

单词 ale tub

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ale tub
a. General attributive, as ale cellar, †ale cleve (cleve n.), ale cup, ale malt, ale pot, ale tub, ale tun, etc.
OE Aldhelm Glosses (Corpus Cambr. 326) in A. S. Napier Old Eng. Glosses (1900) 152 Apothecis : ealuclyfum [OE Brussels 1650 winhusum].
OE Lacnunga (2001) I. lxviii. 56 Genim alomalt mid ðy wætere; gebreow mid gryt cumb fulne ealað mid ðy wætere; geclænsa; ðonne læt standan ane niht gesweted mid hunige.
1310 in H. T. Riley Memorials London (1868) 74 Aletonne [value 18d.].
1335 in H. T. Riley Memorials London (1868) 194 (MED) [In the said brewhouse..also one] alegiste.
1397 in W. H. Stevenson Rec. Borough Nottingham (1882) I. 340 Unum aleboth.
1440 in G. P. Scrope Hist. Castle Combe (1852) 230 A almesh dyeng fate.
1454 in J. A. Kingdon Arch. Worshipful Company of Grocers (1886) II. 355 (MED) Firste ij Aale standardes and iiij Cantelles of tymber for Wyn.
c1500 Blowbols Test. 9 in W. C. Hazlitt Remains Early Pop. Poetry Eng. (1864) I. 92 He rensyd had many an ale picher.
a1529 J. Skelton Tunnyng of Elynour Rummyng in Certayne Bks. (?1545) sig. D The hennes..go to roust Streyght ouer the ale Ioust And donge whan it commes In the ale tunnes.
1583 G. Babington Very Fruitfull Expos. Commaundem. iv. 189 Idle, or tossing the alepot with their neighbours.
1589 Rythmes Martin Marre-Prelate 99 Then comes Sir Ieffries ale tub tapde by chaunce.
1620 T. Venner Via Recta ii. 39 Our common Ale-pot drunkards.
1682 T. D'Urfey Royalist i. i. 1 My heart shall never zink 'till the Spring's dry, and my good Landlords Ale-Tubs out.
1699 London Gaz. mmmdxiii/4 A small Ale-brewhouse.
1741 T. Wotton Eng. Baronetage I. lix. 487 An ale-cup, with a cover of silver gilt.
1773 ‘J. Wagstaffe’ Batchelor III. 171 Once I pursued this fiend into my ale cellar.
1826 J. Galt Last of Lairds (1896) II. 170 A miscellaneous assemblage of marrowless cups, cracked cream-pots, and ale-glasses.
1856 Rambles round Nottingham I. ii. 63 A huge disused ale tun, resting on its trestles.
1887 J. M. Strickland Life A. Strickland xi. 212 Lady Susan seated herself quietly on an ale-stool.
1903 R. Barr Over Border iii. vi. 244 Every man was a lurking enemy, and that innocent tavern a place of dungeons instead of ale-cellars.
1949 J. M. Phillips Amer. Silver ii. 30 The cider or ale tankard, with..a low flat cover, raised by a horizontal ram's horn or cupped thumbpiece.
1982 P. A. Karr Idylls of Queen xv. 143 De la Rowse dismissed Pinel with a wave of his ale cup.
2003 J. Buchan Crowded with Genius vii. 187 The money was borrowed from the two town banks and secured on the ale duty.
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