unrounding to /ʌ/; the raising probably occurred in late Middle English (compare the 15th-cent. form frugge at frog n.1 and adj.), and is apparently evidenced in both dog and frog in the speech of Isaac Newton (who was born in south Lincolnshire) in the second half of the 17th cent. (see E. J. Dobson Eng. Pronunc. 1500–1700 (ed. 2, 1968) I. 249); J. Wright Eng. Dial. Gram. (1905) 407 records pronunciations with /ʊ/ (or a sound close to it) from Lancashire and Derbyshire, and with /ʌ/ from Lancashire, Derbyshire, and Devon; Ling. Atlas Eng. (1978) (Ph40) records pronunciations with /ʊ/ in two discrete pockets: one in the north-west midlands (including south Lancashire and Cheshire) and the other in the east midlands (centred on east Leicestershire, Rutland, and north Northamptonshire), and pronunciations with /ʌ/ in two further discrete pockets: one centred on Bedfordshire and the other on Devon. In sense 10 and in dog-chance n., dog-throw n. at Compounds 3a, after classical Latin canis or canīcula in similar use.
I. The animal.
a. A domesticated carnivorous mammal, Canis familiaris (or C. lupus familiaris), which typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, non-retractile claws, and a barking, howling, or whining voice, widely kept as a pet or for hunting, herding livestock, guarding, or other utilitarian purposes.Dogs are believed to have been domesticated from the wolf, C. lupus, in the Mesolithic period, and there are now numerous breeds that vary greatly in size, shape, and colour. Some now live in a wild or feral state: cf. sense 3b.Frequently in figurative contexts (in quot. OE with contemptuous reference to the torturers of St Vincent). Cf. also figurative use at sense 1b, extended uses at sense 5, and black dog n. 2.
the world > animals > mammals > group Unguiculata or clawed mammal > family Canidae > dog > [noun]
OE Prudentius Glosses (Boulogne 189) in H. D. Meritt Old Eng. Prudentius Glosses (1959) 75 Canum : docgena.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 213 His [sc. the devil's] teð beoð attri as of amad dogge. dauið iþe sauter cleopeð him dogge.
c1300 St. Michael (Laud) l. 281 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 307 A teie doggue is clib I-nov, ȝwane man comez In is siȝte.
1340 Ayenbite (1866) 66 (MED) [An evil speaker] is anlikned to þe felle dogge þet byt and beberkþ alle þo þet he may.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 13658 Þai scott him als a dog Right vte o þair synagog.
c1400 (?a1387) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Huntington HM 137) (1873) C. x. l. 261 Thi dogge dar nat berke.
c1450 in R. H. Robbins Hist. Poems 14th & 15th Cent. (1959) 186 He þat tied talbot oure doge, euyll mot he fare!
a1464 J. Capgrave Abbreuiacion of Cron. (Cambr. Gg.4.12) (1983) 221 Þei seide pleynly þat it was no more trost to þe pope writing þan to a dogge tail.
?a1475 (?a1425) in tr. R. Higden Polychron. (Harl. 2261) (1882) VIII. App. 492 (MED) There was not oon dogge that wolde breke ageyne those vulfes [sc. Lollards], but the bischop of Norwiche.
1568 E. Tilney Brief Disc. Mariage (new ed.) sig. Dviijv Dogs barke boldely at their owne maisters doore.
1586 G. Pettie & B. Yong tr. S. Guazzo Ciuile Conuersat. (rev. ed.) iv. f. 179 Like the Sheepheards good Dog.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Twelfth Night (1623) ii. iii. 136 If I thought that, Ide beate him like a dogge . View more context for this quotation
1686 A. Horneck Crucified Jesus xxii. 682 The dog teaches thee fidelity.
1733 A. Pope Ess. Man i. 118 His faithful Dog shall bear him company.
1765 D. Hume Let. 28 Dec. (1932) I. 530 His very Dog, who is no better than a Coly, has a Name and Reputation in the World.
1837 Edinb. New Philos. Jrnl. 22 69 This kind of dog..is highly prized by the Cerigots.
1869 W. P. Mackay Grace & Truth (1874) viii The dog in the East is not as here domesticated, but..outside the cities, is more like a wolf prowling for prey.
1889 R. L. Stevenson & L. Osbourne Wrong Box vii. 96 [He dropped into] a contemptuous kind of friendship. By this time..Pitman was the lawyer's dog.
a1933 J. A. Thomson Biol. for Everyman (1934) II. 1350 The first animal to be domesticated by prehistoric man was the dog, and this great event seems to have occurred in the Neolithic Age.
1968 F. Fish Let. 24 Nov. in L. Woolf Lett. (1990) 570 The sort of yapping, snapping, snarling hysterical dust-up which shows the difference between a bitch fight and a dog fight.
1984 Washington Post (Nexis) 6 May f5 With all due respect I ask you..: Call off your dogs, Mr. President.
2006 Bark Jan. 64/1 The dog has proven the most adaptable, versatile and steadfast of companions.
b. figurative. In phrases with of-complement (now frequently after the dogs of war at Phrases 11), denoting a person or personified thing likened to a dog, esp. in being vicious, watchful, subservient, or ravening.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 214 Þet þe dogge of helle cume.
1592 G. Harvey Certaine Sonnets i, in Fovr Lett. 61 Dead is the Dog of spite: I, that for pitie praised him aliue..Am not with sory carcasses to striue.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost x. 616 See with what heat these Dogs of Hell advance. View more context for this quotation
1745 J. Wesley Wks. (1872) VIII. 195 Those dogs of hell are let loose to prey upon your soul.
1825 J. Wilson Noctes Ambrosianae xix, in Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Mar. 367 Fiends ride forth a-souling, For the dogs of havock are yelping and yowling.
1837 S. Lover Handy Andy in Bentley's Misc. 1 173 Lose no time, Murphy, my boy: let loose the dogs of law on him, and harass him till he'd wish the d—l had him.
1924 ‘L. Malet’ (title) Dogs of want.
1995 Times (Nexis) 22 Mar. (Sports section) Football is surrounded by the ravenous, slavering dogs of greed.
c. With distinguishing word denoting variety or use.bull, cattle, cur, field, guide, gun, parlour, sheep, toy dog, etc.: see the first element.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 214 Þe dogge of helle..þefule cur dogge.
c1460 (?c1400) Tale of Beryn Prol. l. 633 (MED) As he souȝt his logging, he appid oppon a whelp..That lay vndir a steyir, a grete Walssh dogg, That bare a-boute his nek a grete huge clogg, Be-cause þat he was spetouse.
1516 R. Fabyan New Chron. Eng. ccxxxi. f. Civ A mastife or great curre Dogge.
1596 J. Dalrymple tr. J. Leslie Hist. Scotl. (1888) I. 20 The secund kynde of hunting dog is..a beist of a meruellous audacitie and suiftnes.
1633 T. James Strange Voy. 93 Bucke Dogs, of a very good race.
1672 J. Josselyn New-Englands Rarities 15 The Indian Dog is a Creature begotten 'twixt a Wolf and a Fox.
1813 P. Hawker Diary (1893) I. 89 My Newfoundland dog..had decamped.
1870 B. Clayton Dog-keeper's Guide 6 Field dogs are used for field purposes only.
1889 St. J. Tyrwhitt in Universal Rev. 15 Feb. 253 Society kept him..painting toy dogs.
1893 E. Carrington Dog vi. 52 Very famous cattle dogs.
1957 P. G. Wodehouse Let. 16 Dec. in Yours, Plum (1990) viii. 183 A most charming—and very boisterous—animal, who can't get it into his head that he is not a lap dog.
2006 St. John's (Newfoundland) Telegram (Nexis) 21 Jan. c9 These past seven years he hasn't been using the well-known rabbit dog, the beagle.
d. A dog kept and used for hunting; = hound n.1 2.
the world > animals > mammals > group Unguiculata or clawed mammal > family Canidae > hound > [noun]
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) l. 1839 (MED) Þey..shoten on him so don on bere Dogges..þanne men doth þe bere beyte.
a1350 in R. H. Robbins Hist. Poems 14th & 15th Cent. (1959) 28 A doseyn of doggen ne myhte hyre drawe.
c1400 (?c1390) Sir Gawain & Green Knight (1940) l. 1600 Burnez him [sc. the boar] broȝt to bent, And doggez to dethe endite.
1495 Trevisa's Bartholomeus De Proprietatibus Rerum (de Worde) xviii. ciii. sig. ggiijv/1 Suche beestys [sc. badgers]..ben huntyd and chassyd wyth hunters dogges.
?a1500 Hunting of Hare in H. Weber Metrical Romances (1810) III. 280 Ychon of hus hase a dogge or too; For grehowndes have thou no care.
1533 in tr. Erasmus Enchiridion Militis Christiani sig. G.iii, (margin) Pentheus..dyd non other thinge all his lyfe but hunte & followe dogges.
1649 E. Reynolds Israels Prayer (new ed.) iii. 38 The Dogge in hunting of the Deere.
1748 T. Salmon Foreigner's Compan. Cambr. & Oxf. i. 14 Some Gentlemen of the Town always keep a Pack of Dogs.
1823 W. Scott Quentin Durward I. ix. 237 A sounder..had..withdrawn in pursuit of him all the dogs..and the greater part of the huntsmen.
1858 Harper's Mag. Jan. 255/2 A man hunting with a fowling piece in his hand, and a pack of dogs..laid on to a turkey.
1903 A. Conan Doyle Adventures Gerard iii. 100 The dogs opened in front of me... I could hear the huntsman shouting his congratulations.
2001 Daily Tel. 26 Oct. 4/8 There might not be enough time for a Bill to ban hunting with dogs in this session of Parliament.
e. A particular kind of dog or hound. Obsolete.
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add. 27944) (1975) II. xviii. xxvi. 1168 A gentil hounde..haþ lasse fleissh þan a dogge and schorter here and more þynne.
Promptorium Parvulorum (Harl. 221) 125/1 Dogge, shyppe-herdys hownde, gregarius.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 214/2 Dogge, a mischevous curre, dogue.
f. colloquial. With the, in plural. Greyhounds; (hence) greyhound racing, or a greyhound race meeting. to go to the dogs: to attend a greyhound race meeting (sometimes with punning allusion to Phrases 7b).
the world > animals > mammals > group Unguiculata or clawed mammal > family Canidae > hound > [noun] > greyhound > kinds of or used for specific purpose
side lay1575
Newmarket greyhound1856
harlequin greyhound1883
1898 Evening News (Lincoln, Nebraska) 4 Feb. 5/2 There are lots of people interested who are not betting on the dogs.
1927 Daily Mail 28 July 7/4 ‘Going to the dogs’ has..lost..its old suggestion of a descent to dissipation and ruin. Since greyhound racing at the White City..came into existence the expression has suggested a good adventure.
1934 C. Brooks Jrnl. 1 July (1998) 63 ‘I don't believe,’ he said ‘that if a man or a woman goes to the dogs or the races they are necessarily going to ruin themselves.’
1948 G. Frost Flying Squad xv. 175 Doping, swindling, thuggery and even forgery have been practised at the dogs, but I believe the spiv aspect of greyhound racing is much exaggerated.
1959 Economist 13 June 1016/3 He..failed his Bar examinations because he preferred horse-racing, the ‘dogs’ and dancing.
2001 Palm Beach (Florida) Post (Nexis) 9 Mar. tgif 24 I limited my betting to the dogs, while my husband concentrated on the Gulfstream horse races.
2. As a way of distinguishing sex: a male dog, as opposed to a female one; contrasted with bitch n.1 1. Also: a male of various other carnivorous mammals, as the fox, wolf, bear, ferret, or seal.Frequently attributive: see Compounds 2b.
the world > animals > mammals > group Unguiculata or clawed mammal > family Canidae > hound > [noun] > male
dog hound1687
c1450 in W. R. Dawson Leechbk. (1934) 184 (MED) Giff it [sc. nettle seed] to a dogge that goþe assaut, and he will forsake the biche, and she will go wode.
1577 B. Googe tr. C. Heresbach Foure Bks. Husbandry iii. f. 154v The Dogge is thought better then the Bitch.
1686 R. Blome Gentlemans Recreation ii. xxiii. 61/2 It is left to your own discretion to have any of the Dogs gelt, or the Bitches spaid.
1768 G. Washington Writings (1889) II. 248 Four puppys, that is 3 dogs and a bitch.
1772 in G. Cartwright Jrnl. Resid. Coast Labrador (1792) I. 216 [I] saw the fresh tracks of three white-bears; a dog, a bitch, and her cub.
1842 J. B. Jukes Excurs. Newfoundland I. 314 If they can once kill the female [hooded seal],..the dog will not go far from the spot.
1882 Society 21 Oct. 19/2 If this is your fox, Jack, he's an unmistakable old dog.
1888 Ferrets & Ferreting (ed. 2) ii. 12 This court..permits of the dogs being kept separate from the jills.
1890 Sat. Rev. 1 Feb. 134/2 The man who knows and loves his hound only uses the word dog, as he does the word bitch, to denote sex.
1922 R. Leighton Compl. Bk. Dog xxii. 344 There are few troubles of the genital organs that need attention in either dog or bitch.
1996 J. Morgan Debrett's New Guide Etiquette & Mod. Manners 280 A male fox is known as a dog and a female as a vixen.
2006 Sporting Gun Dec. 148/3 (advt.) Black labradoodle pups, dogs and bitches, mother from working strain.
3. With distinguishing word.
a. Any of various unrelated mammals seen as resembling the dog in some respect.flying, pouched, prairie, river, sea, water dog, etc.: see the first element.
1576 A. Fleming tr. J. Caius Eng. Dogges 19 Both Ælianus, and Ælius, call the Beauer Κὖνα [sic] ποτάμιον a water dogge, or a dogge fishe.
1646 Sir T. Browne Pseudodoxia Epidemica 114 Ætius..prescribeth the stones of the Otter, or River-dog, as succedaneous unto Castoreum. View more context for this quotation
1796 J. G. Stedman Narr. Exped. Surinam II. xxii. 142 The vampire..of Guiana..is also called the flying-dog of New Spain.
1879 G. B. Goode Catal. Coll. Animal Resources & Fisheries U.S.: Internat. Exhib. 1876 (Bull. U.S. National Mus. No. 14) 5 Zalophus Gillespiei... The Sea Dog. Pacific Coast.
1939 Helena (Montana) Independent 13 Aug. 12/6 The Tasmanian wolf, or pouched dog, is sometimes called the zebra wolf.
2000 Nature Conservancy July 8/2 The prairie dog is what some ecologists believe to be a keystone species.
b. Any of various wild or feral members of the dog family ( Canidae).bush, hunting, native, pariah, pye, raccoon, red, wild dog, etc.: see the first element.
1780 I. Munro Let. Mar. in Narr. Mil. Operations (1789) iv. 36 A species of the common cur, called a pariar dog.
1838 Penny Cycl. XII. 371/1 The animal..he describes under the name of Lycaon, the Hunting Dog.
1890 A. Conan Doyle Sign of Four xii. 231 I found it was Dawson's wife, all cut into ribbons, and half eaten by jackals and native dogs.
1957 P. J. Darlington Zoogeogr. vi. 394 Cuon (the Dhole or Red Dog), widely distributed in southern and eastern Asia.
2002 J. Cunliffe Encycl. Dog Breeds (new ed.) 68/2 Others include the African wild dog, also called the Cape hunting dog and African hunting dog.
c. Originally U.S. regional. With distinguishing word: an aquatic salamander; esp. any of several smaller relatives of the mud puppy, Necturus maculosus.river, water dog: see the first element.
the world > animals > amphibians > order Urodela or Caudata > [noun] > family Proteidae (mudpuppies) > genus Menobranchus or Necturus > necturus maculosus (mud-puppy)
water dog1832
mud puppy1877
1859 J. R. Bartlett Dict. Americanisms (ed. 2) 502 Water-dogs, the Western name for various species of salamanders;..sometimes called Water-puppies and Ground-puppies.
1876 G. B. Goode Classif. Coll. Illustr. Animal Resources U.S. 13 Proteida. (River-dogs, hell-benders.)
1949 Amer. Photogr. Sept. 593/1 The best known is probably the common mud puppy or water dog (Necturus maculosus).
1984 P. Matthiessen Indian Country vi. 189 The pool was..teeming with dragonflies and torpid salamanders—‘water dogs’.
4. Chiefly English regional. Any of various dogfishes and small sharks. Usually with distinguishing word.miller's, picked, ray, sea, spur-dog, etc.: see the first element.
the world > animals > fish > subclass Elasmobranchii > order Pleurotremata > [noun] > miscellaneous types of
picked dog1673
picked dogfish1740
piked dogfish1805
shovel head1881
puff shark1902
whaler shark1937
the world > animals > fish > subclass Elasmobranchii > order Pleurotremata > [noun] > family Scyliorhinidae > member of genus Galeus
thornback dog1668
black-mouthed dogfish1836
miller's dog1836
penny dog1836
the world > animals > fish > subclass Elasmobranchii > order Pleurotremata > [noun] > member of family Squalidae
spine shark1836
1673 J. Ray Coll. Eng. Words 98 Picked Dogs, Catulus spinax.
1740 R. Brookes Art of Angling lxii. 182 The Smooth or Unpricky Hound..has a Fin between the Pair at the Vent and the Tail, which the Picked Dog has not.
1848 C. A. Johns Week at Lizard 241 I..fished in five or six different spots..there were ‘dogs’, as they are called, everywhere..but nothing else.
1860 J. G. Wood Reptiles, Fishes, Insects 71 The destructive..fish..known by the names of..Penny Dog, or Miller's Dog.
1861 J. Couch Hist. Fishes Brit. Islands I. 49 The Picked Dog is the smallest but far the most abundant of the British Sharks.
1924 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) B. 212 8 The spines of the dorsal fins of the spiny dog-fish (Acanthias vulgaris). (The ‘picked dog’ or ‘spur dog’.)
1972 A. Wrangles Inshore Sport Fishing v. 117 Lesser spotted dogfish... Local names. Sandy dog, dogger, rough hound, blind Jimmy, huss, etc.
2005 Sea Angler Mar. 101 Bull huss do not move in shoals like spurdog.
II. Extended uses.
5. Denoting a person or thing (with varying degrees of contempt or admiration).
a. As a term of reproach or abuse: a worthless or contemptible person; a wretch, a cur. Now chiefly literary.In early use sometimes applied to the Devil: see quot. ?c1225 at sense 1a.
society > morality > moral evil > evil nature or character > lack of magnanimity or noble-mindedness > [noun] > worthlessness > good-for-nothing person
naughty pack?1534
hard bargain1612
piss artist1962
dead leg1964
c1330 (?a1300) Richard Coer de Lyon (Auch.) l. 126 in Englische Studien (1885) 8 117 (MED) Drisses now ȝour mangunel..& scheteþ to hem wiþ alblast, Þe teyled doggen to agast.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1963) 2 Kings xvi. 9 Abisai..seide to þe kyng, whi curseth þis dogge to diynge to my lord þe kyng?
a1450 (?a1300) Richard Coer de Lyon (Caius) (1810) l. 4518 Jhon Doyly..slowgh hym..And sayde: ‘Dogge, ther thou ly!’
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. xiv. 159 To fell those fatures I am bowne, And dystroy those dogys in feyld and towne.
1600 W. Shakespeare Merchant of Venice i. iii. 126 You spurnd me such a day another time, You calld me dogge . View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 1 (1623) i. iii. 2 What men haue I? Dogges, Cowards, Dastards. View more context for this quotation
1653 H. Cogan tr. F. M. Pinto Voy. & Adventures xx. 72 Such feeble slaves, as these Christian Dogs.
1712 J. Addison Spectator No. 530. ¶4 Had not my Dog the Steward run away as he did, without making up his Accounts.
1767 ‘A. Barton’ Disappointment i. i. 13 Deliver the papers—Deliver the papers, you dog!
1819 W. Scott Ivanhoe I. viii. 139 Dog of an unbeliever..darest thou press upon a Christian?
1880 Ld. Tennyson Revenge ii, in Ballads & Other Poems 29 If I left them..To these Inquisition dogs and the devildoms of Spain.
1936 M. R. Anand Coolie iii. 141 ‘Keep quiet, you swine!’ said the sergeant waving the cane... ‘Take this, you dog!’
2005 T. Hall Salaam Brick Lane ii. 30 ‘Get out of my shop this instant, you dog!’ he shouted at me.
b. With modifying adjective (in playful reproof, congratulation, or commiseration): a fellow, a chap. Also: (without adjective) a lively or rakish person.See also dirty dog n. at dirty adj. and adv. Compounds 3, gay dog n. at gay adj., adv., and n. Compounds 2a, lucky dog n. at lucky adj. Compounds, old dog n. at old adj. Compounds 6, sad dog n. (b) at sad adj., n., and adv. Compounds 2.
the world > people > person > man > [noun]
mother bairnc1225
mother sona1250
mister mana1325
man of mouldc1330
mother's sona1470
son of a bitch1697
son of a gun1708
prairie dog1897
rye mush1936
the world > action or operation > manner of action > vigour or energy > [noun] > vigour or liveliness > vigorous or lively person
society > morality > moral evil > licentiousness > profligacy, dissoluteness, or debauchery > [noun] > person
gay blade1750
1597 W. Shakespeare Richard II v. v. 70 And how comest thou hither, Where no man neuer comes, but that sad dog, That brings me foode. View more context for this quotation
a1618 Q. Anne Let. to Buckingham in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1824) 1st Ser. III. 101 My kind Dog..You doe verie well in lugging the Sowes eare [sc. James I], and I..would have yow doe so still upon condition that yow continue a watchfull dog to him.
1682 T. D'Urfey Royalist iv. i. 37 I would have him secur'd, that I might know where to find the young Dog.
1719 D. Defoe Life Robinson Crusoe 104 I was an unfortunate Dog.
1843 C. Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit (1844) xii. 147 He has come into his property... He's a lucky dog.
1846 ‘Lord Chief Baron’ Swell's Night Guide (new ed.) 112/1 Bon vivant, a choice spirit, a jolly dog.
1847 C. Dickens Dombey & Son (1848) xxvi. 266 Well! we are gay dogs, there's no denying.
1909 J. R. Ware Passing Eng. Victorian Era 113/1 An Irishman has always been ‘a dog at a ballad’.
1952 M. Kennedy Troy Chimneys 16 George is an affectionate brother, but he was always a dull dog.
1994 L. Block Long Line Dead Men (1995) xx. 210 His wife had been bothered by someone calling and hanging up... It was a girlfriend of his... ‘You dog, you,’ Gerry Billings said.
c. slang (chiefly U.S., Australian, and New Zealand). A person who betrays his or her associates; an informer. Frequently in to turn (also play) dog.
society > morality > duty or obligation > recognition of duty > undutifulness > treachery > [noun] > treacherous person
1846 National Police Gaz. (U.S.) 21 Feb. 210/2 Dick White has been playing the ‘dog’, and he and the ‘coppers’ are now within ten minutes of the house.
1888 ‘R. Boldrewood’ Robbery under Arms I. v. 69 Are you going to turn dog, now you know the way in?
1901 E. Dyson Gold Stealers xix. 231 ‘Tell me how you come to be in the Stream drive that night.’ Dick..answered nothing. ‘Come on, old man, I won't turn dog.’
1908 N.Z. Truth 4 Apr. 5 It was a very contemptible thing..for Machray to ‘turn dog’ on his mates.
1969 Telegraph (Brisbane) 11 Oct. 1/1 A ‘dog’ is the term applied by prisoners to fellow-prisoners who turn informer.
1992 N.Y. Times Mag. 26 Apr. 18/3 A yellow dog, in the latest gangland slang, is an informer or rat.
d. Short for bulldog n. 2. Obsolete.Apparently an isolated use.
society > law > law enforcement > law-enforcement or peace-officer > [noun] > university policeman
1847 Ld. Tennyson Princess Prol. 6 He had climb'd across the spikes,..he had breathed the Proctor's dogs.
e. School slang. A lookout; short for watchdog n. Now rare.
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > one who sees > [noun] > watcher or look-out
night watcha1400
lookout man1787
the world > action or operation > safety > protection or defence > watching or keeping guard > [noun] > one who watches or keeps guard
security man1662
1870 Chambers's Jrnl. Oct. 676/1 The boys withdrew..to read the forbidden prints, three taking their turn at a time, whilst three more ‘played dog’—that is, stood ready to bark a warning should a pion be seen approaching.
1959 I. Opie & P. Opie Lore & Lang. Schoolchildren xvii. 373 In Kirkcaldy watch-dog [i.e., a boy keeping lookout] becomes either ‘watchie’ or ‘dog’.
f. slang (originally U.S.). Chiefly Horse Racing. A horse that is slow, worthless, or difficult to handle.Cf. dog horse n. at Compounds 3a.
the world > animals > mammals > group Ungulata (hoofed) > family Equidae (general equines) > temperament > [noun] > stubborn or stupid
1893 in G. Ade Chicago Stories (1941) 10 That settles it, Steve; it's the last time I'll ever play that dog.
1899 C. L. Cullen Tales of Ex-tanks 82 ‘The dog ran a rank last the last time out!’ said the ticket-writer.
1945 S. J. Baker Austral. Lang. ix. 175 A dog is a horse difficult to handle.
1955 T. Rattigan Separate Tables: Table by Window iii Is it going to be dry at Newbury?.. Walled Garden's a dog on heavy going.
1958 J. Hislop From Start to Finish xii. 132 A ‘dog’ means a horse who cannot be relied upon to do his best..a horse may be a ‘dog’ because there is something wrong with him.
2001 N.Y. Post (Nexis) 22 Oct. 56 City Zip breezed an easy five furlongs..around the ‘dogs’ over the inner turf course.
g. slang (originally U.S.). A thing of poor quality; something worthless or inferior; a failure, a ‘dud’.
the mind > goodness and badness > inferiority or baseness > inferior thing > [noun]
cold roast?1406
short end1560
neck beefa1777
1917 P. G. Wodehouse in Vanity Fair July 37 There is no doubt about the spuriousness of ‘Old Friends’ [sc. a play]—it is a dog of the worst description.
1929 T. Gordon Born to Be 170 He insisted upon me singing it... During rehearsal, we tried to show him it was a dog.
1952 N.Y. Times Bk. Rev. 10 Aug. 8/3 ‘[The book will have] a record-breaking sale.’ ‘Yes, unless of course the book turns out to be a dog.’
1968 L. O'Donnell Face of Crime ix. 118 I'd be a fool not to take advantage. I had a real dog on my hands.
1970 New Yorker 15 Aug. 65/1 Audiences are in a mess... They don't know what they want... So many movies are dogs.
2001 T. Winton Dirt Music (2003) 17 Surfers, dopeheads, deviants, dreamers..sensed that the town was a dog but the landscape got its hooks in and people stayed.
h. slang (derogatory, usually considered offensive). Originally U.S. An unattractive woman or girl. Also (occasionally): an unattractive man.
1937 J. Weidman I can get it for you Wholesale xxi. 203 I don't like to have a bunch of dogs floating around. While I'm at it, I might as well hire something with a well-turned ass and a decently uplifted tit.
1948 I. Shaw Young Lions xix. 345 She had fat legs and the seams of her stockings were crooked, as always. Why is it, Lewis thought automatically, why is it the dogs are the ones that join up?
1968 C. F. Baker et al. College Undergraduate Slang Study (typescript, Brown Univ.) Dog, an ugly person, male. An ugly person, female.
1997 Cosmopolitan (U.K. ed.) Aug. 66/1 Pretty well anyone could have stood next to the guys in Take That and looked like a dog. They were great-looking guys.
2003 K. Corum Other Woman 20 ‘If she's a dog, I am going to be so pissed off at you.’ ‘Arthur, this is not a date.’
6. Scottish. A type of early cannon. Obsolete.
society > armed hostility > military equipment > weapon > device for discharging missiles > firearm > piece of artillery > [noun] > other pieces of ordnance
seven sistersa1529
chamber piece1547
long shot1595
quarter piece1625
carriage gun1723
wire gun1860
motor cannon1889
Black Maria1914
Jack Johnson1914
c1550 Complaynt Scotl. (1979) vi. 33 Mak reddy ȝour cannons,..bersis, doggis, doubil bersis, hagbutis of croche.
1560 in T. C. Wade Acta Curiae Admirallatus Scotiae (1937) 143 Sevin pecis of ordinance callit dowbill doggis with xiiij chalmeris pertenand thairto.
1650 Art. Reddition Edinb. Castle 28 short brasse munkeys alias dogs.
7. Astronomy. Either of two constellations situated near Orion, Canis Major and Canis Minor; (also) the brightest star of each of these constellations, Sirius (= Dog Star n. 1) and Procyon respectively. Chiefly (now only) with distinguishing word. Great, Lesser, Little Dog: see the first element.
the world > the universe > constellation > Southern constellations > [noun] > Canis Major
the world > the universe > constellation > Southern constellations > [noun] > Canis Minor
1551 T. Wilson Rule of Reason sig. Eij I would deuide this word, Canis, into a dog, a fish of the sea, and a starre in the Elemente, thus might I say, Canis is either a dog that liueth vpon the yearth, or els a starre in the elemente.]
1556 R. Record Castle of Knowl. 268 Northe almost from this Dogge is ther a constellation of 2 only starres named Canicula, the lesser Dogge.
1577 B. Googe tr. C. Heresbach Foure Bks. Husbandry iv. f. 180 The rysing of the starres, cheefely the Dogge shining out early in the morning.
1619 F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher Maides Trag. iv. sig. G4 The burnt aire when the dog raines.
1675 E. Sherburne tr. M. Manilius Sphere 32 Next after whom with rapid Motion bent, (No Star than that 'gainst Earth more violent) The fierce Dog runs.
1718 N. Rowe tr. Lucan Pharsalia 428 'Till the hot Dog inflames the Summer Skies.
1839 D. Olmsted Compend. Astron. iii. i. 245 The Whale, Orion, the Greater and Lesser Dog, Hydra, and the Crow.
1923 Times 1 Nov. 20/3 Procyon, the lesser Dog, called so in distinction to Sirius, the greater Dog.
8. [Perhaps originally after Anglo-Norman and Middle French chenet (1290 in Old French; also denoting a small dog; < chien dog + -et -et suffix1), probably so called on account of their appearance.] A metal rest or support placed in or near a fireplace: (a) Usually in plural. One of a pair of iron or brass devices placed one on each side of a fireplace to support burning wood; = andiron n., fire dog n. at fire n. and int. Compounds 2a. (b) A similar support for a dog grate or stove. (c) A rest for fire irons.
the world > matter > properties of materials > temperature > heat > heating or making hot > that which or one who heats > [noun] > a device for heating or warming > devices for heating buildings, rooms, etc. > hearth or fireplace > andiron or fire-dog
dog iron1534
fire dog1751
1587 in M. A. Havinden Househ. & Farm Inventories Oxfordshire (1965) 245 An olde cast dogge to houlde upp the woode in the fire.
1596 in Unton Inventories (1841) 5 One paire of dogges in the Chymly.
a1661 T. Fuller Worthies (1662) i. 24 The Iron-Doggs bear the burthen of the fuel, while the Brasen-Andirons stand only for state.
1663 S. Pepys Diary 7 Sept. (1971) IV. 301 Buying several things at the Ironmongers: dogs, tongs, and Shovells.
1760 W. Maine in B. Franklin Exper. & Observ. Electr. (1769) 423 The iron dogs, loggerhead and iron pot were not hurt.
1826 W. Scott Woodstock I. iii. 81 The andirons, or dogs..for retaining the blazing fire-wood on the hearth.
1862 H. Aïdé Carr of Carrlyon I. 140 The wood fire..burnt cheerfully on great brass dogs upon the hearthstone.
1875 Daily News 8 Apr. 2/1 (advt.) Benham & Sons' Dog-Stoves and Dogs.
1890 A. C. Swinburne Stud. Prose & Poetry 221 The huge fireplace with its dragon-like dogs.
1897 N.E.D. (at cited word) Ironfounders' Catal., Dog stoves..fine polished brass dogs..fire basket sloping forward at the top.
1989 Times (Nexis) 11 Feb. Each dog had a tall upright..at the front, joined by a bar to a foot at the back. A grid of loose-fitting bars linked the dogs together.
2001 Oxoniensia 65 69 The hearth itself has an iron grate supported on iron dogs.
9. Any of various visible atmospheric or meteorological phenomena. Chiefly with distinguishing word.rain, sea, sun, water dog, etc.: see the first element.
1635 L. Foxe North-west Fox sig. Y4 This evening Sun dog, I hope may bring some change to our good.
1698 S. Sewall Diary 15 Feb. (1878) I. 471 Remarkable Sun-dogs and a Rainbow were seen.
1710 God's Wonders in Great Deep (ed. 3) 11 There appeared the lower-most end of a Rainbow, which the Mariners call a Sea-Dog, and look upon it as portentous.
1766 L. Carter Diary 23 July (1965) I. 319 We had three distinct sun dogs which is the usual sign for great rain.
1780 W. Shaw Galic & Eng. Dict. I. at Fadadh-cruaidh Part of a rainbow in blustering weather, which sailors call a dog.
1825 J. Jamieson Etymol. Dict. Sc. Lang. Suppl. (at cited word) The dog has no variety of colours, but is of a dusky white.
1867 W. H. Smyth & E. Belcher Sailor's Word-bk. Stubb, or Dogg, the lower part of a rainbow visible towards the horizon, and betokening squally weather..On the banks of Newfoundland they are considered precursors of clearer weather, and termed fog-dogs.
1869 Londsdale Gloss. Dog, a partial rainbow. ‘A dog at night is the farmer's delight.’
1892 W. Pike Barren Ground N. Canada 97 Often a sun-dog is the first thing to appear, and more or less of these attendants accompany the sun during his short stay above the horizon.
1910 H. de V. Stacpoole Blue Lagoon III. xvi. 122 Torrential showers followed by bursts of sunshine, rainbows, and rain-dogs in the sky.
1995 J. M. Sims-Kimbrey Wodds & Doggerybaw: Lincs. Dial. Dict. 79/2 Dogs... Small, much darker clouds, chasing behind fluffy white ones, like Border Collies driving a flock of sheep.
2001 J. McGowan Echoes Savage Land iv. 119 A ‘weather gall’ or ‘dog’ (short horizontal rainbow segment) to the left of the setting sun meant broken weather.
10. Dice (chiefly Ancient History). Short for dog-chance n., dog-throw n. at Compounds 3a. Obsolete.
society > leisure > entertainment > pastimes > game > games of chance > dice-playing > [noun] > throw > lowest or losing throw
dog's throw1834
1671 H. M. tr. Erasmus Colloquies 441 That the throw Cous was a lucky one, and the dog was unfortunate.
1911 Encycl. Britannica VIII. 177/1 The emperor Augustus wrote..concerning a game that he had played with his friends: ‘Whoever threw a dog or a six paid a denarius to the bank for every die.’
1929 P. Barry John v. 146 Hey, gimme those dice! I seen that! You threw a dog.
11. In Chinese and East Asian astrology: (the name of) the eleventh sign of the zodiac. In later use also: a person born under this sign.
the world > the universe > celestial sphere > zone of celestial sphere > [noun] > Zodiac > sign of zodiac
signs of the zodiac?1533
star sign1894
1723 J. Darby tr. S. Ali Hist. Timur-Bec I. ii. i. 131 This great action happening in the year of the Dog, one of the twelve years of the Mogul calendar.
1843 Penny Cycl. XXVII. 799/2 The rat, the bull,..the dragon,..the dog, and the hog are names supposed to be given, both in China and Japan, to the zodiacal signs; but it is more probable that they are applied to the twelve years of a cycle which is frequently used in the East.
1889 J. J. Rein Industries of Japan ii. i. 323 The Chinese zodiac consists of the Rat, Bull, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Serpent, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Cock, Dog and Wild Boar.
1913 Young People Oct. 20/2 A Chinaman will sometimes even yet tell he was born in the dragon year or in the dog year.
1988 S. White New Astrol. 68 Dogs are often found in jobs where helping others makes up a large part of their responsibility.
2002 E. Moran et al. Compl. Idiots Guide Feng Shui (ed. 2) ii. vii. 278 Famous Dogs: Sir Winston Churchill, Harry Houdini, Elvis Presley... Of all the signs in the Chinese zodiac, the dog is the most likeable.
2006 Time Out N.Y. 26 Jan. 105/1 Celebrate the year of the dog..with the Asian Pacific Alliance of New York.
12. Any of various coins of low value, spec. a copper coin formerly used in some parts of the West Indies. Cf. black dog n. 1. Now historical.
society > trade and finance > money > medium of exchange or currency > coins collective > [noun] > a coin
cross and (or) pilea1393
cross and pilea1625
?1790 J. M. Adair Unanswerable Arguments against Abolition Slave Trade ii. 95 It is not worth a black dog (the lowest coin) because it is not sterling.]
1811 P. Kelly Universal Cambist I. 435 There are here [i.e. on the English Leeward Islands] small copper coins, called Stampes, Dogs, and Half Dogs.
1867 W. H. Smyth & E. Belcher Sailor's Word-bk. 255 Dogg. A small silver coin of the West Indies, six of which make a bitt.
1888 Star 18 Feb. 1/4 Fees..are paid in old Spanish dollars..and in ‘dogs’ or French coppers struck in the reign of Louis XVI. for Cayenne.
1970 B. Hobson & R. Obojski Illustr. Encycl. World Coins (1971) 434 Before New Netherlands was lost to the English in 1664, one type of coin which came over in fair quantity was the ‘dog’, actually a lion dollar.
13. slang (originally U.S.). Boastful or pretentious manner or attitude; flashiness, ‘side’.From to put on (the) dog at Phrases 20.
the mind > emotion > pride > pretension to superiority > [noun]
lady aira1637
with an air1701
high and mightiness1771
superiority complex1921
1871 L. H. Bagg Four Years at Yale 44 Dog, style, splurge.
1889 W. D. Howells Hazard New Fortunes I. 267 He's made the thing awfully chic; it's jimminy; there's lots of dog about it.
1915 R. Kipling Fringes of Fleet 36 Ah! That's the King of the Trawlers. Isn't he carrying dog, too! Give him room!
1950 W. Stevens Let. 20 Feb. (1967) 670 Sweeney is completely without side or dog.
1975 D. J. Murphy T. J. Ryan 428 Billy Demaine, President of the QCE, spoke of Ryan personally... ‘There was “no dog” about Tom Ryan.’
14. slang. Usually in plural. In early use: a sausage (see quot. 1948). Later (chiefly U.S.): short for hot dog n. 1b.
the world > food and drink > food > dishes and prepared food > sausage > [noun]
small goods1716
German duck1785
1891 J. S. Farmer Slang II. 303 Dogs... (university) sausages.
1892 Paterson (New Jersey) Daily Press 31 Dec. 5/2 The ‘hot dog’ was quickly inserted in a gash in a roll, a dash of mustard also splashed on to the ‘dog’ with a piece of flat whittled stick, and the order was fulfilled.
1906 T. Beyer Amer. Battleship 199 We often have dorgs..for breakfast.
1948 E. Partridge et al. Dict. Forces' Slang 59 Dog, a sausage, from its alleged contents.
1959 I. Opie & P. Opie Lore & Lang. Schoolchildren ix. 163 Sausages are ‘bangers’..or ‘dogs’.
1962 R. Houk & C. Dexter Ballplayers are Human, Too 104 I'd gobble the dogs, gulp the Coke.
2004 C. Lee Aloft iii. 70 A cookout of burgers and dogs.
15. Nautical. Short for dogwatch n.
society > travel > travel by water > one who travels by water or sea > sailor > [noun] > crew > watch > period of a watch > specific
morning watch1598
graveyard watch1927
1893 M. Pemberton Iron Pirate 151 Towards the second bell in the second ‘dog’ there was a change.
1952 Mariner's Mirror 38 152 The 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. watch, now called the ‘Last Dog’ in the Royal Navy and ‘Second Dog’ in the Merchant Navy.
2000 R. Mayne Lang. Sailing 92 The dog watches are the two half watches of two hours each..: known as ‘first dog’ and ‘second dog’ they were in use by the seventeenth century.
16. Originally U.S. A foot. Usually in plural.It has been suggested that this is short for dog's meat, used as rhyming slang for feet, but there is very little evidence for such a use.
the world > life > the body > external parts of body > limb > extremities > foot > [noun]
plate of meat1887
1913 N.Y. Evening Jrnl. 7 July 13 Waitin for my sore dog to heal up.
1916 J. Lait Beef, Iron & Wine 118 Keepin' on my dogs so I won' freeze to death.
1924 P. G. Wodehouse Leave it to Psmith x. 211 You'll pick up your dogs and run round as quick as you can make it.
1939 M. Dickens One Pair of Hands x. 169 I feel more like goin' to bed and sleeping for a week than prancing round the ballroom on me poor dogs.
1939 J. Steinbeck Grapes of Wrath vi. 56 We ain't gonna walk no eight miles..to-night. My dogs is burned up.
1998 Star-Ledger (Newark, New Jersey) 17 July 30 I'm still having trouble with the false eyelashes. And my dogs are hurting from the high heels.
17. British slang. [Short for dog and bone n. at Compounds 3a.] A telephone.
society > communication > telecommunication > telegraphy or telephony > telephony > telephone equipment > [noun] > telephone
telephone instrument1844
telephone set1884
the horn1945
satellite telephone1961
satellite phone1982
1979 R. Barker Fletcher's Bk. Rhyming Slang 21 I'd just come out the battle And was looking for a dog.
1990 J. Haselden Only Fools & Horses: Trotter Way to Millions ix. 151 Rodney was unwrapping a take-away cheeseburger and I was on the dog to Spiros down the Lord Byron Doner Inn.
1997 G. Williams Diamond Geezers viii. 61 ‘We can't decide whether to have Johnny Walker Black Label or Glenfiddich in the bar,’ shouted Ron. ‘What do you fucking think? Now get on the fucking dog.’
2001 G. Bushell Face i. 16 And the bollocks you'd 'ear people saying on the dog, y'know.
III. Specialized uses, denoting various mechanical devices for gripping or holding, typically having or consisting of a tooth or claw.
18. A heavy clamp for supporting something (e.g. part of a building), or fastening or holding it in place.
society > occupation and work > equipment > clutching or gripping equipment > [noun] > clamp > other clamps
side hook1813
1373 in J. Raine Inventories & Acct. Rolls Benedictine Houses Jarrow & Monk-Wearmouth (1854) 63 (MED) j hak, j mattok, j dog.
1382 in J. Raine Inventories & Acct. Rolls Benedictine Houses Jarrow & Monk-Wearmouth (1854) 70 (MED) iij stanaxis, ij torthys, ij doggys.
1458–60 Anc. Churchwardens' Accts. in Brit. Mag. (1847) 31 249 To Barnard the Smyth for x doggs of Iryn for the Steple weying lxx lb.
1470 in C. L. Kingsford Stonor Lett. & Papers (1919) I. 106 (MED) ij dogges of Iren for the corne mylle.
1552 R. Huloet Abcedarium Anglico Latinum Dogge of yron to claspe a house from fletyng.
1652 W. Blith Eng. Improver Improved xxxi. 210 As a Buttress to support it, and may be as serviceable as an Iron dog as many use.
1892 Law Times Rep. 65 582/1 The posts of the gantry stand on planks, and are fixed thereto by iron dogs and dowels.
1912 F. A. Talbot Great Canad. Railway 139 Large gangs of men were fashioning the ‘bents’, as the sections are called, securing the members firmly together by heavy iron dogs.
1975 Bull. Assoc. Preserv. Technol. 7 49 (heading) Shutter holdbacks (shutter dogs).
1995 S. Allen Making Workbenches v. 67/1 You can use these dogs..to clamp items with curves and odd shapes.
a. A grappling iron with a spike for clutching an object to be hoisted (as a log or a barrel), or for driving into a log to secure it for sawing, transportation, etc. Cf. doghook n. 2a, timber-dog n. at timber n.1 Compounds 2.
society > occupation and work > equipment > clutching or gripping equipment > [noun] > grappling-iron
1538 Bk. Court Counsale 20 May in Proc. Soc. Antiquaries Scotl. (1856) 2 403 Mr Dawe Borthwick, captaine of Tantallan, borrowit fra the towne of Hadingtoune..ane dog, a pair of clipis [etc.].
1591 Edinb. Dean of Guild Accts. 459 in Dict. Older. Sc. Tongue (at cited word) For ane dog off irne to heis vp the grit stanes with.
1661 in D. Yaxley Researcher's Gloss. Hist. Documents E. Anglia (2003) 66 Groundseele & stoods & boockes & sparres & dogs.
1735 W. Pardon Dyche's New Gen. Eng. Dict. Dog,..also an Utensil for Coopers to carry large Casks between two Persons.
1825 J. Jamieson Etymol. Dict. Sc. Lang. Suppl. Dogs, pieces of iron, having a zigzag form, for fixing a tree in the saw-pit.
1879 Lumberman's Gaz. 15 Oct. If, in sawing a butt log, one end of the stick is set out from the standard, our Dog will reach it and hold it firmly in its place.
1922 R. C. Bryant Lumber iii. 33 A dog on one end of a short chain is driven into the log.
2004 Oregonian (Portland, Oregon) (Nexis) 9 Feb. a1 The railway lanterns and rafting dogs—pointed eyelets hammered into logs so they could be lashed into rafts—that Mac used to sell on the road.
b. Mining. A grappling iron for clutching and withdrawing props or tools used in well-boring or mining. Obsolete.
1747 W. Hooson Miners Dict. sig. D For drawing up the Rods, we have..an Iron Instrument called a Bitch, and for unscrewing them, two more we call Dogs.
1881 Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Engineers 1880–1 9 152 Lifting-dog, a claw-hook for grasping a column of bore-rods while raising or lowering them.
1899 Times 12 Aug. 12/1 Many accidents which now occur from the drawing of timber [from mines] would be obviated if the use of the..‘dog and chain’..were made compulsory.
20. An instrument for extracting teeth. Obsolete. rare.
the world > health and disease > healing > dentistry > [noun] > instruments for extracting teeth
screw pelican1688
key instrument1762
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues Pelican,..a Snap, or Dog, the toole wherewith Barbers pull out teeth.
21. Firearms. = dog-head n. 1a. Now historical and rare. [Probably after either French chien (late 16th cent. in Middle French in this sense), Spanish cán (1599 in Minsheu), or Italian cane (1611 in Florio).]
society > armed hostility > military equipment > weapon > device for discharging missiles > firearm > parts and fittings of firearms > [noun] > lock > hammer
a1679 P. Monckton in Monckton Papers (1884) 36 I immediately..clapt hold of the dog of the blunderbus.
c1686 R. Law Memorialls (1818) 225 He lets fall the dog, the pistoll goes off.
1829 London Jrnl. Arts & Sci. 2 221 Very many of the dangers to which we are exposed from the accidental discharge of fire-arms, arises from the..construction of the lock, the trigger of which is at all times immediately connected to the dog.
1866 Sci. Amer. 2 June 385/3 I claim..the combination of the trigger with the dog and sliding guard to fire the gun.
1961 Amer. Speech 36 8 The term dog was given to the cocking device of a flintlock pistol or rifle, specifically to the jaws of the hammer that held the flint.
22. An implement for drawing poles out of the ground (cf. hop-dog n. 1), or for extracting roots of broom, furze, etc. (cf. dog v.1 4b, broom-dog n. at broom n. Compounds 2). Now historical and rare.
the world > food and drink > farming > tools and implements > [noun] > uprooting tool
1727 R. Bradley Chomel's Dictionaire Oeconomique (Dublin ed.) (at cited word) An instrument called a Dog for the more easy drawing the Poles out of the ground.
1750 W. Ellis Mod. Husbandman V. 128 With a wooden and iron Dog (if Hands will not do alone) they raise the Poles out of the Ground.
1805 R. W. Dickson Pract. Agric. II. 752 The poles [are] drawn up by a tool for the purpose, which is termed a dog or pulling-hook.
1893 C. A. Mollyson Parish of Fordoun xxv. 290 The dog, we presume, is still extant..We will quote..a description of the broom-dog... ‘It operates somewhat like a toothdrawer and eradicates the broom in an instant.’
1969 J. Henderson Open Country Calling 186 At picking time the pole was loosened by a gadget called a dog—so there was a dog for loosening poles.
23. A kind of drag or brake for the wheel of a vehicle. Obsolete. rare.
1795 Trans. Soc. Arts 13 255 This simple and useful contrivance, called here a Dog, or Wheel-Drag.
24. A device for toasting bread, etc., before a fire. Cf. cat n.1 9. Now rare (English regional in later use).
1825 J. T. Brockett Gloss. North Country Words 58 Dog..a wooden utensil in form of a dog, with iron teeth, for toasting bread.
1900 Eng. Dial. Dict. II. 110/2 Dog... An instrument made either of wood or iron, used for toasting bread.
25. A lever used by blacksmiths in hooping cartwheels. Obsolete. rare.This meaning is assigned to the word in quot. 1735 in the 1892 edition; but the object thrown is not mentioned or referred to anywhere else in the text, and it could equally well be the implement described at sense 19a.
society > occupation and work > equipment > lever or crowbar > [noun]
pry bar1872
nail bar1929
1735 in Court Bk. Barony Urie (1892) 156 He saw the defenders throw a dogg at each other, and then grapple with one another.]
1825 J. Jamieson Etymol. Dict. Sc. Lang. Suppl. Dog, a lever used by blacksmiths in shoeing, i.e. hooping cart-wheels.
26. Mechanics.
a. A projection or tooth acting as a detent, e.g. in a lock or clutch mechanism; a catch which engages the teeth of a ratchet wheel; = pawl n.1 1b.
society > occupation and work > equipment > machine > parts of machines > mechanism > [noun] > part of > projecting part or catch
catch hook1695
catch lock1836
1825 Mechanics' Mag. 15 Oct. 437/1 There is a ratchet-wheel formed upon the back part of the nave, with a box..containing a dog, or pall, with a spring on the back of it.
1853 C. Tomlinson in Ure's Dict. Arts III. 142 There is a dog or lever..which catches into the top of the bolt, and thereby serves as an additional security against its being forced back.
1857 P. M. Colquhoun Compan. Oarsman's Guide 32 The dog, or catch, prevents its running down.
1921 Times 9 Sept. 6/4 I found a little difficulty at first in changing up on the indirect gears..and a little clicking of the dogs when going into top.
1948 A. W. Turner & E. J. Johnson Machines for Farm, Ranch, & Plantation 20 These [sc. ratchet clutches] are composed of a set of teeth or gears engaged by tapered spring teeth in ‘dogs’.
1971 Tools & their Uses (U.S. Navy Bureau of Naval Personnel) (1973) i. 9 A ratchet handle has a reversing lever which operates a pawl (or dog) inside the head of the tool.
1992 In-Fisherman Feb. 43/1 (advt.) Heavy duty ratchet and dog assemblies—no flimsy anti-reverse lever.
b. A stop or cam for changing or reversing the direction of motion of a part. Obsolete.
society > occupation and work > equipment > machine > parts of machines > mechanism > [noun] > other specific mechanisms
safety catch1827
Geneva stop1841
Maltese cross1852
Scotch yoke1880
Geneva movement1881
Geneva wheel1891
Geneva motion1897
Geneva mechanism1903
safety catch1904
Geneva drive1913
1840 Amer. Repertory Arts, Sci., & Manuf. June 387 What I claim as my invention..is the combination of the bearer and rack-wheel,..worked by the dogs in such a manner as to change the pressure alternately from the bearer to the feeder.
1867 U.S. Patent 71,409 1 This wheel is constructed in the usual manner, with this exception, that the hub is fitted with a dog or adjustable cam... The dog z, in coming in contact with the catch v, will raise and unhook it.
1886 U.S. Patent 340,881 2/1 To stop the pawl at one-half, one-third, or two-thirds of such stroke, I employ a movable dog or slide.
27. Shipbuilding. = dogshore n.
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > shipbuilding and repairing > [noun] > slip on which ships built or repaired > framework on which vessel rests > timbers supporting ship when launching
stopping up1805
1831 Times 23 Sept. 2/6 The dogs (as they are termed) which held the launch were struck off, and the Thunderer moved majestically into her proper element.
1884 W. F. Shaw Preacher's Promptuary of Anecd. 65 The ‘dogs’ are knocked away, and the vessel is expected to be seen sliding gracefully down the ‘slip’ into the water.
1918 Times 26 Aug. 2/4 Shortly before 11 o'clock the dogs holding the cradles and timbers beneath the vessel to the slipway were removed.
1978 J. Adkins Wooden Ship 37 The ways (slides) are greased and as soon as the dogs (wooden braces) are knocked away she will slide back into the river.
28. Engineering. A clamp for holding and driving the workpiece in a lathe; = lathe-dog n. at lathe n.3 Compounds 2. Also: each of the individual clamps on a dogplate (dog plate n. 2).
society > occupation and work > equipment > clutching or gripping equipment > [noun] > clamp
1833 J. Holland Treat. Manuf. Metal II. 134 A contrivance called the dog and driver, the former being a sort of clutch screwed upon the end of the work.
1853 Sci. Amer. 17 Dec. 108/1 J. Zook..has invented a self-acting carrier or dog for lathes.
1881 J. Tripplin & E. Rigg Saunier's Watchmakers' Hand-bk. iv. 202 The American ‘scroll’ chucks... In them the trouble of adjusting the screws is avoided as the three ‘dogs’ are advanced together by means of a key.
1988 D. Rees GCSE CDT—Design & Realisation xvi. 146 (in figure) Headstock. Live centre. Carrier or dog. Catch plate. Driving pin.
2004 M. R. Miller & R. Miller Carpenter's & Builder's Millwork, Power Tools & Painting vii. 151 There are several forms [of lathe driver] available, with some made for use with a small slotted faceplate and dog (as in machine-shop turning).
a. In plural. Nippers used in wire-drawing. Obsolete. rare.
society > occupation and work > equipment > pliers and nippers > [noun]
1843 C. Holtzapffel Turning & Mech. Manip. I. xx. 424 The nippers or dogs resemble very strong carpenters' pincers or pliers, the handles of which diverge at an angle.
b. Engineering. A device used in the cold-drawing of metal consisting of a pair of pincers mounted on a small carriage which runs on wheels along a draw-bench, pulling a ribbon of metal through rollers to reduce it to a uniform thickness. Obsolete.
society > occupation and work > equipment > tool > [noun]
1859 All Year Round 2 July 239 This dog is a small thin carriage, travelling upon wheels over a bench, under which revolves an endless chain.
1875 R. Hunt & F. W. Rudler Ure's Dict. Arts (ed. 7) III. 342 The chain..in its onward motion drags the dog, and causes it to bite the fillet and draw it through the opening.
1920 A. W. Judge Aircraft & Automobile Materials Constr. I. vii. 412 The dog is moved along the draw-bench by means of hooks which are dropped into the links of an endless chain.
30. A special kind of spike used on railways for fastening rails to sleepers (see quots. 1892, 1985). Cf. dog nail n. Now rare.
society > occupation and work > equipment > building and constructing equipment > fastenings > [noun] > nail > large or strong
tine nail1555
1857 Minutes Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers 1856–7 16 383 The rail was..laid on transverse sleepers, and fastened with ‘dogs’.
1869 U.S. Patent 93,875 1/2 It is proposed to..secure the rail with wood keys in the usual way, instead of using dogs.
1892 Labour Comm. Gloss. Dogs, a class of nails used for fastening down rails on sleepers. Each nail consists of a long spike, with ears on the side of the head, by means of which the nail may be wrenched up and re-used.
1985 K. Howarth Sounds Gradely Dogs, nails with a bent or flanged head used to hold down the rails in a coalmine.
31. Engineering. A set screw in a punching-press (see quot. 1874). Obsolete. rare.
society > occupation and work > equipment > metalworking equipment > [noun] > stamping machine or press > parts of
stamping hammer1845
1874 E. H. Knight Amer. Mech. Dict. I. 716/2 Dog,..5. (Machinery) a. The converging set screws which establish the bed-tool of a punching-press in direct coincidence with the punch.


P1. Proverbs and proverbial sayings.
a. In various proverbs and proverbial sayings.
?c1325 in T. Wright & J. O. Halliwell Reliquiæ Antiquæ (1845) II. 19 (MED) The bole bigan to belle..the doge is in the welle.
Remonstr. against Romish Corruptions (Titus) (1851) 119 (MED) Nile ye geue holi thing to doggis, neithir sende youre perlis bifore hoggis.
a1400 Siege Jerusalem (Laud) (1932) l. 782 Ȝif ȝe as dogges wol dey, þe deuel haue þat recche!
a1425 (c1395) Bible (Wycliffite, L.V.) (Royal) (1850) Prov. xxvi. 11 As a dogge that turneth aȝen to his spuyng, so is an vnprudent man that rehersith his fooli [L. sicut canis, qui revertitur ad vomitum suum, sic imprudens, qui iterat stultitiam suam].
c1500 in H. A. Person Cambr. Middle Eng. Lyrics (1953) 16 As for your euyll wyll, þerof woll I non; ffor hit were ouermoche ij dogges ouer o boon.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection iii. sig. NNii Whan we..retourne to our pride and condicions..as the dogge to his vomytte.
1546 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue ii. vii. sig. Iiiv She will lye as fast as a dogge will lycke a dishe.
1586 G. Pettie & B. Yong tr. S. Guazzo Ciuile Conuersat. (rev. ed.) iv. f. 178v It is an olde proverbe. A staffe is sone found to beate a Dogge.
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues at Chien The scaulded dog feares euen colde water.
1639 J. Clarke Paroemiologia 259 He loundge's as a dog that had lost his tayle.
1650 T. Fuller Pisgah-sight of Palestine iii. iv. i. 409 Solomon was an absolute Prince..in his peaceable Countrey, where no dog durst bark against him.
1719 D. Defoe Farther Adventures Robinson Crusoe 40 It would ha' made a Dog laugh.
1796 Grose's Classical Dict. Vulgar Tongue (ed. 3) (at cited word) He has as much need of a wife as a dog of a side pocket; said of a weak old debilitated man.
1841 P. Hawker Diary (1893) II. 210 We went to bed as tired as dogs.
1843 P. Hawker Diary (1893) II. 236 Old C—held forth with a long speech, lying as fast as a dog would trot.
1881 Janesville (Wisconsin) Daily Gaz. 7 Apr. When they have nothing the Flemish will tell you that you will find the dog in the pot.
1956 M. Dickens Angel in Corner x. 182 I haven't done a thing all day, and I'm as tired as a dog.
1997 Vanity Fair (N.Y.) Dec. 172/3 Kinsley falls back on the adage that every dog gets one bite.
b. a living (also live) dog is better than a dead lion and variants: ‘where there's life, there's hope’, often used to assert the virtue of thoughtfulness or pragmatism, especially over heedlessness or heroism.With allusion to Ecclesiastes 9:4 (see quots. a1382 and 1611).
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(1)) (1850) Eccles. ix. 4 Betere is a quyc dogge thanne a leoun dead[L. melior est canis vivus leone mortuo].
1561 T. Norton tr. J. Calvin Inst. Christian Relig. iii. xxv. f. 264v Salomon speaketh of the common and receiued opinion, when hee saithe that a liuing dogge is better then a deade Lion.
1611 Bible (King James) Eccles. ix. 4 For to him that is ioyned to all the liuing, there is hope: for a liuing dogge is better then a dead Lion . View more context for this quotation
1679 J. Humfrey Animadversions & Considerations 65 Those of this Errour do make the Souls of Men, before Christ's coming, mortal, and to dye with the Body; which is..worse than the Papists, their Purgatory, For a live Dog is better than a dead Lyon.
1752 L. Chappelow Comm. Bk. Job I. 295 A living dog is better than a dead lion: is the third among the Arabic Adagies.
1873 Illustrated Rev. 6 Dec. 455/1 On the principle that a live dog is better than a dead lion, a farce well played is preferable to an old-fashioned comedy mangled.
1910 N.Y. Times 24 Jan. 5/2 He declared that the sentiment, ‘Freedom I love thee, though thou slay me’, was foolish, and that one of the wisest statements ever made was this: ‘A live dog is better than a dead lion.’
1994 Times Lit. Suppl. 25 Mar. 6 Great heroes like Achilles..knew that it is better to be here in this life than free among the dead, just as a living dog is better than a dead lion.
2014 L. Lalami Moor's Acct. i. 11 This made no sense to me, yet I remained silent... The elders teach us: a living dog is better than a dead lion.
c. [after Latin canis caninam non est ( Varro De Lingua Latina vii. 32)] dog does not eat dog and variants: people of the same calling, origin, etc., do not deliberately harm one another; conversely (let) dog eat dog (cf. dog-eat-dog n. and adj. at Compounds 3a).
1543 W. Turner Huntyng Romishe Fox sig. Aiiv That the prouerb may haue a place on dog will not eat of an other dogges fleshe nether will on wolf eat of an other.
1739 Life Richard Turpin 10/2 Turpin swore, if he did not deliver immediately he would shoot him through the Head, upon which King fell a Laughing, and said, What! Dog eat Dog?
1789 Times 19 June 3/1 As it is an established fact, that sharper will not rob sharper, nor dog eat dog.
1790 ‘P. Pindar’ Complimentary Epist. J. Bruce 34 Dog should not prey on dog, the proverb says.
1835 W. G. Simms Partisan I. v. 59 He cannot escape Travis..who knows the swamp as well as himself. They're both from Goose Creek, and so let dog eat dog.
1858 A. Gray Let. 23 Feb. (1973) II. 439 I cannot promise any special instruction, and shall take no fee. ‘Dog does not eat dog’ is the saying, you know.
1900 Australasian Med. Gaz. 20 Apr. 170/2 It is an old saying that ‘dog will not eat dog’. But alas! for the time-honoured saw, in the light of these facts.
1917 G. L. Morrill Devil in Mexico 328 Do nothing, let dog eat dog—this is the policy of non-interference.
1962 C. R. Boxer Golden Age Brazil viii. 221 Felisberto..acting on the principle that ‘dog does not eat dog’, turned a blind eye to the activities of the smugglers.
2008 F. Noronha Behind News 5 In Goa, the media seldom writes critically about themselves [sic]. Dog doesn't eat dog, as one journalist would argue.
d. you can't (also it is hard to) teach an old dog new tricks and variants: when one is accustomed to doing things in a certain way, it is difficult to change or adapt.
?1530 J. Fitzherbert Bk. Husbandry (rev. ed.) f. xxiv The dogge must lerne it whan he is a whelpe or els it wyll not be, for it is harde to make an olde dogge to stoupe.]
1636 J. Philipot Camden's Remaines (new ed.) Prov. 300 It is hard to teach an old dog trickes.
1775 C. Telfair Town & Country Spelling-bk. i. 16 It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
1835 Chambers's Edinb. Jrnl. 7 Feb. 9/2 The absolute difficulty which an old dog experiences in learning new tricks.
1872 Nursery 11 16 I'll take a cigar to keep my nose warm. It is a bad habit, I know; but you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
1912 Engin. Mag. July 591/2 In many cases such efforts at decentralization are still very crude. It is hard to teach old dogs new tricks.
1985 Industry Week (Nexis) 21 Jan. 48 The modern executive has to be a learner, sometimes willing to change—the exception to the rule that you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
2004 N. Foxx Going Buck Wild 135 She certainly wasn't going to start doing that now. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
e. a dog that will bring (also fetch) a bone will carry one and variants: a person who tells you gossip about others is also likely to spread gossip about you.
1830 R. Forby & G. Turner in R. Forby Vocab. E. Anglia II. App. 429The dog that fetches will carry.’—i. e. A talebearer will tell tales of you, as well as to you.
1850 R. B. Thomas Farmer's Almanack 1851 (Boston) 3 It is not well to confide much in a tale-bearer, for a dog that will bring a bone will carry one.
1865 Harper's Mag. Dec. 58/2 I told 'em that I didn't want to hear no more of their scandal, for a dog that will fetch a bone will carry one.
1888 Ladies' Home Jrnl. Sept. 10/2 Don't trust her. You may be sure a ‘dog that will bring a bone will take a bone’.
1934 M. B. Wilson Yesterday's Promise i. i. 13 I always say that a dog that will fetch a bone will carry one, and heaven knows what the creature is telling her other clients about me.
1959 E. Schiddel Devil in Bucks County ii. iii. 147 All this gossip reminded Shirley..of the saw The dog who brings a bone also will carry one away.
2011 J. Brothers Deadly Night in Harbor of Hospitality 133 You is got to be careful who you is talking to. If a dog will bring a bone, he'll carry a bone.
f. the dogs bark but the caravan moves on and variants: suggesting that someone or something is impervious to protest or criticism. [In quot. 1860 after Hindi musāfir calā jātā hai, kuṭṭe bhuṅkte rahte haĩ, lit. ‘the traveller has moved on, the dogs remain barking’, probably itself after a Persian or Arabic model. In later use after Persian sag lāyad va kāravān guẕarad (and variants), lit. ‘the dog barks and (or but) the caravan passes by’ and its Arabic model tanbaḥ al-kilāb wa-tasīr al-qāfila (and variants), lit. ‘the dogs bark and the caravan moves on’.]
1860 I. Dass Domest. Manners & Customs Hindoos N. India xvi. 219 Dogs bark but the traveller quietly goes on his way, without minding them. They say so, when a person seeks occasion to quarrel with some one, but does not succeed.
1891 J. L. Kipling Beast & Man in India ix. 252 Though the dog may bark the caravan..moves on.
1936 M. Mitchell Gone with the Wind xxxviii. 679 Did you ever hear the Oriental proverb: ‘The dogs bark but the caravan passes on’? Let them bark, Scarlett. I fear nothing will stop your caravan.
1975 Chicago Tribune 26 Oct. h21/3 Most of it comes from people who don't know me. They hear things, they spread them. You know how I look at it? ‘The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.’
2005 Times (Nexis) 18 June (Features section) 72 I should not get into an argument with them about their perceived disapproval of your living arrangements... The dogs bark but the caravan moves on.
P2. a dog for (also to) the bow: a well-trained dog attending a huntsman with a bow; hence used as the type of a humble or subservient person. Obsolete.Cf. to bend (also bring) (a person) to one's bow at bow n.1 4d.
the mind > emotion > humility > servility > [noun] > servile person
a dog for (also to) the bowc1405
puppy dog1651
creeping Jesusc1818
dog robber1863
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Friar's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 69 In this world nys dogge for the bowe That kan an hurt deer from an hool knowe Bet than this Somnor.
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Merchant's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 770 To Ianuarie he [sc. Damyan] goth as lowe As euere dide a dogge for the bowe.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) i. l. 2802 Sche was made as dogge for þe bowe.
1540 J. Palsgrave tr. G. Gnapheus Comedye of Acolastus iii. iii. sig. J iv Be not to other men lyke a dogge to the bow.
1542 N. Udall tr. Erasmus Apophthegmes f. 223 He..with lacke of vitailles brought those chop-logues or greate pratlers as lowe as dogge to the bow.
1568 Newe Comedie Iacob & Esau v. iii. sig. F.iii I shall make the slaues couche as lowe as dog to bow.
P3. With reference to the quality of a dog's existence.
a. to die like (also †as) a dog: to die a disgraceful or miserable death; also to die a dog's death.See also to famish a dog's death at famish v. 3b.
?a1425 Chron. Papacy l. 216 in Jrnl. Eng. & Germanic Philol. (1942) 41 182 (MED) Þu schalt regne as a lion, butte þu schalt die as a dogge.
?1530 J. Rastell Pastyme of People sig. *Ciiv He..lyued lyke a lyon and dyed lyke a dogge [printed dodge].
1602 T. Dekker Blurt Master-Constable f. 3v I shall be mowz'd by pusse-cattes: but I had rather dye a dogs death.
1795 E. Fenwick Secresy I. xiv. 224 Let me die like a dog, and have no better burial.
1855 C. Kingsley Westward Ho! xxvi. 477 No absolution, no viaticum, nor anything! I die like a dog!
1894 G. M. Fenn In Alpine Valley I. 22 To die this dog's death, out here under these mountains.
1990 B. Gill N.Y. Life xxix. 233 Simenon would rather die like a dog than let slip a superfluous adjective.
b. a dog's life: a life of misery, or of miserable subservience. Frequently in it's a dog's life, to lead (a person) a dog's life.
the world > action or operation > adversity > suffer (adversity or affliction) [verb (transitive)]
a dog's lifea1528
to stand to ——1540
to feel the weight of?1553
to stand under ——a1616
to fall a victim to1764
a1528 Fox MSS in J. Strype Eccl. Memorials (1721) III. xxi. 174 Mr. Ford afterwards had a dogs life among them.
1597 G. Fletcher Policy Turkish Empire xv. 45 Hee did there leade a Dogges life.
1683 R. Dixon Canidia viii. 37 An ill beginner, That knows not where to get his Dinner, And will not rise to earn't: for these Leads he a Dogs life.
1764 S. Foote Mayor of Garret i. 23 She..domineers like the devil: O Lord, I lead the life of a dog.
1819 W. Irving Rip Van Winkle in Sketch Bk. i. 69 ‘Poor Wolf,’ he would say, ‘thy mistress leads thee a dogs' life of it.’
1851 G. Borrow Lavengro II. xi. 101 What a life! what a dog's life!
1861 T. Hughes Tom Brown at Oxf. I. x. 183 They've been leading him a dog's life this year and more.
1980 Irish Times 25 Apr. 12/1 (heading) Temporarily speaking, it's a dog's life... The temp's sanity depends upon iron control.
1991 M. Curtin Plastic Tomato Cutter xii. 96 He must have had a dog's life... The only work he did..was to hold a mirror behind the victim's heads and inquire: Is Sir pleased?
1997 P. Kim Cab called Reliable i. 17 If I hadn't married the likes of you, I wouldn't be washing someone else's dishes,..looking after someone else's children. What kind of living is this? This is a dog's life.
2003 Bristol Evening Post (Nexis) 29 Apr. 34 He'd led her a dog's life, she couldn't bear to talk about it.
c. In various other idiomatic expressions involving an unpleasant thing, circumstance, or event (usually in negative constructions), as not fit for a dog, not to wish (something) on a dog, etc.
a1625 J. Fletcher Wife for Moneth v. i, in F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher Comedies & Trag. (1647) 66 The broth may be good, but the flesh is not fit for doggs sure.]
1769 J. Potter Hist. Arthur O’Bradley I. 121 It is a dismal night abroad, not fit for a dog to be out in.
1818 H. B. Fearon Sketches Amer. 210 His friend..said that there was ‘nothing in America but d——d Yankies and rogues, and that it was not fit for a dog to live in’.
1887 H. Baumann Londinismen 43/1 It isn't fit to turn a dog out.
1898 Times 29 Mar. 6 The punishment diet was such as no humane man would give to a dog.
1943 Amer. Speech 18 46 Other examples of translated Yiddish being adopted by non-Yiddish-speaking people are, ‘It should(n't) happen to a dog!’ [etc.].
1964 J. Porter Dover One i. 12 The Assistant Commissioner shuddered gently as he thought of all the messes you could get into in a kidnapping case. It wasn't the sort of job you'd wish on a dog.
2006 Courier Mail (Australia) (Nexis) 10 June (Sports section) 127 I've heard the way some people talk to sports stars and you wouldn't talk like that to a dog.
P4. With reference to the watchfulness of a dog.
a. to wake a sleeping dog and variants: to stimulate or provoke some person or influence which is currently quiet, but if interfered with will create a disturbance or problem.
?a1475 (?a1425) in tr. R. Higden Polychron. (Harl. 2261) (1882) VIII. App. 488 (MED) Men of Fraunce hadde experience that hit was perellous to wake an olde dogge from slepe.
1546 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue i. x. sig. Div It is euill wakyng of the slepyng dog.
1608 E. Topsell Hist. Serpents 93 It is good therefore if you haue a Wife, that is..vnquiet and contentious, to let her alone, not to wake an angry Dogge.
1655 S. Rutherford Covenant of Life Opened ii. iv. 259 Some raise the devill and a storm in the soul and cannot calm it again: It is not good to provoke, irritate, and waken a sleeping dogge.
1737 A. Ramsay Coll. Scots Prov. xx. 40 It is kittle [sc. risky] to waken sleeping Dogs.
1862 T. Carlyle Hist. Friedrich II of Prussia III. xi. ii. 41 Friedrich is not the man to awaken Parliamentary sleeping-dogs.
1996 Fort Worth (Texas) Star-Telegram (Nexis) 23 Nov. 1 I'm a little worried that we may have awakened a sleeping dog. It's obvious the Packers will be looking for revenge.
b. to let sleeping dogs (or a sleeping dog) lie: to avoid provoking or interfering in a situation that is currently causing no problems but may well do so as a result of such interference; to leave well alone.
1822 London Mag. Dec. 541/2 Let sleeping dogs lie, said the daft man, when he saw the dead hound before him.
1823 W. Scott St. Ronan's Well (1824) I. viii. 187 But Mr Micklewham..replied with..a private admonition to his patron's own ear, ‘to let sleeping dogs lie’.
1886 ‘H. Conway’ Living or Dead xiii Better let sleeping dogs lie.
1903 Times 10 Aug. 3 Neither the Imperial nor the Prussian Government is at the moment in fighting trim, and they have every reason to welcome a Pope who will let sleeping dogs lie.
2002 Daily Star (Nexis) 26 Jan. 15 He went on: ‘I want to let sleeping dogs lie now and move on. I don't want to see or hear from her again.’
P5. to help a (lame) dog over a stile: to come to the aid of someone in need.
the world > action or operation > easiness > aid, help, or assistance > aid, help, or assist [verb (transitive)]
to do succourc1374
to help a (lame) dog over a stile1546
to stand at ——1563
help out (also through)1600
lame duck1963
1546 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue i. xi. sig. E As good a dede, As it is to helpe a dogge ouer a style.
1638 W. Chillingworth Relig. Protestants i. iii. §33 I once knew a man out of curtesie, help a lame dog over a stile, and he for requitall bit him by the fingers.
1705 J. Browne Secret Hist. Queen Zarah 49 He may live to help a lame Dog over a Stile yet.
1857 C. Kingsley Two Years Ago III. vii. 197 ‘I can..help a lame dog over a stile’—(which was Mark's phrase for doing a generous thing).
1910 W. J. Locke Simon xviii Now and again one does help a lame dog over a stile which bucks one up, you know.
2006 Leicester Mercury (Nexis) 15 Dec. 15 A boy said to me: ‘Lend me 20p, I want to phone my mum.’ I am always willing to help a lame dog over a stile, and so I got my mobile phone out.
P6. hair of the dog that bit you: an alcoholic drink taken to cure a hangover. Hence elliptically, as hair of the dog. [Apparently so called on account of the remedy formerly recommended as a cure for the bite of a mad dog; compare:
1760 R. James Treat. Canine Madness 204 The hair of the dog that gave the wound is advised as an application to the part injured.
Compare Dutch †Wij komen weer om't hair van de eigen hondt.]
the world > food and drink > drink > intoxicating liquor > types or qualities of intoxicating liquor > [noun] > fortifying or reviving
hair of the dog that bit you1546
corpse reviver1871
1546 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue i. xi. sig. Eiv I praie the leat me and my felowe haue A heare of the dog that bote vs last nyght.
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues at Beste Our Ale-knights often vse this phrase, and say, Giue vs a haire of the dog that last bit vs.
1706 E. Ward Rambling Fuddle-Caps 4 We leap'd out of Bed with a strong Appetitus, To swallow a Hair of the Dog that had bit us.
1834 W. A. Caruthers Kentuckian in N.Y. I. iv He presently proposed that we should go..and see some fine fellers..who were going to have a night of it. Well, said I, ‘a little hair of the dog is good for the bite.’
1841 C. Dickens Barnaby Rudge lii. 239 Drink again. Another hair of the dog that bit you, captain!
1935 New Yorker 5 Jan. 80/2 (caption) Your hair of the dog, sir.
1996 S. King Desperation ii. v. 349 I was..thinking about getting something for my hangover. An aspirin, and a little hair of the dog that bit me.
2001 Brill's Content Apr. 47/2 Mike and I were both a little hungover, and Mike suggested blackberry brandy, a hair of the dog that would also settle the stomach.
a. to send (or throw, †cast, etc.) to the dogs: to send to destruction or ruin; to throw out, discard as worthless.
1556 J. Ponet Shorte Treat. Politike Power sig. A viii How muche more sharpely ought he to be punished, and of all men to be abhorred (yea cast to the dogges) that deceaueth a hole Realme?
a1616 W. Shakespeare Macbeth (1623) v. iii. 49 Throw Physicke to the Dogs, Ile none of it. View more context for this quotation
1733 A. Pope Of Use of Riches 4 Had H—wl—y's fortune layn in Hops and Hogs, scarce H—wl—y's self had sent it to the dogs?
1848 W. Irving Hist. N.Y. (rev. ed.) vii. iv. 396 He..threw diplomacy to the dogs.
1983 J. Singer tr. I. B. Singer Penitent ii. xii. 118 In America, young people look upon the older person as someone to be thrown to the dogs.
b. to go to the dogs: to go to destruction or ruin, to deteriorate shockingly.
1619 R. Harris Drunkards Cup Ep. Ded. sig. A2v One is coloured, another is foxt, a third is gone to the dogs.
1660 Bloody Bed-roll (single sheet) Old Oliver's gon to the dogs, Oh! No I do mistake, He's gone in a Wherry Over the Ferry, Is cal'd the Stygian Lake.
1749 I. G. Hist. Filchum Cantum 20 Zounds he overcomes us by fair Argument, we are a going to the Dogs in a Whiff!
1790 M. Wollstonecraft tr. C. G. Salzmann Elem. Morality I. xvi. 115 He sees all his property going to the dogs, which always puts him out of humour.
1857 T. Hughes Tom Brown's School Days i. vi. 137 Rugby, and the School-house especially, are going to the dogs.
1910 F. L. Chance Bride & Pennant i. 10 ‘That's all the college feeling these faculty guys have,’ reiterated Bentley, nodding assent. ‘The U. is going to the dogs!’
2002 N. Lebrecht Song of Names xi. 299 Country's going to the dogs. Used to be the finest railway in the world, now look at it.
P8. to keep (also buy) a dog and bark oneself: to do the work for which one employs others (frequently in negative and interrogative contexts).
1583 B. Melbancke Philotimus sig. Qii v It is smal reason you should kepe a dog, and barke your selfe.
1738 J. Swift Compl. Coll. Genteel Conversat. 17 I won't keep a Dog, and bark myself.
1852 W. Mountford Thorpe ii. 19 What, keep a dog and bark myself!
1897 Contemp. Rev. Aug. 247 Another speaker put the case tersely by saying that to engraft the referendum on the parliamentary system was like buying a dog and barking yourself.
1965 J. Porter Dover Two xi. 147 ‘What time is it?’ There was a clock right opposite him on the dining-room wall but Dover didn't believe in keeping a dog and barking himself. ‘Just gone nine, sir.’
2001 United Press Internat. Newswire (Nexis) 15 Aug. Investors can monitor their portfolios..but mainly let the chosen professionals do their job. After all, why keep a dog and bark yourself?
P9. to be (a) dog at: to be experienced in or adept at. Also to be (an) old dog at: see old dog n. at old adj. Compounds 6. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > ability > skill or skilfulness > be skilled or versed in [verb (transitive)] > be experienced in
to be (a) dog at?1589
?1589 T. Nashe Almond for Parrat sig. 5v Oh he is olde dogge at expounding, and deade sure at a Catechisme.
1596 T. Lodge Wits Miserie 33 He is dog at recognisances and statutes.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona (1623) iv. iv. 12 To be, as it were, a dog at all things. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Twelfth Night (1623) ii. iii. 59 I am dogge at a Catch. View more context for this quotation
1715 J. Gay What d'ye call It Prelim. Scene 5 Ah, Sir Roger, you are old Dog at these things.
?1800 Brit. Jester 108 I could as soon leap over a church steeple as pray extempore;..[but] I am an old dog at the common prayer.
P10. not to have a word to throw at a dog: to be sullen or uncommunicative.
1607 T. Dekker & J. Webster West-ward Hoe v. i. sig. G3 To see what wine and women can do, the one makes a man not to haue a word to throw at a Dogge, the other makes a man to eat his owne words.
a1616 W. Shakespeare As you like It (1623) i. iii. 3 Cel. Why Cosen, why Rosaline: Cupid haue mercie, Not a word? Ros. Not one to throw at a dog. View more context for this quotation
1770 S. Foote Lame Lover ii. 47 I should not have thought he had a word to throw to a dog.
1822 W. Scott Fortunes of Nigel I. i. 17 The poor youth had not a word to throw at a dog.
1995 Guardian (Nexis) 23 Oct. t12 Darcy hasn't a word to throw at a dog.
P11. the dogs of war: figurative, in Shakespeare (quot. a1616): the unleashed savagery accompanying war; (hence, with allusion to Shakespeare) havoc, chaos, esp. resulting from conflict.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Julius Caesar (1623) iii. i. 274 Caesars Spirit ranging for Reuenge, With Ate by his side..Shall in these Confines..Cry hauocke, and let slip the Dogges of Warre . View more context for this quotation
1799 W. Sotheby Battle of Nile 13 Thy rage let slip th' exterminating brood, The dogs of War, that lap the stream of blood.
1861 A. Trollope Framley Parsonage III. xii. 214 The dogs of war would be unloosed.
1917 E. Goldman in Mother Earth Mar. 8 The same is bound to take place in America should the dogs of war be let loose here.
2008 Times Educ. Suppl. (Nexis) 7 Mar. 4 The dogs of war were let loose and 40 pre-teenage girls..armed with cardboard weapons ran riot on the hockey pitch.
P12. dog of game: a dog used in the hunting of game; = game dog n. at game n. Compounds 4a. Obsolete.
1629 H. Burton Babel No Bethel 78 I am neither of the hound nor Spaniel kinde, dogges of game.
1688 P. Rycaut tr. G. de la Vega Royal Comm. Peru i. ix. xxi. 383 The Dogs of game, or of good race,..were not in Peru, untill the Spaniards brought them thither.
P13. whose dog is dead? (also whose dog is a-hanging, †what dog is a hanging?): what cause is there for excitement or concern? what's the fuss, what's the matter? (Occasionally also without interrogative.) Now rare.Cf. earlier whose mare's dead? (quot. 16002 at mare n.1 2c).
a1640 P. Massinger & J. Fletcher Very Woman iii. ii. 39 in P. Massinger 3 New Playes (1655) Whose Dog's dead now, That you observe these Vigils?
a1663 Little John a Begging viii, in F. J. Child Eng. & Sc. Pop. Ballads (1888) III. v. 189/1 ‘Why rings all these bells? What dog is a hanging?’
1790 Aberdeen Mag. 3 333/1 Quidnuncs, gaping for the news; Some of them cannot read! but yet they hear..Then fly to tell thro' all the listening land Whose Dog is dead!
1841 Bentley's Misc. Aug. 146 ‘A very grave man indeed, sir.’... ‘Grave?—grievous—a face as much as to say, “Whose dog's dead, that I may come and howl over it?”.’
1984 P. Beale Partridge's Dict. Slang (ed. 8) 1336/2 Whose dog is dead?; whose dog's a-hanging?.. What is the matter?; what's all the fuss about?
P14. fight dog, fight bear: (to fight) till one or other of two adversaries is overcome (sometimes as an expression of indifference). Now rare. [From the pitting of a dog against a bear in bear-baiting; compare (in an account of bear-baiting):
1583 P. Stubbes Anat. Abuses sig. Piijv Some..will not make anie bones of .xx.xl. C. pound. at once to hazard at a bait: with feight dog, feight beare (say they) the deuill part all.
a1642 W. Monson Naval Tracts (1704) iii. 350/2 You must fight according to the old Saying, Fight Dog, fight Bear; that is, till one be overcome.
1717 E. Ward Coll. Hist. & State Poems II. 21 True Protestants..should for neither pray nor care, But cry Halloo, fight Dog, fight Bear.
1831 W. Scott Jrnl. 5 Mar. (1946) 148 A resolution to keep Myself clear of politics, & let them fight dog, fight bear.
1911 J. A. L. Riley et al. Relig. Question in Public Educ. 272 Since God has permitted the unity of religious belief in England to be shattered..there are three policies open:..(a) Live and let live. (b) Fight dog, fight bear. (c) Return to religious unity.
P15. to take (a) dog's leave: to do something, esp. to go somewhere, without permission. Now rare.
1665 J. Davies tr. A. de Castillo Solórzano La Picara 136 The poor Merchant must be fool'd some way or other, till he..take a Dog's leave of Corduba.
1879 G. F. Jackson Shropshire Word-bk. 288 We'n tak' dog's leave and goo through the coppy this mornin' to 'unt mops to clane our slates.
1924 M. Webb Precious Bane (2004) 26 You've not only taken dog's leave and lied, you've made a game of me!
1931 M. Diver Ships of Youth ii. 229 ‘Who's pinched your topi?’... ‘Oh, me topi took dog's leave... The bally thing decamped.’
P16. to work like a dog: to work extremely hard.
1666 J. Davies tr. E. d'Aranda Hist. Algiers 132 To what end should a man have mony? to work like a dog, or to procure his liberty?
1841 Graham's Mag. July 13/2 My father's son has been obliged to work like a dog all his life.
1886 Petersons Mag. Jan. 51/2 We folks that has to work like dogs had ought to go to bed betimes.
1926 W. S. Maugham Constant Wife iii. 150 I've worked like a dog..and last night..I downed tools.
1976 Sea Spray (N.Z.) Dec. 95/2 These lads have worked like dogs all winter.
2012 Dallas Morning News (Nexis) 18 Mar. We had to roll up our sleeves and work like dogs to improve operations.
P17. give a dog a bad (or †ill) name and hang him and variants: a bad reputation once acquired is very difficult to lose. Now frequently in shortened form, as give a dog a bad name.
1693 Antiq. Reviv'd 103 The man, who chose rather to give his Dog a living ill name, than immediately to commit him to a Halter.]
1751 L. Chambaud Idioms French & Eng. Langs. 184 Les Anglois disent encore: Give a dog a bad name and hang him.
1766 W. Kenrick Falstaff's Wedding (new ed.) v. v. 69 It is but the church's calling him a tyrant, and absolving his subjects of their allegiance, and all will go well. Give a dog an ill name, and hang him.
1869 A. Trollope Phineas Finn II. lii. 117 ‘Your brother, Laura, is dangerous.’.. ‘Yes—give a dog a bad name and hang him.’
1886 ‘S. Tytler’ Buried Diamonds xxxix It is a case of give a dog an ill name and hang him.
1909 Times 20 Jan. 19 In football, as in other things, ‘give a dog a bad name’ applies very forcibly, and we are inclined to think that many people were a little too anxious to find fault with the Australians.
1991 B. Anderson Girls High (1992) xv. 177 Mrs Stillburn said that if you gave a dog a bad name you might as well hang it.
P18. like (or proud as) a dog with two tails: very proud or pleased, delighted.
the mind > emotion > pleasure > joy, gladness, or delight > [adjective]
well begonea1425
like (or proud as) a dog with two tails1829
1829 J. MacTaggart Three Years in Canada II. 122 Off went the Laird, as proud as a dog with two tails.
1953 J. Trench Docken Dead v. 65 She's like a dog with two tails.
1996 G. Linscott Dead Man's Music (1997) vi. 61 ‘Was Davie pleased?’ ‘Of course he was, and our dad was as proud as a dog with two tails.’
2006 Sunday Star (Nexis) 18 June 42 He's sleeping with two women under the same roof. He's like a dog with two tails.
P19. British colloquial. dog in a (or the) blanket: a rolled currant dumpling or jam pudding. Now rare.
the world > food and drink > food > dishes and prepared food > puddings > [noun] > sweet or fruit puddings
white pudding1588
quaking puddinga1665
apple pudding1708
cowslip pudding1723
plum pudding1811
roly-poly pudding1821
black cap1822
amber pudding1829
bird's nest pudding1829
Bakewell pudding1833
dog in a (or the) blanket1842
castle pudding1845
ice pudding1846
pan pie1846
canary pudding1861
treacle pud1861
Brown Betty1864
summer pudding1875
Sally Lunn pudding1892
queen of puddings1903
chocolate fondant1971
lava cake1994
1842 C. Sinclair Sc. Courtiers & Court xi. 88 A dog in a blanket!—a toad in a hole! I'd rather eat frogs!
1867 C. M. Yonge Six Cushions ix. 72 The dog-in-a-blanket making its appearance, Clara cut three beauteous slices, with spiral rings of black currant alternating with suet.
1919 Times 23 Jan. 3/2 Not the judicious mixture of flour and currants, but the skilful alternation of hasty pudding, dog in the blanket, or gooseberry fool.
1925 L. W. Moffit Eng. on Eve Industrial Revol. (1963) ii. v. 122 Seasonal dishes based on fruit were also common, such as berry tarts; and roly-poly, or dog-in-a-blanket, as it was called in Derbyshire.
P20. colloquial (originally U.S.). to put on (the) dog: to make a stylish or flashy display, to assume pretentious airs.
the mind > emotion > pride > pretension to superiority > pretend to superiority [verb (intransitive)]
to make it goodlyc1325
to take state upon one1597
to come over ——1600
to gentilize it1607
to state it1625
to give oneself airs1701
to put on airs1715
to mount (also ride) the high horse1782
to put on (the) dog1865
to get (also have) notions1866
to put on side1870
to have a roll on1881
to put (or pile) on lugs1889
to put on the Ritz1921
1865 in J. S. McKee Throb of Drums (1973) 216 We..go out on grand reviews..and put on a D—D sight of Dog generally.
1924 W. J. Locke Coming of Amos xii. 171 I don't want to put on dog, but the Lord didn't give me physical strength for nothing.
1926 W. J. Locke Old Bridge ii. v. 74 Young Blake puts on dog and condescends to take the order.
1940 P. G. Wodehouse Eggs, Beans & Crumpets 48 An editor's unexampled opportunities for putting on dog and throwing his weight about.
1962 ‘A. Gilbert’ No Dust in Attic xiv. 190 Matron put on a lot of dog about the hospital's responsibility.
2003 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 2 Feb. ix. 8/5 I abhor the social stuff... I'm not good at putting on the dog. It's so tiring.
P21. to be like a dog with a bone: to be tenacious, persistent, or obstinate; to be unwilling to yield, relent, or let go; to be unable to set aside a preoccupation or obsession.
1887 ‘E. Lyall’ Knight-errant II. iv. 104 But Merlino with a grievance was like a dog with a bone; he would gnaw it, and worry it..and when at last you thought it was safely buried he would exhume it and begin his operations all over again.
1896 E. F. Brooke Life the Accuser xii. 159 There was Tom Ramsbottom..once he got hold of his cotton his was like a dog with a bone. Could n't let it go.
1914 P. G. Wodehouse White Hope vii, in Munsey's Mag. May 836/1 When a lazy man does make up his mind to assail a piece of work, he is like a dog with a bone.
1950 Chicago Defender 4 Mar. 6/4 (heading) Joyce is like a dog with a bone when she gets on a certain subject.
2013 A. M. Walters Light in Shadows (2014) 279 Maggie was like a dog with a bone, though, and she wasn't going to give up that easily.
P22. North American colloquial. that dog won't hunt and variants: used to express the opinion that a particular plan or approach will not succeed. Cf. that cock won't fight at cock n.1 and int. Phrases 2c.
the world > action or operation > difficulty > practical impossibility > [phrase]
that cock won't fight1789
that dog won't hunt1912
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > disadvantage > uselessness > inexpediency > be inexpedient [phrase]
that cock won't fight1789
that dog won't hunt1912
1912 Times (Tuttle, Oklahoma) 20 Sept. No, no, Maxwell, you can't be for Roosevelt and carry Mr. Taft at the head of your paper and make the people believe it. The dog won't hunt. The people are not fools.
1933 T. Williamson Woods Colt xi. 148 That feller is jest naturally a fool for the lack of sense, a-tryin' to mix whiskey an' lyin'. He ort t' of knowed that dog won't hunt.
1978 Newsweek (Nexis) 24 Apr. 30 When he hears what he considers to be a bad idea, he is apt to snap, ‘that dog won't hunt.’
2019 @ZZinTX 16 Mar. in twitter.com (O.E.D. Archive) We're damned sick and tired of you people pissing on our leg and trying to tell us it's raining! That dog don't hunt anymore!
P23. colloquial. like a (or the) dog's dinner: (of dress, etc.) ostentatious, flashy, or over-elaborate; (also) in an ostentatiously smart or flashy manner.
the mind > attention and judgement > bad taste > flashiness or gaudiness > [adjective]
like a (or the) dog's dinner1927
plush horse1936
1927 Folk-lore 38 37 In short, to misapply a folk saying about a woman dressed in a certain way, it is ‘like a dog's dinner,—a little bit of all sorts.’
1934 ‘C. L. Anthony’ Touch Wood ii. ii. 66 Why have you got those roses in your hair? You look like the dog's dinner.
1936 ‘J. Curtis’ Gilt Kid v. 58 The geezer..was dolled up like a dog's dinner with a white tie and all.
1954 J. Trench Dishonoured Bones ii. iii. 57 Tarting up my house and the gardens like a dog's dinner.
1995 E. Toman Dancing in Limbo vii. 178 All done up like the dog's dinner... Going through an elaborate ritual of piety for the benefit of the gathering congregation.
2003 C. Birch Turn again Home xxix. 313 What are you all dressed up like a dog's dinner for?
P24. colloquial (chiefly British and Australian). to let the dog see the rabbit: to allow a person to do or see something without interference or restriction. Usually in imperative.
1934 P. Fleming One's Company i. iii. 31 I would recommend a ‘Let the dog see the rabbit’ attitude as being both wise and fair.
1968 S. Gore Holy Smoke 52 How's about givin' a man a fair crack o' the whip... Let the dog see the rabbit?
1978 Musical Times 119 448 David Scott's treatment of this colourful music shows what can be done to combine scholarship, practical requirements and enthusiasm—and yet still letting the dog see the rabbit.
2002 S. Coogan et al. Alan Partridge: Every Ruddy Word (2003) 380/2 Well, give the man a twirl. Let the dog see the rabbit.
P25. cunning as a Maori dog: see Maori dog n. 2. every dog has its (or his) day: see day n. Phrases 8a. to lie to the dogs: see lie v.1 4c. love me, love my dog: see love v.1 Phrases 1b. to rain cats and dogs: see cat and dog n. 2. to run a great dog: see great adj. 22. sick as a dog: see sick adj. 2c. the tail wags the dog: see tail n.1 11g. there's life in the old dog yet: see life n. Phrases 8f. to see a man about a dog: see see v. Phrases 25. try it on the dog: see try v. 11e.


a. General attributive.
dog basket n.
1768 Catal. Furnit. & Effects A. Keck 9 A dog-basket and cushion, a carpet, and a mat.
1803 Times 22 July 1/3 (advt.) A very stout shooting Gig, with leather shooting and powder pockets, removing dog basket, very near new.
1842 Mrs. H. M. Stanley Let. 22 Sept. in N. Mitford Ladies of Alderley (1938) 46 I walked to Northwich to order a dog basket & other trifles.
1998 Face Apr. 41 Far be it from us to suggest that Hermès (dog basket, £495) and Asprey (solid-silver dog bowl, £1,150), are—ta-dah—barking mad.
dog bite n. rare before late 19th cent.
1704 Dict. Rusticum Dog-bite, see Biting of a Mad-Dog.
1890 E. R. Lankester Advancem. Sci. ii. 115 Two hundred and fifty persons have gone..to be treated for dog-bite.
1995 Maxim July 123/1 In a country where..people face a regular threat from typhoid and dengue fever, here was an over-fed tourist expecting immediate help for a dog bite.
dog breed n.
1830 Bell's Life in London 13 June He was one of the last of the original Trusty dog breed, from the celebrated Trusty, belonging to the late Lord Camelford.
1969 E. H. Hart (title) Encyclopaedia of dog breeds.
2003 New Yorker 3 Feb. 89/1 Of course, things have happened to dogs,..and dog breeds have changed over time.
dog chain n.
1507 Bk. Rates 15 July in N. S. B. Gras Early Eng. Customs Syst. (1918) 696 Chenes called doge chenes the grosse viii s.
1786 J. Lucas Catal. Furnit. B. Price 17 In the Nag stable... A muzzle, a dog chain, [etc.].
1859 F. Francis Newton Dogvane I. i. 11 Dog-chains, badger-tongs, rabbit-hutches.
1988 D. M. Martin in San Francisco Chron. 7 Aug. (Sunday Punch) 7/2 My hands were hooked to a dog chain around my waist and I couldn't wave back.
dog doctor n.
1771 T. Smollett Humphry Clinker I. 119 A famous dog-doctor was sent for.
1885 Times 23 May 8 The defendant lived in Clerkenwell, where he carried on a business as a ‘dog doctor’.
1999 Toronto Star (Nexis) 27 June One of the biggest problems faced by dog doctors is the fact that people use their pets as surrogates and the dogs just can't cope with the pressure.
dog feast n.
1743 J. Bulkeley & J. Cummins Voy. to South-seas 80 I was invited to a Dog-Feast..It was exceeding good Eating.
1854 J. G. Wood Sketches Animal Life 133 Dog is considered a delicacy..There are several ways in which these dog-feasts are conducted.
1999 St. Louis (Missouri) Post-Dispatch (Nexis) 3 Jan. a7 It was the Igorots from the Philippines who caused the biggest stir with their scanty clothing and ritual dog feasts.
dog flesh n.
1694 T. Phillips Jrnl. Voy. in Churchill's Coll. Voy. (1732) VI. 221/2 The negroes admire dog flesh before any other.
1750 Wks. Beaumont & Fletcher III. 215 Beaten about the ears..Stand there, charge there..And all this sport for Cheese and Chines of Dog-flesh.
1805 P. Gass Jrnl. 9 Oct. (1807) 146 We have some Frenchmen, who prefer dog-flesh to fish.
1992 J. Stern & M. Stern Encycl. Pop Culture 228/1 A widely held folk belief that hot dogs might actually contain dog flesh.
dog hospital n.
1829 Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, Pa.) 2 Sept. Here, as in Turkey, there are Dog Hospitals, where an old hound is fed upon soups.
1888 J. Ruskin Præterita III. ii. 55 Kept quiet for a day or two in a dog-hospital.
1997 Atlanta Jrnl. & Constit. (Nexis) 17 Nov. b1 Stranger died of heartworms on the operating table at the dog hospital.
dog lead n.
1906 Times 31 Jan. 13 At the house of each prisoner were discovered a number of valuable dogs and a quantity of dog leads.
1992 T. Davies Modest Pageant 59 A dog collar is around this first man's neck. A dog lead is attached to the collar.
dog leash n.
1534 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1905) VI. 202 For dog leschis and dog collaris.
1609 J. Skene tr. Stat. William in Regiam Majestatem 12 He may follow his hounds within the Kings forest, as farre as he may cast his horne or his dogleisch.
1823 W. Scott Quentin Durward II. xiii. 262 The fool who presented his mistress with a dog-leash for a carcanet.
1992 Drew Mag. Summer 17/2 [They] began tying her door shut,..looping a dog leash from her doorknob to the knob of an adjacent door.
dog licence n.
1857 Newport (Rhode Island) Daily News 1 Oct. Report of dog license money paid... Read..and referred to committee on Finance.
1867 Times 10 Apr. 5 The propriety of supplementing the new dog licence by a tax upon the use..of firearms.
1936 Times 14 Aug. 10/1 Did she need..a dog licence, a wireless licence?
1997 Independent 17 Apr. 18/3 The dog licence, which was eventually scrapped in 1988.
dog life n.
1892 C. G. Harper Eng. Pen Artists 60 Such excellent black-and-white renderings of dog life.
2006 Daily Post (Liverpool) (Nexis) 7 Oct. 12 Unfortunately, as well as ample evidence of birdlife, there's also ample evidence of doglife in the form of excrement.
dog muzzle n.
1704 N. N. tr. T. Boccalini Advts. from Parnassus I. 25 A Gentleman that wanted a parcel of Dog-muzzles.
1889 Times 23 July 8/1 The advocates of the dog muzzle assert that an order for the universal muzzling of dogs for a stated period would effectually stamp out hydrophobia.
1995 Dominion (Wellington) (Nexis) 1 May 10 After they left he stormed upstairs to the attic and came back with an old dog muzzle and told me I should wear it for future social occasions.
dog pack n.
1831 Sporting Mag. Feb. 259/1 After luncheon I strolled into the kennel: it was a hunting-day, and the dog-pack was out.
1927 F. B. Young Portrait of Clare ii. xi. 201 The huntsman and his whips had clattered over from the kennels with the dog-pack.
1990 Animals' Agenda Mar. 38/1 Hunters using..tracking equipment and dog packs also markedly upped the bear kill in New Hampshire.
dog pound n.
1845 N.Y. Herald 1 July The ordinance provides that there shall be established a dog pound, in a suitable location.
1928 Times 12 July 11/2 A large electric lethal chamber had been presented to the Catania Society for use in the municipal dog pound.
2006 D. Peterson Jane Goodall xxxvii. 570 The yellowish, shorthaired mutt rescued from the dog pound.
dog show n.
1844 Farmer's Cabinet 16 Dec. 141/1 A friend of ours is a dog fancier, and we accompanied him to—of all things in the world—a dog show.
1863 in Notes & Queries (1963) Mar. 106/1 The International Dog Show.
1994 Dog World Feb. 57/1 Crufts! Is it the greatest dog show on earth?
dog soap n.
1869 Times 29 June 2 (advt.) Dog soap of the finest quality.
1990 Hobart Mercury (Nexis) 3 Sept. All dogs taking part in the walkathon will receive a can of dog food, a training lead and a cake of dog soap.
dog tax n.
1753 ‘Brindle’ Dogs Plea 2 Stripes, collars, chains, hungry bellies, and..after all these, a dog tax.
1886 Encycl. Brit. XX. 201/2 The imposition of a dog-tax or licence.
1930 Burlington (N. Carolina) Daily Times 25 July 3 Pay your Dog Tax between now and August 1st and save cost of taking up and pounding dogs.
2002 Daily Express (E. Malaysia) 21 Nov. 23/2 Dog tax, tobacco tax, car tax, ecological tax—did you really think that was the end of the line?
(b) With sense ‘serving as food for dogs’, as dog bran, dog cake, †dog-crust, etc. See also dog biscuit n., dog meat n.
1520 in Hist. MSS Comm.: Rep. MSS Ld. Middleton (1911) 333 in Parl. Papers (Cd. 5567) XXVII. 1 Item for halfe a quarter of branne for doge bred.
a1585 a1585 Polwart Flyt. (T) 214 Ȝour bankettis of sick vilitie, Deir of the dog brane [v.r. dog-bran] of the Mers.
1647 R. Stapleton tr. Juvenal Sixteen Satyrs 67 Thou maist..gnaw dog-crusts [L. et sordes farris mordere canini].
1873 Times 17 Oct. 1 Fibrine dog cakes.—It has come to the knowledge of the Proprietors that spurious..biscuits are being sold..as Spratt's Patent Cak[e]s.
1896 A. Austin England's Darling ii. i. 33 None o' your sharps nor dog-bran, but real Earl's barley-meal.
1958 Times 13 June 18 A new cannery..which produces dog biscuits, dog meal, etc.
1991 Dogs Today Mar. 47/1 A dog show [sc. Crufts]..originally held to promote ‘dog cakes’.
(c) With reference to greyhound racing, as dog race, dog racer, dog racing, etc. See also dog track n. (b) at Compounds 3a.
1843 Rep. Cases Courts of Exchequer X. 727 A dog-race for £100 is within the statute of Anne.
1863 Hunt's Yachting Mag. Apr. 150 The establishment of a central authority in the shape of a club..may some day be thought as necessary for the welfare of yacht, as it has been found of horse and dog racing.
1864 Chambers's Jrnl. 502/2 Betting more than you can afford upon a dog-race.
1875 Chambers's Jrnl. 254/1 Manchester..being the headquarters of the rabbit-courser;..and the colliery districts generally, of the dog-racer.
1875 Chambers's Jrnl. 254/1 Excluded from enjoying the pleasures of bull-baiting, the Lancashire rough falls back on dog-racing or some similar sport which admits of betting.
1932 J. Thurber Let. 3 Feb. (2002) 149 They also have dog races here, and a Marathon dance.
1997 Mail on Sunday (Nexis) 2 Nov. 25 Two greyhounds found poisoned..could have been dumped by dog racers.
2004 Independent 17 Aug. (Review section) 2/3 The statistical advantage that the betting shops have over the punters..is..about 11 per cent on a horse race, 20 per cent on a dog race.
b. attributive and in the genitive. Designating the excrement of dogs, frequently in similative phrases as the type of something disgusting, worthless, bad, etc. Chiefly colloquial and slang. Cf. dog shit n.
dog crap n. (also dog's crap)
1942 W. A. Dorrance Sundowners vi. 321 Holden give me one of them little piles, looks like dog crap.
1999 Newscastle (Austral.) Herald (Nexis) 16 Feb. 9 They're the type I want to equate to dog's crap on your heel.
2007 A. Stuart in Built 82 He'd tried to be nice, to give her a compliment, and she'd given him a look like he was lower than dog crap.
dog dirt n. (also dog's dirt)
1543 J. Bale Yet Course at Romyshe Foxe sig. Hiiij Lyes of hypocrites, adders egges, spyders webbes.., dogges dyrt, swylle,..[etc.].
1766 E. Buys Sewel's Compl. Dict. Eng & Dutch II. Honde-keutel, dog's dirt, dung.
1826 H. Roscoe North's Lives (new ed.) II. 342 Hans will sooner heave a dog's dirt overboard, than bestir himself to save a sail when it is splitting.
1893 Consular Rep. Commerce Mar. 422 Dog-dirt solution is also used for cleansing skins from chemicals.
1938 H. E. Bates Spella Ho iii. i. 142 The man who made a fortune out of shoveling up the dog dirts in the street.
2007 L. Davis Saturnalia 173 The first-choice slave girl was pretty, but inane and as common as dog dirt.
dog do n. (also dog doo)
the world > animals > mammals > group Unguiculata or clawed mammal > family Canidae > dog > [noun] > excrement of
dog turd?1550
dog mess1927
dog pile1950
doggy do1971
dog poop1972
dog do1976
1976 New York 26 July 34/2 A man nearby scrapes dog-doo off his shoe.
1981 J. Viorst If I were in Charge of World (1987) 53 Will they only say he stepped in the dog doo at Jimmy Altman's party?
2003 Boys Toys Aug. 46/1 The picture and (to a lesser extent) sound quality of DV recordings makes analogue formats look like a big pile of dog do, not to put too fine a point on it.
dog mess n. (also dog's mess)
the world > animals > mammals > group Unguiculata or clawed mammal > family Canidae > dog > [noun] > excrement of
dog turd?1550
dog mess1927
dog pile1950
doggy do1971
dog poop1972
dog do1976
1927 G. Sturt Small Boy in Sixties xv. 145 One had to walk warily for fear..of dog messes on the kerb.
1987 E. Bombeck Family (1988) 241 There is a dog's mess at the end of the sofa.
2008 N. Seitz Hundred Years of Happiness 37 You seen that pile of dog mess in your front yard?
dog muck n. (also dog's muck)
a1804 J. Mather Songs (1862) 15 Cat's muck and dog's muck also, Sh—t pots mould and abominate.
1957 R. Hoggart Uses of Literacy ii. 52 Dock and nettle insist on a defiant life in the rough and trampled earth-heaps,..undeterred by ‘dog-muck’, cigarette packets, old ashes.
1979 Times 11 Dec. 19/5 A hinged disposable paper container with which dog owners can painlessly pick up dog muck when out on walkies.
2004 Evening Chron. (Newcastle) (Nexis) 24 Jan. 15 She's as common as dog's muck, that one.
dog poo n. (also dog's poo)
1972 Montana Standard 9 Jan. 19/2 My bare foot stepped into dog poo in the middle of the dining room.
1986 Guardian (Nexis) 20 Sept. [He] reacted ‘like a man who has just had his face rubbed in dog's poo’.
2005 B. Sparks Finding Katie 169 She's hurt me too much in the past, by making me feel..like I was about as important as dog poo.
dog poop n.
the world > animals > mammals > group Unguiculata or clawed mammal > family Canidae > dog > [noun] > excrement of
dog turd?1550
dog mess1927
dog pile1950
doggy do1971
dog poop1972
dog do1976
1972 N.Y. Times 1 Oct. d3/1 She stepped from the cab into a mound of dog poop.
2009 Niagara Falls (Ont.) Rev. (Nexis) 21 May a4 All of a sudden auto workers have become lower than dog poop.
dog turd n. (also dog's turd)
the world > animals > mammals > group Unguiculata or clawed mammal > family Canidae > dog > [noun] > excrement of
dog turd?1550
dog mess1927
dog pile1950
doggy do1971
dog poop1972
dog do1976
?1550 H. Llwyd tr. Pope John XXI Treasury of Healthe sig. H.viv A plaster made of dogges turde & mans ordure and the gall of a bull is very good.
1695 J. Sergeant Let. from Trooper in Flanders 16 If all these Garisons put together, will not command any Contribution worth the speaking of..then..all of them together are not worth a Dog-turd.
1773 Art of tanning & currying Leather 142 Put into a large vat three or four pails of dogs turd.
1936 H. E. Bates House of Women ii. 37 The passage was filthy too; odds and ends, papers, a bottle, dog-turds.
1952 J. Steinbeck East of Eden (1980) 27 Sometimes I think you're a weakling who will never amount to a dog turd.
2008 J. van de Ruit Spud—Madness Continues 312 I thanked him and told him he had dog turd on his shoe.
(a) Objective and objective genitive, as dog driver, dog driving, dog fancier, dog fancying, dog keeping, dog seller, dog skinner, dog stealer, dog stealing, dog washing, etc. See also dog-breaker n. at Compounds 3a, dog keeper n., dogwhipper n.
1598 J. Florio Worlde of Wordes Castracane, a dog gelder.
1770 Gentleman's Mag. 40 164 To punish the dog-stealer, or the man charged with the crime of dog-stealing.
c1785 (title) The dog skinner.
1821 P. Egan Life in London ii. iii. 221 The dog-fancier in the corner..sidled up to the Swells.
1845 Ainsworth's Mag. 7 5 I'm the only honest man in the dog-fancyin' line.
1876 J. Greenwood Low-life Deeps 16 Bitten..with the dog-keeping mania.
1889 G. Stables Dog Owners' Kennel Compan. i. 10 On dog-washing days.
1895 R. Kipling Second Jungle Bk. 148 The boy knows something of dog-driving.
1898 Daily News 17 Jan. 8/5 The Admiral..described how the two saved the life of their dog-driver..when he ‘was rapidly freezing’.
1910 H. G. Wells Hist. Mr. Polly ix. 301 Drowning superfluous kittens, dog-fancying as required.
1987 L. Murray Coll. Poems (1991) 241 The done fox suddenly underfoot among dog-urgers.
dog breeder n.
1816 Crit. Rev. Jan. 62 Except to professed sportsmen, gamekeepers, dog breeders, and..huntsmen, we do not think it is calculated to be of much utility.
1939 A. L. Hagedoorn Animal Breeding 262 Dog breeders made the Airedale Terrier larger by the use of Gordon Setters.
2007 W. Safire in N.Y. Times Mag. 22 Apr. 24/2 Dog breeders have taken up mixed breed [as a euphemism for mongrel].
dog breeding n.
1841 D. P. Blaine Canine Pathol. (ed. 4) Index 319/1 A cross in dog-breeding.
1882 Times 14 Apr. 4 Dog-breeding and canine exhibitions have come much into fashion of late years.
1997 Houston Chron. (Nexis) 19 July (Sports section) 9 For the breeders, handlers and judges, the competition in dog breeding is serious.
dog lover n.
1703 T. D'Urfey Old Mode & New 49 The Fisher has spoil'd his Angling-Rod, and the Dog-lover crack'd..his best hunting Horn.
1951 W. Lewis Rotting Hill iii. 105 The English have bred as spectacular a breed of underdogs as any dog-lover could wish!
1996 Guardian 31 May i. 16/7 Coal miners have always been dog-lovers.
2006 Field July 127/1 A complete canine companion to guide dog lovers through every breed.
dog owner n.
1831 W. Sullivan Moral Class Bk. xxxiii. 242 The public law ought to hold a dog-owner to be guilty of manslaughter, if his dog occasion the death of any person.
1936 N.Y. Times 26 Apr. s8/2 Membership entitles dog owners to enter the club's training class.
2006 Men's Health Aug. 43/2 Dog owners are twice as active as their poochless peers.
dog-owning n. and adj.
1876 Western Mail (Cardiff) 30 Dec. It will be satisfactory to the dog-owning public of the district to know that the mad dog which..bit several dogs was captured.
1899 Times 20 July 6 Raising the tone of dog-owning and dog-showing everywhere to the same high level.
1990 Times (Nexis) 29 Dec. In Tokyo..cramped apartments make dog-owning a luxury.
2003 J. Katz New Work of Dogs i. 6 Montclair almost perfectly exemplifies the American dog-owning population—educated, affluent, child-centered.
dog trainer n.
1747 J. Thomson tr. M. Aurelius Commentaries iv. 92 The Vine-dresser, the Colt-breaker, and Dog-trainer.
1897 Times 18 Nov. 4 James Goodge,..described as a dog trainer,..was charged..on suspicion of stealing..three fancy dogs.
1986 V. Hearne in R. Poirier Raritan Reading (1990) 159 Dog trainers and horse trainers insist that training..results in ennoblement.
2008 Scotsman (Nexis) 19 Mar. 4 A former professional dog trainer, who has appeared on television shows such as Dog Borstal and It's Me or the Dog.
dog training n.
1824 Morning Chron. 1 Jan. The Carolinians keep and train large dogs for hunting..runaway..negroes... [They] set a young negro to strike a pup and then run from it. This is dog training.
1932 L. Sprake (title) The art of dog training.
2005 Daily Post (Liverpool) 31 May The couple took him to dog training classes where he learned to perform tricks such as playing dead.
d. Instrumental, parasynthetic, and similative, as dog-bitten, dog-bright, dog-drawn, dog-driven, dog-eyed, dog-footed, dog-furred, dog-gnawn, dog-haired, dog-hated, dog-hearted, dog-looked, dog-looking, dog-whining, etc. See also dog-faced adj., dog-headed adj., doglegged adj.
1582 S. Batman Vppon Bartholome, De Proprietatibus Rerum xii. xxvii. 186 (Addition) This kinde of Owle is dogge footed.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World II. 363 A stone which a dog hath taken vp with his mouth and bitten, wil cause debate and dissention in the company where it is..it is growne into a common prouerbe..when we perceiue those that dwel in one house together to be..at variance..to say, You have a dog-bitten stone here among you.
1608 W. Shakespeare King Lear xvii. 46 His own vnkindnes..gaue her deare rights, To his dog-harted daughters. View more context for this quotation
1667 R. L'Estrange tr. F. de Quevedo Visions 2 A wretched kind of a dog-look'd fellow..his Cloaths all in tatters.
1680 R. L'Estrange tr. Erasmus 20 Select Colloquies v. 62 Out comes the Dog looking Gray-beard again.
1765 T. Zouch Crucifixion 6 Dog-ey'd Lust, Rifling the bosom of chaste innocence.
1829 E. Elliott Village Patriarch i. 9 Legless soldier, borne In dog-drawn car.
a1847 E. Cook Song of Spirit of Poverty in Poems (1853) 174 A dog-gnawn bone for my sceptre wand.
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses ii. xiv. [Oxen of the Sun] 391 Swineheaded..or doghaired infants occasionally born.
1928 E. Sitwell Five Poems 4 Beneath my dog-furred leaves you see The creeping strawberry.
1929 E. Sitwell Gold Coast Customs 22 The dog-whining dawn light.
1931 W. de la Mare Seven Short Stories 134 He looked at me..with those dog-bright eyes.
1932 W. H. Auden Orators iii. 85 A dog-hated dustman.
1966 Hist. Religions 6 127 He [sc. a deity] has dog-footed wives and many sons and daughters.
1979 Technol. & Culture 20 359 We learn here of dog-driven butter churns and roasting spits.
1996 J. C. Oates We were Mulvaneys 417 There were animals who were the casualties of other animals—severely dog-bitten dogs and cats, bucks terribly injured in rutting season.
e. With adjectives, used as an intensifier: thoroughly, utterly; extremely; as dog asleep, dog-drunk, dog-hungry, dog-lame, dog-lean, dog-mad, dog-poor, dog-sick, etc. See also dog cheap adj., dog-tired adj., dog-weary adj.
1552 R. Huloet Abcedarium Anglico Latinum Dogge leane, squallidus.
1579 T. North tr. Plutarch Liues 914 In deede Cicero was dogge leane, a litle eater.
1599 H. Buttes Dyets Dry Dinner sig. O4 He that saith, he is Dog-sicke, as sicke as a Dog; meaneth a sicke Dog, doubtlesse.
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues Dormer en transe, to be dog asleepe, to be in a deepe or dead sleepe.
a1625 J. Fletcher Humorous Lieut. i. i, in F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher Comedies & Trag. (1647) sig. Qqq2 v/1 Would I were drunk, dog-drunk, I might not feele this.
1625 J. Davis in S. Purchas Pilgrimes I. iii. 118 Dog hungry and meatlesse.
1647 J. Howell New Vol. of Lett. 94 Some of our Preachmen are grown dogmadd.
1723 A. de la Mottraye Trav. II. iv. 143 He..wou'd run..Dog-mad at the Sound of Musick, especially a Pair of Bag-Pipes.
1738 E. Purefoy Let. 7 Mar. in G. Eland Purefoy Lett. (1931) I. vii. 167 The mare is broke out just above the hoof and she is Dog lame.
1832 W. Scott Jrnl. 16 Jan. (1946) 210 I was dog sick of the whole of it.
1888 ‘R. Boldrewood’ Robbery under Arms I. ix. 113 When she [sc. a mare] was dog-poor and hardly able to drag herself along.
1953 L. V. Berrey & M. Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Slang (1954) 102 Be hungry. Be bad for feed,—dog-hungry, [etc.].
a1983 ‘R. West’ Sunflower (1986) iii. 113 Maxine..was dog-lazy and never did a stroke if she could put it on somebody else.
1995 ‘Boy George’ & S. Bright Take it like Man xviii. 141 The thought of living with Marilyn made Myra and Andy dog-sick.
2001 P. Magrs All the Rage (2002) viii. 161 In London, people seemed to pay a fortune to live somewhere they thought of as posh and, when you went round, it was dog rough.
f. In depreciative sense: bad, spurious, bastard, mongrel; as dog eloquence, dog-English, dog-Greek, dog-logic (also dog's logic), dog rhetoric, dog-rhyme, etc. See also dog-Latin n. at Compounds 3a. Now archaic. [In dog eloquence after post-classical Latin canina facundia (4th cent.).]
the mind > language > speech > manner of speaking > [noun] > eloquence
fair speakinga1387
dog eloquence1542
the mind > language > languages of the world > Indo-Hittite > [noun] > Indo-European > Greek > spurious or bad Greek
the mind > language > languages of the world > Indo-Hittite > [noun] > Indo-European > Germanic > English > spurious or bad English
1542 T. Elyot Bibliotheca Canina facundia, dogge eloquence. A prouerbe applyed to suche as doo neuer exercise theyr tunge or penne, but in reprouing or blamynge other men.
1565 M. Harding in J. Jewel Def. Apol. Churche Eng. (1567) 94 Luther would stampe, and rage, and whette his dogge eloquence vpon you.
1581 P. Wiburn Checke or Reproofe M. Howlets Shreeching f. 29 Heere is praeda Mysorum, expounded and set out with dogge Rhetorike, and much adoe.
1611 J. Florio Queen Anna's New World of Words Versaccij, dog-rimes, filthy verses.
a1625 MS. Bodl. 30 f. 13 a To begge sir Tottipate's applause in dogrime verse.
1638 D. Featley Stricturæ in Lyndomastygem i. sig. A iijv, in H. Lynde Case for Spectacles Every where full of Canina facundia, Dogg-eloquence.
1711 Examiner 1 No. 50 His skill in that part of learning called dog's logic.
1754 W. Warburton View Bolingbroke's Philos.: Lett. 1st & 2nd 18 His Lordship might reasonably think, that his Dog-Eloquence, was well enough fitted to their Dog-Logic.
1884 F. Harrison in 19th Cent. Mar. 496 Agnostic is only dog-Greek for ‘don't know’.
1938 F. M. Ford Let. 16 Mar. (1965) 290 He will at least write comprehensible dog-English.
2002 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 8 Oct. 18 It went from dog-Latin to dog-English, and it's not very uplifting.
a. With the sense ‘of or relating to a dog or dogs, canine’, as dog disease, dog family, dog tribe, etc.
a1640 J. Fletcher & P. Massinger Trag. Barnavelt (1980) ii. iv. 28 Such a den of dog-Whelps.
1739 R. Bradley Philos. Acct. Wks. Nature (ed. 2) ix. 132 The Hog Kind will sometimes bring 17 or 18 young ones at a Birth, and the Dog Race about 10.
1775 J. Anderson Ess. Agric. vi. 321 The varieties of this animal are not so distinctly marked as that of the dog-tribe.
1874 H. Dalziel Dis. Dogs 23 ‘Specifics’..for all dog diseases.
1880 W. B. Dawkins Early Man in Brit. iv. 87 In the upper Pleiocene period the..dog family..appear for the first time.
1959 Times 23 Feb. 10/5 Two of the strangest members of the dog family arrived recently at the Regent's Park Zoo.
1992 Globe & Mail (Toronto) (Nexis) 25 May Donkeys have an innate dislike for members of the dog species.
b. With names of members of the dog family, and of some other carnivorous mammals: male; as dog hound, dog otter, dog seal, etc. Cf. sense 2, and see also dog fox n., dog-wolf n.
the world > animals > mammals > group Unguiculata or clawed mammal > family Felidae (feline) > [noun] > genus Panthera > panthera tigris (tiger) > male or female
the world > animals > mammals > group Unguiculata or clawed mammal > family Canidae > hound > [noun] > male
dog hound1687
1555 R. Eden tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde iii. ii. f. 96v The dogge tyger [L. tigris] chaunsed fyrste into this pitfaul.
1575 G. Gascoigne Noble Arte Venerie vii. 16 (heading) The signes vnder the which she may best be lined to bring foorth dogge whelps which shall not be subiect vnto diseases.
1687 London Gaz. No. 2220/4 Lost lately at Newmarket, an old Dog-Hound of His Majesties.
1749 H. Fielding Tom Jones IV. x. vii. 55 We have got the Dog Fox, I warrant the Bitch is not far off.
1778 in G. Cartwright Jrnl. Resid. Coast Labrador (1792) II. 346 [I turned] to an enormous, old, dog bear which came out of some alder-bushes on my right.
1832 C. M. Goodridge Narr. Voy. South Seas 29 The dog seals are named by South Seamen Wigs.
1888 Ferrets & Ferreting (ed. 2) iv. 20 A dog polecat ferret.
1893 F. C. Selous Trav. S.-E. Afr. 184 An old dog hyæna.
1955 Times 14 July 5/4 The Duke of Norfolk saw the doghound championship awarded to Distaff, a 1952 entered hound from his own pack.
1975 T. Russell Chron. Uncle Mose 54 Uncle Sol told Skipper Lige right to his face that he was uglier lookin' than an old dog hood [i.e. hooded seal].
2005 Brit. Life Jan. 25/4 As soon as the young are capable of taking care of themselves, the dog otter goes off to live by himself.
dog and bone n. [rhyming slang] British slang. a telephone.
1961 J. Franklyn Dict. Rhyming Slang (ed. 2) 146/1 Dog and bone, 'phone... This term seems to have evolved since the second war, probably partly due to the increase in the number of telephones installed.
1989 Daily Tel. 22 Mar. 31/1 British Telecom brings to you the telephone of the future—the dog and bone that offers self-improvement and self-expression.
1996 Sporting Life (Electronic ed.) 29 Aug. Yesterday, yours truly was just settling down with a crate of lagers ready to watch a Chubby Brown video when the dog and bone starts buzzing.
2001 Mirror (Electronic ed.) 6 Oct. Lazerbuilt Chic Telephone, £19.99... This amazing Dog and Bone is £49.95.
dog appetite n. Obsolete voracious or morbidly excessive appetite; an instance of this; cf. canine adj. 1b, dogged adj. 2b.
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > disorders of internal organs > disordered nutrition > [noun] > excessive hunger
dog's hunger1592
dogged hunger1599
dog hunger1605
canine appetite1609
dog appetite1615
doggish appetitea1620
1615 H. Crooke Μικροκοσμογραϕια 169 In the disease called Boulimos, there is hunger without appetite, and in the Dog-appetite, there is appetite without hunger.
1725 E. Strother Ess. Sickness & Health ii. 226 Dekkers..is in the right to commend Spirits of Wine, and Aqua Vitæ, in the Dog-Appetite, because, as I have hinted above, it dulcifies the Sour.
1862 Chambers's Jrnl. 14 June 374/1 This antiquated dame was tormented with what was then called a dog-appetite—although we question whether our own Carlos, Cæsar, or silky-eared Fan could have emulated her feats in the eating line.
1904 Clin. Jrnl. 13 Apr. 408/1 It is what we call a canine or dog appetite, or the hungry evil, a voracious hunger.
dog-belt n. Coal Mining Obsolete a strong broad belt of leather, worn round the waist, for drawing dans or sledges in the workings.
1842 W. T. Brande Dict. Sci., Lit. & Art 358/1 Dog Belts..a strong broad piece of leather round the waist.
1842 Times 14 May 5/6 Boys from the age of six upwards were employed..to drag loads of coal..by means of a certain ‘dog-belt and chain’, or ‘girdle and chain’, as the boys themselves call it.
dog-breaker n. now chiefly historical a person who ‘breaks’ or trains dogs, esp. for hunting (see breaker n.1 3).
1770 Ess. Game Laws 3 In every town in England, there is a qualified Poacher, some idle scoundrel of no property, nor profession, not even the merit of a Dog-breaker.
1848 C. Kingsley Saint's Trag. i. i. 38 That a man shall keep his dog-breakers, and his horse-breakers, and his hawk-breakers, and never hire him a boy-breaker or two!
1960 Times 28 Mar. 12 In the last quarter of his life he [sc. an old gamekeeper] was not so much a gamekeeper as a dog-breaker.
2007 Derby Evening Tel. (Nexis) 18 Jan. 32 [Around 60 years ago] Mr Rumley was well known in the village as a ‘dog-breaker’, being chiefly concerned with retrievers and terriers.
dog breath n. (also dog's breath) originally U.S. foul-smelling breath in a dog; (hence) foul-smelling breath in a person, halitosis (also as a term of abuse).Attested c1944 as the nickname of a United States Army Air Force B-17 bomber aircraft.
1951 Ogden (Utah) Standard-Examiner 2 Dec. 16 a/4 He found the stuff [sc. deodorant] ‘harmless as a lettuce leaf’ to a dog's digestive system, yet a sure cure for ‘dog breath’ and body odors.
1959 Dial Fall 70 With Sello..leaning on café tables, blowing his old dog's breath into Stern's face, the student felt that at last he had made contact with real European life.
1981 Washington Post 29 Oct. b1 Do you wanna sit down, dog-breath, or would you prefer a collapsed lung?
1998 J. Pritchard Hollyoaks (Mersey TV transmission script) (O.E.D. Archive) Episode 255. 18 Isn't that something you and dog's breath need to be discussing?
2004 J. Milligan Both Sides of Story 78 If I didn't love you, I wouldn't tell you that you had dog breath!
dog catcher n. a person responsible for rounding up and impounding stray dogs.
a1703 R. Hooke Present State Nat. Philos. in Posthumous Wks. (1705) 26 (list) Dog-catchers and Keepers.
1882 A. E. Sweet & J. A. Knox Sketches from Texas Siftings 62 The dog-catchers have quit going their rounds.
1978 Globe & Mail (Toronto) 1 June 9/1 She has been the West Lincoln Township dogcatcher since 1969.
2008 S. Florida Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale) (Nexis) 22 June Pembroke Pines..has no dog catchers on staff and no shelter for animals that are seized.
dog-chance n. [after classical Latin canis or canīcula (see main etymology)] Obsolete Dice = dog-throw n.
society > leisure > entertainment > pastimes > game > games of chance > dice-playing > [noun] > throw > lowest or losing throw
dog's throw1834
1625 T. Godwin Romanae Historiae Anthologia (new ed.) ii. iii. xiii. 115 The losing cast, Canis, or Canicula, in English a Dogge-chance.
1671 H. M. tr. Erasmus Colloquies 441 I always cast the unlucky dog-chances.
dog clutch n. Mechanics a clutch for coupling two shafts or other rotating components, consisting of one part with teeth and another with slots with which the teeth engage.
1876 U.S. Patent 175,722 1/2 Any friction-clutch or dog-clutch may be used.
1907 Westm. Gaz. 18 Nov. 6/3 The road-wheels are mounted on the..steel valves, leaving the enclosed driving-shafts free to transmit the power, through the medium of dog-clutches, to the hubs.
1951 G. H. Sewell Amateur Film-making (ed. 2) iii. 24 A dog-clutch on the camera motor mechanism engages with the main spindle of the magazine.
1995 Car & Driver Buyers Guide 30 June 69/1 The dog clutches are used to key the gear selected to the shaft.
dog-cook n. Obsolete a male cook (cf. sense 2 and Compounds 2b).Apparently an isolated use.
1825 T. Hook Sayings & Doings 2nd Ser. 84 A house in Grosvenor Street,..a cellar admirably stocked, a first-rate Dog-Cook and assistants.
dog couple n. now rare (usually in plural; also pair of dog couples) a leash for holding two dogs together; = couple n. 1a.
the world > food and drink > hunting > equipment > [noun] > leash for hounds
dog couple1649
1649 C. Hoole Easie Entrance Lat. Tongue 301/1 A pair of dog couples, Copulae.
1652 J. Shirley Sisters i. i Led Away in dog-couples by rusty officers.
1767 G. Washington Invoice 20 July in Papers (1993) VIII. 12 12 pr Dog Couples.
1843 Ainsworth's Mag. 3 147 With his dog-couples slung across his shoulders.
1939–40 Army & Navy Stores Catal. 999/2 Dog Couples, medium, for spaniels, setters and pointers.
dog dance n. a ceremonial dance performed by some American Indian groups.
1807 Z. M. Pike Jrnl. 23 Mar. in Acct. Exped. Sources Mississippi (1810) 84 In the evening we were entertained with the calumet and dog dance.
1854 J. G. Wood Sketches Animal Life 134 There is the dog-dance, in which the liver of the dog is suspended to a pole..The Indians..commence a slow dance round the pole.
1931 B. Evans & M. G. Evans Amer. Indian Dance Steps 95 ‘The Peace Dance is..almost the same as the Dog Dance.’ Back of all these conflicting versions there is probably a very ancient symbolic ceremonial whose origin is lost in the obscurity of a remote past.
1998 Times-Picayune (New Orleans) (Nexis) 26 Nov. g1 Second-graders at Our Lady of Prompt Succor..perform a dog dance during Indian Day.
2002 Jrnl. World. Hist. 13 286 Among the Arapaho,..the leader and his four associates in the Dog Dance pledged never to retreat.
dog-eat-dog n. and adj. [compare (let) dog eat dog at Phrases 1c] (a) n. a situation in which people are willing to harm each other in order to succeed; (b) adj. ruthlessly competitive.
society > society and the community > dissent > competition or rivalry > [noun] > fierce or ruthless
rat racing1912
society > society and the community > dissent > competition or rivalry > [adjective] > types of competition
neck and neck1828
1794 Gazette of U.S. 5 Aug. (headline) Dog eat dog.]
1822 Q. Poynet Wizard Priest & Witch I. ii. 50 ‘Come, Giles, let's see the contents of the purse—honour amongst thieves, you know.’ ‘Yes, yes,’ added the old woman; ‘no dog eat dog in this house.’
1854 Times 30 Dec. 9 It was dog eat dog—tit for tat... the customers cheated us in their fabrics; we cheated the customers with our goods.
1872 N.Y. Times 5 Aug. 5/5 The ‘dog-eat-dog’ relations existing..between those who mistakenly follow the piebald candidate and those who only propose to use him.
1931 ‘D. Stiff’ Milk & Honey Route xv. 169 He knows and lives the justice of the jungle as well as he knows and lives the dog-eat-dog code of the main stem.
1959 N. N. Holland First Mod. Comedies xiv. 168 The impression we get is of a dog-eat-dog world.
1964 R. Jeffries Embarrassing Death iii. 21 You don't want to be nice for this job..it's dog eat dog.
2006 Games TM No. 49. 89/1 I've often been in these dog-eat-dog battles for survival, and have had to fight hard.
dog-end n. (a) British slang the end of a cigarette that has been smoked (cf. fag end n. 1b); (b) the very end of something, the last or worst part.
the world > physical sensation > use of drugs and poison > tobacco > smoking > articles or materials used in smoking > [noun] > thing which may be smoked > cigar or cigarette > butt or end of
butt end1827
old soldier1834
fag end1892
1934 Times 27 Aug. 11/4 A man who hunts for cigarette-ends in the street is a ‘dog-end walloper’.
1941 G. Kersh They die with their Boots Clean 186 There is a kind of closet containing a bar scarcely more than three feet long. This dog-end of space belongs to the group.
1999 T. Lott White City Blue (2000) 61 He narrows his eyes behind his specs against the smoke still coiling from his smouldering, soggy dog-end.
2003 A. Maxted Behaving Like Adults xiii. 104 Dreadfully hard to be pro-smooch when you're at the dog end of a failed relationship.
dog fashion adv. colloquial = doggy style adv. at doggy n. Compounds; cf. doggy fashion adv. at doggy n. Compounds.
1948 N. Cassady Let. 16 June (2005) 77 Nigger fucks dog-fashion as she kneels on bed.
2005 J. Pelham Sex Ring in Small Town 31 Imagine that big jerk Oscar jumping this magnificent woman dog fashion and not having the foggiest notion what he could do with her if he had any smarts.
dog-flaw n. Obsolete a burst of passion: see flaw n.2 2.
the mind > emotion > anger > manifestation of anger > [noun] > fit(s) or outburst(s) of anger
fustian fume1553
a1625 J. Fletcher Women Pleas'd iii. iv, in F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher Comedies & Trag. (1647) sig. Eeeeee2v/2 We would soone disburthen ye Of that that breeds these fits, these dog-flawes in ye.
1857 T. Wright Dict. Obsolete & Provinc. Eng. 393/2 Dogflaws, gusts of rage.
dog-flogger n. Obsolete = dogwhipper n.
society > faith > church government > laity > lay functionaries > sexton > [noun]
1806 in T. North Accts. Churchwardens S. Martin's, Leicester 5 July (1884) 228 Pd Fewkes Dog Flogger 0 10 0.
dog fouling n. the action or practice of allowing one's dog to defecate in a public place.
1975 Big Spring (Texas) Herald 20 July 2 a/6 ‘You don't warn them of their constitutional rights?’ I asked. ‘No, I don't. It's not necessary when one deals with dog fouling’.
1982 Times 11 Oct. 3/3 Penalties for dog fouling.
2005 S. Bell in I. Kowarik & S. Körner Wild Open Woodlands 90 Focus groups identified dog fouling as being a key form of anti-social behaviour.
dog-given adj. Obsolete rare addicted to dogs.
?1611 G. Chapman tr. Homer Iliads xi. 256 As a dog-given hunter sets upon a brace of boars His white-tooth'd hounds.
dog grate n. a detached fire grate standing in a fireplace upon dogs (see sense 8).
1844 Times 24 Apr. 1/5 (advt.) Self-acting range patterns, stove, dog grate, and other patterns.
1908 A. Conan Doyle in Strand Mag. 36 247 With a slow smile he drew a folded and discoloured scrap of paper from his pocket. ‘It was a dog-grate, Mr Holmes, and he overpitched it.’
1992 C. Hardyment Home Comfort viii. 114 The rows of spits laid across from one firedog to another evolved into a form of brazier known as a dog grate.
dog hair adj. North American attributive (of a stand of trees, a forest, etc.) consisting of densely packed trees, often spindly from lack of sunlight, and typically arising from natural seeding after burning or forest clearing.
1971 Jrnl. Range Managem. 24 200/2 A properly managed cover of grasses reduces erosion,..allows for the return to timber, and aids in eliminating ‘doghair stands’ of trees.
2005 A. D. Nystrom Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks vi. 287 The dog hair forest finally gives way to sagebrush meadows, and, on clear days, truly grand views.
dog handler n. a person who works with a trained dog or dogs, now esp. police dogs.
1870 N.Y. Herald 3 Mar. 10/2 Sheffield George, the noted English dog handler.
1968 R. Jeffries Traitor's Crime i. 9 The civilian fitter..was changing a fan-belt on a dog handler's van.
1971 Sunday Express 25 Apr. 17/6 Dog handler Mr. Robert Green..receives £720 from her estate.
2000 A. Taylor Where Roses Fade (2003) lvii. 401 I want as many men as possible down there. You'd better call in a dog-handler as well.
dog handling n. the work of a dog handler; the training or use of dogs to perform particular tasks.
1911 Daily Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica) 5 Apr. 1/7 Scott has the best equipment for his undertaking, but will that counter-balance the knowledge of dog handling which the Norwegian possesses?
1988 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 4 Dec. 15 150 Peruvian police officers received special training in the United States in bomb deactivation, dog handling and protection of vital installations.
2003 Third World Q. 24 950 For dog handling, clearance work, medical support and database operations, professional expertise is employed.
dog-hanging n. English regional (a) (formerly, in Essex) a wedding feast held to collect money for the bride (historical in later use); (b) (more generally) any social gathering (now rare). [Probably with allusion to the gathering at the spectacle of dog being publicly (and sometimes judicially) hanged; compare what dog is a hanging? at Phrases 13.]
1646 Maldon Parish Rec. 12 Mar. in W. W. Addison Essex Heyday (modernized text) 103 [Thomas Reid heard William Came say] that the next day being the sabbath day he was to go to a dog-hanging feast to Robert Bigges's house.
1699 W. Winstanley Essex Champion ix. 133 Now in most parts of Essex (where this Wedding was kept) it is a common Custom when Poor People Marry, to make a kind of a Dog-Hanging, or Mony-gathering, which they call a Wedding-Dinner.
1847 J. O. Halliwell Dict. Archaic & Provinc. Words at word Dog-hanging. A wedding feast, where money was collected for the bride.
1886 R. E. G. Cole Gloss. Words S.-W. Lincs. (at cited word) There's some folks will go to any kind of a dog-hanging.
1949 W. W. Addison Essex Heyday 103 But as disapproval of mirth is as constant as enjoyment of it, we must have this curious report of a dog-hanging feast in the spring of 1646.
1994 P. Beale Let. (O.E.D. Archive) Gus Thornton, in conversation..remarked that ‘a dog hanging’ was well known to his generation (born ca. 1920) as a term for any sort of social gathering or celebration.
dog horse n. Obsolete a worn-out horse slaughtered for dog's meat; (hence) any old or worn-out horse.
the world > animals > mammals > group Ungulata (hoofed) > family Equidae (general equines) > equus caballus or horse > [noun] > inferior or old and worn-out
dog horsec1600
hack horse1760
plug horse1872
c1600 Fermor Papers (Oxfordshire Archives E12/1F/1) f. 1v Geven..for a dogg horse viiid.
1698 J. Vanbrugh Æsop iv. ii Two blind stallions, besides pads, routs, and dog-horses.
c1785 T. Bewick Waiting for Death in A. Dobson B. & his Pupils (1884) ix. 155 He..was judged to be only fit for the dogs. However, one shilling and sixpence beyond the dog-horse price saved his life.
1851 Times 10 Apr. 8 The most notorious ruffians [sc. street cab drivers]..madly tooling their dog horses in ricketty and leaky vehicles.
1852 ‘Scrutator’ Lett. on Managem. Hounds v. 54 In some localities dog horses are scarce, in others almost too plentiful; the average price is from fourteen shillings to a pound.
1858 R. S. Surtees Ask Mamma lxxxiv. 324 Having a contract with Sir Moses for dog horses.
dog hunger n. Obsolete = dog appetite n.; also figurative; cf. dog's hunger n. at Compounds 3d.
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > disorders of internal organs > disordered nutrition > [noun] > excessive hunger
dog's hunger1592
dogged hunger1599
dog hunger1605
canine appetite1609
dog appetite1615
doggish appetitea1620
1605 J. Sylvester tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Deuine Weekes & Wks. ii. i. 342 The Dog-hunger, or the Bradypepsie.
a1680 S. Butler Genuine Remains (1759) II. 342 His greedy appetite to riches is but a kind of doghunger that never digests what it devours.
1727 E. Strother tr. P. Hermann Materia Medica I. 106 It [sc. Wormwood] agrees in Weaknesses of Stomach, in the Dog-Hunger, in Colicks, and in Worms.
1810 Tran. Med. Soc. London 1 i. 9 From this quarter [sc. natural history] we derive the elegant terms of fames canina, rabies canina (dog-hunger, dog-madness).
dog ill n. Obsolete rare = distemper n.1 4c.
the world > health and disease > ill health > animal disease or disorder > disorders of dogs > [noun]
running woodnessa1425
kennel lameness1841
dog ill1874
salmon disease1880
salmon poisoning1925
Rubarth's disease1951
canine parvovirus1972
1874 H. Dalziel Dis. Dogs 24 Distemper is also known as the ‘dog-ill’.
1906 J. Law Text Bk. Vet. Med. (ed. 2) IV. 205 Synonyms [of distemper]: Contagious catarrhal fever; Dog ill; Bronchial Catarrh; Intestinal Catarrh.
dog iron n. (a) Scottish (usually in plural, in pair of dog irons) an iron brace or leash for a dog; cf. dog couple n. (obsolete); (b) a firedog (see sense 8).
the world > matter > properties of materials > temperature > heat > heating or making hot > that which or one who heats > [noun] > a device for heating or warming > devices for heating buildings, rooms, etc. > hearth or fireplace > andiron or fire-dog
dog iron1534
fire dog1751
1534 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1905) VI. 203 For..viij pair of dog irnes.
1577 Edinb. Test. V. f. 197v, in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue at Dog irne Tua pair of dog irnes,..tua pair of ratche cuppelis.
1637 in D. Yaxley Researcher's Gloss. Hist. Documents E. Anglia (2003) 67 One payer of dogyrons wth brasse pillers one payer of short dogyrons j payer of dogyrons wth brasse knopes 3s.
1775 Inventory 1 Dec. in Parl. Reg. 1775–80 (1779) XI. 275 Furniture..705 grates; 296 pair dog-irons.
1883 G. W. Bagby Old Virginia Gentleman in Macmillan's Mag. 48 135 Brass dog-irons of ponderous build..shine against the warm brick hearth.
1997 Chattanooga (Tennessee) Free Press (Nexis) 29 June i. 6 Cover the fireplace opening with glossy, magnolia leaves..or simply pile driftwood on grate or dog irons.
dog-killer n. a person who kills dogs; spec. an official appointed to kill dogs suspected of having or carrying some disease.
the world > life > death > killing > killer of animals > [noun]
pork butcher1763
1592 T. Nashe Strange Newes sig. C 3v Out vppon thee for an arrant dog-killer, strike a man when he is dead.
?1608 Orders Ld. Mayor & Aldermen London That order be taken that no Hogges, Dogges or Cattes..be suffred to be kept within any parte of the Citie,..and that the Dogges be killed by the Dog-killers, appointed for that purpose.
1631 B. Jonson Bartholmew Fayre ii. i. 16 in Wks. II A worthy worshipfull man..who would take you, now the habit of a Porter; now of a Carman; now of the Dog-killer, in this moneth of August.
1777 'Squire Randal's Excursion round London x. 103 The dogs by natural instinct ran away from the city dog-killer.
1841 L. M. Child Let. 26 Aug. in Lett. from N.Y. (1843) ii. 11 The company of dog-killers themselves are a frightful sight, with their bloody clubs, and spattered garments.
1991 Toronto Star (Nexis) 4 Dec. a3 A million dogs have been killed in one southern China province,..most of them bludgeoned to death in a campaign against rabies... Squads of dog-killers had been hard at work in Guangdong province.
dog-Latin n. a debased form of Latin.
the mind > language > languages of the world > Indo-Hittite > [noun] > Indo-European > postulated Italo-Celtic > Latin > anglicized or corrupt
English Latinc1475
bog Latin1785
hog Latin1807
rogue's Latin1818
pig Latin1844
1661 G. Carew Retrosp. Kings Revenue Ep. Ded. 3 The King hath been paid most of his small Rents with Pen and Ink and Dog-Latine since the Course of the Excheq. hath been Altered.
1702 tr. J. Lipsius Parl. Criticks 21 This is Dog-Latin..and will not pass Grammar for all Mr. Tully's vouching of it.
1853 W. M. Thackeray Eng. Humourists vi. 271 ‘Nescio quid est materia cum me’, Sterne writes to one of his friends (in dog Latin, and very sad-dog Latin too).
1993 Nature 10 June 505/2 It [sc. a book] relies entirely on verbal description, with not a single diagram..to help the uninitiated through neuroscience's dog-Latin.
dog leader n. a person who leads a dog or dogs; spec. a servant in charge of dogs (now historical).
1607 E. Topsell Hist. Foure-footed Beastes 142 Iupiter himselfe was called Cynegetes, that is, a Dogge-leader; because he taught the Arcadians first of all to hunt away noysome beasts by the helpe of Dogges.
1679 T. Blount Fragmenta Antiquitatis 35 To be the Kings Vauterer or Dog-leader in Gascoigny, till he had worn out a pair of Shoes of four pence price.
1798 J. Ebers New & Compl. Dict. German & Eng. Lang. II. 222/1 Hundeführer, der, a Dog-Leader.
1826 W. Scott Woodstock III. v. 154 Bevis, who was bred here when he was a dog-leader, would not fly at him.
1927 Times (Hammond, Indiana) 12 Mar. 9/5 Dog leaders have to show references before people will trust them with expensive pets.
2008 Wisconsin State Jrnl. (Nexis) 16 Mar. g3 At hunting parties, he was accompanied by beaters and dog leaders carrying boar spears.
dog-leaved adj. Obsolete rare = dog-eared adj.
society > communication > book > leaves or pages of book > [adjective] > of book: having leaf corners folded down
1842 Knickerbocker Jan. 30 The books with pictures which used to afford so much delight, all thumbed and dog-leaved and tattered.
1905 Newark (Ohio) Advocate 27 Mar. 2/1 The first of these old pamphlets, all dog-leaved and discolored with their years, was printed at Philadelphia in 1790.
dog-leaving n. Obsolete rare the action or process of producing dog-eared leaves in a book.
1823 R. Southey in C. C. Southey Life & Corr. R. Southey (1849) I. 69 He exercised the boys in it [sc. a spelling-book] so much, that the thumbing and dog-leaving turned to good account.
dog line n. (a) a type of fishing line, perhaps for catching dogfish (now historical); (b) a trace for fastening a dog to a sledge.
1793 J. Sinclair Statist. Acct. Scotl. VII. 204 The next fishing is with the dog-line. In August frequently the sea-dog..is taken in considerable quantities.
1856 E. K. Kane Arctic Explor. I. xx. 252 The leader of the party succeeded in patching up his mutilated dog-lines.
1938 Times 23 Nov. 15 So easy was the sledge running that often the dog lines were dragging along the ice.
1956 Fish Bull. (No. 103) (California Dept. Fish & Game) 29 The name dog line was variously applied to fishing lines.
2000 Sunday Herald (Glasgow) (Nexis) 6 Feb. 23 You start off with a couple of dogs, then you buy the equipment—harness, dog lines, a rig, a sled.
dog lock n. Firearms (now historical) an early type of flintlock, usually of English manufacture, having an external safety in the form of a pivoted hook which engages a notch in the rear, underside, or breast of the cock; (also) a gun fitted with this type of lock.
1753 D. Henry Hist. Descr. Tower of London 37 Some arms..are distinguished..by having what they call Dog-locks, which Kind of Locks have a Ketch to secure them from going off at Half-cock.
1773 R. Greene Descriptive Catal. Rarities 33 A Pistol with a Dog Lock.
1859 Jrnl. Royal United Service Inst. 3 No. 11. 311 The reign of James II. may fairly be considered as the commencement of adopted flints, connected with which system is the doglock catch at the back of the cock.
1956 H. L. Peterson Arms & Armor in Colonial Amer. i. i. 32 Two of the remaining guns of the Plymouth colonists are dog locks.
2003 J. Kinard Pistols ii. 16 The English lock appeared in the first quarter of the seventeenth century and was quickly followed by its close relative, the dog lock.
dog madness n. now rare = rabies n. 1; also in figurative contexts.
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > disorders of internal organs > convulsive or paralytic disorders > [noun] > rabies
dog madness1678
canine madness1750
1678 tr. M. Charas Royal Pharmacopœa ii. xix. 123 Pulvis contra Rabiem. A Powder againg [sic] Dog-madness.
1715 J. Delacoste tr. H. Boerhaave Aphorisms 304 It's called..because mostly proceeding from the bite of Dogs, a Dog-madness.
1834 T. Carlisle Sartor Resartus in Fraser's Mag. June 673/2 It [sc. Utilitarianism] spreads like a sort of Dog-madness; till the whole World-kennel will be rabid.
1891 Laredo (Texas) Times 14 July 1/3 He has foaming at the mouth, violent twitching of the limbs and other symptoms of dog madness.
1997 Xinhua News Agency (Nexis) 31 Aug. No fewer than six people have died as a result of rabies..following what was reported as an outbreak of dog madness in the three local government areas of the state.
dog-master n. a person in charge of a dog or dogs; a dog leader or trainer.
c1585 Let. of Estate in Notes & Queries (1981) Feb. 33/1 Torne them [sc. old horses] to grase..or els take forty pence of the dogmaster for there scinne.
1611 L. Barry Ram-Alley iv. i. sig. Gv When did you see sir Theophrastus Slop, The Citty Dog-maister?
?1747 J. Ray Compl. Hist. Rebellion 173 They..will jump and dance at the Sound of the French Horn, being used to that Note by an old Dogmaster at Paris.
1852 Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper 17 Oct. 1/1 Could any cunning dog-master have taught one of Derby's pointers to utter the words delivered by the Right Hon. William Beresford, the feat would have been a matter of curiosity.
1956 Times 5 May 8 Though there are shining exceptions, the ladies in general do not excel as dog masters.
1992 Vancouver Sun (Nexis) 7 May b2 Dogs receive three months intensive training before going on the road with a dogmaster.
dog musher n. originally and chiefly North American a person who drives a dog sled; cf. musher n.3
1900 San Francisco Chron. 9 Dec. (Sunday Suppl.) One of these dog ‘mushers’, as the team drivers are called, is famous throughout Alaska.
1966 Pop. Mech. July 63 (heading) Bouncing over impossible terrain on bone-rattling wheeled carts, dog mushers have made sledging an all-season sport.
2007 K. Joly Outside in Interior xxiii. 94 Dog mushers also use these trails. Try to get off the trail to allow them by, especially if you have a dog with you.
dog mushing n. originally and chiefly North American the action or sport of driving a dog sled; cf. mushing n.3
1907 Eau Claire (Wisconsin) Leader 13 Mar. 6/3 More popular than any other outdoor sports are skiing and ‘dog mushing’.
1993 SkiTrax Mag. (Toronto) Feb. 25/3 (advt.) A variety of other adventures including dog mushing, soaking in hot springs and skiing.
2001 P. Jenkins Looking for Alaska xi. 195 One thing I didn't realize in dog mushing: you fall off the sled, your dogs often don't stop.
dog-nose vice n. Obsolete rare a vice with long pointed jaws.Apparently only attested in dictionaries or glossaries.
1874 E. H. Knight Amer. Mech. Dict. I. 716/2 Dog-nose Vise (Locksmithing), a hand-vise with long, slender, pointed jaws. Called also pig-nose vise.
dog paddle n. colloquial an elementary swimming stroke resembling that of a paddling dog; = doggy paddle n. at doggy n. Compounds.
the world > movement > progressive motion > moving with current of air or water > movement in or on water > [noun] > swimming > stroke > specific
hand over hand1844
breast swimming1861
dog paddle1874
frog kick1896
scissors kick1902
doggy paddle1921
front crawl1924
butterfly stroke1934
butterfly kick1937
1874 Fort Wayne (Indiana) Daily Sentinel 28 Aug. Occasionally one would indulge in a few strokes of dog paddle, but only for a moment of rest.
1904 R. Thomas Swimming (rev. ed.) 428 How did Beowulf swim? I should say the human stroke..popularly but incorrectly known as dog paddle, which was the European stroke to about the year 1500.
1928 Daily Express 25 June 4/5 Try to push off from the side, performing the kick with a ‘dog-paddle’ arm stroke.
2001 Outside Oct. 96/2 In the middle of the water, nervously doing a one-armed dog paddle with my rod held high in the other hand.
dog-paddle v. colloquial intransitive to swim using the dog paddle.
the world > movement > progressive motion > moving with current of air or water > movement in or on water > move in or on water [verb (intransitive)] > swim > use specific stroke
to tread water1800
1910 Racine (Wisconsin) Daily Jrnl. 9 June 3/2 A person who is in desperate straits should never throw even the little finger out of the water, but dog paddle to safety.
1958 L. Durrell Balthazar i. 21 I put the precious rose between my teeth and dog-paddled back to my clothes on the pebble beach.
2005 S. Amick Lake, River & Other Lake viii. 48 Mark was..dog-paddling in a circle, the water still choppy from the wake of the departing sailboat.
dog park n. (a) U.S. a track for dog racing; = dog track n. (b); (b) originally and chiefly U.S. a park set aside for dog owners to exercise their dogs, esp. off the lead.
1928 Franklin Park (Illinois) Beacon 1 June 1/6 A hearing on the merits of the matter, whether offering $2 to a cashier at the dog park is a bet or a ‘contribution’.
1949 Council Bluffs (Iowa) Nonpareil 29 Sept. 13/6 (heading) Dog park... ‘I figure if the people want a park for dogs they can get a vacant lot and fix it up for them.’
1990 USA Today (Nexis) 3 July 8 a Feuds among owners of Dairyland Greyhound Park—USA's largest dog park—jeopardize license.
2005 Westside News (Brisbane) 28 Sept. 5/1 Bellbowrie dog owners are going head to head with Brisbane City Council in a bid to keep the Booker Place off-leash dog park untouched.
dog pelter n. U.S. (now historical) a person whose job is to kill stray or unlicensed dogs; also in allusive phrases with reference to the menial or unpopular nature of such a job; cf. pelter n.3 1a, dogwhipper n. 1a.
1822 J. Galt Steam-boat xvi. 338 I would, however, like it if the gangs..were treated, as other dog-pelters, constables, and town-officers, commonly are.
1859 H. E. Taliaferro Fisher's River 232 Sich a onhuman man can't git my vote fur dog-pelter.
1906 in D. F. Littlefield A. Posey (1992) ix. 219 If he takes sides he won't 'mount to nothin' an' couldn't be dog pelter.
1997 Early Amer. Homes (Nexis) Feb. 45 Official dog-whippers or dog-pelters were appointed to control obstreperous barkers.
dog-pole n. now historical a pole drawn by a dog, formerly used by North American Indians for transporting baggage (see quot. 1804).
1804 J. Ordway Jrnl. 22 Sept. in Jrnls. Lewis & Clark Exped. (1995) IX. 64 We found Some of their ceeder dog poles... We are informed that the Indians tie..dogs to these poles and they have to dragg them from one camp to another loaded with their Baggage.
1965 Amer. Speech 40 95 Dog-poles. Poles used by American Indians to make a light sled, drawn by dogs.
dog power n. the power of a dog, esp. harnessed to some mechanical device (as a spit or churn), or used to draw a vehicle (as a cart, sled, or the like).
1846 D. P. Gardner Farmer's Dict. 158/1 Churns are moved by horse or dog power, water, and even steam-engines.
1932 Geogr. Rev. 22 171 Scott made one of his few errors in distrusting dog power for his journeys.
1961 Times 14 Apr. 16 Across the Atlantic... [there was] comparable use of dog-power by treadwheel..to raise water from wells, to churn butter..and even to drive a printing press, a washing machine, and a circular saw.
2007 Alaska Outdoors (Nexis) 30 Apr. It was all our power-challenged machines could do to get everyone up the glacier... Kristan and a few others used dog power.
dog-proof adj. secure against dogs; (of a building, barrier, etc.) effective in preventing dogs from gaining access or escaping.
1835 New Eng. Farmer 18 Feb. 252/2 The lot in front of the shed should be an acre of more surrounded by a wolf or dog proof fence.
1843 Amer. Agriculturist 15 Dec. 356/1 On the south side of this is a yard.., boarded up so close and high as to make it dog-proof.
1927 M. Dorney Adventurous Honeymoon 39 Dog-proof fences..keep out the dingoes.
2006 R. G. Beauchamp Bichon Frise 48/2 Make sure he is confined to his crate or dog-proof room with something okay to chew when you are not there to supervise.
dog-rapper n. Obsolete (English regional) (historical in later use) an official employed to drive dogs out of a church or chapel; = dogwhipper n. (in extended use sometimes applied to other minor church officers); (also) the switch or stick used for dog-rapping.
society > faith > church government > laity > lay functionaries > sexton > [noun]
1854 Wilts. Archæol. & Nat. Hist. Mag. 1 90 The magistrate at Newbury told me..that when he was a boy they [sc. vergers] were called dog-rappers... At the time when Dog-rappers were required, the state of the canine race must have been very different.
1854 Gentleman's Mag. Apr. 398 Dog-rappers..were weapons for driving dogs out of churches.
1923 E. Gepp Essex Dial. Dict. (ed. 2) 40 Dog-rapper: a church beadle or sexton.
dog-rapping n. Obsolete rare the occupation of a dog-rapper; the driving of dogs out of church.
1897 N.E.D at Dog sb.1 Dog-rapping.
1923 E. Gepp Essex Dial. Dict. (ed. 2) 40 Dogs having ceased to be a common nuisance as intruders into church, dog-rapping has passed into oblivion.
dog screw n. Mechanics any of several kinds of screw, as one with a flat head that extends beyond the width of the shaft, or a grub screw; (also) = dog nail n.
1864 U.S. Patent 42,222 1/1 This dog-screw can be run out or in to adjust the apparatus to the exact distance between the ribs of the vessel.
1900 Minutes Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers 142 405 A wooden screw of hornbeam or other tough wood..is screwed into the pine sleeper, and into this the dog-screw is fastened.
1973 E. K. Hendriksen Jig & Fixture Design Man. ix. 95/1 It is splined to receive a dog screw J, which prevents it from turning.
2008 Sunday Territorian (Austral.) (Nexis) 3 Mar. (News section) 6 Darwin City Council had given the club $1000 to replace 30 rotting sleepers at the track's bridge, securing them in with dog screws.
dog-sit v. originally U.S. intransitive to take care of a dog in the absence of its owner, usually at the owner's home; also transitive.
1951 Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Gaz. 13 Mar. 1/3 When she goes out there's no one to dog sit for Blackie, an 11-year-old mixture of bull and fox terrier.
1989 ‘C. Roman’ Foreplay xiii. 145 The Newfies have offered to dog-sit Topper while I'm away.
2003 Daily Star 25 Mar. 34/1 We dog sat for her when she went away.
dog sitter n. originally U.S. a person who takes care of a dog in the absence of its owner.
1942 Sunday News & Tribune (Jefferson City, Missouri) 2 Oct. (Cartoon section) 4/3 Never hire a boy for a dog sitter if you don't want a case of alienation of affections!
2002 Gold Coast Bull. (Southport, Austral.) 7 Jan. 34/4 Need a dog-sitter to keep your canine company while you're out?
dog-sitting n. originally U.S. the act or an instance of taking care of a dog in the absence of its owner.
1949 New Yorker 5 Mar. 24/3 The dog-sitting service requires most of the working time of four experienced young ladies.
1999 J. Cassidy Street Life 118 Later that night Dan and his friend popped in to see how the dog-sitting was coming along.
dog sled n. a sled drawn by a dog or a team of dogs, used esp. in the Arctic regions.
society > travel > means of travel > a conveyance > vehicle > vehicles according to means of motion > vehicle moving on runners > [noun] > drawn by dogs
dog sled1706
dog sledge1805
1697 H. Kelsey in Kelsey Papers (1929) 62 Went..to draw home plank but could not so came with one upon the dogs slead.]
1706 tr. E. Y. Ides Three Years Trav. Moscow to China iv. 14 (heading) Dog-Sleads, how used.
1810 Z. M. Pike Acct. Exped. Sources Mississippi 85 With my dog-sled [I] arrived at the fort before 10 o'clock.
1889 Pall Mall Gaz. 1 May 5/3 An account of a recent dog-sled trip in the North-west.
1997 Chicago Tribune 14 Dec. viii. 4/3 You don't have to..go to Alaska to drive a dog sled. Increasingly, companies..are offering chances to mush.
dog-sled v. intransitive to travel by dog sled (as a driver or passenger).
1900 N.Y. Evangelist 27 Dec. 20/1 A large part of its population dog-sledded down the Yukon and along the shores of Behring Sea to the new gold fields.
1952 Fairbanks (Alaska) News-Miner 13 Feb. 6/4 He gave a very interesting account of his experiences while dog sledding through Alaska.
2006 Times (Nexis) 4 Nov. (Features section) 12 She's sailed round the world and dog-sledded to the Arctic.
dog-sledder n. a person who engages in dog-sledding, esp. the driver of a dog sled.
1892 E. R. Young Stories Indian Wigwams & Northern Camp-fires xxiii. 284 A dog-sledder's experience.
1949 Billings (Montana) Gaz. 30 Dec. 1/5 (heading) Eskimo dogsledders rescue injured pilot from Alaska mountain.
2009 T. Avery To End of Earth ii. 64 We could console ourselves that we weren't the first novice dog-sledders to have had a rough initiation to the sport.
dog-sledding n. the action or pastime of travelling by dog sled (as a driver or passenger).
1890 Frank Leslie's Illustr. Newspaper 27 Dec. 387/1 Several months of the impending winter, which time I propose to employ in dog-sledding journeys into the interior.
1938 B. Washburn in T. O. Nall New Occupations for Youth 174 We had a hundred miles of dog-sledding to do to get through the St. Elias range from our base camp.
2009 Time Out (Nexis) 19 Feb. 134 There's something inherently peaceful about dog-sledding—the still surroundings, the silent athleticism of the huskies.
dog sledge n. = dog sled n.dog sled is the more usual term in North America.
society > travel > means of travel > a conveyance > vehicle > vehicles according to means of motion > vehicle moving on runners > [noun] > drawn by dogs
dog sled1706
dog sledge1805
1805 J. Carr Northern Summer xix. 258 In the gallery above was a Lapponian dog-sledge.
1856 E. K. Kane Arctic Explor. I. xvi. 185 I have been out with my dog-sledge, inspecting the ice.
1953 Jrnl. Animal Ecol. 22 291 The winch and meter-wheel were mounted on a light dog sledge.
1994 Mail on Sunday (Nexis) 6 Mar. 62 Accessible Isolation..offers an eight-day trip which will..study wildlife with travel by dog sledge and helicopter.
dog-sledge v. intransitive. = dog-sled vb.dog-sled is the more usual term in North America.
1856 M. E. S. D. Leathley True Stories for Young Children (ed. 2) 99 The chief mode of communication between the different places is by dog-sledging along the frozen rivers.
1936 Man 36 120/1 With Râsmusson the author dog-sledged across the Arctic.
2003 Press (Christchurch, N.Z.) (Nexis) 15 Nov. (Features section) 3 He made a transit of the north-east passage in Siberia, skied and dog-sledged across the Greenland ice cap.
dog-sledger n. = dog-sledder n.dog-sledder is the more usual term in North America.
1879 Primitive Methodist Mag. 2 291/2 Captain Nares gives a rather laughable picture of the earlier efforts of some of the would-be dog-sledgers.
1935 Sci. Monthly May 395/1 Peary was the most expert dog sledger of his day.
2001 F. Fleming Ninety Degrees North viii. 112 He was..the best dog-sledger below the Arctic circle.
dog-sledging n. = dog-sledding n.dog-sledding is the more usual term in North America.
1852 S. Osborn Arctic Jrnl. 190 Nothing..can be more exhilarating than dog-sledging.
1912 A. G. Chater tr. R. Amundsen South Pole (1913) p. vii The first barrier afforded the best going, and was specially adapted for dog-sledging.
2006 Mail on Sunday (Nexis) 10 Sept. 99 Numerous shore activities such as dog-sledging and snow-mobiling.
dog spasm n. Obsolete rare = cynic spasm n. at cynic adj. 4.
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > diseases of tissue > disorders affecting muscles > [noun] > spasm or cramp > type of spasm > of specific muscles
dog spasm1615
risus sardonius1663
locked jaw1754
Saturday night palsy1887
wrist clonus1888
wrist jerk1899
histrionic spasm1912
main d'accoucheur1926
twister's cramp-
1615 H. Crooke Μικροκοσμογραϕια 754 Those conuulsions which we call Cynicke or Dogge-spasmes, because by the contraction of these, men are constrained to writh and grinne like Dogges.
1649 J. Bulwer Pathomyotomia xxiv. 204 The Muscles are contracted into their proper heades, and with them they rivell that part into which they are inserted, which indeede is common to the naturall and præternaturall Plaise-mouth or Dog-Spasme.
dog-stopper n. Nautical (now historical) a heavy rope secured round the mainmast and used to back up the stopper (stopper n. 9) for additional security in rough weather.
1791 J. H. Moore Pract. Navigator (ed. 9) 281 Bend the Buoys and Bouy-ropes, single the Stoppers,..have the Dog-Stoppers to pass [etc.].
1793 R. H. Gower Treat. Theory & Pract. Seamanship viii. 75 An approved form for a dog-stopper is to have it made with a large eye, that it may be thrown over the bit-head, and shifted over from side to side at pleasure.
1867 W. H. Smyth & E. Belcher Sailor's Word-bk. at Stopper of the Cable Dog-stopper, a strong rope clenched round the mainmast, and used on particular occasions to relieve and assist the preceding [i.e. the stopper of the cable, or deck-stopper] when the ship rides in a heavy sea.
1989 P. O'Brian Thirteen-gun Salute ii. 64 See, they undo the deck-stoppers, or dog-stoppers as some superficial observers call them.
dog-stove n. now rare = dog grate n.
1850 Freemasons' Q. Mag. Mar. 373 We also noticed a very handsome antique dog stove, brought from Leeds Castle.
1881 M. E. Braddon Asphodel I. vi. 177 The Rectory had all the shortcomings and all the fascinations of an old house: wide hearths and dog-stoves, high mantel-pieces, deep recessed casements.
1933 Times 30 Nov. 10 The exhibits [of rural ornamental ironwork]..included..fire baskets and dog stoves, lanterns and brackets, [etc.].
dog-strop n. Obsolete Nautical a type of strop (strop n.1 2) used on the yard.
1865 G. S. Nares Seamanship 39 The strop round the yard is called the dog strop, and is a single strop; the block is fitted with two single strops which are connected with the dog strop.
1871 A. H. Alston Seamanship 86 The dog-strop for the yard tackle pendant is a single wire strop.
dog style adv. colloquial = doggy style adv. at doggy n. Compounds; cf. dog fashion adv.
1957 W. Burroughs Naked Lunch 117 Greek lads white as marble fuck dog style on the portico of a great golden temple.
2008 Health & Med. Week (Nexis) 24 Mar. 1918 Findings indicate that in discussion anal sex was confused with other non-traditional sexual practices like vaginal sex ‘dog-style’ and with oral sex.
dog tag n. (a) a tag attached to a dog's collar, typically giving its name and owner's address; (b) slang (originally U.S.) a soldier's identification tag.
society > communication > indication > that which identifies or distinguishes > personal identification > [noun] > paper or disc
dog tag1882
identity papers1889
identity certificate1891
identification tag1893
identity card1900
identity disc1907
identification disc1914
meat ticket1919
warrant card1920
carte d'identité1923
ID card1937
reference book1952
the world > food and drink > farming > animal husbandry > keeping dogs or cats > [noun] > keeping or affinity with dogs > place to exercise hounds > collars, leads, etc.
dog collar1485
dog tag1882
silent whistle1923
standing iron1934
1882 Fort Wayne (Indiana) Daily Sentinel 17 Feb. Notice is hereby given that the dog tags, as prescribed by an act passed by the..legislature are on hand at my office.
1918 Hatchet 22 Feb. 2/1 All that will be necessary will be to consult his finger print name and other matters of interest on the little steel tag around his neck, variously known as ‘Dog Tag’, ‘license to live’, but to the Medical Department as an Identification Tag.
1947 Penguin New Writing 29 159 If I should die to-morrow, I suppose this is where my bones, if not my dog-tag, would lie for ever.
1952 C. D. MacDougall Understanding Public Opinion 645 Charles Woodford, license clerk at the ASPCA, took a sample census of dog tags down there and found that Fido ‘was as dead as the dodo’.
1999 Daily Tel. 14 May 18/2 They are encouraged to have their religious preferences stamped on the metal dog-tags each soldier wears.
2007 Telegram & Gaz. (Mass.) (Nexis) 25 June a1 Amos was wearing a red harness..and a dog tag with his name and Mr. Weaver's address.
dog team n. a team of dogs used to draw a vehicle, esp. a sled.
the world > animals > mammals > group Unguiculata or clawed mammal > family Canidae > dogs used for specific purposes > [noun]
dog team1822
1822 Adams Centinel (Gettysburg, Pa.) 24 Apr. A team of dogs that draws a small waggon..is spoken of as having caused much gaping... The managers of the Philadelphia Theatre, have employed this or another dog team to exhibit on the stage.
1856 E. K. Kane Arctic Explor. I. xvi. 198 They brought my dog-team, with the restoratives I had sent for.
1928 Publishers' Weekly 16 June 2461 The author worked as a dog-team freighter in Alaska during the gold-rush.
2003 Daily Tel. 13 Feb. 15/3 The mushers, many of whom have spent months training their dog teams for the contest, have expressed concern that global warming..will mean in future that the race will not be run along its normal route.
dog tent n. now historical a small tent used by soldiers (so-called from its resemblance to a dog's kennel); cf. pup tent n. at pup n.1 Compounds 2.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > dwelling place or abode > a dwelling > tent > [noun] > other types of tent
Swiss cottage1820
skin house1826
big tent1843
ridge tent1846
brush tent1862
dog tent1862
shelter tent1862
wedge tent1862
pup tent1863
A tent1863
tortoise tent1890
safari tent1926
trailer tent1971
Whillans box1971
1862 J. Cook Siege of Richmond ii. 34 Wedge-tents, used by the officers, and little dog-tents, by the men, shone in every direction as the sun's rays struck them.
1863 A. W. Kinglake Invasion of Crimea II. xi. 181 The French soldiery were provided with what they called dog-tents—tents not a yard high, but easily carried, and yielding shelter to soldiers creeping into them.
1998 Post & Courier (Charleston, S. Carolina) (Nexis) 22 Nov. e1 He finishes packing his dog tent for the [re-enaction of the] Battle of Secessionville.
dog-thick adj. Obsolete as ‘thick’ as dogs, intimate (cf. Compounds 1e).Apparently an isolated use.
a1810 R. Tannahill Poet. Wks. (1846) 90 Get dog-thick wi' the parish priest.
dog-throw n. [after classical Latin canis or canīcula (see main etymology)] chiefly Ancient History the lowest or losing throw at dice.
society > leisure > entertainment > pastimes > game > games of chance > dice-playing > [noun] > throw > lowest or losing throw
dog's throw1834
1772 R. Warner in B. Thornton et al. tr. Plautus Comedies IV. 149 (note) He threw deuce-ace... Literally, he threw four vulturs. The vultur throw as well as the dog throw, was esteemed unlucky.
1880 C. T. Lewis & C. Short Lat. Dict. Canicula..The worst throw with dice, the dog-throw.
1987 W. E. Sweet & E. Segal Sport & Recreation Anc. Greece xvi. 108 The worst throw was the Dog Throw, but its nature is not known.
dog-tongs n. now historical a set of large tongs used by a dog-whipper to expel dogs from church.
1860 J. H. Cliffe Notes & Recoll. Angler viii. 121 We were also shown a curious old instrument called the gefail cwn, or dog-tongs.
1891 Rock 2 Oct. 4 A very quaint exhibit..consisting of ‘dog-tongs’, formerly used for expelling dogs from churches.
1986 Toronto Star (Nexis) 27 Apr. b6 The dog-whipper's job was to keep order in the canine congregation... Whips and dog-tongs were used.
dogtown n. U.S. a colony of prairie dogs (genus Cynomys).
1844 J. H. Carleton Prairie Logbks. 26 Aug. (1983) 53 We passed..by that great curiosity of the prairies, a Dog Town.
1918 W. Cather My Ántonia i. vii. 49 The dog town was spread out over perhaps ten acres. The grass had been nibbled short and even.
2004 High Country News 2 Aug. 11/2 Imperiled animals like the sage grouse, the black-tailed prairie dog, and the mountain plover, a bird that lives in dogtowns.
dog track n. (a) a track or trail left by a dog; usually in plural; (b) a track (track n. 6b) used in greyhound racing.
1854 S. W. Baker Rifle & Hound in Ceylon xi. 318 I was convinced that the buck had been at bay in the large river, as I had seen his tracks in several places on the banks with dog tracks in company.
1928 Observer 25 Mar. 16/6 The Ministry of Health has decided that Wimbledon must put up with a dog-track, however much the Council and inhabitants may resent it.
1998 S. Armitage All Points North (1999) 68 In Sainsbury's, you're..staring down the line of checkouts—like a starting trap at a dog track.
2007 Mountain Mail (Sororro, New Mexico) (Nexis) 25 Jan. The dog tracks in the snow leading in and out of the suspect's property were a dead giveaway.
dog-train n. now chiefly historical a dog sled and team of dogs taken together.
1793 J. MacDonnell Jrnl. 6 Nov. in L. R. Masson Les Bourgeois de la Compagnie du Nord-Ouest 1st Ser. 285 Five dog trains started with goods for Mr. Grant's.
1897 R. Kipling Captains Courageous v. 121 He told them of mail-carrying in the winter up Cape Breton way, of the dog-train that goes to Coudray.
1999 Manitoba Hist. (Nexis) 22 Mar. The local Cree..brought in buffalo robes..and dried meat, and Flett..[was] kept busy organizing horse and dogtrains to bring these goods to Fort Edmonton.
dog trial n. a competition involving a test or series of tests of the skill of working dogs, esp. sheepdogs tending sheep; usually in plural.
1874 F. C. S. Pearce in Kennel Club Cal. & Stud Bk. 1 p. v The Club shall be called the Kennel Club, it shall endeavour in every way to promote the general improvement of dogs, dog shows, and dog trials.
1951 L. G. D. Acland Early Canterbury Runs ix. 303 He was also a lover of Border collies and at one time almost unbeatable at the dog-trials.
2000 Land (N. Richmond, New S. Wales) 1 June 55/1 Three full days of drafting and dog trials were included in the program and about 1500 cattle were used.
dog truck n. (a) a small truck drawn by a dog, a dog cart (obsolete); (b) a truck for transporting dogs.
1839 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Apr. 475 Woe to the proprietors of dog trucks! and especial woe to them that ride therein!
1842 Times 31 Dec. 3 There are..many varieties [of slow fellows], from the tandem and tax-cart down to the waggon and dog-truck.
1924 San Antonio (Texas) Express 10 June 11 A new dog truck is being put into service to catch stray dogs.
2004 Houston Chron. (Nexis) 9 Dec. (This Week section) 2 A group of Cubans in this dog truck picked us up and we had to get in back in a cage with the dogs.
dog tucker n. Australian and New Zealand dog food, spec. (in early use) mutton used as food for working dogs, or an unsaleable sheep fit only for this; also figurative (cf. dog's meat n. 2).
1933 L. G. D. Acland in Press (Christchurch, N.Z.) 7 Oct. 15/7 Dog Tucker. In the old days when Merino sheep were worth even less than they are now, it was the custom to throw in a few to the drover on delivery to make up for losses on the road. They were called dog tucker. E.g., ‘I'll throw ten in for your dogs.’
1965 Weekly News (Auckland) 10 Feb. 39/4 The pup's master had thrown him a small piece of mutton, cut from the dog tucker hanging in a tree.
1988 Sunday Mail (Queensland) (Nexis) 21 Aug. Bill Ord argues for conservation, culling and cuisine. We should be eating and wearing kangaroos, not turning them into dog tucker.
2008 N.Z. Herald 23 July The champion coach would be dog tucker at the merest hint he saw his new job as a chance to right a personal wrong.
dog walker n. a person who walks a dog or dogs, esp. as an occupation.
1887 Chicago Tribune 30 Dec. 7/7 A Dog-Walker. The following advertisement appears in a Boston paper: ‘Wanted—A person to take a dog to walk.’
1979 N.Y. Mag. 28 Feb. 9/1 Officers had to issue warnings before ticketing dog walkers who failed to clean up after their pets.
2001 K. Izzo & C. Marsh Fabulous Girl's Guide to Decorum (2002) 204 If the cost of caring for your Great Dane now includes a dog walker or doggie daycare then your ex should help out.
dog walking n. the activity or occupation of walking a dog or dogs.
1897 Chicago Tribune 18 Dec. 16/2 Dog-walking is the latest profession for women. The dog-walker sends her circulars to ladies, offering to exercise the canine pets at so much an hour.
1945 Washington Post 13 Aug. 11/2 In New York..the evening dog-walking interlude is a pleasantly sociable and neighborly affair.
1992 National Trust Newslet. (Thames & Chiltern Region) Spring 3/1 Over one-third of the visitors interviewed used the park for dog walking.
2009 J. McCoy Hounding Pavement 7 Buddy had hit it off with Rudy, and his master..had encouraged her to try dog walking. So the Bichon had become her second customer.
dog warden n. a dog catcher; (also) a person who runs a dog pound.
1899 Expounder Marshall (Mich.) 21 July 4/1 Each township board will appoint a dog warden.
1916 Fort Wayne (Indiana) News 22 July 1/2 Texas Democrats today are primarying on everything from prohibition to dog warden.
1990 HSUS News Summer 31/2 A dog warden or poundkeeper has discretionary authority..to destroy an impounded dog.
2000 Daily Tel. 27 July 15/1 An off-duty dog warden..spotted the cold and dehydrated animal on the embankment.
dog-wheel n. now historical a vertical wheel or treadmill turned by a dog inside and used esp. to turn a spit.
the world > food and drink > food > food manufacture and preparation > equipment for food preparation > cooking vessel or pot > [noun] > roasting-jack > parts of
jack weight1642
jack flyer1731
1592 in D. Yaxley Researcher's Gloss. Hist. Documents E. Anglia (2003) 67 A dogge wheele vjd.
1609 in J. S. Moore Clifton & Westbury Probate Inventories (1981) 5 In the Kitchinge..two owlde dressinge boardes with a Dogge wheel.
1756 W. Toldervy Hist. Two Orphans I. 107 A dog-wheel, for roasting of meat.
1862 Notes & Queries 3 2 255/1 Thirty years ago, the kitchen of nearly every respectable house in Haverfordwest possessed a dog-wheel and a turnspit dog.
1992 C. Hardyment Home Comfort vii. 114 A dog-wheel which turned five spits is mentioned in the 1710 inventory of the ‘Little Kitchen’ at Dyrham Park.
dog work n. menial or unpleasant work; spec. = donkey-work n. at donkey n. Compounds 2.
society > occupation and work > work > [noun] > servile or menial work
drudgery work1632
slave work1808
dog's work1847
dog work1850
daily grind1853
slave work1916
1850 A. Nicholson Lights & Shades of Ireland iii. xxii. 437 These men do what the superficial age would call the dog-work of the church—the work which some, who hold a higher station in it, would not stoop to do.
1989 N.Y. Woman Sept. 47/1 We're sitting in a corner doing dog work.
2003 N.Y. Times 31 July f6/2 The design-builders are saving the special craft of things for themselves and leaving the dog work to subcontractors.
dog year n. originally North American a notional unit of time (typically reckoned as 1/ 7 of a year) based on the supposed ratio between the average lifespan of a dog and that of a human; (hence, in plural) a (seemingly) long time (cf. dog's age n. at Compounds 3d).
1938 T. White Puerto Rico & its People xxiii. 285 Perrito Blanco was taken on board the cruiser, introduced to new quarters, and there for many a year as dog years count, he remained in naval service.
1978 Los Angeles Times 28 Oct. iii. 2/1 Chronologically, I'm 27... But in the NFL you age in dog years. What is it, seven dog years to one human year?
1997 Record (Kitchener-Waterloo, Ont.) (Nexis) 31 July a2 28 dog years later, Tamber has been reunited with his family. Tamber was collared at an Edmonton-area lake cabin this week—four years after he disappeared.
2008 C. Muller & B. Thorpe 365 Nights 207 High school was, sadly, dog years ago..but a fiancée? Well, that was practically yesterday.
b. In names of animals. See also dog-bee n., dogfish n., dogfly n., dog whelk n. 1, etc.In this section, compounds with dog and those with dog's have been treated together as variants of one another.
(a) Denoting an animal that resembles a dog in some respect.
dog-ape n. a baboon (genus Papio), which has a long doglike snout; cf. cynocephalus n., dog-head n. 2.In later use chiefly with reference to ancient Egyptian mythology.
the world > animals > mammals > order Primates > suborder Anthropoidea (higher primates) > [noun] > group Catarrhinae (Old World monkey) > family Cercopithecidae > genus Papio (baboon) > Papio cynocephalus (dog-faced baboon)
dog-faced baboon1790
mottled baboon1800
a1616 W. Shakespeare As you like It (1623) ii. v. 24 If euer I thanke any man, Ile thanke you: but that they cal complement is like th' encounter of two dog-Apes . View more context for this quotation
1896 R. Kipling Seven Seas 5 In the heat-rotted jungle hollows, Where the dog-ape barks in the kloof.
1902 Jrnl. Hellenic Stud. 22 77 Certainly the monster is nearly related to the adoring dog-apes of Egypt.
1999 Jrnl. Egyptian Archaeol. 85 172 The small dog-ape was making praise in front of her.
dog-badger n. Obsolete a supposed variety of the Eurasian badger, Meles meles, having the head (or feet) resembling those of a dog; cf. hog badger n. (a) at hog n.1 Compounds 2d.
1678 J. P. tr. J. Johnstone Descr. Nature Four-footed Beasts 79/2 Some [Badgers] are wild, and rough-bristled; some are Dog, and some Hog, Badgers or Grays... The Dog-Badgers have a Dogs grin, and dig their holes in gravelly places.
1731 T. Salmon Mod. Hist. XIV. 109 Of Badgers there are two sorts, the one call'd the Dog Badger, from his resembling a Dog in his Feet, and the other the Hog-Badger, from having a Cloven-hoof like a Hog.
1827 E. Griffith et al. Cuvier's Animal Kingdom V. 116 The country people pretend to distinguish two varieties, under the names of the Dog-Badger and the Hog-Badger, but they are not authenticated.
dog bat n. Obsolete the fruit bat Macroglossus minimus of Java, which has teeth resembling those of a dog.
1827 E. Griffith et al. Cuvier's Animal Kingdom V. 56 The Lowo Assu, or Dog Bat of Java.
1828 J. Stark Elements Nat. Hist. I. 66 Pteropus rostratus... The Dog bat of Java.
dog cockle n. (also †dog's cockle) any of numerous burrowing bivalve molluscs of the family Glycimerididae, which have a highly convex, almost spherical shell with prominent hinge teeth; esp. the large Glycimeris glycimeris of the Atlantic and Mediterranean; also called comb shell.
1772 J. Rutty Ess. Nat. Hist. Dublin 379 Chama Glycymeris..the bastard Cockle, and by the Fingallians called Dog's Cockle.
1800 E. Donovan Nat. Hist. Brit. Shells II. Pl. XXVII Chama glycemeris... It is found likewise on the shores of Guernsey, and the coast of Ireland, where it is called the dog's cockle.
1901 E. Step Shell Life v. 63 The Dog-cockle or Comb-shell (Pectunculus glycimeris) has an appearance quite distinct from any other native species.
1924 C. E. R. Bucknill Sea Shells of N.Z. 87 Glycymeris laticostata... The Large Dog cockle or Comb shell.
1999 New Statesman 8 Nov. 53/1 Sea creatures are dealt with fascinatingly, as you'd expect from Davidson. He covers dog cockle and pompano as well as tuna and cod.
dog salmon n. North American any of various Pacific salmon of the genus Oncorhynchus; spec. the chum salmon, O. keta (see chum n.4).
1860 G. Suckley in Explor. & Surv. Railroad Route to Pacific: Zool. Rep. (U.S. War Dept.) 341 Salmo canis, Suckley... Owing to the large jaws and long ferocious-looking teeth of the species they have obtained from the whites the name of dog-salmon.
1881 Amer. Naturalist 15 178 Dog salmon... The males of all the species in the fall are usually known as dog salmon, or fall salmon... Hump-back—..Puget Sound salmon, dog salmon (of Alaska).
a1976 R. Haig-Brown in V. Haig-Brown Woods & River Tales (1980) ix. 91 In November the Atsi is white with the splashing of dog salmon as they run up to spawn.
1997 High Country News 17 Mar. 11/2 It still has some wild runs of chum, also known as dog salmon.
dog's guts n. Obsolete rare the bummalo or Bombay duck, Harpadon nehereus (family Synodontidae), of the Indo-Pacific.Apparently only attested in dictionaries or glossaries.
1889 Cent. Dict. Dog's-guts, a fish of the family Synodontidæ, Harpodon nehereus: same as bummalo.
dog snapper n. a snapper (fish), Lutjanus jocu, which has a pair of enlarged canine teeth and occurs in the western Atlantic and the Caribbean.
1775 B. Romans Conc. Nat. Hist. E. & W. Florida App. 52 The fish caught here..are such as..red, grey and black snappers, dog snappers, mutton-fish.
1925 C. H. Townsend Guide N.Y. Aquarium 67 The Dog Snapper (Neomaenis jocu), averages larger and has more color.
2003 Nature Conservancy Spring 32/1 This is a giant school of fish—a globe of at least 500 tightly packed dog snappers.
dogwinkle n. now chiefly U.S. any of several predatory marine gastropod molluscs of the genus Nucella (formerly Thais or Purpura; family Muricidae); esp. (more fully Atlantic dogwinkle) the common dog whelk, N. lapillus.
the world > animals > invertebrates > subkingdom Metazoa > grade Triploblastica or Coelomata > class Gastropoda > [noun] > superorder Branchifera > order Prosobranchiata > section Siphonostomata > family Muricidae > member of
dog whelk1823
marine borer1874
oyster drill1877
1853 E. Forbes & S. Hanley Hist. Brit. Mollusca III. 386 This whelk [sc. Purpura lapillus] is called Dog-periwinkle on many parts of the coast.]
1856 P. H. Gosse Man. Marine Zool. II. 129 Purpura (Lamk.) Purple, or Dog-winkle.
1901 Westm. Gaz. 16 Dec. 3/1 The Tyrian purple of the ancients can be obtained from the common dog-winkle (Purpura lapillus).
1966 P. A. Morris Field Guide Shells Pacific Coast (ed. 2) 87 Thais emarginata Desh. Emarginate Dogwinkle... Range: Bering Sea to Baja California.
2004 G. A. Hammerson Connecticut Wildlife iii. 18/2 (caption) Two intertidal predators, Atlantic dogwinkle..and Atlantic oyster drill.
(b) Denoting insects which infest dogs.
dog flea n. a flea, Ctenocephalides canis (family Pulicidae), which infests dogs.
1510 J. Stanbridge Vocabula sig. D.j. The dog flee cynomia.
1741 J. Serenius Dictionarium Suethico-Anglo-Latinum 94/1 Hund-flusg, Dog-flea.
1841 Penny Cycl. XIX. 117/1 Other species..have received..the names of the species they attack, such as the dog flea (Pulex Canis).
1906 Jrnl. Hygiene 6 432 He draws attention to the disappearance of dog fleas in hot weather in Agra (India).
2002 Cat Fancy June 30 Cat and dog fleas may be intermediate hosts for the dog tapeworm.
dog louse n. (a) = dog tick n. (obsolete); (b) any of several lice which infest dogs; esp. a biting louse, Trichodectes canis, and a sucking louse, Linognathus setosus.
1552 R. Huloet Abcedarium Anglico Latinum Dogge tyke or louse, ricinus.
1763 R. Brookes New Syst. Nat. Hist. IV. xiii. 280 The Acarus with a livid belly... Some authors call this the Dog Louse.
1885 Proc. Royal Soc. 38 455 As regards the specimens of Tænia cucumerina present, these owed their origin to dog-lice swallowed by the animal.
a1933 J. A. Thomson Biol. for Everyman (1934) I. xiii. 318 The dog harbours Trichodectus latus , to be distinguished from the true dog-louse, Haematopinus piliferus.
1977 G. Vevers tr. H. Mourier & O. Winding Collins Guide Wild Life House & Home 41/1 Dog louse, Linognathus setosus... There is little chance of a human becoming infested with dog lice.
2001 G. C. McGavin Essent. Entomol. 147 The Cattle Biting Louse (Bovicola bovis)..and the Dog Louse (Trichodectes canis)..can cause severe irritation to their hosts.
dog tick n. any of several ticks (family Ixodidae) which infest dogs; esp. the Eurasian Ixodes canisuga, the American Dermacentor variabilis, and the cosmopolitan Rhipicephalus sanguineus.
1542 T. Elyot Bibliotheca Ricinus, a dogge tyke.
1668 W. Charleton Onomasticon Zoicon 49 Ricinus..the Wood Teek, or, Dogs Teek.
1703 Philos. Trans. 1702–3 (Royal Soc.) 23 1363 I afterward examin'd the Snouts or Proboscis of Dog Ticks.
1849 Hist. Berwickshire Naturalists' Club 2 No. 7. 373 My specimens were taken from the pointer, and were sent to me as the dog tick.
1911 Trans. Soc. Trop. Med. & Hygiene 4 190 One sees on Kaffirs a small red tick called the dog-tick, often mistaken for a bug.
2005 L. P. Case Dog (ed. 2) xiv. 331 Ticks that commonly feed on dogs include the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, and the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis.
c. In the names of plants, often denoting kinds considered inferior, worthless, or unfit for human consumption. See also dogberry n.1, dogwood n., etc.In this section, compounds with dog and those with dog's have been treated together as variants of one another.
dog-blow n. [apparently < dog n.1 + either blow n.2 or blow n.3] Canadian regional rare the ox-eye daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare.
1889 Cent. Dict. Dogblow, in Nova Scotia, the ox-eye daisy, Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum.
1956 Jrnl. Amer. Folklore 69 14 The American ‘standard’ Daisy is variously called:..in Scotland, Dog-Daisy and Gowan; in Nova Scotia, Dog-blow; [etc.].
dog-cherry n. now rare the cherry-like fruit of any of various plants considered unfit or unpleasant to eat, esp. (in early use) that of the honeysuckle, Lonicera periclymenum, and (later) the dogwood, genus Cornus; (also) any of these plants; cf. dogberry n.1 2b.
1597 J. Gerard Herball iii. vii. 1113 Vpright Woodbinde or Honisuckle is called Periclymenum..: in high Dutch, Honds kirsen, that is to say, Canum cerasa, or Dog Cherries.
1745 R. James Medicinal Dict. II Canum cerasa, Dog-cherries. A Species of Periclymenum, the same as Xylosteum.
1837 H. Murray et al. Encycl. Geogr. (rev. ed.) II. i. xvi. 151 The Mahaleb Cherry... The fruit, which is bitter, and called by the Tartars Dog cherry, is the principal ingredient employed for preparing ratafia and cherry brandy.
1863 R. C. A. Prior On Pop. Names Brit. Plants 68 Dogberry or Dog-cherry, the fruit of the Dogwood tree, misunderstood as referring to the quadruped.
1933 Amer. Botanist 39 65 The original ‘dogwood’ was probably Cornus sanguinea... The plant is also called ‘dog-cherry’, ‘dog-berry’, and ‘houndsberry-tree’.
dog daisy n. any of several plants of the of the family Asteraceae ( Compositae), esp. the common daisy, Bellis perennis, and the ox-eye daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare.
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > composite flowers > daisy
bruise root1698
dog daisy1821
1821 Edinb. Philos. Jrnl. 4 226 There grew..a herb like the green-sauce of England, a flower like the dog-daisy, and a yellow flower about eight or nine inches high.
1894 S. Baring-Gould Deserts S. France I. 102 The meadows were white as with dog-daisies.
1937 J. Turle Out of Doors in Eng. 149 The ox-eye daisy, or dog-daisy, is the flower dedicated to St. Barnabas, and there is hardly a meadow in England at midsummer where you will not find them.
1984 C. Kightly Country Voices 128 You used to get all sorts [of weeds in cornfields]: thistles, of course, and dog-daisies—that's mayweed, but we used to call it ‘Stinking Nanny’.
1998 Church Times 26 June 10/4 Lady Rothschild's experimental meadow..seemed..simply perfection: a sea of tall, feathery, swaying grass veiling the clear white and gold of buttercups and dog daisies.
dog-hip n. now English regional and rare the fruit of the dog rose, Rosa canina; the plant itself.
1747 R. James Pharmacopœia Universalis ii. 160/1 Other Medicines corroborate the Kidneys... Of this kind are Dog-hips, Rob of Juniper, and dried Strawberries.
1809 J. Murray Syst. Chem. (ed. 2) IV. viii. ii. 303 Cranberries, whortleberries, birdcherries, and dog-hips, contain the citric, with little of the malic acid.
1853 G. Johnston Terra Lindisfarnensis I. 75 Rosa canina, Dog-Rose. Briar-Rose: the Dog-hep.
1892 R. O. Heslop Northumberland Words at Dog-hips Dog-hips and cat-haws are commonly associated by children.
dog lichen n. the thallose lichen Peltidea canina, formerly used as treatment for the bite of a rabid dog and the resulting hydrophobia.
the world > plants > particular plants > lichen > [noun] > other lichens
ground liverwort1597
oak moss1728
necklace moss1759
Iceland lichen1777
Iceland moss1785
map lichen1796
letter lichen1846
dog lichen1853
fairy cups1855
velvet moss1858
manna lichen1864
old man's beard1888
sea ivory1966
1853 Home Friend 2 369 (caption) Dog Lichen.
1906 Plant World 9 263 Thus the dog lichen, our common Peltigera canina, was formerly supposed to be a curative of hydrophobia, hence the specific name.
1990 Amateur Gardening 7 Apr. 42/4 Peltigera canina (dog lichen) has taken up residence.
dog parsley n. (also †dog's parsley) now rare = dog poison n.
the world > plants > particular plants > plants perceived as weeds or harmful plants > poisonous or harmful plants > [noun] > fool's parsley
dog parsley1633
frog parsley1651
fool's parsley1726
fool's cicely1796
lesser hemlock1796
1633 T. Johnson Gerard's Herball (new ed.) ii. cdxxx. 1064 Thalius calls it Apium cicutarium:..Tabernamontanus, Petroselinum caninum; which name we may fitly make English, and call it Dogs-parsley.
1745 W. Ellis Agric. Improv'd II. July 78 As I keep tame Rabbets, I am obliged to be very careful in preventing Hemlock being gathered, and given them, for Dog parsley.
1836 Lancet 17 Dec. 423/1 Æthusa cynapium, or dog's parsley, is marked by spasmodic pain of the stomach, and difficulty of breathing.
2001 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 10 Feb. 11 The poisonous weed fool's parsley was also thought to be an Anthriscus; it is now separately identified as Aethusa cynapium; its other name, as you would expect, is dog parsley.
dog poison n. (also dog's poison) fool's parsley, Aethusa cynapium (family Apiaceae ( Umbelliferae)), a poisonous weed of Eurasia and North Africa; = dog parsley n.
1835 C. F. Partington Brit. Cycl. Nat. Hist. I. 43/1 Æthusa Cynapium, common fool's parsley, lesser hemlock, or dog-poison, is a native of Great Britain.
1900 N. Blanchan Nature's Garden 225 Fool's Parsley, or Cicely, or Dog-poison (AEthusa Cynapium), a European immigrant.., should be known only to be avoided.
1990 N.Y. Times 3 June (Home Entertaining Mag.) 6/2 The inedible ‘fool's parsley’ also looks like the flat-leafed kind, but has won the additional nickname of ‘dog's poison’ for obvious reasons.
2007 B. P. Lawton Parsleys, Fennels, & Queen Anne's Lace vii. 89 Aethusa cynapium (fool's parsley, dog poison, dog's parsley..). The epithet refers to an old genus.
dog's apple n. Obsolete rare the caper, Capparis spinosa.
the world > plants > particular plants > trees and shrubs > thorny berry-bush > [noun] > caper and allies
dog bramble1567
dog's apple1567
mustard shrub1756
1567 J. Maplet Greene Forest f. 36 Capers..of some it is called Doggues Bremble, of other some Doggues Apple.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory ii. iv. 69/2 The Caper..; it is called of the Physicians the purging herb; of some the Dogs bramble, or Dogs Apple.
dog's cabbage n. [after Hellenistic Greek κυνοκράμβη < ancient Greek κυνο- cyno- comb. form + κράμβη crambe n.] now rare (a) a fleshy plant, Theligonum cynocrambe (family Rubiaceae), grown as a pot-herb in Mediterranean regions; (b) = dog's mercury n.
1712 J. Browne tr. P. Pomet et al. Compl. Hist. Druggs I. 154/2 The..Dog's-Wort Cotton..grows upon a Plant which the Botanists call Apocynum Cynocrambe, which signifies Dog's-Cabbage.
1773 W. Hanbury Compl. Body Planting & Gardening II. 302/1 Theligonum... There is only one species of this genus, commonly called Dog's Cabbage.
1822 S. Clarke Hortus Anglicus II. 478 Purslane Thelygonum, Dog's Cabbage. Several stems, spreading, a span long, leafy, smooth, purplish.
1832 R. Mudie Pop. Guide Observ. Nature viii. 340 The perennial mercury, or ‘dog's cabbage’, said to be so called from dogs preferring it to any other plant, when they physic themselves with green vegetables.
1947 O. Percival Our Old-fashioned Flowers 116 Mercurialis perennis, Dog's Mercury, Dog's Cabbage, Dog's Cole, Dog's Caul.
1951 Dict. Gardening (Royal Hort. Soc.) IV. 2098/1 Thelygonum... One species only T. Cynocrambe, Dog's Cabbage, is a hardy, slightly fleshy, procumbent, annual herb, common in the Mediterranean region.
dog's camomile n. either of two similar plants of the family Asteraceae ( Compositae), stinking chamomile, Anthemis cotula, and wild chamomile, Matricaria recutita, both of which are strongly scented and have flowers composed of white ray florets with yellow discs; cf. camomile n. b.
the world > plants > particular plants > plants perceived as weeds or harmful plants > weed > [noun]
dog's camomile1578
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball ii. xxx. 186 The second kinde is now called..in English..Dogges Camomile.
1684 R. Sibbald Scotl. Illustr. i. ii. 17 Chamæmelum inodorum... Mayweed, or Dogs-Camomile.
1714 Philos. Trans. 1713 (Royal Soc.) 28 59 Yellow hoary Cape Camomil... Its leaves are very fine resembling Dogs Chamomil.
1829 S. Cooper Good's Study Med. (ed. 3) I. 169 Of the bitters, one of the most elegant, as well as most effectual, is the extract of chamomile. Yet the matricaria chamomilla, or dog's chamomile, seems to rival its powers.
2001 W. T. Parsons & E. G. Cuthbertson Noxious Weeds Austral. (ed. 2) 254 Anthemis cotula... Alternative names: dillweed, dog's camomile, dog-daisy.
dog's caul n. (also †dog's call, †dog's cawl) [apparently < the genitive of dog n.1 + either caul n.1 or caul n.2] now rare any of several plants which are poisonous to dogs; esp. dog's mercury, Mercurialis perennis.
the world > plants > particular plants > plants perceived as weeds or harmful plants > poisonous or harmful plants > [noun] > dog's mercury
dog's caul1578
wild mercury1578
dog's mercury1597
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball i. liv. 77 The wilde Mercury is called..in English..Dogges Call.
1656 Earl of Monmouth tr. T. Boccalini Ragguagli di Parnasso 27 Mallows, Henbane, Dogs-caul, and other pernitious plants.
1727 Family Dict. Dog's cawl... The uncreeping Apocynon shoots forth great Twigs of an ill Scent.
1806 New Ital. Dict. Mercorelia, dog's caul, an herb.
1947 O. Percival Our Old-fashioned Flowers 116 Mercuralis perennis, Dog's Mercury, Dog's Cabbage, Dog's Cole, Dog's Caul.
dog's-chop n. (also dog chop, dog's chops) now rare a short-stemmed succulent native to South Africa, Carruanthus ringens (formerly Mesembryanthemum caninum; family Aizoaceae); also called fig marigold.
?1783 Catal. Trees, Shrubs, Plants (Gordon, Dermer, & Thomson, London) 105 Mesembryanthemum Ringens Canin: Dog's-chops.
1806 B. M'Mahon Amer. Gardener's Cal. 623 Green-House Succulent and Herbaceous Perennial and Biennial Plants... Mesembryanthemum caninum. Dog's-chop. Fig-Marigold.
1947 O. Percival Our Old-fashioned Flowers 75 Mesembryanthemum caninum, Dog-chop, Fig Marigold.
dog's cods n. (also †dog cods) [after post-classical Latin testiculus canis (see dogstones n.)] rare any of various European orchids; = dogstones n.
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > orchids
bollock grass1578
dog's cods1578
dog's cullions1578
goat's cullions1578
goat's orchis1578
priest's pintle1578
bird's nest1597
bird's orchis1597
butterfly orchis1597
gelded satyrion1597
gnat satyrion1597
humble-bee orchis1597
lady's slipper1597
sweet ballocks1597
man orchis1670
musk orchis1670
moccasin flower1680
faham tea1728
green man orchis1762
honey flower1771
rattlesnake plantain1778
Venus's slipper1785
Adam and Eve1789
lizard orchis179.
Noah's Ark1826
yellow moccasin1826
green man1828
letter plant1838
spread eagle1838
Indian crocus1850
moccasin plant1850
dove orchis1852
nerve root1854
Holy Ghost flower1862
lizard's tongue1866
Indian shoe1876
moth orchid1880
rattlesnake orchid1881
Madeira orchis1882
man orchis1882
slipper orchis1889
scorpion orchid1897
dove orchid1918
monkey orchid1925
man orchid1927
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball ii. lvi. 222 The first kinde is called..in Latine..Testiculus canis, that is to say, Dogges Cullions, or Dogges coddes.
1886 J. Britten & R. Holland Dict. Eng. Plant-names 156 Dog Cods, or Cullions, various species of Orchis.—Lyte.
1994 D. Hendrick in R. Burt Admin. Aesthetics iii. 92 The orchis mascula..; its grosser names include the various references to testicles..(e.g.,..dog's cods, fool's cullions, and the like).
dog's cullions n. (also †dog cullions) [after post-classical Latin testiculus canis (see dogstones n.)] Obsolete rare = dog's cods n.
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > orchids
bollock grass1578
dog's cods1578
dog's cullions1578
goat's cullions1578
goat's orchis1578
priest's pintle1578
bird's nest1597
bird's orchis1597
butterfly orchis1597
gelded satyrion1597
gnat satyrion1597
humble-bee orchis1597
lady's slipper1597
sweet ballocks1597
man orchis1670
musk orchis1670
moccasin flower1680
faham tea1728
green man orchis1762
honey flower1771
rattlesnake plantain1778
Venus's slipper1785
Adam and Eve1789
lizard orchis179.
Noah's Ark1826
yellow moccasin1826
green man1828
letter plant1838
spread eagle1838
Indian crocus1850
moccasin plant1850
dove orchis1852
nerve root1854
Holy Ghost flower1862
lizard's tongue1866
Indian shoe1876
moth orchid1880
rattlesnake orchid1881
Madeira orchis1882
man orchis1882
slipper orchis1889
scorpion orchid1897
dove orchid1918
monkey orchid1925
man orchid1927
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball ii. lvi. 222 The first kinde is called..in Latine..Testiculus canis, that is to say, Dogges Cullions, or Dogges coddes.
1747 Bradley's Dict. Plants II Standergrass, is Dogs-Cullions; see Orchis.
1886 J. Britten & R. Holland Dict. Eng. Plant-names 156 Dog Cods, or Cullions, various species of Orchis.—Lyte.
dog's leek n. (also †dog leek) [compare Byzantine Greek κυνόπρασον] Obsolete any of several bulb-forming plants, esp. the star of Bethlehem, Ornithogalum umbellatum, and a wild form of the leek, Allium ampeloprasum.
1548 W. Turner Names of Herbes sig. B.vjv Bulbine..maye be called in englishe dogges Leike.
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues Porreau de chien, Dogs Leeke, wild Leeke, French Leek, Leeke of the Vine.
1772 L. de Saint Pierre Art of planting & cultivating Vine ii. 130 There grows in vineyards a kind of wild Leek, called Vigne-Porette and Porreau de chien, or dog's leek.
1834 F. Adams tr. Paulus Ægineta Med. Wks. I. lxxvi. 42 The dog-leek being wild, is drier than the common leek.
dog's mouth n. English regional rare the snapdragon (genus Antirrhinum).
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > foxglove and allied flowers > snapdragon
lion's snap1597
lion's mouth1706
frog's mouth1754
dog's mouth1824
toad's mouth1839
Bunny Mouth1846
poor man's torment1899
1824 H. Phillips Flora Historica II. 176 From its monopetalous corolla forming a mask, which resembles the face of an animal..it has..hence received various names, as Dog's Mouth, Lion's Snap, Toad's Mouth, and Snap-Dragon.
1926 Times 27 Sept. 13/4 The snap-dragon, or Antirrhinum, is locally known as rabbit's mouth, bull dogs, lion's snap, toad's mouth, and dog's mouth.
1999 B. J. Ward Contempl. upon Flowers 328 Besides snapdragon, former common rural English names include lion's snap, toad's mouth, calf's snout, and dog's mouth.
dog's onion n. now rare the plant star of Bethlehem, Ornithogalum umbellatum; cf. dog's leek n.
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > lily and allied flowers > Solomon's seal or star of Bethlehem
Solomon's seal1543
dog's onion1548
white root1548
Our Lady's cowslip1565
St John's seal1567
star of Bethlehem1573
field onion1582
star of Bethlehem1629
Ladder to Heaven1640
Star of Naples1722
lady's seal1870
peep of day1882
morning star1890
1548 W. Turner Names of Herbes sig. E.vijv Ornithigalon is called in Colon Hondes vllich..after the folowynge of the duche tonge it maye be called dogleke or dogges onion.
1634 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World (new ed.) I. xxi. xvii. 99 The hearbe Ornithogale, i. Dogs onion, hath..a root halfe a foot long, the same is full of Bulbes like onions.
1706 Phillips's New World of Words (new ed.) at Ornithogale An Herb call'd Star of Bethlehem, or Dogs-Onion.
1947 O. Percival Our Old-fashioned Flowers 80 Ornithogalum umbellatum, Eleven-o'-Clock-Lady, Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon, High Star of Bethlehem, Star of Ethiopia, Star-flower, Eye-of-Christ, Bird's-eye, Bird's-milk, Dog's Onion, Dove's-dung, Bread-of-Samaria.
dog's rue n. [compare French †rue de chien (1784)] Obsolete a southern European figwort, Scrophularia canina (formerly called Ruta canina).
1633 T. Johnson Gerard's Herball (new ed.) ii. dxxxi. 1256 Ruta Canina. Dogs rue.
1731 P. Miller Gardeners Dict. I. at Scrophularia Figwort, commonly called Dogs Rue.
1773 W. Hanbury Compl. Body Planting & Gardening II. ccxcvii. 276 Common Fig-wort, or Dog's Rue. The stalk is slender, upright, four-cornered, and about two feet high.
1822 S. Clarke Hortus Anglicus II. 119 S[crophularia] Canina. Wing-leaved Fig Wort, or Dog's Rue... South of Europe.
dog standard n. (also dog's standard, dog stander, dog standers) now English regional and rare ragwort, Jacobaea vulgaris.
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > Compositae (composite plants) > [noun] > ragwort
St. James's wort1578
swine's grassa1697
hogs madder1707
dog standard1767
mountain groundsel1830
fairies' horse1866
Oxford ragwort1884
1767 J. Nelson Extract of Jrnl. 100 I do not fear the Man that can kill me, any more than I do him that can cut down a Dogstander [1795 dog-standard].
1828 W. Carr Dial. Craven (ed. 2) Dog-standard, Rag-wort. Senecio Jacobœa.
1840 J. C. Knowlson Yorks. Cattle-Doctor & Farrier (ed. 2) 37 If you cannot procure Barberry bark, get a handful of ragwort, commonly called dog-standers, and boil it four minutes.
1888 F. A. Lees Flora W. Yorks. 292 (heading) Senecio Jacobæa L. Ragwort. ‘Dogstanders’. ‘Seggrum’.
1899 F. P. Thompson in Eng. Dial. Dict. (1900) II. 109/1 You see them yeller flowers; them's wot we used to call dog's standards.
2005 M. Tait & O. Tayler Countryside Compan. 122 This rather unfortunate effect has helped give the plant a number of rather derogatory names in various parts of the country, including:..Stinking nanny, Stinking Willie, Dog standard, [etc.].
dog thistle n. Obsolete rare creeping thistle, Cirsium arvense.
1845 Gardeners' Chron. 20 Dec. 864/1 Will any of your correspondents inform me the most effectual way to eradicate the Dog Thistle?
1905 H. R. Haggard Gardener's Year Aug. 272 In one field there were a good many Dog-thistles (‘Boar-thistles’ he called them) that should be cut away.
dog-thorn n. (also †dog's-thorn) now historical and rare a wild rose, esp. the dog rose, Rosa canina; cf. dog rose n.
the world > plants > particular plants > trees and shrubs > thorn-tree or -bush > brier or wild rose-bush > [noun]
hound's thornc1420
dog bramble1567
dog rose1597
canker rose1606
Scotch rose1731
white dog rose1770
1694 W. Westmacott Θεολοβοτονολογια 29 There is a confusion of names in botanical authours about Brambles, Briars..Dog-thorn, &c.
1707 tr. Plutarch Morals 160 What is the Wooden Dog among the Locrians?.. The Dog-thorn, which Locrus..was prick'd with. and sorely pain'd with it.
1846 A. Pratt Wild Flowers of Year vi. 129 It [sc. the wilding rose] was called dog's rose and dog's thorn, because dogs are said to eat the hips.
1952 Greece & Rome 21 62 Dog-thorn (Rosa sempervirens).
dog-wheat n. (also dog's wheat) Obsolete a type of couch grass, Elymus caninus; cf. dog grass n. 1.
the world > plants > particular plants > plants perceived as weeds or harmful plants > weed > grasses perceived as weeds > [noun] > couch-grass
twitch grass1588
dog grass1597
sea dog's grass1597
quick grass1617
quicken grass1771
creeping wheat1819
1796 W. Withering Arrangem. Brit. Plants (ed. 3) II. 174 Triticum caninum,..Dogs Wheat. Woods and hedges.
1861 J. E. Sowerby & C. Johnson Grasses Great Brit. 164 Triticum caninum. Bearded wheat grass. Dog-wheat.
d. Compounds with dog's. See also Compounds 3b, Compounds 3c, and dogsbody n., dog's ear n., dog's letter n., dog's meat n., dog's nose n., dog's tail n., dog's tooth n.
dog's abuse n. originally and chiefly Irish English harsh criticism, verbal abuse.
1892 J. Barlow Irish Idylls vii. 175 Sullivan came along and gave him dog's abuse.
1954 Times 24 July 7/6 Umpires, who..take on a difficult job for which there is no tangible reward for perfection, but only dogs' abuse for the slightest mistake.
2001 B. MacLaverty Anat. School (2003) 92 It's the cursing I'm talking about. Giving everybody within earshot dog's abuse. Unadulterated effs and c's.
dog's age n. slang (originally U.S.) a long time.
the world > time > duration > [noun] > long duration or lasting through time > a long time
seven daysOE
a while1297
patriarch's age1693
a month of Sundays1759
a week of Sundays1822
a week of Saturdays1831
dog's age1833
donkey's years1916
light year1929
1833 ‘E. Elmwood’ Yankee among Nullifiers xii. 110 You are the only..sensible man I have met with in a dog's age.
1919 T. K. Holmes Man from Tall Timber v. 55 I don't get a letter once in a dog's age from any of them.
2006 Interview (Nexis) 1 Oct. 178 You've been acting for a dog's age. You were in a Woody Allen film when you were a kid, weren't you?
dog's bollocks n. (also dog's ballocks) British coarse slang (a) Typography a colon followed by a dash, regarded as forming a shape resembling the male sexual organs (see quot. 1949) (rare); (b) (with the) the very best, the acme of excellence; cf. the cat's whiskers at cat n.1 13l, bee's knee n. (b) at bee n.1 4b.
1949 E. Partridge Dict. Slang (ed. 3) 1033/2 Dog's ballocks, the typographical colon-dash (:—).
c1986 in P. Brewis et al. Gambler (cassette tape sleeve notes) They are of the opinion that, when it comes to Italian opera, Pavarotti is the dog's bollocks.
1989 C. Donald et al. (title) Viz: the dog's bollocks: the best of issues 26 to 31.
1995 Times 4 Oct. 7/1 Before Tony Blair's speech, a chap near me growled: ‘'E thinks 'e's the dog's bollocks.’ Well he's entitled to. It was a commanding speech: a real dog's bollocks of an oration.
2000 Front Oct. 51/3 You said you quite fancied Jon Bon Jovi. Yeah, Jon Bon Jovi is the dog's bollocks.
dog's breakfast n. slang (in early use only similative) a confused mess; = dog's dinner n.
the world > relative properties > order > disorder > confusion or disorder > [noun] > a confused assemblage or mixture
bumble broth1572
Sargasso Sea1855
chop suey1888
dog's breakfast1892
dog's dinner1902
1892 Ballymena Observer in Eng. Dial. Dict. (1900) III. 691/1 In a lump like a dog's breakfast, said of a heterogeneous heap of things.
1907 Black Diamond Express Monthly Feb. 21/2 The passenger train which went east yesterday morning looked like a dog's breakfast. There were a few Pullmans, a diner or two,..baggage, mail cars..mixed up for half a mile.
1915 New Castle (Pa.) News 13 Feb. 2/5 They abandoned the plan, went ahead in their own way, and have gotten their side all messed up, like a dog's breakfast.
1959 Times 29 Apr. 10/4 He can't make head or tail of it... It's a complete dog's breakfast.
2004 Classic Rock Oct. 102/3 The 1974 record..is either the furthest-reaching concept album ever made, or the biggest dog's breakfast in the entire history of the state of California.
dog's chance n. (usually in negative constructions) a poor chance, the least chance; cf. dog-chance n. at Compounds 3a.
the mind > mental capacity > expectation > despair, hopelessness > [noun] > cause of despair > a poor or faint hope
forlorn hopea1643
dog's chance1890
Buckley's chance (or hope, etc.)1898
dog's show1898
1890 San Antonio (Texas) Daily Express 17 Feb. 3/2 The people..had hounded me to the universe as a dishonest and disreputable person, without giving me so much as a dog's chance to clear myself.
1939 J. B. Priestley Let People Sing 50 Don't suppose I've got a dog's chance really, but I have to keep on trying.
2008 Irish Times (Nexis) 18 July (Features section) 15 In the past, nobody who wasn't welcome in Dubrovnik would have had a dog's chance of getting into the place.
dog's dinner n. slang (chiefly British) (a) a confused or jumbled mess (cf. dog's breakfast n.); (b) dress or adornment that is over-elaborate or flashy (from like a (or the) dog's dinner at Phrases 23).
the world > relative properties > order > disorder > confusion or disorder > [noun] > a confused assemblage or mixture
bumble broth1572
Sargasso Sea1855
chop suey1888
dog's breakfast1892
dog's dinner1902
the mind > attention and judgement > bad taste > flashiness or gaudiness > [noun] > instance or example of
painted sheath1542
plush horse1891
dog's dinner1996
the mind > emotion > pride > ostentation > [noun] > ostentatious thing
dog's dinner1996
1902 E. F. Benson Scarlet & Hyssop i. 4 ‘Scraps only, scraps from other places. It always reminds me of a dog's dinner,’ said Lady Alston; ‘and all of us who live here are like scraps for a dog's dinner, too. Bits of things, remnants, a jumble sale.’
1957 Times 30 Mar. 6/5 There were such serious flaws that to amend it in the usual way might turn it into a ‘statutory dog's dinner’.
1971 J. Wainwright Last Buccaneer i. 35 North End is a dog's dinner of hovels, dives and drinking dens.
1996 M. Syal Anita & Me (1997) i. 19 What have you done to your hair, eh? Dog's dinner or what, aaar!
1998 N. Hornby About Boy (1999) xvi. 114 Though he didn't mind giving Marcus the odd can of Coke, he wasn't about to embroil himself in the sorry dog's dinner that was Marcus's life.
2004 Time Out 25 Aug. 75/4 Hard to muster a coherent reading of this confused dog's dinner of a movie.
dog's face n. a face like that of a dog (in early use as a term of abuse or reproach); = dogface n. 1.
the mind > goodness and badness > inferiority or baseness > inferior person > [noun] > as abused
Poor John1589
dog's facec1590
hog rubber1611
hound's head1633
c1590 Sir Thomas More (1844) 1 Goe with me quietly, or Ile compell thee... Compell me, ye dogges face!
1676 T. Hobbes tr. Homer Iliads i. 213 Dogs-face, and Drunkard, Coward that thou art.
1756 Davys's Accomplish'd Rake (ed. 2) 192 Go home, you Rascal, and..let me see your Dog's Face no more.
1841 R. E. Landor Ferryman v. iv. 301 Out, dog's-face! get thee gone, thou morris fool!
1956 tr. Lu Hsun Sel. Wks. I. 203 He pulled a long dog's face.
2005 W. Wall This is Country 4 He has a neat thin moustache, a big bony dog's face.
dog's game n. Obsolete rare the amusement or game of a dog or dogs.
1610 P. Holland tr. W. Camden Brit. i. 259 The Conqueror tooke away land both from God and men, to dedicate the same unto wild beasts and Dogs-game [L. canum lusibus].
dog's hunger n. Obsolete = dog appetite n. at Compounds 3a; also figurative; cf. dog hunger n. at Compounds 3a.
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > disorders of internal organs > disordered nutrition > [noun] > excessive hunger
dog's hunger1592
dogged hunger1599
dog hunger1605
canine appetite1609
dog appetite1615
doggish appetitea1620
1592 Countess of Pembroke tr. P. de Mornay Disc. Life & Death sig. B It is a dropsie (and as they tearme it) the dogs hunger: sooner may hee burst then be satisfied.
1631 S. Jerome Arraignem. Whole Creature viii. 58 The disease cald the Dogs hunger, alway eating but never satisfied.
1755 T. Smollett tr. M. de Cervantes Don Quixote II. ii. iii. 123 She is gnawed by a dog's hunger that is never satisfied.
1800 S. T. Coleridge tr. F. Schiller Piccolomini i. ii. 10 And those state-parasites, who have their feet So constantly beneath the Emperor's table, Who cannot let a benefice fall, but they Snap at it with dog's hunger.
dog's lug n. Nautical (now historical) = dog's ear n. 2.
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > equipment of vessel > ropes or chains other than rigging or cable > [noun] > a twist or curl in a rope
dog's ear1840
dog's lug1882
1882 G. S. Nares Seamanship (ed. 6) 134 Pass in the leech from the yard-arms and dog's-lug.
1984 J. Harland Seamanship in Age of Sail ix. 152/3 The dog's lug was laid along the yard, and the sail reefed as with the topsail.
dog's show n. chiefly Australian and New Zealand = dog's chance n.
the mind > mental capacity > expectation > despair, hopelessness > [noun] > cause of despair > a poor or faint hope
forlorn hopea1643
dog's chance1890
Buckley's chance (or hope, etc.)1898
dog's show1898
1898 E. Dyson Below & on Top 179 I don't think you've got a dog's show.
1957 I. Cross God Boy (1958) vi. 46 I had to admire Bloody Jack for sitting on there even though he didn't have a dog's show of getting any fish.
2007 Timaru (N.Z.) Herald (Nexis) 29 June 6 Merino farming doesn't have a dog's show to compete with real estate.
dog's sleep n. Obsolete = dogsleep n.
the world > physical sensation > sleeping and waking > sleep > [noun] > an instance or period of > short or light
dog's sleep1560
(not) a wink of sleep1682
forty winks1828
1560 T. Churchyard Contention betwyxte Churchyeard & Camell Pref. sig. ☩. ii/2 Some do immagyne Dauid Dicar to lye In doges sleape this Dremynge, eche man for to trye.
1682 tr. J. Goedaert Of Insects 91 They are very fearfull, and rowl themselves up when touched, sleeping Doggs-sleep.
1711 J. Addison Spectator No. 184 in Wks. (1721) III. 150 A drowsy husband who..is represented to have slept what the common people call a dog's sleep; or if his sleep was real, his wife was awake.
?1750 Wanton Tom i. iii. 16 Sleeping dog's sleep, he observed him constantly to go to her.
1896 Baily's Mag. Apr. 295/2 I had had no sleep for two nights on board the steamer—only a dog's sleep.
dog's throw n. = dog-throw n. at Compounds 3a.
society > leisure > entertainment > pastimes > game > games of chance > dice-playing > [noun] > throw > lowest or losing throw
dog's throw1834
1834 E. Bulwer-Lytton Last Days of Pompeii I. i. vii. 128 I may well have the dog's letter in my mouth, since, whenever I play with you, I have the dog's throw in my hand.
1912 E. H. du Bois Hundred Riddles Symphosius 83 The highest throw was three sixes, called the ‘Venus-throw’, and the lowest, three aces, the ‘Dog's throw’.
2006 D. G. Schwartz Roll Bones ii. 24 The worst possible throw, four ones, was known as ‘the dog's throw,’ and the best, known as the ‘Venus throw,’ had each astragalus showing a different value.
dog's trick n. now rare = dog-trick n.
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > [noun] > malicious trick
dog's trick1742
the mind > goodness and badness > badness or evil > evil deed > [noun]
dog's trick1742
1742 J. Ayres Sancho at Court iii. 31 Why looke there! I thought you wou'd contrive some Dog's Trick to plague me.
1762 L. Sterne Let. 14 June in Lett. 1739–64 (2009) 276 Let your portmanteau be tied at the forepart of your chaise for fear of a dog's trick.
1820 W. Scott Abbot II. 102 Many a dog's trick have I played old Lilias for want of something better to do.
1939 Billings (Montana) Gaz. 6 Nov. 4 If they [sc. the Nazis] did not have in the back of their minds the possibility of playing some dog's trick on France they would scarcely be taking so much pains to announce their sorrow over having to fight that country.
dog's work n. = dog work n. at Compounds 3a.In quot. 1847 probably not as a fixed collocation.
society > occupation and work > work > [noun] > servile or menial work
drudgery work1632
slave work1808
dog's work1847
dog work1850
daily grind1853
slave work1916
1847 G. Lippard Quaker City I. 140 ‘D'ye edit your paper, by yourself?’ ‘Bless you, no!..Whenever I find an author in extreme distress—rather out of pocket, you know?—I take him into my office; give him a dog's salary, and make him do a dog's work.’
1851 Amer. Rev. Apr. 371/2 Am I to wear out all the poor remainder of my days in this dog's-work?
1912 E. F. Murphy Open Trails xxii. 240 I like this better than copying, for copying is dog's work.
2005 D. M. Oshinsky Polio ix. 152 Doing the dog's work that his betters refused to do.
dog's year n. = dog year n. at Compounds 3a.
1993 Washington Post 29 Mar. a13/1 Just ask that bloke over there. He's been driving for dog's years.
2000 A. Flottmann-Nilsson in B. Stanford-Smith & P. T. Kidd E-business 289 An Internet year is like a dog's year—seven times quicker!
2009 D. Calame Swim the Fly ii. 39 Dinner lasted a dog's year.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, November 2010; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Brit. /dɒɡ/, U.S. /dɔɡ/, /dɑɡ/
Origin: A variant or alteration of another lexical item. Etymon: god n.
Etymology: Euphemistic alteration of god n., probably after dog n.1 Compare cock n.6, bob n.9, Gog n.1, etc.Compare doggone v. and discussion at that entry.
colloquial. Now chiefly U.S.
In oaths and asseverations: = god n.
the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > [noun] > name of > used in oaths or exclamations
?1550 R. Weaver Lusty Iuventus sig. D.i By dogs precious woundes yt was som whorson villain.
1854 T. C. Haliburton Americans at Home III. xxv. 284 Dog rot him if he could call the varmint by name.
1858 Chambers's Jrnl. 29 May 342/2 ‘Jest half a hour ahead,’ remarked old Hickman, as he rose erect after examining the tracks..‘jest half a hour—dog darn 'em’.
1867 Suppl. Courant (Hartford, Connecticut) 5 Oct. 159/3 Dog darn my skin..if I'm going to stand this slight to my country!
1894 Mag. of Poetry 6 379/1 Why, dog blast my lasso, boys, If it aint Denver Jim that's corraled here at last.
1934 Z. N. Hurston Jonah's Gourd Vine ii. 37 Dog damn! Boy you're almost as big as I am.
1962 ‘A. Burgess’ Wanting Seed iv. vii. 190 Dog damn and blast it.
2005 A. Coren Omnibus 148Dog Almighty!’ cried the customer. ‘I can see the bloody things on the shelf behind.’
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, November 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /dɒɡ/, U.S. /dɔɡ/, /dɑɡ/
Forms: 1500s–1600s dogge, 1500s– dog.
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: dog n.1
Etymology: < dog n.1It has been suggested that the following isolated (and disputed) Old English attestation of dogode , apparently a past tense of an otherwise unattested weak Class II verb *dogian , shows an early figurative use of the word in sense ‘to follow persistently (in thought)’ (compare sense 1a):OE Wulf & Eadwacer 9 Wulfes ic mines widlastum wenum dogode.However, the word has been explained alternatively as a scribal error for hogode , past tense of hogian how v.1 (see further A. L. Klinck Old Eng. Elegies (1992) 171–2 for a summary of these and other suggested explanations).
a. transitive. To follow like a dog on the heels of; to track (a person, or his or her trail, footsteps, etc.) closely and persistently. In extended use: to pursue doggedly, esp. with hostile intent. Also with adverbs and adverbial phrases.
the world > movement > progressive motion > order of movement > following behind > follow [verb (transitive)] > pursue > pursue closely
to follow up1598
to stick to ——1685
1519 W. Horman Vulgaria xxxi. f. 256 Our ennemyes..dogged vs at the backe [L. a tergo instabat].
1583 J. Foxe Actes & Monuments (ed. 4) II. 2082/1 As they iornyed towardes London..[they] fell in company with a promoter, which dogged them and followed them again to Grauesend.
1608 R. Tofte in tr. L. Ariosto Satyres iv. 64 (note) Many Italians vse to dog their wiues when they goe abroad, the poore women not thinking that their husbands do watch them as they doe.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Twelfth Night (1623) iii. ii. 72 I haue dogg'd him like his murtherer.
1676 W. Wycherley Plain-dealer v. i The Bayliffs dog'd us hither to the very door.
1711 R. Steele Spectator No. 136. ⁋3 I have been three Nights together dogged by Bravoes.
1750 S. Johnson Rambler No. 16. ⁋12 Eleven painters are now dogging me, for they know that he who can get my face first will make his fortune.
1834 T. Pringle Afr. Sketches viii. 257 A lion was..dogging us through the bushes the whole way home.
1851 W. H. Dixon W. Penn x. 336 Spies and informers dogged his footsteps.
1960 Times 12 Dec. 6 The husband of the girl faced..the rejected suitor who had been dogging them with his knife.
1993 Village Voice (N.Y.) 12 Jan. 33/2 For months, he'd been dogging the youth's every move... He headed for the bathroom but the stepfather followed him.
b. transitive. figurative. Of some immaterial agent (in early use personified), as misfortune, ill health, etc.: to beset continually.
1567 G. Fenton tr. M. Bandello Certaine Tragicall Disc. f. 110 The sleighte of your enemies and malice of fortune, haue dogged you..since your comming to Mantua.
1597 W. Shakespeare Richard II v. iii. 137 Destruction strait shal dog them at the heeles. View more context for this quotation
1637 J. Milton Comus 14 I feare the dred events that dog them both.
1796 R. Southey Joan of Arc v. 174 Famine dogs their footsteps.
1849 Times 28 Sept. 4 Four hundred [emigrants] had perished from cholera, which dogged their path.
a1859 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. (1861) V. 245 Envy such as dogged Montague through a long career.
1878 Musical Times 19 266/2 The money-trouble, which..dogged his steps through life.
1985 N. Herman My Kleinian Home 61 The garden..seemed a lovely place to play and shake off the endless worries that were always dogging me.
2002 Sci. Amer. May 98/1 A fascinating display of letters from people dogged by ill luck.
c. transitive. To haunt (a place, etc.). Obsolete. rare.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabiting temporarily > haunting or resorting > haunt [verb (transitive)]
1600 Wisdome Doctor Dodypoll iii. sig. F1 My mistresse dogs the banket, and I dog her.
1602 J. Marston Antonios Reuenge iii. v. sig. G Assume disguise, and dog the Court In fained habit.
2. intransitive. Frequently with at, on, etc. To follow in close pursuit of a person or thing; (figurative) to harass, hound, or worry a person; to continue at a thing persistently or doggedly.
the world > movement > progressive motion > order of movement > following behind > follow behind [verb (intransitive)] > follow closely
to tread on any one's heels or toesc1384
to be on someone's tail1925
to be on someone's wheel1941
the mind > will > decision > perseverance or persistence > persevere or persist [verb (intransitive)]
to rub on1469
to stick unto ——1529
to make it tougha1549
to rub along1668
let the world rub1677
to stem one's course1826
to stick in1853
to hang on1860
to worry along1871
to stay the course1885
to slug it out1943
to bash on1950
to soldier on1954
to keep on trucking1972
1519 W. Horman Vulgaria xxxi. f. 265 They cam doggynge at the tayle of our host.
1645 A. Rivers tr. Philo Sad Condition of Distracted Kingdome 13 Griping penury Dogging at the heeles of prodigality.
1692 R. L'Estrange Fables cv. 99 This put him into such a Rage, to lye Dogging at his Prayers so much, and so Long, to so Little Purpose.
1807 J. Moser in Spirit of Public Jrnls. 10 7 Should constables dog at our heels.
1837 C. A. Wheelwright tr. Aristophanes Comedies I. 6 I..will not hold my tongue, Unless you tell me, why on earth we're dogging.
1864 Harper's Mag. Dec. 40/2 She has gone on teaching at Pilkstown, and I have dogged on with Hall.
1880 W. D. Howells Let. 28 July in Sel. Lett. (1979) II. 263 I am wasting the summer: dogging away at a story that I shall probably never finish.
1912 W. Boyle Family Failing iii. 52 Sick he'll be and laid up with the lot of you dogging at him—prodding him on and gouging him—poor fellow!
1997 Atlanta Jrnl.-Constit. (Nexis) 26 July c7 The shadow of an incomplete federal investigation still dogging at his heels.
2004 St. Louis (Missouri) Post-Dispatch (Nexis) 17 Feb. c1 Dogging after the puck..Mayers got it and flung it toward the net.
a. transitive. To drive or chase with a dog or dogs; to set a dog on; (figurative) to hound or drive into. Now rare.
the world > food and drink > hunting > hunting with hounds > hunt with hounds [verb (transitive)]
1591 Bottesford (Lincs.) Manor Rec. (MS.) in E. Peacock Gloss. Words Manley & Corringham, Lincs. (1889) [William Elvysh was fined for] dogging beast vicinorum super communem pasturam.
a1624 Bp. M. Smith Serm. (1632) 201 While the Vrchin [sc. hedgehog] keeps himselfe close in the bottome of an hedge, hee is either not espied, or contemned, but when he creepes forth to sucke the Cowe, he is dogged, and chopped in.
1794 T. Stone Gen. View Agric. Lincoln 62 [Sheep] being over-heated in being..dogged to their confinement.
1840 H. Cleeve in Jrnl. Agric. Soc. 1 iii. 298 Others have dogged the animal, and worried it to exhaustion.
1861 H. Bushnell Christian Nurture ii. ii. 249 He may dog his children possibly into some kind of conformity with his opinions.
1884 Northern Echo 21 Feb. (Police Courts) George and William Brown..were charged..with dogging a flock of sixty-one sheep... One sheep was bleeding copiously from bites.
1974 Moberly (Missouri) Monitor-Index 27 Feb. 9 Dogging deer is one of the methods used by poachers.
b. transitive. to dog out: to extract or drive out with or like a dog.
1843 ‘R. Carlton’ New Purchase II. l. 180 We'll dog out the rats now!
1877 F. Ross et al. Gloss. Words Holderness 55 Dog-oot-ov, to obtain by persistent importunity.
1936 M. Allingham Flowers for Judge ix. 140 Someone murdered him very neatly indeed... Our astute friends..dogged that much out all right.
1998 Western Morning News (Plymouth) (Nexis) 12 Aug. 11 Her lurid version of dogging out a fox are also wide of the mark.
c. intransitive. Australian. To hunt dingoes.
the world > food and drink > hunting > hunting specific animals > hunt specific animal [verb (intransitive)]
1910 C. E. W. Bean On Wool Track 55 A man is generally kept dogging, and the boundary rider gets a few pounds out of occasional scalps.
1923 J. Armour Spell of Inland 152 He would be able to take out provisions at the same time to..some men who were ‘dogging’ in the back country.
1978 D. Stuart Wedgetail View 135 Spent a couple of years dogging, and if trapping dingoes wasn't real bushman's work, nothing was.
a. transitive. To fasten or secure by means of a dog (see dog n.1 18, 19a). Also intransitive: to penetrate or secure with a dog.
society > occupation and work > industry > working with tools or equipment > work with tools or equipment [verb (transitive)] > clamp
1591 in J. L. Glasscock Rec. St. Michael's, Bishop's Stortford (1882) 65 iiij li. of leade to dog the stones together of ye steple windowe.
1879 Lumberman's Gaz. 15 Oct. We can dog directly into the hardest knot in the heaviest timber and hold the log perfectly safe and true.
1886 G. W. Hotchkiss in Encycl. Brit. XXI. 345/2 When the log reached the carriage it was dogged..by the simple movement of a lever.
1973 Globe & Mail (Toronto) 29 Mar. 47/3 Only two logs are good enough to dog up and tow.
1987 M. Kochanski Northern Bushcraft (1988) vii. 195 Hew the boards by leaning them against a tree..or ‘dog’ the logs horizontally to bed logs to hew them.
b. transitive. To extract or uproot with a dog (dog n.1 22). Obsolete. rare.
1610 W. Folkingham Feudigraphia i. ix. 21 Whynnes, Broome, &c...being..rooted vp by dogging or grubbing.
c. transitive. Nautical. To fasten (something, as a rope to a spar or cable) in such a way that the parts bind on to each other, so as to prevent slipping. Now chiefly historical.
1847 A. C. Key Narr. Recov. H.M.S. Gorgon 24 Another purchase was..lashed round the sheerhead..and its lower block was dogged on.
1867 W. H. Smyth & E. Belcher Sailor's Word-bk. Dogged, a mode of attaching a rope to a spar or cable, in contradistinction to racking, by which slipping is prevented; half-hitched and end stopped back, is one mode.
1976 P. Kemp Oxf. Compan. Ships & Sea 256/1 Dog, to, the operation of backing the tail of a block with several turns around a stay or shroud... This is one way of clapping on a purchase where additional hauling power is required.
5. transitive. To supply or fill with dogs. Obsolete.Apparently an isolated use.
a1661 T. Fuller Worthies (1662) Somerset 18 The Ancient Romans, when first (instead of manning,) they Dogged their Capitol.
6. transitive (in passive). slang. Perhaps: (formerly, at Oxford University) to be called up last for disputation and examination for a degree. Obsolete. [Perhaps with allusion to a dog following behind its master.]
1721 N. Amhurst Terræ-filius 14 June The Collectors..having it in their Power to dispose of all the Schools and Days in what manner they please..great Application is made to them for gracious Days and good Schools, but especially to avoid being posted or dogged.
1721 N. Amhurst Terræ-filius 14 June The first Column and the last Column..(which contain the Names of those who are to come up the first Day and the last Day, and which is called Posting and Dogging) are esteemed very scandalous.]
7. transitive. To act as a dog to; to guard as a dog. Obsolete. rare.
the world > action or operation > safety > protection or defence > watching or keeping guard > watch or keep guard over [verb (transitive)] > as a dog
1818 H. H. Milman Samor i. 281 Ah generous King! That sets the emaciate wolf to dog the flock; The hawk to guard the dovecote.
8. slang (originally and chiefly U.S.). Now esp. in sporting contexts.
a. transitive. With it. To act lazily or half-heartedly; to slack, idle; (also) to hold back through fear or unwillingness to take a risk.
the mind > will > decision > irresolution or vacillation > be irresolute or vacillate [verb (intransitive)] > act half-heartedly
1905 R. Beach Pardners i. 8 I expected to see the youngster dog it.
1928 R. J. Tasker Grimhaven xvi. 196 He hoped to goad me into action. ‘Go ahead and use that shiv—don't dog it—come on and do something.’
1966 H. Marriott Cariboo Cowboy xx. 189 I made up my mind I'd do little or nothing for quite a while... So I just dogged it for several months.
1983 A. Alvarez Biggest Game in Town vii. 100 Most guys playing for that kind of money will dog it, but Doyle's got no fear.
1998 Express 9 Apr. (Sport section) 10/2 He was consistent. He never dogged it. And that says a lot about somebody, to be able to say that you never gave in once.
b. transitive. To shirk, avoid (a duty or responsibility); to undertake half-heartedly.
the mind > will > decision > irresolution or vacillation > be irresolute about [verb (transitive)] > do something half-heartedly
1930 Amer. Speech 5 239 He dogged his work wherever possible.
1955 R. Graziano & R. Barber Somebody up there likes Me 144 I hear you're dogging the fights in the amateurs.
1976 Billings (Montana) Gaz. 27 June f1/4 I played aggressively for two or three holes, conservatively for 10 or 12 and the others I just dogged.
2004 Sunday Mail (Glasgow) (Nexis) 29 Feb. 3 It's another reason why McVeigh couldn't deal with inept excuses from players dogging their work.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, November 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /dɒɡ/, U.S. /dɔɡ/, /dɑɡ/
Origin: A variant or alteration of another lexical item.
Etymology: Euphemistic alteration of damn v., after dog n.2, doggone v.
slang (originally U.S.).
transitive (chiefly in passive). Used as a euphemism for ‘damn’. Perhaps sometimes with reference to dog v.1 3a.
1835 J. Hall Tales of Border 58 ‘I'll be dogged if I don't save one of them,’ added another.
1860 J. R. Bartlett Dict. Americanisms (ed. 3) Dogged, a euphemistic oath; as, ‘I'll be dogged if I do it’.
1946 S. J. Perelman Keep it Crisp 174 ‘Well, dog my cats!’ I exclaimed, struck all of a heap.
1998 F. Flagg Welcome to World, Baby Girl! 226 The trooper was intrigued. ‘A plume. Well, I'll be dogged.’
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, November 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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