

单词 defensible


Brit. /dᵻˈfɛnsᵻbl/, U.S. /dəˈfɛnsəbəl/, /diˈfɛnsəbəl/

α. Middle English defensabill, Middle English defensabyl, Middle English defensabylle, Middle English deffensable, Middle English diffensable, Middle English dyffensable, Middle English–1600s defensable, 1500s–1600s defenceable; also Scottish pre-1700 defensabil, pre-1700 defensabill, pre-1700 diffensable.

β. Middle English–1500s defensyble, Middle English– defensible, 1500s–1600s defencible; N.E.D. (1895) also records a form late Middle English diffensyble.

Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymons: French defensable; French defencible.
Etymology: Partly (in α. forms) < Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French defensable (French (now rare) défensable ) (of people, armies, etc.) able or ready to fight (late 12th cent.), (of a building, fortification, etc.) that provides a defence (late 14th cent. or earlier), (of weapons, armour, clothing, etc.) that provides protection against attack or injury (1410 or earlier) < post-classical Latin defensabilis able to be defended (4th cent.) < classical Latin dēfensāre to act in defence against, to protect (see defence v.) + -bilis -ble suffix; and partly (in β. forms) < Anglo-Norman defencible, Anglo-Norman and Middle French defensible, Middle French deffensible < post-classical Latin defensibilis capable of defence (6th cent.) < classical Latin dēfens- , past participial stem of dēfendere defend v. + -ibilis -ible suffix. Compare defendable adj. and its French etymon.Compare Old Occitan defensable, Spanish defensible (early 15th cent.), †defensable (a1460).
1. Able to provide a defence; defensive.
a. Of people, armies, etc.: able or ready to fight, capable of defending against attack. In later use chiefly in defensible men: men who are eligible to be conscripted into a militia, levy, or army. Now historical.
society > armed hostility > warrior > defender > [adjective]
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) 11423 Hii hulde hom þere defensables, to libbe oþer to deie.
c1475 Gregory's Chron. in J. Gairdner Hist. Coll. Citizen London (1876) 195 (MED) The Duke of Yorke come to the sayde Parlymentt..and the Duke of Northefolke whythe a grete multytude of defensabylle men.
1481 W. Caxton tr. Siege & Conqueste Jerusalem (1893) ccix. 306 Ther were therin turkes many, hardy and defensable.
c1503 R. Arnold Chron. f. Cxiij/1 Wyth certayn nombre off defensible parsones.
c1550 Complaynt Scotl. (1979) xix. 129 Sa mony of ȝou, that ar defensabil men.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry V (1623) iii. iii. 133 We no longer are defensible . View more context for this quotation
1636 W. Prynne Remonstr. against Shipmoney 4 Great Navies of Ships and people defensible.
1727 A. Collins Eng. Baronage 336 He was..Commissioned to Array all defensible Men.
1786 F. Grose Mil. Antiq. I. 67 Under the article of summoning the defensible men of the realm, may be placed some very extraordinary writs.
1828 W. Scott Fair Maid of Perth vii, in Chron. Canongate 2nd Ser. II. 207 Every defensible man of you..keep his weapons in readiness.
1888 Monthly Chron. North-Country Lore & Legend Dec. 566/1 He could levy taxes, raise defensible troops, grant charters.
1936 R. Stewart-Brown Serjeants of Peace in Medieval Eng. & Wales i. 29 All defensible men must join them on pain of death and mutilation.
2002 A. King in C. Given-Wilson 14th-cent. Eng. II. 26 The authority to array the defensible men of the county.
b. Of a building, fortification, location, etc.: that provides a defence; capable of offering protection against attack. Obsolete.Often difficult to distinguish from sense 3.
society > armed hostility > defence > [adjective] > affording defence
society > armed hostility > defence > [adjective] > affording defence > of a place
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1961) Judges vi. 2 Þey made to hem..most defensable [L. munitissima] placys to wiþstondyn.
a1425 (?a1400) G. Chaucer Romaunt Rose (Hunterian) (1891) l. 4168 A porte colys defensable.
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) vi. 149 Barbacanes well defensable.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry IV f. Cxijv The lord Talbot..did set vp vpon the mount de Poulet, a strong and defensible Bastile.
1627 J. Speed Eng. Abridged Garnsey §2 A Pale of Rockes..uery defensible vnto the Iland.
1699 W. Dampier Voy. & Descr. i. viii. 161 I know not..what Charges have been bestowed on it since to make it defenceable.
1781 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall III. lxiv. 609 He maintained the most useful and defensible posts.
1818 H. Hallam View Europe Middle Ages I. vi. 520 Notwithstanding the vast population, and defensible strength of Constantinople.
c. Of weapons, armour, clothing, etc.: that provides protection against attack or injury. Frequently in defensible array. Now archaic and rare.
1415–16 in Hull Bench Bk. 2 f. 243 Also ilkan of yame sal..yeld up all maner of wapons defensables.
?1418 Guildhall Let.-bk. in R. W. Chambers & M. Daunt Bk. London Eng. (1931) 70 In here best and most defensable harneys.
1513–14 Act 5 Henry VIII c. 6 in Statutes of Realm (1963) III. 95 Any armor or defencible gere of Warre.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry V f. lvi The citezens..had prouided for al thinges necessary & defensible.
c1613 ( in T. Stapleton Plumpton Corr. (1839) 40 All such personnes as ye may make in there most defensible arrey.
1663 N. Boteler War Practically Perform'd i. i. 9 Such kind of Arms as are defensible against the Sword.
1797 J. Pinkerton Hist. Scotl. II. xiv. 296 Their followers in the most defensible array.
1834 Court Mag. & Belle Assemblée Mar. 121/2 The fire-arms and other defensible weapons were prepared.
1856 London Q. Rev. Jan. 125/1 The hermit crab, which is obliged to dress its soft body in the first defensible armour it can pick up.
1915 Evening News 24 Aug. 5/3 Warn his clergy to be in defensible array.
1974 J. Lane Heirs Squire Harry v. 129 Repair to his Highness at his manor of Hampton Court, in defensible array, with harness and weapons.
d. gen. That provides, or is intended to provide, protection or defence. Obsolete.
c1503 R. Arnold Chron. f. lxiij/1 Couered wyth clay or some other defensable plaster.
1545 Primer Kynges Maiestie (STC 16034) sig. KK.iv Be thou vnto me..a defensible God.
a1615 N. Downton in S. Purchas Pilgrimes (1625) I. iv. xi. 511 He had seene the ship, and viewed our Ordnance, and all our defencible preparations.
2. Of an idea, policy, action, etc.: that can be defended by argument; justifiable. Cf. indefensible adj. 2.
society > morality > duty or obligation > moral or legal constraint > immunity or exemption from liability > justification > [adjective] > vindicated > able to be > able to be defended by argument
1483 ( tr. G. Deguileville Pilgrimage of Soul (Caxton) (1859) i. xvii. 18 My cause..was nought defensable by ought that I couthe se.
c1510 Gesta Romanorum (de Worde) sig. K.iiv Man shall gyue a sentence defensable ayenst suche men.
1580 J. Bell tr. J. Foxe Pope Confuted i. f. 20v Is there any thing..so forcible of power, or so defencible with Counsell, that can eyther escape his eyes, or bee able to resist his will?
1622 W. Ames Reply Dr. Mortons Gen. Def. i. 15 The assumption here set down is defensable enough.
1672 E. Worsley Reason & Relig. i. xix. 204 An improbable Religion..is not defensible.
1725 T. Woolston Moderator 79 Religion is not defensible upon any of their Principles.
1769 ‘Junius’ Stat Nominis Umbra (1772) I. xvi. 111 The..resolution..is defensible on general principles of reason.
1802 C. Smith Let. 11 Aug. (2003) 433 The vulgar national prejudice of a coarse mind & other less defensible motives.
1862 London Rev. Apr. 117 We are disposed to regard Dr. Bushnell's view..as not only logically defensible, but in a high degree suggestive and important.
1910 Times 26 July 11/6 There is, moreover, a far simpler and much more defensible explanation.
1967 M. Cowling 1867 i. 52 The landed interest was legitimate and defensible.
2011 Jrnl. Ethics 15 266 The main right we have when we are being considered for jobs..is that we be treated according to procedures that are morally defensible.
3. Of a location, building, etc.: capable of being defended against attack; = defendable adj. 2.
society > armed hostility > defence > [adjective] > capable of being defended
1572 I. B. Let. to R. C. sig. F.iv The Arde..is..defensible with a few men.
1600 E. Blount tr. G. F. di Conestaggio Hist. Uniting Portugall to Castill vi. 207 The rocke with such unexpert soldiers was not defensible [It. difensibile].
1667 ‘Rege Sincera’ Observ. Burning of London 24 The place was not defensible with so few people as we were.
1705 J. Addison Remarks Italy 534 Defensible by a very little Army against a numerous Enemy.
1757 Gentleman's Mag. 27 Suppl. 582/1 A few days preparation would make it sufficiently defensible against a Coup de main.
1816 M. Keating Trav. (1817) I. 259 His fortress was defensible against all the power of man.
1873 J. H. Burton Hist. Scotl. to 1688 (ed. 2) VI. lxxii. 256 Dumbarton was supposed to be more defensible.
1930 C. C. Davies in H. H. Dodwell Cambr. Hist. Brit. Empire V. xxv. 459 Easily defensible, with a good water supply.
1977 Steubenville (Ohio) Herald-Star 26 Aug. 6/2 The Panama Canal is simply not defensible against sabotage or missile bombing.
2014 Jerusalem Post (Nexis) 10 Jan. 12 The Jordan Valley is the only available defensible border on the eastern front.
4. Defended, safe; protected from attack or harm. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > safety > [adjective] > safe or secure
1581 J. Bell tr. W. Haddon & J. Foxe Against Jerome Osorius iii. f. 278v If you stand so defensible by the protection of the holyghost, agaynst all assaultes and attemptes of heretiques, why..do ye not committe your cause to the Lord?
1655 Perfect Conveyancer (ed. 2) 343 Against wind and rain shall make and keep defensible.
1793 J. Smeaton Narr. Edystone Lighthouse (ed. 2) §253 We could not leave the work in a more defensible state.


deˈfensibleness n.
society > armed hostility > defence > [noun] > capability of being defended
1583 T. Stocker tr. Tragicall Hist. Ciuile Warres Lowe Countries iii. 79v The Citizens..were determined, notwithstanding the weakenes and small defensablenesse of their towne, to resist ye force of the enemie.
a1687 W. Petty Polit. Arithm. (1690) 14 The defensibleness of the Country by reason of its Situation on the Sea.
1730 B. Wilson tr. J. A. de Thou Hist. Own Time II. xviii. 175 He was certified of the defensibleness of the Place.
1830 T. P. Thompson in Westm. Rev. Jan. 246 The defensibleness of particular branches of a system.
1921 Ames (Iowa) Daily Tribune & Times 31 Aug. 4/1 The fact that moonshine..is the main means of commanding money doubtless contributes to the belief in its defensibleness.
2011 A. Haroun & D. Naimark Poker Face in Mental Health Pract. iii. 77 They may genuinely (consciously) believe in the defensibleness of their actions.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2016; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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