

单词 all kinds of

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all kinds of
b. With a plural noun, as all kinds of, all sorts of, etc.
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add. 27944) (1975) I. vi. vi. 302 In alle kyndes of bestis þe femel is more febil þan þe male.
1477 W. Caxton tr. R. Le Fèvre Hist. Jason (1913) 127 She was all expert in alle maners of enchantemens & of sorceries.
a1500 (?c1425) Speculum Sacerdotale (1936) 125 Alle kyndes of presoynes, of peynes of jayles and of jebbet.
?1520 A. Barclay tr. Sallust Cron. Warre agaynst Iugurth xxx. f. xliv Iugurth..anone prepared the greattest army that he coude of all sortes of people.
1529 J. Frith Pistle Christen Reader sig. lvv Doth not the pope..Curse, excommunicate, & rebuke with all kindes of checkes the hyghest kinges and ruelars when he liste?
1603 J. Florio tr. M. de Montaigne Ess. ii. xxxvi. 431 All..have made vse of..his Bookes, as of a Seminarie, a Spring-garden or Store-house of all kinds of sufficiency and learning.
1677 A. Yarranton England's Improvem. 185 The Wyer must be..drawn and made sizeable and fit to make all sorts of Pins.
1713 Boston News-let. 30 Mar. 2/2 To be sold by Mr. Zabdiel Boylston, at his Apothecaries Shop in Dock-Square, Boston, viz... All sorts of Snuff, Brazil, Barcelona, Spanish, Perfum'd, or Plain.
1799 J. B. Bordley Ess. & Notes Husbandry xvi. 211 It is a rule applicable to all sorts of livestock.
1849 Southern Literary Messenger 15 626/1 Toryism, feudalism, medievalism, all manners of retrogradism and rottenness in opinion.
1900 G. Patten Rockspur Nine v. 50 Man after man came up to bat against him, but he sent in all kinds of curves, shoots, drops, and rises.
1976 I. Murdoch Henry & Cato i. 18 There are all kinds of growing up and getting educated which are not academic kinds.
2011 Independent 18 Aug. (Viewspaper section) 7/1 There are all sorts of interesting ways to humiliate yourself publicly on Facebook.
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