

单词 altered


Brit. /ˈɔːltəd/, /ˈɒltəd/, U.S. /ˈɔltərd/, /ˈɑltərd/
Forms: see alter v. and -ed suffix1.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: alter v., -ed suffix1.
Etymology: < alter v. + -ed suffix1.With sense A. 1 compare similar uses of Middle French alteré , French altéré (attested from the late 14th cent. in the specific sense ‘stupefied, mentally disturbed’, from the second half of the 15th cent. in the general sense ‘changed’). In sense A. 2 probably after Middle French alteré thirsty (1532 in Rabelais, in the passage translated in quot. 1653 at sense A. 2; French altéré ), use as adjective of past participle of alterer to become thirsty (end of the 15th cent., used reflexively), to provoke thirst (end of the 15th cent.), to be thirsty (1532 in Rabelais), apparently a (not fully explained) semantic development of alterer alter v., which is attested in the 15th cent. in senses ‘to disturb, trouble (a person's mind)’ and ‘(of a person) to become weak’ (in the latter case, used reflexively). Compare use in quot. 1605 at altering adj. 1a.
A. adj.
1. That is or has been altered; made different in some respect, changed.
1563 A. Neville in tr. Seneca Lamentable Trag. Œdipus sig. Aiiiv The vnconstant Head of wauering Fortune, her sodaine interchaunged and soone altered face.
1564 W. Bullein Dialogue against Fever Pestilence f. 28 Quicke pulse and deepe, but weake, headache, altered voice, loss of memorie.
1605 A. Munday tr. G. Affinati Dumbe Divine Speaker xviii. 195 The altered garment of his beloued sonne Ioseph, tinctured with the counterfeited bloud of a beast.
1681 R. Baxter 2nd True Def. Meer Nonconformists Hist. Pref. sig. A3v About 7000 Conformed (to the altered Liturgy, before any of them ever saw it, save a few) by declaring their Assent and Consent.
1700 J. Dryden Chaucer's Palamon & Arcite i, in Fables 21 And gazing there beheld his alter'd Look.
1725 A. Pope tr. Homer Odyssey III. x. 529 Shame touch'd Eurylochus alter'd breast.
1866 G. MacDonald Ann. Quiet Neighbourhood xviii. 356 I have been an altered character ever since I knew you.
1870 W. S. Jevons Elem. Lessons Logic xxvii. 235 We can see the stars in slightly altered positions.
1906 G. R. Sims Living London (rev. ed.) III. 354/1 To the casual observer the air-ship may, indeed, appear..little more than a balloon of altered shape.
1954 H. W. Florey Lect. Gen. Pathol. xxxiv. 643 This altered response of the tuberculous animal has become known as the ‘Koch phenomenon’.
1982 Amer. Jrnl. Nursing 82 242/2 Extreme cases, such as a delirious patient risking severe bodily injury due to his/her altered mental state.
2005 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 10 Feb. 5/1 His new book reflects this altered climate.
2. Thirsty. Also figurative. Obsolete.
the world > food and drink > drink > thirst > [adjective]
1596 W. Warner Albions Eng. (rev. ed.) xii. lxxi. 297 And here mine altred Muse this Theame surceaseth to pursue.
1653 T. Urquhart tr. F. Rabelais 2nd Bk. Wks. vii. 35 So altered, and a dry with drinking these flat wines, that they did nothing but spit.
B. n.
Chiefly U.S. In drag racing: a car based on a standard automobile body, which may be modified in almost any manner; the class to which such vehicles belong.
society > leisure > sport > types of sport or game > racing or race > racing with vehicles > motor racing > [noun] > racing car > specific
Indy car1975
society > leisure > sport > types of sport or game > racing or race > racing with vehicles > motor racing > [noun] > racing car > class of
1962 Punch 17 Oct. 560/2 Drag entries come in a profusion of classes: dragsters,..roadsters,..altereds.
1973 Tucson (Arizona) Daily Citizen 22 Aug. 59/3 Strip owner Bob Huff expects a field of 40 altereds, including the familiar cars of the California racing contingent.
1986 Los Angeles Times 26 June iii. 12/3 Nitro-burning fuel altereds, once the most-popular hot rod classes, will have a revival this weekend.
2004 B. Stephens & K. Bernstein Kenny Bernstein i. 18 Alley had built and driven a series of notorious altereds and Funny Cars flying the ‘Engine Masters’ colors.


altered state n. [after German verändertes Bewusstsein, literally ‘altered consciousness’ (J. Breuer & S. Freud 1893, in Neurol. Centralbl. 12 10, the source translated in quot. 1924)] a state of mind that differs from a person's normal state of consciousness or awareness, esp. one induced by drugs, hypnosis, or mental disorder; more fully altered state of consciousness.
the world > health and disease > mental health > mental illness > degree or type of mental illness > [noun] > confused or altered mental state
altered state1938
1924 J. Rickman tr. J. Breuer & S. Freud in Freud's Coll. Papers I. ii. 33 When a trauma effective enough in itself occurs during a state of seriously disabling affect or of altered consciousness.
1927 Amer. Jrnl. Psychol. 39 107 Other agencies cause physiological effects which are accompanied by altered states of feeling.]
1938 Lancet 19 Feb. 461/2 We would cite the removal of septic foci;..hormonal therapy; altered states of consciousness with narcotics such as somnifaine, [etc.].
1989 D. Koontz Midnight i. lvi. 230 They seek an altered state in which complex emotions and pleasure aren't linked—the life of an unthinking beast.
2005 New Yorker 28 Nov. 43/1 Bacchus Mainomenos, the deity governing altered states, insanity, and fury.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, November 2010; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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