

单词 all of a jump

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all of a jump
7. Phrases. all of a jump (originally U.S.), in a jumpy or nervous state; (at a) full jump (U.S.), at full speed; at one jump (U.S.), in one go; at the jump = at the first jump; †at the first jump, at the very start (of proceedings); for (or on) the (high) jump, for the jumps, up for trial, on a charge for misdemeanour; due for punishment, spec. hanging; from the jump, from the start or commencement; to get (or have) the jump on (originally U.S.), to gain a lead on, get an advantage over (someone); on the jump, (a) on the move; (b) abruptly; swiftly; (c) in a nervous condition; one jump ahead, one step in front of (someone or something); just avoiding a pursuer or the like (literal and figurative).
the world > relative properties > order > order, sequence, or succession > beginning > at the beginning [phrase]
at firstc1300
at (also in) the first bruntc1450
at the first chop1528
at hand1558
at the first jump1577
at starting1674
the mind > emotion > fear > nervousness or uneasiness > nervous or uneasy [phrase] > in a nervous state
all of a jump1825
for (or on) the (high) jump1912
the world > relative properties > order > order, sequence, or succession > beginning > at the beginning [phrase] > from the beginning
from first to last1536
ab origine1537
ab ovoa1586
ab initio1600
from the word go1834
from the jump1848
from the get-go1960
from (also since) day dot1964
society > travel > [phrase]
on (also upon) the road1642
on (also upon) the move1732
for (or on) the (high) jump1859
the world > action or operation > doing > activity or occupation > occupied or busy [phrase]
at work?1440
at it1609
in (full) play1669
on the run1795
on the trot1822
on the hop1863
on the job1882
for (or on) the (high) jump1884
as busy as a nailer1899
the world > movement > rate of motion > swiftness > swiftly [phrase]
on fastec1275
as greyhound (let out) of leasha1300
a good (also great, etc.) shake13..
in hastec1300
(wiþ) gret yre13..
in speeda1325
good speeda1400
on (also upon) the wing or one's wing1508
with post1569
on or upon the speed1632
on the run?1679
by the run1787
like a house on fire (also afire)1809
at the double-quick1834
with a run1834
fast and furious1851
at the double1860
at the rate of knots1892
for (or on) the (high) jump1905
like blue murder1914
the world > action or operation > manner of action > rapidity or speed of action or operation > with rapid action [phrase] > quickly or promptly
(all) in a rush1829
for (or on) the (high) jump1905
the world > action or operation > prosperity > success > mastery or superiority > have or gain mastery or superiority over [verb (transitive)] > have or get (someone) at a disadvantage
to have at avail1470
to catch, have, hold, take (one) at (a or the) vantagec1510
to gain of1548
to be to the forehand with1558
to have (take) on (in, at) the lurch1591
to get the sun of1598
to have (also get) a good hand against1600
to take (have, etc.) at a why-nota1612
to weather on or upon1707
to have the laugh on a person1767
to have a (or the) pull of (also over, on)1781
to get to windward of1783
to have the bulge on1841
to give points to1854
to get (have) the drop on1869
to hold over1872
to have an (or the) edge on1896
to get (also have) the goods on1903
to get (or have) the jump on1912
to have (got) by the balls1918
the world > movement > progressive motion > order of movement > going first or in front > in advance or in front [phrase] > just in front
one jump ahead1914
society > authority > punishment > capital punishment > hanging > [adverb] > due for hanging
for (or on) the (high) jump1919
for the jumps1919
1577 M. Hanmer tr. Bp. Eusebius in Aunc. Eccl. Hist. viii. xx. 159 Procopius, stepping forth at the first iumpe [εὐθὺς ἀπὸ πρώτης εἰσόδου] before the tribunall seate of the presidents.
1825 J. Neal Brother Jonathan II. 291 What's the matter with you,—all of a jump!
1848 N.Y. Tribune 11 Nov. A whole string of Democrats, all of whom had been going the whole hog for Cass from the jump.
1854 M. J. Holmes Tempest & Sunshine i. 12 What you ridin' Prince full jump down the pike for?
1859 Southern Literary Messenger 28 143 I run down stream, an I meets Bill on the jump.
1870 De B. R. Keim Sheridan's Troopers vi. 39 The irate quadruped made for our party, coming at a ‘full jump’.
1884 ‘M. Twain’ Adventures Huckleberry Finn xviii. 145 My nigger had a monstrous easy time..but Buck's was on the jump most of the time.
1888 Daily Inter Ocean (Chicago) 3 Feb. (Farmer) He can depend on a big crowd and fair play from the jump.
1896 G. Ade Artie xvi. 147 I put up a holler right at the jump.
1899 ‘M. Twain’ in Cent. Mag. Nov. 76/1 It was my idea to spread [a name] all over the world, now, at this one jump.
1900 Daily News 4 May 3/2 Keeping the foe on the jump.
1905 J. C. Lincoln Partners of Tide vi. 106 When one of us three says, ‘Nickerson, do thus and so,’ you do it, and do it on the jump. Don't stop to think 'bout it.
1912 G. Ade Knocking Neighbors 123 Rufus was sinfully Rich, but nevertheless Detestable, because his Family had drilled into him the low-down Habit of getting the Jump on the Other Fellow.
1912 F. M. Hueffer Panel iii. i. 289 That elderly gentleman was exceedingly ‘on the jump’, as nervous as a man well could be.
1912 C. E. Mulford & J. W. Clay Buck Peters, Ranchman xxi. 276 Jake went out of the door on the jump.
1914 ‘High Jinks, Jr.’ Choice Slang 21 Only about three jumps ahead of a young conniption.
1919 Athenæum 1 Aug. 695/2 ‘He's for the high jump’ is a favourite expression meaning that someone is to be charged before his company or commanding officer.
1919 Athenæum 8 Aug. 727/2For the jumps’ (up for trial).
1921 C. E. Mulford Bar-20 Three xviii. 230 Hurrying men pulled thick planks from the pile..and hauled them, on the jump, to windows and doors.
1922 E. O'Neill Anna Christie (1923) 29 I didn't go wrong all at one jump.
1925 E. Fraser & J. Gibbons Soldier & Sailor Words 119 High jump, on the, a term used of a man entered on a ‘Crime sheet’, and for trial for a military offence; the suggestion being that the accused would need to jump very high to get over the trouble.
1936 E. Ambler Dark Frontier xi. 173 If we fall down on this job..it's me for the high jump.
1936 G. Greene Gun for Sale i. 23 He sounded all of a jump.
1940 P. G. Wodehouse Eggs, Beans & Crumpets 103 If ever I saw a baby that looked like something that was one jump ahead of the police..it is this baby of Bingo's. Definitely the criminal type.
1942 ‘N. Shute’ Pied Piper 247 I'm for the high jump. They got the goods on me all right.
1956 ‘A. Gilbert’ And Death came Too xiv. 145 I can't afford to act for someone who's going to be found guilty. And..it looks to me remarkably likely Mrs. Appleyard is going to find herself for the high jump.
1960 D. Lytton Goddam White Man xi. 183 He thinks he has the jump on us.
1963 ‘J. Prescot’ Case for Hearing viii. 123 All of the accused are for the high jump.
1971 ‘M. Sinclair’ Sonntag ii. 14 Someone is for the jump, I can tell you. Misinformed, that's what I was.
1972 Real Estate Rev. Winter 22/1 Each of these new developers hopes to get the jump on the other by adding more square footage to the units and giving more in amenities.
1972 J. Philips Vanishing Senator (1973) i. iv. 37 Get over here on the jump... Step on it, will you?
1973 Sun 18 Jan. 6 That would allow the Government to permit wage rises to keep one jump ahead of prices.
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