

单词 come short of

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to come short of
a. To arrive too late. to come short of: to arrive too late for, or later than.
the world > time > a suitable time or opportunity > untimeliness > [verb (intransitive)] > be late > arrive late
to kiss the posta1529
to come short ofc1569
c1569 W. Forrest Hist. Joseph i, in Hist. Grisild the Second (1875) 167 To aske their [sc. Gower and Chaucer's] counsaylles I came all to shorte.
1597 T. Morley Plaine & Easie Introd. Musicke 116 Remembring that this morning..I hied me out thinking that if I had staied for you, I should haue come short.
1638 J. Suckling Aglaura v*. 43 Staring After't, like a man that's come too short o' th' ship And's left behinde upon the land.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory iii. 177/1 If any [Monk] come short to Prayers or his Meat, he is to stand apart by himself.
extracted from shortadj.n.adv.
to come short of
d. to come short of: (a) to fail to reach (a standard); not to equal in some quality; to be something less than, not to amount to; (b) not to extend to (a place) (obsolete); (c) to fail to get; also, to lose; (obsolete).
the mind > possession > acquisition > not obtaining or acquiring > not to obtain [verb (transitive)]
to come short of1570
to fall by1614
the world > space > extension in space > extend [verb (transitive)] > extend so far as to touch > not
to come short of1570
the world > action or operation > failure or lack of success > fail in [verb (transitive)] > fail to satisfy expectation, etc. > fall short of
to come short of1570
to fall short of1590
the mind > possession > loss > lose [verb (transitive)]
to make shipwreck of1588
to come short of1690
1570 J. Dee in H. Billingsley tr. Euclid Elements Geom. Math. Præf. sig. ☞v Surmountyng the imperfection of coniecture..: and commyng short of high intellectuall conception.
1587 W. Harrison Hist. Descr. Iland Brit. (new ed.) ii. i. 139/1 in Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) I Some bishops, &c. in our time doo come short of the ancient gluttonie & prodigaltie of their predecessors.
1611 Bible (King James) Rom. iii. 23 For all haue sinned, and come short [Gk. ὑστεροῦνται, Revised Version fall short] of the glory of God. View more context for this quotation
1623 W. Lisle in tr. Ælfric Saxon Treat. Old & New Test. To Rdr. 33 Giotto came far short of Dominico.
1638 F. Junius Painting of Ancients 30 Whatsoever beareth the similitude of any other thing, must of necessitie come short of the thing it doth resemble.
1681 W. Robertson Phraseologia Generalis 346 He comes short of none for bravery.
1708 W. Whiston New Theory of Earth (ed. 2) ii. 180 I cannot well perceive how this Proposition comes short of Physical Demonstration.
1745 P. Thomas True Jrnl. Voy. South-Seas 196 The Chinese come far short of us in the Magnificence of their Houses.
1889 A. C. Swinburne Study of Jonson i. 6 [They] came short of the triumph which might have been theirs.
(b)1615 G. Sandys Relation of Journey 217 The higher mountaines now comming short of the sea, do leaue a narrow leuel between.(c)1632 W. Lithgow Totall Disc. Trav. ix. 420 Who Religiously feast upon the Corps of their aged Parents..for indeed the Wormes come short among the dead Tartars of their foode.1690 W. Walker Idiomatologia Anglo-Lat. 412 My Master is like to come short of his wife.
extracted from shortadj.n.adv.
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