

单词 court-trick

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a. in sense ‘of or belonging to a royal court’, as court-amour, court-attendant, court-ball, court-beauty, court-breeding, court-bubble, court-chamberlain, court-chaplain, court-contempt, court-dressmaker, court-ease, court-faction, †court-familiar, court-fashion, court-favour, court-favourite, court-flatterer, †court-frump, †court-fucus, court-intrigue, court-lady, court-life, court-manners, court-milliner, court-mistress, court-odour, court-pageant, court-poet, †court-rook, court-sermon, court-trick, court-wit, court-word; court-bred, †court-curious, court-ridden adjs.
society > society and the community > social class > nobility > aristocracy or upper class > [adjective] > bred at court
1598 R. Barret Theorike & Pract. Mod. Warres ii. 23 Bestowing those charges vpon..Court-familiars and fauorites.
1602 B. Jonson Poetaster iv. i. sig. F4v You must looke to be enuied, and endure a few Court-frumps for it. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Winter's Tale (1623) iv. iv. 733 Receiues not thy Nose Court-Odour from me? Reflect I not on thy Basenesse, Court -Contempt? View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Winter's Tale (1623) iv. iv. 742 Aduocate's the Court-word for a Pheazant. View more context for this quotation
1631 T. Fuller Davids Sinne xxii. sig. D2v Court-curious intertainment, and fine fare.
1633 J. Ford Broken Heart ii. ii. sig. D3v This same whoreson Court ease is temptation To a rebellion in the veines.
1637 J. Fletcher & P. Massinger Elder Brother iv. i. sig. F4v You are..Shapes, shadowes, and the signes of men, Court bubbles, That every breath or breakes or blowes away.
1647 R. Stapleton tr. Juvenal Sixteen Satyrs 283 The great court favorite, Paris, sells The major's place and colonel's.
1649 J. Milton Εικονοκλαστης iv. 35 By him onely and his Court Faction.
1649 J. Milton Εικονοκλαστης vi. 54 Certainly Court-breeding and his perpetual conversation with Flatterers, was but a bad schoole.
1649 J. Milton Εικονοκλαστης viii. 72 The quibbl's of a Court Sermon.
1650 J. Milton Εικονοκλαστης (ed. 2) Pref. sig. B3 While the K...washes over with a Court-fucus the worst and foulest of his actions.
1654 J. Price Tyrants & Protectors 15 May we not well remember the English Court Ladies paintings, their patchings, their crispings, their curlings, [etc.]?
a1661 B. Holyday tr. Juvenal Satyres (1673) 69 A court-rook, or one that by playing the cogging jester, and so humouring a leud emperour, was become a noble man.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost iv. 767 Not in the bought smile Of Harlots..nor in Court Amours. View more context for this quotation
1672 Duke of Buckingham Rehearsal iii. 22 I'm sure, Sir, I made your cloath in the Court-fashion.
1679 J. Goodman Penitent Pardoned (1713) iii. i. 275 What am I the better..for court-favour and countenance?
1683 J. Dryden & N. Lee Duke of Guise ii. ii. 17 Ha! Grillon here! some New Court-Trick upon me.
1683 W. Temple Mem. in Wks. (1731) I. 408 He was by a Court-Intrigue recall'd to Madrid.
1697 J. Dryden Ded. Æneis in tr. Virgil Wks. sig. c3 But was Ovid the Court-Poet so bad a Courtier, as, [etc.].
1709 R. Steele Tatler No. 57. ⁋1 A Fine Court-Lady.
a1715 W. Wycherley Posthumous Wks. 23 Common court-friends, like common court-mistresses, ruin those they profess to love, by their embraces and friendship.
1738 J. Swift Compl. Coll. Genteel Conversat. p. xxxiii Who have been fully convinced, by an infamous Court-Chaplain, that there is no such Place as Hell.
1762 O. Goldsmith Citizen of World II. 119 Court-bred poets.
1787 J. Hawkins Life Johnson 273 The refinements of court-manners.
1818 W. Scott Heart of Mid-Lothian xi, in Tales of my Landlord 2nd Ser. IV. 240 It was dangerous flattery..to tell a poor minister's wife that she was like a court-beauty.
1836 J. C. Prichard Res. Physical Hist. Mankind (1851) I. 1 Some brilliant ceremony, or court-pageant.
1852 W. M. Thackeray Henry Esmond I. i. 26 I wonder shall History ever pull off her periwig and cease to be court-ridden.
1888 M. E. Braddon Fatal Three I. i. 4 The lady..afforded a Court milliner the very best possible scaffolding for expensive gowns.
1895 K. Grahame Golden Age 158 Courtesies, welcomes, and other court-chamberlain kind of business.
1896 Westm. Gaz. 29 Oct. 2/3 I have heard of Court dressmakers.
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