

单词 corn-land

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a. Ground or soil, esp. as having a particular use or particular properties. Often with defining word, as arable land, corn-land, plough-land, stubble land.
the world > food and drink > farming > farm > farmland > land suitable for cultivation > [noun] > ground as suitable for cultivation
red land1459
c825 Vesp. Psalter cvii. 37 And seowun lond & plantadon wingeardas.
a1050 Liber Scintill. (1889) x. 51 Færlic & swiðlic storm on hryre landu [L. arua] forhwyrfð.
c1050 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 177/11 Seges, gesawen æcer vel land.
c1380 Eng. Wycliffite Serm. in Sel. Wks. II. 35 Lond wel eerid and wel dungid.
c1420 Pallad. on Husb. i. 8 Tilynge is vs to write of euery londe.
?a1500 Nominale (Yale Beinecke 594) in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 796 Hec bovata, a hoxgangyn lond... Hec virgata, a eryd lond. Hic selis, a ryggyd lond.
1645 J. Milton L'Allegro in Poems 33 While the Plowman neer at hand, Whistles ore the Furrow'd Land.
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Georgics iii, in tr. Virgil Wks. 114 And from the marshy Land Salt Herbage for the fodd'ring Rack provide. View more context for this quotation
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. at Mushroom They [sc. black poppies] are never found but on burnt Lands.
1752 D. Hume Ess. & Treat. (1777) I. 283 In England, the land is rich, but coarse.
1813 P. B. Shelley Queen Mab v. 59 Loading with loathsome rottenness the land.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. v. 593 The land to a great extent round his pleasure grounds was in his own hands.
1856 F. L. Olmsted Journey Slave States 616 The conversation was almost exclusively confined to the topics of steam-boats,..black-land, red-land, bottom-land, timber-land [etc.].
extracted from landn.1
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