

单词 alkaline


Brit. /ˈalkəlʌɪn/, U.S. /ˈælkələn/, /ˈælkəˌlaɪn/
Forms: 1600s alcalin, 1600s alkalin, 1600s– alcaline (now historical), 1600s– alkaline.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation; partly modelled on a Latin lexical item. Etymons: alkali n., -ine suffix1.
Etymology: < alkali n. + -ine suffix1. In use as noun after post-classical Latin alkalinum, neuter (1682 in the passage translated in quot. 1684 at sense B. 1; < alkali alkali n. + classical Latin -īnum -ine suffix4; compare earlier alcalinus, masculine (1533)). Compare French alcalin (1691 as adjective, 1884 as noun). With use as adjective compare also Spanish alcalino (1555), Italian alcalino (a1698).
A. adj.
1. Chemistry. Having the properties of an alkali, that is or contains an alkali; (of a solution, medium, etc.) having a pH greater than 7. Also: of or relating to alkalis. Contrasted with acid, acidic.
society > occupation and work > materials > types of material generally > [adjective] > alkaline
the world > matter > chemistry > chemical substances > bases > [adjective] > of or relating to alkalis or bases
the world > matter > chemistry > chemical substances > bases > [adjective] > of or relating to alkalis or bases > in manufacturing
the world > health and disease > healing > medicines or physic > [adjective] > alkaline or antalkaline
1682 N. Grew Exper. Luctation ii. i. §21 in Anat. Plants 241 There is some kind of Alkaline Salt in Plants even in their natural estate.
1698 W. Harris & J. Keill tr. N. Lémery Course Chym. (ed. 3) i. xi. 322 Quick-lime..being a substance very Alkalin, the acid points..enter into it with force.
1732 J. Arbuthnot Pract. Rules of Diet ii. 289 Acidity..is to be cured by an alkaline Diet.
1794 J. Hutton Diss. Philos. Light 210 An alkaline salt saturated with fixed air.
1849 M. Somerville On Connexion Physical Sci. (ed. 8) xxix. 340 By reversing the poles the taste becomes alkaline.
1876 D. Page Adv. Text-bk. Geol. (ed. 6) iii. 70 The alkalis and alkaline carbonates attack many rocks with great facility.
1907 G. M. Norman Systematic Pract. Org. Chem. i. viii. 35 Urea... Nitrous acid and alkaline sodium hypobromite liberate nitrogen.
1952 G. F. Hervey & J. Hems Freshwater Trop. Aquarium Fishes iii. 20 By the addition of an acid, alkaline water can be acidified.
1958 D. C. Jarvis Folk Med. v. 37 Blood, when flowing through the lungs, gives off carbonic acid, which helps the blood to maintain its normal weakly alkaline reaction.
1992 J. Mann Murder, Magic, & Med. (1994) ii. 36 These [leaves] were pulverized or chewed to produce a finely divided state, and then this mass was mixed with alkaline ash.
2006 New Scientist 5 Aug. 30/1 The oceans are becoming less alkaline rather than actually becoming acidic (falling below pH 7).
2. figurative. Like alkali; caustic, bitter, acerbic; (also) soapy, emollient. Sometimes (in extended figurative context) simply as the opposite or counterpart of acid.
the world > action or operation > behaviour > bad behaviour > harshness or severity > [adjective]
1789 R. Broome Lett. Simpkin the Second (new ed.) xxxvii. 194 Shall he, whose fame thy antiseptic rhymes, Have sous'd and pickled for remotest times, All alkaline antipathy suppress?
1818 W. Scott Heart of Mid-Lothian x, in Tales of my Landlord 2nd Ser. IV. 213 A mediating spirit, who endeavoured, by the alkaline smoothness of her own disposition, to neutralize the acidity of theological controversy.
1856 Eclectic Rev. Feb. 121 The intellectual effervescence of the style is ever and anon tempered by the alkaline flatness of the Whiggism.
1917 Fitchburg (Mass.) Daily Sentinel 11 May 17/1 The more mildly expressed but equally alkaline cynicisms of Jimmy Wallace.
1963 Afr. Affairs 62 33 The newly joined member whose vitriolic passages were neutralised by the alkaline silence of the House.
1990 Kindred Spirit Summer 12/2 At the beginning I was very alkaline, very lovey dovey,..but I was not making a lot of impact.
2007 J. T. Cullen Generals of Oct. (ed. 3) ii. xii. 111 Everyone is getting the shaft from someone, David thought in a moment of alkaline despair.
3. Chiefly U.S. Of soil, land, etc.: charged or permeated with alkali or soluble salts (cf. alkali n. 5a); saline. Cf. alkali adj.
1850 L. Sawyer Jrnl. 24 Nov. in Family Visitor (1851) 343/1 Great care should be taken to avoid the alkaline waters found along the route and the animals should never be picketed out upon the low alkaline bottoms.
1869 S. Bowles Our New West xiv. 277 It would seem as if these alkaline valleys of the Great Interior Basin were too cold.
1870 Amer. Naturalist 4 29 A desert section proper and one more particularly pertaining to the alkaline flats.
1920 F. C. Cornell Glamour of Prospecting 50 Although but a day's ride from Van Rhyn's Dorp, the region is a very solitary and deserted one, much of the land being brak (alkaline) and unfit for stock to run on.
1968 F. W. Gould Grass Systematics v. 265 Sporobolus airoides..is a characteristic bunchgrass of alkaline areas in the western states.
2002 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 21 Feb. a27/1 The sandstone cliffs above the Colorado River that overlook this pristine country of Entrada sandstone formations, pinyon and juniper forests, and fragile alkaline desert.
4. Geology. Designating minerals and rocks in which alkali metals (esp. sodium and potassium), or minerals containing them, are significant components; of or relating to such rocks. Cf. alkali n. and adj. Compounds 1c, alkalic adj. 2.
1888 Amer. Naturalist 22 209 The granites are composed essentially of quartz and an alkaline feldspar.
1896 Science 3 Apr. 528/1 A zone of alkaline rocks..on the east border of the Rocky Mountains.
1959 W. W. Moorhouse Study of Rocks in Thin Section xvii. 325 Nearly all..of the true lamprophyres are characterized by a definitely alkaline aspect, indicated by the presence of abundant biotite, alkali feldspar, soda pyriboles, [etc.].
1966 W. A. Deer et al. Introd. Rock-forming Minerals ii. 177 Kaersutite is a typical constituent of alkaline volcanic rocks.
1990 P. Kearey & F. J. Vine Global Tectonics viii. 166 The alkali series..includes the subgroups of alkaline basalts and shoshonitic lavas.
2002 Jrnl. Petrol. 43 1749/2 An episode of Pleistocene volatile-rich, highly explosive alkaline volcanic activity in northern Tanzania.
B. n.
1. An alkali; an alkaline substance.
the world > matter > chemistry > chemical substances > bases > [noun]
1684 tr. T. Bonet Guide Pract. Physician xix. 831 Alkalines and Enixa, which on this account are called Saponaries.
1773 Gentleman's Mag. 43 126 Alkalines cannot be attracted in waters where acids do not abound.
1868 Sci. Amer. 22 July 54/3 The ready combination of resinous matters with alkalines to form compounds soluble in water.
1883 Lancet 31 Mar. 577/1 The administration of alkalines, and tonics to the ewes.
1918 Geogr. Jrnl. 51 198 The water of the lake..is peculiar among lakes with outflowing streams in the comparatively high percentage of chlorides and alkalines.
1999 E. M. Hammonds Childhood's Deadly Scourge i. 25 Sprays of limewater and other alkalines..were used to try to dissolve the false membrane.
2. An alkaline battery.
the world > matter > physics > electromagnetic radiation > electricity > galvanism, voltaism > voltaic or galvanic battery > [noun] > other types of battery
alkaline battery1874
filament battery1919
nuclear battery1955
1980 Jrnl. Solid State Chem. 31 285/1 The lithium is lighter and gives a larger voltage than the other alkalines.
1995 Home Office Computing June 92/1 It's able to squeeze about 100 hours of writing time from three AA alkalines.
2001 N.Y. Times 2 Aug. g1/1 When you need standard alkalines, ignore the marketing; just buy the cheapest ones.


alkaline air n. Chemistry (now historical) ammonia.
?1770 J. Warltire Conc. Ess. Philos. & Chem. Subj. 51 The acid of vitriol... If it be mixed with alkaline air, they become sal-ammoniac.
1802 J. Priestley in Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 5 10 The kinds of air on which I made the experiment were marine acid air, vitriolic acid air, and alkaline air.
1873 H. B. Nason & C. F. Chandler Elderhorst's Man. Qualitative Blow-pipe Anal. (ed. 6) 229 If a precipitate is formed, the color is observed..when the current of alkaline air is continued.
2000 W. A. Smeaton in F. L. Holmes & T. H. Levere Instruments & Exper. Hist. Chem. ix. 219 A striking experiment in which acid air (hydrogen chloride) and alkaline air (ammonia) were collected over mercury in two glass tubes.
alkaline battery n. a battery consisting of one or more alkaline cells.
the world > matter > physics > electromagnetic radiation > electricity > galvanism, voltaism > voltaic or galvanic battery > [noun] > other types of battery
alkaline battery1874
filament battery1919
nuclear battery1955
1874 Brit. Patent 3,136 2 A kind of alkaline battery composed of one or more vases of porous material..filled with solution of caustic alkali and containing the electro-positive element.
1916 Amer. Jrnl. Nursing 16 1209 Edison's new submarine battery is an alkaline battery.
1967 Sci. News 92 22/2 Inert until activated, this ‘D’ size, 1.5-volt alkaline battery has a shelf life of 20 years or more.
2004 Adventure Trav. July–Aug. 6/1 A new battery charger aimed at travellers—good news for those packing..digital cameras, CD players, GPS and the like, and the separate rucksack full of normal alkaline batteries they would need to power them!
alkaline cell n. any of several types of electrochemical cell in which the electrolyte is alkaline.Alkaline cells for batteries in everyday use generally have a zinc anode, manganese dioxide cathode, and potassium hydroxide electrolyte.
1874 Proc. Physical Soc. 1 9 If the number of acid and alkaline cells be equal, we shall always end up with a plate similar to that with which we began.
1894 U.S. Patent 524,843 1/2 All of the above mentioned materials may be used for alkaline cells.
1928 J. T. Crennell & F. M. Lea Alkaline Accumulators ix. 121 The energy, or watt-hour, efficiency of alkaline cells is about 50–55 per cent., as compared with 75 per cent. for lead cells.
1991 Photo Answers Feb. 70/2 They [sc. rechargeable batteries] may not be so powerful or give so many flashes as alkaline cells, but used properly they can be recharged up to 500 times.
alkaline earth n. Chemistry (originally) an earth (earth n.1 16) which is alkaline; (in later use) any of the strongly basic oxides of the alkaline earth metals; (also) = alkaline earth metal n.
the world > matter > chemistry > elements and compounds > metals > specific elements > oxygen > [noun] > compounds > oxides
alkaline earth1716
nickel spinel1961
1716 W. Oliver Pract. Diss. Bath-waters iv. 32 That there is also an Alkaline Earth too, that mixes with these Waters, is demonstrable from the Bath-Sands.
1793 Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 3 18 This concrete is not an alkaline earth, as it is not affected either by the vitriolic or vegetable acids.
1816 H. Davy in Q. Jrnl. Sci. & Arts July 263 A new point of analogy between the alkalies and the alkaline earths.
1875 R. Hunt & F. W. Rudler Ure's Dict. Arts (ed. 7) I. 15 The acetate of silver gives no acetone; whilst those of the alkaline earths yield chiefly acetone or marsh gas.
1940 G. H. J. Adlam & L. S. Price Higher School Certificate Inorg. Chem. (ed. 2) xiii. 83 The alkali metals are the most basic elements; they are followed by the alkaline earths, barium, strontium and calcium, which are almost as strongly basic.
1957 G. E. Hutchinson Treat. Limnol. I. viii. 553 CO2 lost from alkaline earth carbonates.
1993 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 4 Nov. 52/4 ‘Soda’ and ‘potash’, the alkalis, had been regarded as elements by Lavoisier, as had the alkaline earths—lime, magnesia, strontia, and baryta.
alkaline earth metal n. Chemistry each of the elements beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium, occupying Group 2 of the periodic table, which are reactive, electropositive, divalent metals forming basic oxides which react with water to form comparatively insoluble hydroxides.
1808 H. Davy in Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 98 346 I shall venture to denominate the metals from the alkaline earths barium, strontium, calcium, and magnium [sc. magnesium].]
1854 F. A. Abel & C. L. Bloxam Hand-bk. Chem. 604 Small quantities of the oxalates and borates of the alkaline earths, and of the fluorides of the alkaline-earth-metals may also be obtained in the precipitate.
1910 A. J. Walker & O. E. Mott tr. A. F. Holleman Text-bk. Org. Chem. (ed. 3) 348 Carbon disulphide..With alkali-metal or alkaline-earth-metal sulphides it yields trithiocarbonates.
1955 J. C. Giblin Qualitative & Volumetric Anal. (ed. 2) i. 5 White, fusible, residue indicates Alkali or Alkaline earth metal.
2001 O. Sacks Uncle Tungsten xvi. 189 The same melody..was played in each period—first an alkali metal, then an alkaline earth metal, then six more elements, each with its own valency or tone.
alkaline-earthy adj. Chemistry (now rare) of, relating to, or of the nature of an alkaline earth.
1730 P. Shaw tr. G. E. Stahl Philos. Princ. Universal Chem. 149 The alkaline earthy substance of the Nitre, which is the foundation of its solidity, remains after this separation of the spirituous part.
1807 H. Davy in Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 97 21 Alkaline or alkaline-earthy bases.
1918 A. W. McCann This Famishing World liii. 175 Ashmead, although he did not know it, was making use of the alkaline-earthy salts of the orange to his own benefit.
alkaline metal n. Chemistry = alkali metal n. at alkali n. and adj. Compounds 3; (occasionally) = alkaline earth metal n.
1788 J. St. John tr. L. B. Guyton de Morveau et al. Method Chym. Nomencl. 65 Alkaline metallic oxyds [Fr. Oxides métalliques alkalins].]
1809 Monthly Anthol. & Boston Rev. Apr. 282 The disengagement of hydrogen when these alkaline metals are immersed in water.
1874 R. Brown Man. Bot. ii. iv. 222 Potassium..and sodium..are the only two alkaline metals invariably found in all plants.
1913 Science 5 Sept. 327/2 Systematic examination of mineral waters for the presence and distribution of the rare alkaline metals.
1969 Isis 60 472 Next beneath are the alkaline metals Mg-Ca-Sr-Ba in correct order.
2003 T. R. Crompton Chromatogr. Natural, Treated & Waste Waters ii. 47 Ammonia is separated from amines and alkaline metals and reacted with o-phthalic acid dialdehyde on a separate column.
alkaline phosphatase n. Biochemistry a phosphatase that shows greatest activity in an alkaline environment.
1935 S. Belfanti et al. Biochem. Jrnl. 29 521 The iodoacetate acts extremely weakly on the acid phosphatase, and it appears to have only the same weak influence on the alkaline phosphatase as have oxalate and fluoride.
1957 H. J. Deuel Lipids III. ix. 616 Hypervitaminosis A results in a marked increase in the content of alkaline phosphatase in the epiphyseal junction.
2003 Biol. Bull. 205 230/1 Alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes inorganic phosphorus from organic phosphorus.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2009; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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