

单词 culpable to be judged

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culpable to be judged
c. culpable of (punishment, death, judgement, etc.): deserving, liable to. Also, culpable to be judged, etc. (see first quot.).
c1380 Eng. Wycliffite Serm. in Sel. Wks. I. 16 Sich is coupable aȝens God to be jugid to helle.
c1380 Eng. Wycliffite Serm. in Sel. Wks. I. 16 Þat man, as Crist seiþ, is coupable of þe fier of helle.
c1450 Mirour Saluacioun 4570 He is of the deth coupable.
1557 Bible (Whittingham) Matt. v. 21 Whosoeuer killeth, shal be culpable of iudgement.
1612 T. Taylor Αρχὴν Ἁπάντων: Comm. Epist. Paul to Titus i. 7 Culpable of iudgement.
1612 W. Sclater Ministers Portion 45 [Which] makes the offender culpable of death.
extracted from culpableadj.n.
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