OE tr. Pseudo-Apuleius (Vitell.) (1984) lxiii. 106 Ðeos wyrt þe man dictamnum..nemneð byþ cenned on ðam iglande þe man Grete hateð & on þam munte þe man Ida nemneð. Gyf hwylc wif hæbbe on hyre innoðe deadboren tuddur genim þysse wyrte wos þe we dictamnum [?a1200 Harl. 6258B dictanum] nemdun.
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus (BL Add. 27944) (1975) II. xvii. xlix. 942 Diptannus is a medicynable herbe and þe roote þerof acrodeþ most to medicyns..it..haþ vertu to dissolue and tempre, to drawe and waste venym.
?a1450 (Stockh.) (1950) 149 Deptanium is an herbe þat man clepyn dytanye or ditandur..it..is good to hele þe dropesye and bytynge of venymous bestys.
1551 W. Turner sig. O iv Dictamnus growith no where ellis that I knowe of, sauynge only in Candye..Many haue abused fraxinella for thys herbe.
1562 W. Bullein f. 15v Dictamnum..is of a singuler vertue, leaued like vnto Penerial, but greater, and somwhat rough, and tasteth like Ginger.
1615 E. Grimeston tr. P. d'Avity 520 The hearbe which the Simplists cal Dictamum..is good against poyson, as Dioscorides saith, for that the onely sent of it kills Serpents and other venimous beasts.
1629 J. Parkinson 334 We in English doe eyther call it Fraxinella, or after the other corrupted name of Dictamus, Bastard Dittanie.
1678 V. Alsop 141 We have the true Dictamnum growing in our own Gardens, had we but skill to use and apply it.
1728 R. Bradley (at cited word) The true Dictamnus is usually housed in Winter.
1846 J. Lindley 470 Dictamnus is found in the south of Europe.
1857 W. Smith (ed. 3) (at cited word) The Dictamnus which grew on Mount Ida, in Crete, was the most highly esteemed.
1922 5 Aug. 6 The dictamnus is easily raised from seeds.
1962 31 Mar. 4/2 Dictamnus or ‘dittany’..is absolutely reliable once established.
1991 New Ser. 41 558 The mention of Cretan goats being driven to known pastures by arrows..is..an oblique poetic reference to the search of the wounded goats for the healing plant dictamnus.
2003 12 July (Weekend Suppl.) 61/2 Rhus, dictamnus and fremontodendron can cause skin and eye irritations.