

单词 covet


Forms: Middle English cuueiten, Middle English–1500s coueite, coueyte, Middle English coveite, Middle English–1500s coveyte, (Middle English koueyte, coweyt, cuwet), Middle English couaite, covayte, Middle English covaite, ( couette, 1500s covette, coouet, couveyte, covate, Scottish cowait), Middle English–1600s couet(e, 1500s– covet.
Etymology: < Old French cuveitier, coveiter (in 13th cent. covoiter , modern French convoiter ) = Provençal cobeitar , cubitar , Italian cubitare < Latin type *cupiditāre , < cupiditāt-em eager desire, cupidity n., < cupĕre to desire, covet.
1. transitive. To desire; esp. to desire eagerly, to wish for, long for.
a. with material object.
c1325 Coer de L. 4763 Though thou gold coveyte.
a1340 R. Rolle Psalter i. 1 He is blisful til whaim all thynge comes þat he couaites.
c1490 Promptorium Parvulorum 96 (MS. K) Coweytyn, cupio, opto.
1634 T. Herbert Relation Some Yeares Trauaile 98 Boyes goe vp and downe with flaggons of wine, and fill to those that couet it.
1732 J. Arbuthnot Pract. Rules of Diet iii. 306 They covet subacid Liquors, and abhor fat and oily things.
a1839 W. M. Praed Poems (1864) I. 265 Fame shall twine for me in after days A wreath I covet not.
1862 J. Ruskin Munera Pulveris (1880) 25 We are..apt to suppose that whatever is widely coveted..must be included in our definition of wealth.
b. with immaterial object.
a1340 R. Rolle Psalter v. 11 Þe prophet couaitis noght þaire dampnacioun.
1484 W. Caxton tr. G. de la Tour-Landry Bk. Knight of Tower (1971) lxxxxviii. 131 She euer coueyted the pees and loue of her lord.
1548 in J. Strype Eccl. Memorials (1721) II. App. P. 48 We, coveting above al things the glory of God.
1611 Bible (King James) 1 Cor. xii. 31 Couet earnestly the best gifts. View more context for this quotation
1718 Free-thinker No. 57. 2 If..you covet the Admiration of Others, you must learn not to Admire your Self.
1815 W. Scott Lord of Isles vi. xvii. 245 The bliss on earth he covets most.
c. with infinitive or infinitive phr.
c1400 (?c1380) Cleanness l. 1054 To be couþe in his courte þou coueytes þenne.
c1440 Gesta Romanorum (Harl.) xliv. 174 The holy trenite, that coveytithe a man to be couplid to him by penaunce.
c1440 York Myst. xxiii. 13 Longe haue ȝe coveyte for to kenne My fadir.
1545 R. Ascham Toxophilus i. f. 48v Those be wiser men, which couete to shote wyde.
1653 I. Walton Compl. Angler 133 To which place [the Sea] they [Salmon] covet to swim, by the instinct of nature. View more context for this quotation
1782 F. Burney Cecilia I. i. i. 5 Her mind..coveted to regain its serenity.
1860 Lit. Churchman 6 169/1 Many a person..has coveted to imitate the example.
d. absol.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Fairf. 14) l. 24639 Ne for to couette was me na bote.
e. figurative. Said of things.
?c1450 Life St. Cuthbert (1891) l. 272 Sene it is in ald sawe, Þat kynde coueyts ay his lawe.
1577 B. Googe tr. C. Heresbach Foure Bks. Husbandry i. f. 33v Two sortes of Pease, the one sort coueteth to climbe aloft, and runneth vp vppon stickes.
1778 W. Pryce Mineralogia Cornubiensis 27 A coarse Quartz, which is the most impure, and covets no particular form.
f. Proverb. all covet all lose.
1297 R. Gloucester's Chron. (1724) 306 Wo so coueyoteþ al, al leseþ ywys.
1525 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles II. xxxvi. 108 They that all coueteth all leseth.
1546 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue ii. ix. sig. Liiv Haue ye not herde tell, all couet, all leese [1555 loose].
1678 B. R. Let. Popish Friends 3 All Covet, all Loose.
a. To desire with concupiscence or with fleshly appetite. Obsolete (or merged in sense 3).
society > morality > moral evil > licentiousness > unchastity > lasciviousness or lust > lust after [verb (transitive)]
a1250 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Nero) (1952) 26 Cuueiten mon oðer habben wille uorte beon iwilned of mon. bo beoð heaued sunne.
c1386 G. Chaucer Parson's Tale ⁋262 Concupiscence..maketh hym coueite by coueitise of flesshly synne by sighte of hise eyen.
1484 W. Caxton tr. G. de la Tour-Landry Bk. Knight of Tower (1971) lvi. 82 Sychem..sawe her so faire that he coueyted her.
c1540 (?a1400) Destr. Troy 13820 Þi hegh lust, Þat þou couetus vnkyndly to couple with me.
1577 B. Googe tr. C. Heresbach Foure Bks. Husbandry iii. f. 138v The Rammes..rather couette the olde Ewes, then the young.
b. To desire to eat; to hanker after as food.
the world > food and drink > food > consumption of food or drink > appetite > hunger > hunger for [verb (transitive)]
1634 T. Herbert Relation Some Yeares Trauaile 10 These barbarous Anzigui couet their friends, whom they imbowell with a greedy delight.
a. To desire culpably; to long for (what belongs to another). (The ordinary sense.)
the mind > will > wish or inclination > desire > inordinate or excessive desire > desire inordinately [verb (transitive)] > possessions
a1300 Little Cato xxvii Oþer mennes þing with wronge Coueyte hit nouȝt in herte.
a1340 R. Rolle Psalter ix. 14 Þat thynge þat þai wickedly couaited.
c1386 G. Chaucer Parson's Tale ⁋670 Coueitise is for to coueite swiche thynges as thou has nat..with-out rightful nede.
1477 Earl Rivers tr. Dictes or Sayengis Philosophhres (Caxton) (1877) lf. 14 To coueyte that, that he may not haue.
1611 Bible (King James) Exod. xx. 17 Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house, thou shalt not couet thy neighbours wife..nor any thing that is thy neighbours. View more context for this quotation
1785 W. Cowper Task v. 227 Industry in some To improve and cultivate their just demesne Made others covet what they saw so fair.
a1859 J. Austin Lect. Jurispr. (1879) I. xxi. 450 If I wish for a watch hanging in a watchmaker's window..I am guilty of coveting my neighbour's goods (provided that the wish recur frequently).
b. absol.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Rom. vii. 7 Thou schalt not coueite.
c1440 York Myst. xx. 190 The xte[comaundment] biddis noȝt coveyte.
1611 Bible (King James) Prov. xxi. 26 Hee coueteth greedily all the day long. View more context for this quotation
1785 W. Cowper Task vi. 772 The garden..needs no fence, For there is none to covet, all are full.
c. with infinitive. Obsolete or archaic.
c1400 Mandeville's Trav. (Roxb.) vi. 19 He..was puysound thurgh anoþer þat coueited to be sowdan.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Micah ii. 2 When they covet to haue londe, they take it by violence.
1601 R. Johnson tr. G. Botero Trauellers Breuiat 10 Enuying the greatnes of Charles the Emperour, and coueting to surpasse him.
4. intransitive.
a. To lust. Obsolete.
society > morality > moral evil > licentiousness > unchastity > lasciviousness or lust > lust [verb (intransitive)]
1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) Gal. v. 17 The fleisch coueitith [L. concupiscit] aȝen the spirit, sothli the spirit aȝens the fleisch.
c1386 G. Chaucer Parson's Tale ⁋385 The flessh coueiteth agayn the spirit.
b. To have inordinate or culpable desire for, after. Obsolete.
the mind > will > wish or inclination > desire > inordinate or excessive desire > desire inordinately [verb (transitive)]
1509 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure xvi. lx To coveyte for it [golde or sylver] doth aryse Onely engendered upon the melancholy.
1611 Bible (King James) 1 Tim. vi. 10 Money..which while some coueted after, they haue erred from the faith. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 1 (1623) v. vi. 145 Ile rather keepe That which I haue, than coueting for more Be cast from possibility of all. View more context for this quotation
c. To have an inclination or drawing to. Obsolete.
the world > existence and causation > existence > state or condition > tendency > tend or incline [verb (intransitive)]
to draw near1597
1520 R. Whittington Uulgaria sig. B.vi A fysshe in spawnynge tyme wyl couet to the calme watre.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1893; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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