

单词 agenda


Brit. /əˈdʒɛndə/, U.S. /əˈdʒɛndə/
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymons: Latin agenda, agendum.
Etymology: < classical Latin agenda (neuter plural) business, affairs, in post-classical Latin also divine office (4th cent.), legal proceedings (12th cent. in British sources), plural of agendum thing which is to be done (usually in plural), neuter gerundive of agere to do (see act v.). In post-classical Latin, the classical Latin neuter plural noun was frequently reinterpreted as feminine singular (from the 7th cent.). Compare earlier agend n. and later agendum n., and (with sense 1) earlier credenda n. With the varying grammatical agreement compare data n., media n.2Origin of specific senses. In quot. 1842 at sense 2 after early modern German Agende, Agenda church order of service (a1438; now only with reference to Lutheran orders of service). Compare Middle Low German agende , Old Occitan agenda (13th cent.), both in same sense, and also Old French agente (1285), Middle French, French agende Office of the Dead as sung by the Carthusian monks (attested occasionally between 1382 and 1486, subsequently from 1714), Protestant order of service (a1704). In sense 3a after French agenda memorandum book (1662; earlier in sense ‘ledger, account book’ (1535 in Middle French)). Compare German Agenda (1741 in this sense; now rare). Comments on usage. The use of the word as a singular in senses 4 and 5, now predominantly viewed as acceptable, has formerly been criticized; O.E.D. Suppl. (1972) comments: ‘A use now increasingly found but avoided by careful writers.’
1. With plural agreement. Things to be done, viewed collectively; matters of practice, as distinguished from belief or theory. Sometimes opposed to credenda. Obsolete.
a1623 W. Pemble Vindiciæ Gratiæ (1627) 1 The summe of all Christian dueties is briefly comprised under these two heads, Agenda and Credenda, Doing and Beleeving.
1654 H. Hammond Of Fund. in Notion i. 7 The agenda, the things that are to be done, works of piety..&c. are as necessarily required..to bring us to heaven, as the belief of any the most pretious Articles.
1738 Med. Ess. & Observ. (Philos. Soc. Edinb.) (ed. 2) IV. 346 Readers will not at first have a full orderly View of all the Steps to be taken in performing this Operation;..nor do I design to sum up the Agenda.
1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. at cited word Divines speak of the agenda of a christian, meaning the things to be practised by way of contradistinction from credenda or the things to be believed.
1860 M. F. Maury Physical Geogr. Sea (ed. 8) i. §67 But notwithstanding all that has been done..for human progress, there still remain many agenda. There is both room and need for further research.
2. Christian Church. Ecclesiastical practices, rituals, and services viewed collectively; = agend n. rare (historical in later use).
society > faith > worship > observance, ritual > [noun] > instance or form of > plural or collective
common prayer1493
1637 P. Heylyn Antidotum Lincolniense ii. v. 29 For better manifesting of the which Intention, we will next looke into the Agenda, the publick Liturgie of this Church.
1775 J. Ash New Dict. Eng. Lang. Agenda, the service of the church.
1842 S. Laing Notes of Traveller vii. 187 A new church Agenda, which should give perfect uniformity to the service of the new Prussian church, was composed..in 1822.
1997 R. A. Leaver in J. Butt Cambr. Compan. Bach i. iii. 36 The influence of the European reformations was also felt in England, but here..a specific liturgical agenda was created, the Book of Common Prayer.
a. A memorandum book. Obsolete.
society > communication > record > written record > daily record or journal > [noun] > for keeping daily memoranda
1751 M. Postlethwayt tr. J. Savary des Brûlons Universal Dict. Trade I. Agenda [Fr. Agenda],..so merchants call a pocket or memorandum book.
1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. Agenda is also used for a book containing notes, or memorandums of things necessary to be done.
1789 tr. Marquis D'Argenson Essays xlviii. 445 His agenda was frequently stolen from him, and read, and laughed at in his presence.
1871 E. Poste in tr. Gaius Institutionum Iuris Civilis ii. Comm. 244 Codicillus..denotes..a pocket-book, an agenda.
b. Originally and chiefly North American. An appointment diary; a personal organizer.
society > communication > record > written record > arrangement and storage of written records > [noun] > filing > system
filing system1926
personal organizer1954
Palm Pilot1996
1977 N.Y. Times Mag. 4 Dec. 140 (advt.) Bottega Veneta. Madras leather agenda.
1989 T. Ferguson Kinkajou ii. i. 117 He thumbed through the pages of an agenda to come up with a suitable date and time.
1999 A. Pyper Lost Girls viii. 74 Pull out my leather agenda and study the series of empty days leading up to the trial.
2003 N.Y. Mag. 24 Feb. 20/1 He left with just his Hermès agenda.
4. A list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting, typically circulated to attendees in advance. on the agenda: scheduled for discussion at a meeting.Originally as collective plural; now always treated as singular.
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of ideation > topic, subject-matter > materials of topic > [noun] > of meeting
copy of a conference1588
1832 Ld. Dover Let. in Proc. Rec. Comm. (1833) 36 I see among the Agenda of the meeting a question for removing certain Historical Documents..from the Chapter House to the State Paper Office.
1836 Evidence 8 July 4 in Rep. Sel. Comm. Pres. State of Public Rec. (1837) 4 Mr. Cooper did take the liberty of putting on the Agenda..a notice, for which he had no sort of authority from me.
1856 Jrnl. Soc. Arts 18 Jan. 144/1 The consideration of the..subjects which have formed part of the agendas at the various conferences.
1882 Pall Mall Gaz. 16 Sept. 3 The most important item in the agenda is to discuss the amendment of the Employers' Liability Act.
1928 Daily Express 13 Jan. 1/1 Further conferences are to follow with..the Trade Union Council to tabulate agendas and settle difficulties.
1957 E. Hyams Into Dream ii. ii. 101 It's a short agenda, by the way, only two items.
1975 M. Bradbury Hist. Man ix. 156 Neither [resolution] refers to any item on the agenda.
2006 News & Observer (Raleigh, N. Carolina) (Nexis) 8 Jan. b1 A..democratic gathering in which attendees established the agenda in advance via the Internet.
5. In extended use (originally U.S.).
a. A (notional) list of things to be done, problems to be addressed, or events likely to happen.
the world > action or operation > undertaking > [noun] > an undertaking > thing(s) to be done
the world > action or operation > undertaking > [noun] > an undertaking > thing(s) to be done > list of
1923 Crisis Dec. 64/1 When [he]..went from the United States to Russia in 1921 he placed the American Negro problem first upon his full agenda.
1939 Rotarian Oct. 25/2 To restore this territory to its former richness is on the agenda of the company.
1962 E. Salter Voice of Peacock xii. 127 A funeral party and a drinks party on the agenda.
1975 B. Bainbridge Sweet William i. 7 Mrs Walton said she hadn't a spare moment. She had a busy agenda.
1982 Sci. Amer. Sept. 45/2 The issue is once again high on the agenda of the West German trade unions.
2000 You & your Wedding Mar. (Suppl.) 142/3 If shopping is on your agenda, visit the market in Estoi.
2005 GQ Sept. p. vi/3 (advt.) With..dog-sledding, elephant conservation and hip honeymoons on the agenda, there's nothing these guys can't do.
b. A campaign, programme, or plan of action arising from a set of underlying principles or motives. Hence: the underlying intentions or motives of a particular person or group. Cf. hidden agenda n. at hidden adj. Additions, political agenda n. at political adj. and n. Compounds 2.
1976 Newsweek 19 Apr. 23/1 Their hope is that the party..would opt for youth and freshness. ‘Those folks who have their own agenda for Hubert underestimate Jerry Brown’, says one California politician.
1986 P. Conroy Prince of Tides vii. 154 She enlisted me as an agent in her unformulated agenda against both her family and Colleton.
1991 C. Paglia Sex, Art, & Amer. Culture (1992) 73 That girl had her own agenda..trying to glom onto the Kennedy glamour!
1995 A. Weiner Richard Wagner & Anti-Semitic Imagination (1997) 350 His..representations of commonality and difference will continue to evoke, perhaps persuasively, his racist agenda.
2002 UFO Mag. Jan. 31/2 Newberg declines to say whether he has religious beliefs, arguing that such a revelation would prompt accusations of an agenda.


to set the agenda: to write or set out the agenda for a meeting; (now chiefly in extended use) to establish the dominant principles or themes of future action (in a particular sphere of activity). Frequently with for or modifying word.
1934 Los Angeles Times 30 July ii. 12/1 (heading) Synod sets agenda for day's meet. Election of chairmen of committees first task of Presbyterians today.
1953 R. J. Storr Beginnings Graduate Educ. in Amer. xi. 134 The prewar reformers left a great deal of unfinished business, but they set the agenda for change.
1965 Canad. Jrnl. Econ. & Polit. Sci. 31 543 The Star, the Telegram and the Globe and Mail play a major role in..setting the agenda for Metro Council.
1975 Calif. Law Rev. 63 409 The power to call, set the agenda for, and chair board meetings.
1993 Guardian 13 July i. 18/5 The fundamentalists are being allowed to set the agenda.
2009 T. Footman Noughties iv. 61 In retrospect, this was the moment that set the agenda for celebrity culture throughout the decade.


C1. General attributive, as agenda book, agenda item, etc.
1739 R. Coope Let. South-Sea Company 13 That Reference was not first inserted in the said Committees Agenda Book.
1857 Solicitors' Jrnl. & Reporter 25 July 669/1 The consideration of the other business on the Agenda List was postponed.
1908 Financial Times 24 June 3/5 A male clerk said a list of applicants was made out in the agenda book.
1919 Trop. Agriculturist Aug. 70 (heading) Agenda Item 1. Amendment of the Co-operative Credit Societies Ordinance.
1955 Life 22 Aug. 28/1 The nation's governors perfunctorily went through the formality of discussing such agenda issues as roads and civil defense.
1996 R. H. Bork Slouching towards Gomorrah ii. xiv. 284 The major agenda item was to ‘galvanize opposition to the Republican Congress’.
2011 S. B. Hansen Relig. & Reaction vii. 150 Changing social, economic, or political circumstances may also necessitate a shift in a movement's agenda priorities.
C2. Objective, as agenda-setter; agenda-setting n. and adj., etc.
1925 Bull. Pan-Pacific Union May 3/1 A communication from..Wilson, who helped in the agenda making, will be read.
1955 Amer. Polit. Sci. Rev. 49 1015 The President becomes agenda-setter for the Congress, the chief continuing initiator of subject-matter to reach actionable stages.
1960 Amer. Behavioral Scientist Dec. 9 I have begun to worry about what I call the agenda-setting function of the mass media.
1970 R. W. Budd in R. W. Burns & G. D. Brooks Curriculum Design in Changing Society (1975) xviii. 274 The broad agenda-making role performed by the mass communicators would appear to be a way of establishing those ends.
1981 Guardian 7 Sept. 11/4 Between telling ourselves there is no ‘peg’ for a subject, and being accused of agenda-setting, important ideas are ignored.
2000 K. Canada & R. Pringle in M. S. Kimmel & A. Aronson Gendered Society Reader 252 We occasionally observed male students making agenda-challenging comments, such as ‘I resent you bringing that up!’
agenda paper n. the paper containing the agenda of a meeting.
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of ideation > topic, subject-matter > materials of topic > [noun] > of meeting > paper containing
agenda paper1837
1837 Proposed Standing Orders Middlesex Sessions §iii. 23. 10 No Notice of Motion shall be inserted in the Agenda Paper which has not been committed to writing, and read in open Court.
1905 Westm. Gaz. 24 July 2/2 The Czar..and the Kaiser..are meeting to-day... We are not given the agenda-paper of their conversation.
2011 Sentinel (Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs.) 25 Jan. 8 I received four envelopes, three of which contained agenda papers needed for meetings that I had already attended that week.
Agenda 21 n. [in reference to the 21st century] an internationally agreed action plan for environmental protection and sustainable development, adopted by the 179 governments represented at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992; cf. Earth Charter n. at earth n.1 Compounds 8b.
1990 EPA Jrnl. July 63/2 One principal product of the conference will be an agenda for action by the world community for the remainder of this decade and the beginning of the 21st century—‘Agenda 21’.
1994 Britannica Bk. of Year 185/1 The June 1994 deadline for drawing up the desertification treaty and action plan called for in Agenda 21 was not met, but the convention was agreed and signed in October.
2002 Jakarta (Indonesia) Post (Electronic ed.) 28 May The General Assembly of the United Nations has agreed to review and improve the implementation of Agenda 21 after ten years.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2012; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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