

单词 country disease

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country disease
country disease n. (a) any disease believed to be common or endemic in a particular country, esp. a treponemal disease (spec. syphilis or yaws) or dysentery or other diarrhoeal disease (now historical); (in later use also) any disease more common in rural areas than in towns and cities (now rare); (b) homesickness (obsolete rare).
the mind > emotion > suffering > dejection > melancholy > [noun] > nostalgia > homesickness
country disease1562
maladie du pays1749
mal du pays1777
channel fever1850
1562 W. Bullein Bk. Simples f. ijv, in Bulwarke of Defence A yong man..whose vtward woundes were healed by an auncient practisour called Mighel a frencheman, whiche also is cunnynge to helpe his owne countrey disease, that now is to commonly knowen here in Englande.
1610 R. Vaughan Most Approved Water-workes sig. K4v I was..forced vnto the Irish wars, where I continued three or foure yeares some-times twist deep in that country-water: & what with long fasting and ill diet, I was possessed with the Country-disease.
1640 J. Parkinson Theatrum Botanicum xvii. xxxi. 1587 For when Cristophorus Colonus commonly called Columbus, first opened the West Indies to the Spaniards, they companying with the Indian women, got this familiar and naturall country disease from them.
1726 tr. J. Cavalier Mem. Wars Cevennes i. 29 I was two Months in Geneva, where..I got the Country Disease, and began to grieve after my Father and Mother.
1774 E. Long Hist. Jamaica III. 662 In Doctor Trapham's time the dropsy was so endemic in Jamaica, that it went by the name of the country disease.
1894 C. Creighton Hist. Epidemics Brit. II. ii. 225 The two national maladies that here concern us—the ‘country disease’ and the ‘Irish ague’.
1915 Pacific Municipalities 29 545/2 This insect is a country mosquito rather than an inhabitant of cities; for that reason malaria is a country disease and not a city disease.
2013 P. Lenihan in T. Pollard & I. Banks Scorched Earth 205 The prime suspect must be bacillary dysentery, which visitors unflatteringly called the ‘country disease’.
extracted from countryn.adj.
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