

单词 country attorney

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country attorney
(a) Of or relating to rural areas; living in, situated in, belonging to or characteristic of the country (often as contrasted with the town); rural, rustic; (also) provincial; quaint, charming; of, relating to, or designating landed gentry, as country attorney, country bank, country bread, country breeding, country carpenter, country carrier, country clergyman, country labourer, country manners, country matters, country parish, country pleasures, country reader, country school, country sport, country tailor, country trader, country work, etc.Esp. in the early modern period, sexual punning on the first syllable of country (cf. cunt n.) may sometimes be present in compounds such as country matters, country pleasures, etc.: for a list of references, see the commentary on quot. 1604 in the Arden Shakespeare edition (ed. H. Jenkins, 1982), p. 295, and discussion in G. Williams Dict. Sexual Lang. & Imagery in Shakespearean & Stuart Lit. I. (1994), at country.
1479 in M. Sellers York Memorandum Bk. (1912) I. 171 Diverse and mykell bredes be baket within this same cite and called countrie breid.
c1525 Vox Populi 374 in W. C. Hazlitt Remains Early Pop. Poetry Eng. (1866) III. 281 I knowe not whates a clocke, But by the countre cocke.
1576 A. Fleming Panoplie Epist. A j b The commendations of countrie pleasures.
1591 O. Pigg Serm., 101. Psalme 334 If it were a little country parish, then were it no great thing to amend all.
a1592 R. Greene Frier Bacon (1594) sig. A3v How liuely in her country weedes she lookt.
1600 C. Percy in C. M. Ingleby & L. T. Smith Shakespeare's Cent. Prayse (1879) 38 I am heere so pestred with contrie businesse.
1604 W. Shakespeare Hamlet iii. ii. 111 Doe you thinke I meant country matters?.. That's a fayre thought to lye betweene maydes legs.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Tempest (1623) iv. i. 138 These fresh Nimphes encounter euery one In Country footing. View more context for this quotation
a1617 S. Hieron Christians liue-loode in Wks. (1620) II. 49 In our countrey-worke of threshing.
1669 J. Worlidge Systema Agriculturæ (1681) 301 To discover to our Country-Reader these mysterious Intricacies of Nature.
1670 J. Eachard Grounds Contempt of Clergy 21 To preach to ordinary People, and govern a Country-Parish.
1712 R. Steele Spectator No. 480. ⁋7 I was bred at a country-school.
1713 W. Derham Physico-theol. Ded. sig. A2v In my Country-Privacy.
1774 Ld. Chesterfield Lett. to Son I. 62 Enjoying the sweets of repose in a country solitude.
1780 W. Cowper Let. 6 May (1979) I. 337 I know less of the Law than a Country Attorney.
1842 Ld. Tennyson Lady Clara Vere de Vere in Poems (new ed.) I. 155 You thought to break a country heart For pastime, ere you went to town.
1869 R. D. Blackmore Lorna Doone I. viii. 88 Conscious of my country-brogue.
1885 Whitaker's Almanack 234 Country Banks in England and Wales, with their London agents.
1957 Internat. Steward Oct. 56/2 Hotel Statler..is now offering an ‘old fashioned country breakfast’.
1987 Harrowsmith Nov. 54/2 A two-storey ‘addition’ that consisted of a large country kitchen downstairs and two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs.
2006 Church Times 3 Feb. 14/1 The Trojan, an unracy make, was advertised in the Church Times in the 1920s as specially suitable for country vicars.
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