

单词 afore-


Primary stress is usually attracted to the second syllable of this prefix and vowels may be reduced accordingly.
Forms: see afore adv., prep., and conj.
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: afore adv.
Etymology: < afore adv. Compare fore- prefix.Formations are attested from the Middle English period onwards; compare the examples at sense 1a and also aforesaid adj., aforethought adj., aforegoing adj., etc.
1. Of time. (See also aforyen prep. and adv., afornon prep. and adv.)
a. Prefixed to verbs and verbal derivatives in the senses ‘previously, beforehand’, ‘in advance’, as aforesee, aforeknown, aforerunning.
c1330 (?a1300) Arthour & Merlin (Auch.) (1973) l. 6716 In on þrawe Fiftene þousand þer were yslawe, And er weren..Afor yslawe þritten þousinde.
c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 502 (MED) Which lettith and afore barrith..the comaundement of God in his lawe of kinde to be doon.
1540 in C. Rogers Rental Bk. Cupar-Angus (1880) II. 7 The vtilite..of oure said place alwais vnderstand, considderit, and afoir sene.
a1564 T. Becon Christ's Chron. (1844) 552 Afore-seeing the grievous plagues.
1617 J. Woodall Surgions Mate 216 The signes afore-running or demonstrating of the instant disease are these.
1700 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 22 731 The afore-acted Evil that his Soul did in its other Life.
1740 Deed of Sale in A. Fellows Wayfarer's Compan. (1937) vii. 91 All Sittings kneelings and appurtenances in or belonging to the aforegranted seat or pew.
1828 Minutes Evid. Sel. Comm. Sc. Entails Bill 103 in House of Lords Sessional Papers 1801–33 CCXXXV Heirs sued for provisions to children shall be discharged upon aforegiving to a trustee..one third part of the clear proceeds of the estate.
1877 J. Morley Crit. Misc. 2nd Ser. 35 Only as life wears on, do all its aforeshapen lines come into light.
1914 H. S. Truman Let. 26 Jan. in Dear Bess (1998) 157 I haven't the brains to aforethink it.
2007 G. Blum Islands of Agreement v. 243 The seeming inevitability of their situation, its aforeknown cadences, its predictable routines.
b. spec. Prefixed to past participial adjectives and participles in the sense ‘previously in a discourse or text’. Also in non-finite clauses introduced by as.See also aforementioned adj. and n., aforenamed adj. and n., aforesaid adj. and n.
aforecited adj.
Brit. /əˈfɔːˌsʌɪtᵻd/
U.S. /əˈfɔrˌsaɪdᵻd/
1550 N. Udall tr. P. M. Vermigli Disc. Sacrament Lordes Supper f. lxiiiv And thys sygnification..dooeth veraie well agree with the saieyng of Ciprian afore cited.
1604 G. Downame Lect. XV Psalme 222 The afore cited places condemne the negatiue.
1683 W. Salmon Doron Medicum ii. 417 The vertues you have in the aforecited place.
1732 E. Law P.S. in tr. W. King Ess. Origin Evil (ed. 2) II. 19 He..attempts to answer a very reasonable Objection arising from his first Assertion aforecited.
1833 M. Rayner Parable Rich Man & Lazarus iii. 52 I must still quote again from the afore-cited writer (Balfour) upon this same point.
1905 Theol. Q. 9 258 God is..also [the God] of the Gentiles, as St. Paul states, and the examples of the kings of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, etc., aforecited prove.
1982 J. Sharkey & D. Reiser Saloonkeeper's Daughter 100 During songs, however, if any such words as aforecited are structured to rhyme in their normal form.., they should be pronounced normally.
2008 M. Siemiatycki in C. Andrew Electing Diverse Canada i. 32 Notwithstanding any of the afore-cited methodological challenges and ambiguities, a clear..picture of identity and politics does emerge.
aforegiven adj.
Brit. /əˈfɔːˌɡɪvn/
U.S. /əˈfɔrˌɡɪv(ə)n/
a1622 N. Byfield Comm. 2nd Chapter of 1st Epist. St. Peter (1623) 603 For the reasons afore giuen, it is likely, that the Epistle was written to all Christians.
1679 R. Baxter Nonconformists Plea for Peace 176 The same reasons aforegiven shew how great a penalty this is.
1740 S. Richardson Pamela II. 80 For the Reasons afore-given.
1814 C. Jones Hoyle's Games Improved (new ed.) 191 When the deal is concluded and settled according to the afore given directions, one or two persons will have won.
1866 2nd Rep. Commissioners Cattle Plague 76/2 In this case are to be adopted—1. The Police Regulations (as aforegiven).
1912 W. T. Marvin in E. B. Holt et al. New Realism 73 If the dogmatist is right in his conviction that the summary aforegiven states fully the criticist's problem of the possibility of knowledge, then the following seems to him a sufficient refutation.
2007 M. Zoli in A. S. Alexandrov Polarons in Adv. Materials 239 A larger number..of oscillators in the aforegiven range would not significantly modify the calculation.
aforetold adj.
Brit. /əˈfɔːtəʊld/
U.S. /əˈfɔrˌtoʊld/
(cf. earlier before-told adj. at before adv., prep., conj., and n. Compounds 2a).
1582 T. Bentley et al. Monument of Matrones iv. 493 Thou doest, according to thy threatnings aforetold, increase our plagues.
c1600 Hist. & Life James VI (1825) 24 The Regent, wha was then making his residence at Glasgow for the caus aforetauld.
1808 Trial Col. Aaron Burr III. 398 The corroborative evidence of the Morgans, as to his attempts to execute the aforetold project by exciting enlisting of ‘fine fellows’, ‘officers’, &c. and inveigling the spirit of dissention among them.
1898 Chautauquan Aug. 551/1 His indignation being considerably abated by the tedious voyage, not to mention the killing of the fatted calf as aforetold, Josh allowed them to go their way scot free.
1996 M. E. Kaline Bk. Reykjahólar ii. 34 The aforetold anecdote..is associated with Skalholt.
c. With elements of senses 1a and 1b.See also aforegoing adj. and n.
aforespoken adj.
Brit. /əˈfɔːˌspəʊk(ə)n/
U.S. /əˈfɔrˌspoʊkən/
c1443 R. Pecock Reule of Crysten Religioun (1927) 5 Þe ije principal afore spoken necessarie to oure good living..is loue to god.
1533 tr. Erasmus Enchiridion Militis Christiani Ep. Ded. sig. b.vi They disgysed with the vyser and cloke of holynesse & vertue do crepe in to the cyrcle afore spoken.
1628 Profitable Metaphrase iii. in J. Dod & R. Cleaver 10 Serm. (new ed.) 281 To the end you may refraine all the vices asoresaid, and practise all the vertues afore-spoken,..it is necessary that you bee exhorted, that the Word of God be..familiar to you.
1840 Acts State of Louisiana (2nd Session 14th Legislature) 128 The president shall certify on the book aforespoken, the day on which they have been promulgated.
1986 N. Farah Maps (1999) 253 Salaado..looked up as though she were reading the transcript of Hilaals aforespoken statement.
1990 A. R. Kezel tr. Birgitta of Sweden in Life & Sel. Revelations 202 It would not have been permitted for you to know this aforespoken vision if it had not been for a good servant of mine.
2. Of place or position.
aforerider n.
Brit. /əˈfɔːˌrʌɪdə/
U.S. /əˈfɔ(r)ˌraɪdər/
now chiefly historical (in plural) the advance guard of an army, scouts.
society > armed hostility > warrior > soldier > soldier with special duty > [noun] > guide, scout, etc.
a1525 ( J. C. Nichols Chron. Rebellion Lincs. 16 in Camden Misc. (1847) I (MED) Their aforeryders were com to Rotherham.
a1605 (c1471) Hist. Arrival King Edward IV (1838) 18 He roode to Barnete..where his aforne-riders had founden the afore-riders of th'Erles of Warwikes hooste..and chaced them out of the towne.
1823 S. Turner Hist. Eng. during Middle Ages III. ii. iv. 366 Edward..had early..divided his host into three battalions, sent off aforeriders and scourers on every side.
2002 M. Gentle Logistics of Carthage in Worlds that Weren't (2005) 211 There were six or seven men in the same drab clothing. Skirmishers? Aforeriders?
aforeship n. Obsolete rare the front part of a ship.
1495 Trevisa's Bartholomeus De Proprietatibus Rerum (de Worde) v. iii. sig. gii/1 The formeste [cell of the brain] highte prora in latyn a it were aforshyppe.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2012; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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