

单词 codfish aristocracy

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codfish aristocracy
Originally and chiefly U.S. As a modifier, used depreciatively (esp. in codfish aristocracy) to designate people who have acquired wealth or high social status through commercial activity. Originally perhaps in more general depreciative use. Now somewhat rare.The term appears originally to have been closely associated with the New York journalist and politician Michael Walsh (1810–59). Although it is widely regarded as having originally had reference to the cod fishing industry, Walsh appears to have used it in a more general sense to refer to an alleged clique within the Democratic Party (cf. quot. 1842).
1842 N.-Y. Daily Tribune 2 Nov. 2/1 Mike Walsh was last night hoisted on the Loco-Foco Assembly Ticket in Tammany... He made a pretty saucy Speech..of which a friend penciled down the following passage. It does honor to the author, viz: ‘The aristocracy of talent I revere—the aristocracy of power, fairly obtained and properly exercised when obtained, I respect—the aristocracy of wealth, I can tolerate—but the low, dirty, cod-fish aristocracy of Democracy, I loath [sic] and detest.’
a1852 F. M. Whitcher Widow Bedott Papers (1856) xxv. 305 It's plain to be seen with all her pretensions she feels oneasy and oncomfortable the hull time. I've noticed that yer codfish gentility always dew. She knows she ain't the ginniwine article, and so she tries to make up for 't in brass and bluster.
1853 E. A. Poyas Peep into Past 37 James removed to Boston, to help on that of the Cod-fish aristocracy.
1865 Daily Tel. 4 Dec. 5/6 A few of the cod-fish, shoddy, and petroleum aristocracy.
1917 W. H. Scheifley Brieux & Contemp. French Society xiii. 362 In an age when the ‘codfish nobility’ presume to have whatever they want, if money will buy it, judicial offices might frequently pass into the hands of unworthy occupants.
1954 Oakland (Calif.) Tribune 26 Aug. 54/3 Then, too, in Boston especially, the Irish have always shown a fondness for Saltonstall and other codfish aristocrats.
1999 Newsweek (Nexis) 1 Feb. 34 They are a codfish aristocracy for the '90s: butchers, brickmakers, supermarketers, who made their fortunes peddling wares to a market the upmarket companies neglected.
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