

单词 dark red silver ore

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dark red silver ore
red silver ore n. now historical either of two silver-containing minerals (originally not distinguished as separate species): (a) (more fully light red silver ore) = proustite n.; (b) (more fully dark red silver ore) = pyrargyrite n.; cf. silver ore n.
1671 J. Webster Metallographia xiv. 217 Silver Ore that is black,..sometimes also it containeth little sparks of red silver Ore.
1777 R. E. Raspe tr. I. von Born Trav. Bannat of Temeswar xxii. 219 Dr. Moller..has in his cabinet dark red silver ore in globular forms.
1798 G. Mitchell tr. D. L. G. Karsten Descr. Minerals in Leskean Mus. 235 Light red Silver Ore crystallized in similar Prisms, prismatically connected together, in white Cobalt Ore.
1834 Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 4 61 By what process nature invests silver glance and red silver ores with native silver in the mines.
1872 R. W. Raymond Statistics Mines & Mining 52 Our ores are chiefly antimonial sulphides, miargyrite, dark red silver ore, and light red silver ore.
1981 Jrnl. Egyptian Archaeol. 67 105 The ‘dry’ silver ores such as..pyrargyrite (Ag3SbS3; dark-red silver ore), proustite (Ag3AsS3; light-red silver ore).
extracted from redadj.n.adv.
dark red silver ore
An ore containing silver. dark red silver ore, pyrargyrite. light red silver ore, proustite.
the world > the earth > minerals > ore > [noun] > metal ore > silver ore
silver orec1325
society > occupation and work > materials > raw material > mineral material > ore > [noun] > silver or copper ore
silver orec1325
copper ore1713
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) l. 16 Engelonde is vol inoȝ..Of seluer or & of gold.
c1325 Pol. Songs (Camden) 338 He fareth in a while as thouh he hadde silver ore.
c1350 in Horstm. Altengl. Leg. (1881) 150 Men þat soght for siluer ore, Within þe erth so gun þai crepe.
c1350 in Horstm. Altengl. Leg. (1881) 150 Oþer mynours þeder fore For to seke þam syluer ure.
14.. in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 596 Mineria, a myne vel Ore.., as..syluer ore, etc.
1454 Rolls of Parl. V. 272 Many mynes of silver oures.
1670 J. Pettus Fodinæ Regales 2 The Metal which is digged from those Veins is called Oar, as Silver oar.
1789 J. Williams Nat. Hist. Mineral Kingdom I. 257 The cobalt was last of all cut out below by silver ore.
1796 R. Kirwan Elements Mineral. (ed. 2) II. 122 Red Silver Ore.—This species is denominated Red chiefly from the colour of its streak.
1805 R. Jameson Syst. Mineral. II. 177 Black Silver-Ore... Colour iron-black.
1837 J. D. Dana Syst. Mineral. 417 Brittle Silver Ore, Lunites rhombicus.
1837 J. D. Dana Syst. Mineral. 425 Flexible Silver Ore, Elasmites rhomboidens.
1845 Encycl. Metrop. VIII. 414/1 Silver ores, properly so called, are very rare in England.
1877 R. W. Raymond Statistics Mines & Mining 443 I have roasted nearly four thousand tons of silver-ore during the past year.
extracted from silver oren.
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