

单词 aglet


Brit. /ˈaɡlᵻt/, U.S. /ˈæɡlət/
Forms: Middle English agelet, Middle English agelett, Middle English aggelette, Middle English aglettys (plural), Middle English aglottys (plural), Middle English–1500s agglot, Middle English–1500s aglett, Middle English– aglet, late Middle English naglott, 1500s agglette, 1500s aglott, 1500s aglotte, 1500s aguelette, 1500s aiglett, 1500s aiguelet, 1500s ayguelet, 1500s aygulet, 1500s eglotte, 1500s–1600s agglet, 1500s–1600s aglette, 1700s aigullet, 1800s aigulet, 1800s egellet, 1800s yiglet (English regional (Cumberland)), 1800s– aiglet, 1800s– haglet (English regional (Isle of Wight)), 1900s– aiglette.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French agulette.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman agulette, Anglo-Norman and Middle French aguillette, aguillete, Middle French aiguillette (French aiguillette aiguillette n.) metal tag at the end of a lace (1339), a kind of decorative metal fastener (c1400 in Anglo-Norman), cord or lace used to attach armour, military equipment, etc. to a soldier's clothing (1352), lace with a tag at each end used for fastening clothing (1376), ornament on a military uniform indicating rank, long, thin strip of meat (both 16th cent.; 1180–1210 in Old French in isolated attestation denoting a compass needle, c1225 in sense ‘small needle’) < aiguille needle (see aiguille n.) + -ette -ette suffix. Compare Old Occitan aiguilleta small needle (c1220; also 1397 as agulheta), Catalan agulleta, denoting metal pins used for various purposes (e.g. for fastening a buckle or clasp, as a sort of nail, etc.) (1575), Spanish agujeta cord, lace, strap (c1400), Portuguese agulheta metal tag of a lace (15th cent.).Reborrowed from French in the 18th cent. as aiguillette n. The form naglott shows metanalysis.
a. A tag attached to the end of a lace, originally of metal and now also of plastic, intended primarily to make it easier to thread through the eyelet holes, but also developed as an ornament.See also note at point n.1 23a, and point-aglet n. at point n.1 Compounds 2.
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > parts of clothing > [noun] > fastenings > lace, cord, or string > tag of
1365 in B. Thuresson Middle Eng. Occup. Terms (1950) 205 Rob. Leg, ageletmakere.
Promptorium Parvulorum (Harl. 221) 8 Agglot, or an aglet to lace wyth alle, acus, aculus.
?a1475 Ludus Coventriae (1922) 227 Two doseyn poyntys of cheverelle, þe Aglottys of syluer feyn.
a1500 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 734/37 Hoc mominlum, a naglott.
1525 tr. H. von Brunschwig Noble Experyence Vertuous Handy Warke Surg. sig. H.iv/2 Chylde that..was stryken wt a sherpe aglet of a poynte in his eye, whiche aglet stacke in the eye styll.
1545 R. Ascham Toxophilus ii. f. 2 Take hede..that it be fast on with laces wythout agglettes.
1549 H. Latimer 2nd Serm. before Kynges Maiestie 4th Serm. sig. Miii He made his pen of the aglet of a poynte that he plucked from his hose.
1561 R. Eden tr. M. Cortés Arte Nauigation ii. xvii. sig. F.vii These twoo guard starres, must be bored through with holes of the byggenesse of an aglet of a poynt.
1570 P. Levens Manipulus Vocabulorum sig. Oivv/1 An Eglotte, brackolum.
1603 P. Holland tr. Plutarch Morals 13 You put your aglet, sir, thorow the oilet that is not made for it.
1634 G. Markham Art of Archerie iv. 35 The laces wherewith it is fastned be without Tags or Aglets.
1708 J. Kersey Dict. Anglo-Britannicum Aglet, the Tag of a Point.
1775 J. Ash New Dict. Eng. Lang. Aigullet, a point with tags.
1834 J. R. Planché Hist. Brit. Costume 236 These splendid hose..were attached by points or laces, with tags called agulettes or aglets (i.e. aiguillettes) to the doublet.
1877 C. M. Yonge Cameos cxxxiv, in Monthly Packet Mar. 210 The message related to two letters written with an aglet plucked from his hose.
1997 B. Morrow Giovanni's Gift i. 88 Great silver aglets that sparkled like bantam stalactites at the ends of woven leather cords.
2001 MX News 10 Oct. 4 The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
b. A lace for fastening or tightening an item of clothing. Now historical.
1882 S. W. Beck Draper's Dict. (at cited word) Aglets..were..used as ornaments to harness, being fixed on with small chains. The name is still used in haberdashery, and denotes round white stay-laces.
1997 16th. Cent. Jrnl. 28 80 He [sc. Panurge in Pantagruel] then proceeds to devote the night to drinking and gambling with the aiguillettes (aglets or laces) of his upper-stocks, which he evidently does not lose else he would have been unable to attach his codpiece to his stocks the next day.
a. An ornamental gold or silver tag or pendant attached to a fringe. Hence: any metallic or sparkling stud, plate, or spangle worn on an item of clothing. Now chiefly historical.
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > parts of clothing > [noun] > trimmings or ornamentation > other
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 193/2 Aiguelet to fasten a claspe in, porte.
1538 A. Fitzherbert Newe Bk. Justyces Peas 120 We shall weare any agglettes, botons, or broches of golde or sylver, gylt, or counterfayt gylt.
1551 King Edward VI Jrnl. in J. G. Nichols Literary Remains Edward VI (1858) 325 His goune dressed with aglettes, worth 25 li.
1587 A. Fleming et al. Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) III. 1207/2 On the sleeues eight and thirtie paire of aglets of gold.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene ii. iii. sig. P2v A silken Camus..Which all aboue besprinckled was throughout, With golden aygulets, that glistred bright, Like twinckling starres.
1598 J. Florio Worlde of Wordes Tremolante..aglets or spangles.
a1625 W. Shakespeare & J. Fletcher Two Noble Kinsmen (1634) iii. iv. 42 The little Stars, and all, that looke like aglets . View more context for this quotation
1656 T. Blount Glossographia Aglet, a little plate of any mettal, the tag of a point.
1672 E. Ashmole Inst. Order of Garter xii. 370 The sleeves set with eighteen pair of Agglets of Gold.
1764 R. Burn Hist. Poor Laws 21 No man, under the degree of a gentleman, shall wear any aglets of gold or silver.
1860 H. E. P. Spofford Sir Rohan's Ghost vii. 164 Where is the narrow golden band?.. It hangs unclasped and heavy with jewelry, dripping with chain, filigrane, and aiglet.
1916 Drama Aug. 473 He finds an aglet belonging to Lady Faulkner, after they have arrived.
2000 L. Heron tr. A. Lapierre Artemisia xxxix. 351 Wrapped in her furs and swathed in velvet, with..her aglets and brooches, she resembled a great lady painted by Van Dyck.
b. spec. An ornament on some military and naval uniforms consisting of cords or braided loops hanging from the shoulder, on dress uniforms ending in points resembling pencils; a cord or loop in such an ornament. Cf. aiguillette n.
society > armed hostility > military organization > insignia > [noun] > braid
military braid1851
passing braid1882
1816 ‘Quiz’ Grand Master i. 14 A figure, in the garb of war, Dress'd in an Egellet and Star.
1826 Asiatic Jrnl. & Monthly Reg. Aug. 200/2 An attempt at a representation of aiglets made them appear very much like general officers.
1845 J. Saunders Cabinet Pictures of Eng. Life: Chaucer 33 Little aiglets, tipped with gold, [hang] from his shoulders.
1879 Cornhill Mag. June 685 A handsome officer, bearing the epaulets and aiglets of a staff captain.
1927 Times (Weekly ed.) 12 May 519/1 A navy, that is of flagship dances and fair ladies, of aiglettes and epaulettes.
1959 tr. Tsar Nicholas I in N. V. Riasanovsky Nicholas I & Official Nationality in Russia iv. 201 During the parade I ordered the commandant to tear off Prince Dadian, as unworthy to remain my aide-de-camp, the aglet and my monogram.
1996 M. A. Rabbani I was Quaid's Aide-de-Camp viii. 67 With medals on their chests and aiglets dangling from their shoulders they impress the people.
3. A scrap, a shred; the slightest bit. Obsolete.
the world > food and drink > food > animals for food > cut or piece of meat > [noun] > scrap hanging by skin
1533 T. More 2nd Pt. Confut. Tyndals Answere 306 He gyueth allway hys old poynt at one ende, or other some newe aglette. But when all hys coste is done theron it is not all worth an aglet of a good blewe poynt.
1555 W. Waterman tr. J. Boemus Fardle of Facions ii. x. 217 No, the begger..getteth not an aguelette of hym.
a1708 T. Ward England's Reformation (1710) ii. 78 Let's therefore make the Common-Prayer As like the Mass-Book.., That vulgar People may not know, If to themselves 'twere put to reference, Wherein to find an Aglet difference.
4. Any pendent part of a flower; esp.: (a) a catkin of hazel, birch, etc.; (b) an anther (rare).Now only in aglet-headed rush at Compounds.
the world > plants > part of plant > reproductive part(s) > flower or part containing reproductive organs > [noun] > parts of > other parts or portions
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball 635 The knoppes or agglettes that hang in the Birche or Hasell trees.
1597 J. Gerard Herball i. 56 A certaine long aglet or bunch, such as the Aller tree bringeth foorth.
1640 J. Parkinson Theatrum Botanicum ii. xi.492 Each stalke [of the common plantain] beareth a small long round blackish greene spike or scaly head, whose bloomings or flowers, are small whitish threds with aglets hanging at the ends of them.
1657 S. Purchas Theatre Flying-insects xiii. 72 When they gather off the Aglets, or Catkins, of the Hazel.
1708 J. Kersey Dict. Anglo-Britannicum Aglets or Aglects (among Florists) are the Pendants that hang on the Tip-ends of Chivets and Threads; as in Tulips, Roses, etc.
1809 J. Parkins Culpepper's Eng. Physician Enlarged 127 A long bush of small and more yellow, green, scaly aglets, set in the same manner on the stalks as the leaves are.
1869 J. R. Lowell Under Willows 14 An ancient willow,..wide-armed he towers And glints his steely aglets in the sun.


aglet baby n. Obsolete (a) (in Shakespeare) a childish or doll-like person decorated with aglets; (b) (in later use) used as a vague and sometimes contemptuous term for a small or young person.Explained by some as an aglet shaped like a human figure. Johnson defines aglet as ‘A tag of a point curved into some representation of an animal, generally of a man’, but no quotations have been found substantiating this statement, which was perhaps merely suggested as an explanation of aglet baby.
society > leisure > entertainment > toy or plaything > doll > [noun] > other dolls
aglet babya1616
Flanders baby1782
wax doll1786
Flanders doll1801
paper doll1843
voodoo doll1906
Barbie doll1961
Action Man1966
kachina doll1968
a1616 W. Shakespeare Taming of Shrew (1623) i. ii. 78 Giue him Gold enough, and marrie him to a Puppet or an Aglet babie, or an old trot with ne're a tooth in her head. View more context for this quotation
1826 H. Smith Tor Hill II. iii. 101 Howbeit, such an aglet-baby as thou art, can have no need of it [sc. a coin], whether it bring weal or woe.
1841 P. Egan Wat Tyler ii. iv. 400 Follow, we shall soon leave the aglet babies behind.
1896 W. Canton W. V. her Bk. 7 Nothing would please her better, could she but dwarf herself into an ‘aglet-baby’, than to climb into those filmy meshes and have a chat in the sunshine with the wily ogre.
aglet-headed adj. now rare designating any of several spike-rushes (genus Eleocharis, family Cyperaceae) having a flowering head resembling a catkin; esp. (in later use only) in aglet-headed rush.
1640 J. Parkinson Theatrum Botanicum xxxiii. 1195 There are two or three sorts of this Aglet headed kind of Rush.
1710 W. Salmon Botanologia II. 977/2 The Greater Aglet headed Rush.
1785 R. Relhan Flora Cantabrigiensis 18 Marsh Club-rush. Aglet-headed Rush. Banks of Rivers. Ditches, Fens, &c.
1913 N. L. Britton & A. Brown Illustr. Flora Northern U.S. (ed. 2) I. 314 Aglet-headed rush.
aglet hole n. Obsolete a hole for passing a lace through, an eyelet hole.
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > parts of clothing > [noun] > fastenings > lace, cord, or string > hole for
aglet hole1599
lace hole1759
1599 Triall Maist. Dorrell 22 Such swelling that his dublet buttons would breake and the aglet holes of his dublet & breeches, though sett on and made strong for the purpose.
1640 J. Shirley Opportunitie ii. sig. C4 An aglet hole or two in their hearts.
1660 F. Brooke tr. V. Le Blanc World Surveyed 134 Men of war, armed with Cassocks, quilted with agglet holes.
1858 Jrnl. Brit. Archæol. Assoc. 14 262 (heading) On aglets and aglet-hole piercers.
1873 R. Ferguson Dial. Cumberland 5 Aylet or Eylet-hole... Properly aglet-hole.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2012; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Forms: 1500s agglet.
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: aglet n.
Etymology: < aglet n. Compare earlier agleted adj.
Obsolete. rare.
intransitive and transitive. To attach a tag to the end of (a lace).
the world > textiles and clothing > textiles > textile manufacture > manufacture textile fabric or that which consists of > sewing or ornamenting textile fabric > sew or ornament textile fabric [verb (transitive)] > trim > border or edge > in specific way
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 418/2 I agglet, I set on an agglet upon a poynte or a lace. Je fene. These poyntes be yvell bought, for some be aggletted and some nat.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2012; most recently modified version published online June 2021).




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