1595 G. Peele sig. D4v Faire maiden white and red, Stroke me smoothe, and combe my head, And thou shalt haue some cockell bread.
1642 J. Taylor sig. A3 What a ridiculous thing is it to see a Fellow with a starcht face scrue his body into twenty postures, sitting in a Tub, as if hee were moulding of Cockle-bread.
a1652 R. Brome Weeding of Covent-Garden iv. i. 70 in (1659) A great Separatist that is now writing a book against playing at Barlibreak, moulding of Cocklebread, and such like prophane exercises.
1683 x. 78 To be short, Mrs Betty has been Moulding of Cockle-bread, and her Mother discovers it. However, though the Daughter have got a By-blow in her Belly, the Mother has got a fool in her eye.
a1697 J. Aubrey (1881) 43 Young wenches have a wanton sport, which they call moulding of Cocklebread; viz. they gett upon a Table-board, and then gather-up their knees & their coates.., and then they wabble to and fro with their Buttocks as if the[y] were kneading of Dowgh with their A—, and say these words, viz.: My Dame is sick & gonne to bed, And I'le go mowld my cockle-bread.
?1705 T. D'Urfey 64 My Wife will..engage to teach them the choicest Rules for making sweet Powder, Pomatum, all kinds of Pastry-ware, besides Carving, Moulding Cockle-bread, Playing on the Jews-Harp, and all other necessary Parts of Genteel Education.
1846 21 Mar. 8/2 Witness did show them how to ‘mount cockeldy bread’... It was ‘a play’ among children, and the other girls did it also... The play was in lying down on the floor on her back, and rolling backwards and forwards.
a1861 J. Hunter MS Gloss. in S. O. Addy (1888) Cocklety-bread, the moulding [of] cocklety-bread is a sport amongst hoydenish girls not quite extinct. It consists in sitting on the ground, raising the knees.., and then using an undulatory motion as if they were kneading dough, accompanying the motion with a chant of which the following are the words:—My granny is sick and now is dead, And we'll go mould some cocklety-bread; Up with the heels and down with the head, And that is the way to make cocklety-bread.
1975 R. Nye in G. Gordon 213 Friar Goat leaps out of bed and wolfs a dozen oysters and a loaf of cockelty bread.