

单词 daughter state

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daughter state
a. In sense 6, as daughter city, daughter colony, daughter house, daughter state, etc. See also daughter language n. at Compounds 3, and compare mother n.1 Compounds 2a.
1610 J. Healey tr. St. Augustine Citie of God iii. xiv. 124 This warre was worse then ciuill, where the daughter citty [L. filia ciuitas] bore armes against the mother.
1641 J. Milton Of Reformation 88 This Britannick Empire..with all her Daughter Ilands about her.
1744 J. Tanner in T. Tanner Notitia Monastica (new ed.) 714 (note) Being an abby, it could not be a cell... Perhaps it might be a daughter house to it only.
1781 Remembrancer 12 341/2 If..what the situation of the mother country is, should happen to be the case with the daughter colony.
1824 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Feb. 194/2 Those ungenerous prejudices which have bred ill blood between the mother country and the daughter country.
1829 G. Bancroft tr. A. H. L. Heeren Hist. Polit. Syst. Europe II. 175 This constitution,..soon urged upon the daughter states.
1871 M. Dods tr. St. Augustine City of God I. 107 How, then, could that be a glorious war which a daughter-state [L. filia ciuitas] waged against its mother?
1878 R. B. Smith Carthage 5 The Phoenicians alike of the parent country and daughter cities.
1886 Abp. Benson Prayer at Opening Colonial & Indian Exhib. in Jrnl. Soc. Arts 34 677/1 That all the daughter-lands of her Realms and Empire may be knit together in perfect unity.
1901 National Rev. Nov. 347 The conduct of these daughter nations during our South African struggle.
1903 Westm. Gaz. 3 June 9/3 Everyone was too busy talking about their grand Imperial theories, and the duties of the mother-country, to bother about the dull little domestic facts that are worrying the daughter-land.
1935 W. W. Williams St Bernard of Clairvaux 8 Some ten years had elapsed since its foundation and it had not as yet one daughter-house.
1937 Discovery Aug. 229/2 The silver didrachm..of the Greek city states was introduced into the daughter-colonies and became the chief coin of Italy for nearly 400 years.
2006 R. Dawkins God Delusion (2008) v. 198 Such successful tribes prolifically spawn daughter tribes.
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