单词 | clarify |
释义 | clarifyv. To make clear, to clear. a. transitive. To free from darkness or gloom; to light up, illumine; to brighten. Obsolete. ΘΚΠ the world > matter > light > illumination > illuminate [verb (transitive)] onlighteOE enlightOE alemeOE alightOE lightOE belighta1200 lightena1382 clear1382 alightenc1384 lumine1387 clarify1398 shine1398 shed1412 beamc1430 enlymec1440 illumine1447 enlumine1481 illustre1490 enclear1509 elumine1532 illuminate1535 unshadow1550 illightena1555 allumine1570 eluminate1580 unnight1594 enlighten1595 to strike up1598 illume1604 luminate1623 illustrate1625 unbenight1629 emblaze1637 burn1712 alluminate1726 lamp1808 enkindle1870 1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomew de Glanville De Proprietatibus Rerum xvi. lxx. (Tollem. MS.) Pouder þerof confecte in hony clarefyeþ and hyȝteþ þe face [1495 claryfyeth and maketh the face fayr]. c1430 J. Lydgate tr. Bochas Fall of Princes (1554) As Phebus..the day doth clarefie. 1582 R. Stanyhurst tr. Virgil First Foure Bookes Æneis iv. 65 Phœbus dyd clarifye brightlye Thee world with luster. a1592 R. Greene Comicall Hist. Alphonsus (1599) iii. sig. D4 Thou second sun..Doest clarifie each corner of the earth. 1696 W. Whiston New Theory of Earth iv. 255 The Light had been..clarifying this dark and thick Atmosphere for more than five compleat Years. b. figurative. To make clear (an obscure subject). ΘΚΠ the mind > mental capacity > intelligibility > meaning > explanation, exposition > interpretation > interpret [verb (transitive)] unloukOE areadOE spele?c1225 inredec1315 expounda1340 construe1399 interpretate1517 explain1538 scan1562 disentraverse1610 unspherea1616 explicate1628 spell1635 disenvelop1741 extract1775 interpret1795 clarify1823 read1847 to read between the lines1866 1823 Monthly Rev. 100 529 The subject is so little exhausted, and the learning of M. Champollion is so well adapted to clarify its obscurity, that, etc. 1841–8 F. Myers Catholic Thoughts II. iii. §13. 50 It cannot but greatly simplify and clarify the subject. 1865 J. S. Mill Exam. Hamilton's Philos. 522 Mathematical and scientific studies, which his subsequent metaphysical pursuits enabled him..to clarify and reduce to principles. ΘΚΠ the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > nature or attributes of God > [verb (transitive)] > glorify clarifya1340 glorify1340 the mind > attention and judgement > esteem > reputation > majesty, glory, or grandeur > exaltation or glorification > exalt or glorify [verb (transitive)] heavec825 higheOE brightenOE clarifya1340 glorifya1340 enhancec1374 stellifyc1384 biga1400 exalt?a1400 raisea1400 shrinea1400 to bear up?a1425 enhighc1440 erect?a1475 assumec1503 amount1523 dignifya1530 to set up1535 extol1545 enthronize1547 augment1567 sublimate?1567 sublime1568 assumptc1571 begoda1576 royalize1589 suscitate1598 swell1601 consecrate1605 realize1611 reara1616 sphere1615 ingreata1620 superexalta1626 soara1627 ascend1628 rise1628 embroider1629 apotheose1632 grandize1640 engreaten1641 engrandizea1652 mount1651 intronificate1653 magnificent1656 superposit1661 grandify1665 heroify1677 apotheosize1695 enthrone1699 aggrandize1702 pantheonize1801 hoist1814 princify1847 queen1880 heroize1887 society > faith > aspects of faith > Bible, Scripture > biblical events > [verb (transitive)] > transfigure or glorify clarifya1340 transfigurec1380 transmake1909 a1340 R. Rolle Psalter xix. 1 Day of anguys in the whilke þou sayd fadere clarifie þi sun. 1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) 1 Esdras viii. 25 Blessid be the Lord God of oure fadris, that ȝaf this wil in to the herte of the king, to clarifien his hous, that is in Jerusalem. c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) John xii. 27 Fadir, clarifie thi name... I haue clarified, and eft I schal clarifie. 1483 W. Caxton tr. J. de Voragine Golden Legende 27/2 Whan Jhesu cryst was baptysed and also whan he was clarefyed. 1649 Bp. J. Taylor Great Exemplar i. viii. 113 It was necessary his person should be..so clarified by great concurrencies..as might gain credit to the testimony he was to give. 3. a. To make pure and clear, or clean (physically, also morally); to free from all impurities; to clear. ΘΚΠ the world > physical sensation > cleanness and dirtiness > freedom from impurities > removal of impurities > remove impurities from [verb (transitive)] mereeOE spurge1303 fine1340 sendre1340 purea1350 purgec1350 purifya1398 depurea1400 clarifyc1430 expurge1483 defecatec1487 subtiliate1551 refine?1572 neatify1581 distil1599 sublimate1601 sweeten1601 depurate1620 infresh1635 lustre1645 lustrate1653 freshen1710 chasten1715 epurate1799 enchastena1806 dispollute1862 c1430 Hymns Virg. (1867) 40 It clarifieþ þi soule. 1483 W. Caxton tr. J. de Voragine Golden Legende 442/3 Lord I praye the that the..precious blood that I haue taken..wyl in suche manere clarefye that none ordure or fylthe..may remayne or abyde wythin me. 1531 T. Elyot Bk. named Gouernour i. i. sig. Aivv The fire, whiche is the most pure of elementes..doth clarifie the other inferiour elementes. 1589 T. Nashe Anat. Absurditie sig. B The water is cleane, and of nature fitte to clarifie euerie part of the body. 1652 Persuasive to Compliance 37 If the possession of the Crowne..expunge the grossest spots yet found in any that wore it; may it not as well clarifie a republick from any imputation? 1683 J. Pettus Fleta Minor (1686) i. 162 It [nitre] is first to be clarified and purified from its salt. 1793 ‘P. Pindar’ Poet. Epist. to Pope 14 Heav'n wants not fire to clarify the dead. b. spec. To make clear and pure (a liquid or liquefied substance); to render pellucid; to free from all impurities or extraneous matters held in suspension; to defecate or fine. Also figurative. ΘΚΠ the world > matter > liquid > [verb (transitive)] > make clear clarifyc1430 the world > physical sensation > cleanness and dirtiness > freedom from impurities > removal of impurities > clarifying liquids > clarify [verb (transitive)] clarifyc1430 defecatec1487 flay1530 settle1599 serene1708 c1430 15th C. Cookery Bks. 35 Take fayre Honey, and clarifi yt on þe fyre tylle it wexe hard. 1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World I. 433 Poured out of one vessell into another, and so by setling clarified from the grounds. 1642 T. Fuller Holy State ii. xviii. 116 Their Yeomen are excluded from ever rising higher to clarifie their bloods. 1664 H. Power Exper. Philos. i. 74 Tincture of Brasil wood..in luke-warm water, filter it, and clarifie it. 1712 J. Browne tr. P. Pomet et al. Compl. Hist. Druggs I. 141 Strain, clarifie with the White of an Egg, and thicken. 1769 E. Raffald Experienced Eng. House-keeper ii. 40 To clarify Butter. 1843 J. A. Smith Productive Farming (ed. 2) 35 A substitute for the white of eggs in clarifying the juice of the sugar-cane. c. To clear (the air or atmosphere); to free from mists and vapours. Also figurative and transferred. ΘΚΠ the world > matter > gas > air > [verb (transitive)] > make clear clarify1620 the world > action or operation > easiness > find no difficulty in [verb (transitive)] > make easy or easier > make free of hindrances or encumberment smooth1582 disclog1611 uncloga1616 unhamper1648 disembarrass1726 debarrass1789 distrammel1856 disentrammel1866 clarify1876 1620 T. Venner Via Recta Introd. 5 The sunne..doth excellently clarifie, and purge the aire of them. 1876 ‘G. Eliot’ Daniel Deronda IV. viii. lviii. 532 The occasional rare sound of hoofs and wheels seeming to clarify the succeeding silence. 1879 J. McCarthy Hist. Own Times I. 16 The country was in general disposed to think that the accession of a woman to the throne would somewhat clarify and purify the atmosphere of the Court. 1884 Christian World 10 Apr. 268/5 Mr. Gladstone's speech..and the decisive vote that followed, have wonderfully clarified the political atmosphere. d. figurative. To clear (the mind, etc.) from ignorance, misconception, or error; to rectify. ΘΚΠ the mind > mental capacity > intelligibility > meaning > explanation, exposition > expound, explain [verb (transitive)] arecchec885 unloukOE overrunOE sutelec1000 trahtnec1000 unfolda1050 belayc1175 openc1175 onopena1200 accountc1300 undo?a1366 remenea1382 interpret1382 unwrap1387 exploitc1390 enlumine1393 declarec1400 expoundc1400 unplait?c1400 enperc1420 planea1425 clearc1440 exponec1440 to lay outc1440 to give (also carry) lightc1449 unwind1482 expose1483 reducea1500 manifest1530 explicate1531 explaina1535 unlock?1536 dilucidate1538 elucidate1538 illustrate1538 rechec1540 explicate1543 illucidate1545 enucleate1548 unsnarl1555 commonstrate1563 to lay forth1577 straighten1577 unbroid1577 untwist1577 decipherc1586 illuminate1586 enlighten1587 resolvec1592 cipher1594 eliquidate1596 to take (a person) with one1599 rivelc1600 ravel1604 unbowel1606 unmist1611 extricate1614 unbolta1616 untanglea1616 enode1623 unperplexa1631 perspicuate1634 explata1637 unravel1637 esclarea1639 clarify1642 unweave1642 detenebrate1646 dismystery1652 undecipher1654 unfork1654 unparadox1654 reflect1655 enodate1656 unmysterya1661 liquidatea1670 recognize1676 to clear upa1691 to throw sidelight on1726 to throw (also cast, shed) light on (also upon)1731 eclaircise1754 irradiate1864 unbraid1880 predigest1905 to get (something) straight1920 disambiguate1960 demystify1963 society > communication > information > enlightenment > enlighten [verb (transitive)] > undeceive to bring (a person) to reasona1400 to set (also put) someone right1551 unhoodwink1585 undeceive1598 unbeguile1599 disabuse1611 disdeceive1622 disinveigle1635 clarify1642 unconfound1649 uncheat1650 undelude1651 ungull1652 unpervert1655 unseduce1664 unbewilder1668 unclouda1711 disillude1860 disillusionize1861 disillusion1864 de-bamboozle1919 straighten1956 1642 T. Fuller Holy State ii. xvi. 110 Many boyes are muddy-headed till they be clarified with age. 1659 J. Evelyn Mem. (1857) III. 108 Hope that God..will at last compassionate our infirmities, clarify our judgments. 1791 J. Boswell Life Johnson anno 1776 II. 68 [Johnson:] He never clarified his notions, by filtrating them through other minds. 1851 F. W. Robertson Serm. (1864) 2nd Ser. viii. 109 A pure life will clarify the intellect. 1869 W. E. H. Lecky Hist. European Morals I. ii. 342 By these means he endeavoured to clarify the popular creed. 4. To make clear (the sight, eyes, or mental vision); to clear (the voice, etc.). ΘΚΠ the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > types of vision > [verb (transitive)] > make sight clear clarify1509 cleara1616 the world > physical sensation > hearing and noise > voice or vocal sound > quality of voice > impart specific tone or quality [verb (transitive)] > clear the voice clarify1509 clear1701 society > faith > aspects of faith > spirituality > inspiration or revelation > inspire [verb (transitive)] inblowc975 inspirea1340 illuminec1340 enlightenc1384 reveal?a1425 aspire1532 illuminatea1538 clarify1631 1509 H. Watson tr. S. Brant Shyppe of Fooles (1517) sig. Miii Claryfye here your syghte. 1567 J. Maplet Greene Forest f. 12 To clarifie ye voice, and to helpe them that be hoarse. 1585 H. Llwyd tr. Pope John XXI Treasury of Health (new ed.) sig. C viij Oyle of Cartamus..of sisami, do clarifie the voice. 1631 F. Quarles Hist. Samson 66 Lord; clarifie mine eyes, that I may know Things that are good. a1853 F. W. Robertson Lect. (1858) 208 A man's eyes..clarified by the power which enables him to look beyond the visible. ΘΚΠ the mind > language > statement > state or declare [verb (transitive)] > clearly or explicitly clarifyc1420 representc1443 define1535 express1600 to lay (or put) it on the line1954 c1420 Chron. Vilod. 617 To claryfy þe powere of Goddus myȝt. a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. xxix. 395 From heuen till erth thou me sent, Thi name to preche and claryfy. a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. ix. 86 A word to you I wold cleryfy. 6. intransitive (for reflexive). To be made or become clear; to clear, in various senses. ΘΚΠ the world > matter > liquid > [verb (intransitive)] > become clear clarify1599 despume1609 despumate1733 1599 A. M. tr. O. Gaebelkhover Bk. Physicke 158/1 Let this stande a whole night because it might settle, and clarify. 1625 F. Bacon Ess. (new ed.) 157 His Wits and Vnderstanding doe clarifie and breake vp, in..discoursing with Another. 1753 J. Hanway Hist. Acct. Brit. Trade Caspian Sea I. lvii. 384 Springs of hot water..very thick..but it soon clarifies. 1838 T. Thomson Chem. Org. Bodies 626 The heat is then withdrawn, and the liquid left to clarify. 1870 J. R. Lowell My Study Windows (1886) 142 Emerson..has clarified steadily towards perfection of style. This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1889; most recently modified version published online June 2021). < v.a1340 |
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